23A-115 (4) Metcalfe Associates Architecture 142 Main St. Northampton, MA, 01060 Tristram W. Metcalfe III, Ma. Reg. 5393 Phone number > 413 586 5775 Cell number> 413 695 8200 Email >twm3 @rcn.com NCARB,NYS,MA,CT ® registrations WMAIA AIA September 9, 2014 Louis Hasbrouck, Building Commissioner City of Northampton Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street,Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Florence Architectural Group 10 Main Street florence, Ma 01062 Dear Louis, This is a Certification of compliance with code concerning the above project. Project Description applies as per code in IEBC 2009: 502.2 New and replacement materials. Except as otherwise required or permitted by this code, materials permitted by the applicable code for new construction shall be used. Like materials shall be permitted for repairs and alterations, provided no dangerous or unsafe condition, as defined in Chapter 2, is created. Hazardous materials, such as asbestos and lead-based paint, shall not be used where the code for new construction would not permit their use in buildings of similar occupancy,purpose and location. Attached are the Specifications by Young Roofing Co., Inc. RE: Florence Architectural Group 10 Main Street florence, Ma 01062 Dated July 11, 2014 If you have any questions please reply. Sincerely, Tris Metcalfe, Ma Reg Archt#5393 Metcalfe Associates Architecture 142 Main St. Northampton, MA, 01060 Tristram W. Metcalfe III, Ma. Reg. 5393 Phone number > 413 586 5775 Cell number> 413 695 8200 Email >twm3 @rcn.com NCARB,NYS,MA,CT ® registrations WMAIA AIA September 9, 2014 Louis Hasbrouck, Building Commissioner City of Northampton Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 RE: Florence Architectural Group 10 Main Street Florence,Ma 01062 Dear Louis, This is a Certification of compliance with code concerning the above project. Project Description applies as per code in IEBC 2009: 1 request that you grant a modification to waive the requirement for control construction for the project at 10 Main Street Florence. in Northampton because the work is of a minor nature, will not affect health, accessibility, life and fire safety,or structural requirements and is impractical in that the cost of control construction is considerable when compared to the cost of the proposed work. Thank you for your consideration. Attached are the Specifications by Young Roofing Co., Inc. RE: Florence Architectural Group 10 Main Street florence, Ma 01062 Dated July 11, 2014 If you have any questions please reply. Sincerely, Tris Metcalfe, Ma Reg Archt#5393 Young Roofing Co., Inc. Date: July 11 , 2014 OFFICE 144 Texas Rd. To: Florence Architectural Group 10 Main St. Florence, MA. 01062 Northampton,MA. 01060 Mailing Address Job Location: P.O.Box 60056 Florence,MA.01062 PHONE 413-584-1367 Specifications: 413-586-9167 cell phone 1 . Rip the existing roofing down to the felt paper. 413-531-9821 rAX EMAIL 585-0226 2. Apply Palisades roof wrap over the complete roof. i byQung@crocker.com '�_� siyoun¢fgcrockercom 3. Install Tamko's 50 year Arc It:aural shingle. -A Contr.Supervisors Lic No.-011878 4. Fabricate and install all necessary .032 gauge aluminum flashing. 5. Remove all our roofing debris from the Job site and recycle. 6. The complete building will be staged to meet OSHA's requirements and to protect the public. The staging will have side arms and planks to areas the third floor windows All materials guaranteed to be as specified.Any alterations or deviation AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: RICHARD DUNG IDNT from above specifications involving extra cost will be executed only upon , 7 written orders,and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate.All agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents or delays Acceptance of Proposal-The above specifications and beyond our control. Owner to carry fire and other necessary insurance. conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted.You are All accounts not paid within 30 days are subject to a late charge of I authorized to do the work specified. Payment will be made as 1/2%per month on the unpaid balance. In the event that legal action is outlined ab instituted to collect any sums due under this agreement,the undersigned agrees to pay all cost incurred including reasonable attorney's fees. SIGNATURE` U DATE OF ACCEPTANCE <_ _ k Yereivul.