08-021 766 north king street treesDavid Cotton, President
Fax: 413 -584 -6869
Phone: 413 -584 -9104 Cotton Tree Service
"( oY #&tE CaZE of �l2al- 92EE1
November l6, 2004
248 Hatfield Street Northampton, MA 01060
Carolyn Misch
Senior Land Use Planner /Permits Manager
Northampton Office of Planning and Development
210 Main St. Room I 1
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Ms. Misch:
I am writing in reference to the stand of four maple trees at 766 North King St. Upon the
request of Mr. Richard Jaeske who planted these trees. I recently evaluated the trees and
concluded the following: they are healthy trees thriving in their current location. I have
been told that the City has requested at least one of these trees be replaced by a larger
specimen. However, I strongly recommend that the current trees remain.
CttTent rUsearch indicates that, especially in confined spaces. small trees often establish
themsel %es Better than larger ones and, with time, equal or surpass the size of larger
specimens. The planting space at this location is particularly limited, with a sidewalk and
parking to Dn either side. The trees are doing well, so why plant larger trees and risk
them struggling and possibly failing?
I respect the City's efforts to hold property owners to the planting recommendations
established by the Planning Board. However, if the purpose is the promotion of healthy
trees in Northampton, I believe, in this instance, that this goal would be best served by
letting the current trees remain.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Sincerely Yours,
Edward H. Cotton
MA Certified Arborist
Owner, Cotton Tree Service