08-021 766 north king street treesDavid Cotton, President Fax: 413 -584 -6869 Phone: 413 -584 -9104 Cotton Tree Service INCORPORATED "( oY #&tE CaZE of �l2al- 92EE1 November l6, 2004 248 Hatfield Street Northampton, MA 01060 Carolyn Misch Senior Land Use Planner /Permits Manager Northampton Office of Planning and Development 210 Main St. Room I 1 Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Ms. Misch: I am writing in reference to the stand of four maple trees at 766 North King St. Upon the request of Mr. Richard Jaeske who planted these trees. I recently evaluated the trees and concluded the following: they are healthy trees thriving in their current location. I have been told that the City has requested at least one of these trees be replaced by a larger specimen. However, I strongly recommend that the current trees remain. CttTent rUsearch indicates that, especially in confined spaces. small trees often establish themsel %es Better than larger ones and, with time, equal or surpass the size of larger specimens. The planting space at this location is particularly limited, with a sidewalk and parking to Dn either side. The trees are doing well, so why plant larger trees and risk them struggling and possibly failing? I respect the City's efforts to hold property owners to the planting recommendations established by the Planning Board. However, if the purpose is the promotion of healthy trees in Northampton, I believe, in this instance, that this goal would be best served by letting the current trees remain. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely Yours, L�4 Edward H. Cotton MA Certified Arborist Owner, Cotton Tree Service