32A-004 (5) IV Tit;r � Date �P Article , Section_ of the Zoning Ordinance WHEREAS, viorticle , Section _ of the Building Code have been found on Section of the Code these premises, T IS HE EBY ORDER ID in accordonce with the abov Co a that al pe�r s cease, desist o i'�5 hfo j �n d�X �'� from, and 4 -ST6P Iter do e air ese pr 0 at once pertain'n constr ti p known a All persons acting contrary to this order or removing or mutilating this n ice are liab a to ar t unless suc�' act' n is autho ed byIhe Depar#� ar* c � ��� �D 4nce's � BU/l. FFIC/AL