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,zUUU 9ECTIOy i(f9fi'FtUC`1;�IF�AL••;[fEEffi1�E1/1�VV:(7BO i;�Aa:�lie:i�t):...!• _ • Independent Structural Engineering Structural Peer Revlew Re ulred Yes No • -SECTfON:i1=4WNEFi`AIJ7NORIU4TfON,iTpBB.�pMPLETEO•WHEN,;, OWNERB AGM>?OA.GNTOMRTj7 RApPLtE®.t?OFt.9UiLUtFIa,PERIVIiI';'�;;' es Owner of the subject property , P P h' hereby authorize act on my behalf,In s0 matters relative to work authorized by this building parmit application. _ 8lgnelule or Owner �� ...._...�...�_.. Date as OwnerlAuthorked. . Agent hereby declare that the statements and rnrormatfon on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge end ballet SI ned under themInp andverl iflee of a t v. - Pdnl Name Blgnalure of er/Agent [late ;8�`CT10N.i :�CVFf9TR11CTION RVtCE3'';`',, L.1cmd.conalruellan so Not Applicable ❑ X^- Llcense Number �^J Address Explralla [late ate Sfgrielure l% / Telephone • t SECTt aN':fiif-WO'kKWl§!"V- 7h iPEN9ATI6 N-IM3 URAN •AFFIOAVirt M. [,::c.:15Z,'C25C(6J) ( ;. Workers Compeneallon Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with He applicalion.Failure fo provfde this affidavit will result in the denlal of the lesuanee of the building permit Signed Affidavit Attached Yes V No t" • YMIM11.7 IGUMM [ai[[I Building PI lwl May 151 Zuuu q�cn6ne•PFtUFt'dt91gN14CpE91©N ANDGdN9TRUCTIOIV. �RY1C�8�FO}i'6U�CdlNQ ANU'STIjUCTUfiF9.013ACTXp r CVNeraUcTlvli cvnrnvkevaeuptr[rTO Teo�' R to caliTnmml�'141dRE�rt[AN a�,RVU_c*110Ft 9Eb OrAGE P,1 Raptslettd llrnh![sc[: Nal A pllcable E) NemW OgIRIMIJ, RTe01e6-eRvn Frvm6er A ` e>splratrvn L7afe 81pne[vre Telephone /,Z Repfeler�d Prvblsa►vnal En lnee s; Name r An3e Of[je6pOrye(17(Illj' �`•'-•• Lam*-�*,. �.,....r.,..,- - Addrva '� Re Is4apvn M1fumber 6/pnehrte I--TeI_ep•-hvn-e IrHvvn Hale Name Area or Raapvnslblllly Address Repl6if9r II°n Ntnnb9f �7 g�e� Telephone E�plretivn Date Nems AraA Dl R09pv1191blllly AIMR I Regrehallan Number Tel hone EwlrgUufl 17ralg Name - Area of ReeponelbllRy ' Ragfahalfvn Number Address Bt�BltAls l�Tefeph—ons Fxpkuilfm Dsle R,e Qenrret Contractor Nut Apprfcebra LJ Cvn>parr)Name: ' Ree Ible In Cherps ar cmso-uagvn . nddreee �� . Telephone.... Bipneltna . Yetalval.7 Cvtumervial Bulldtug Permit May 15,zuuu EaleNug Frvpoaed Required by Zoning "Iff ODIUM"to be ruled in by BidldingDepartment,. •• Lot size Rau Q Euildiug Hcight � � � . Bldg,SquRmFvvtage CIPM apace Fuufllgo �� •�� Q °/ � � r--( . t arra edrms 61 dE t_____1 n ff uf farkbg 5 Hues Fill: 'A. Has a Special PermitfYariancefFloding eYer been Issued forfun the sitef No 0 Dom r KNOW YES 0 IF YES,date Issued. IF YES! Was the permit recorded at the Registry of oeedsT NO ® DDNT KNOW YES 0 IF YE5; enter Ruh Page= and'ur Document li ii. Dues the site cuntaln a brook,body of water ur wetiandsT NO ! DONT KNOW 0 YES IF YES,has a permit been ur need W be obtained from the Cvnservativn CoMmissfeW NaPds to be obtained 0 obtained 0 , 17ate Issued: C. oa any sfgnS eXist an the property? YE5 ` NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: E= V. Are there any proposed Changes to ur additions Ur signs intended for the property 7 YES IF YE5,describe size,We and Iocatlon: E VMI th9 wmtrt1CU0n golly waturb(ufooring,Bradinp, xcevaiiun,ur rifling)aver 1 acre or is it part or a oommun plan Ilia[WN&blrb over 1 acre7 YES 0 No IF YEO,Ihen 0 Nullhompbn storm Water Management Permfl from the DPW is requfred, i • Ymltml.7 Cummercl ll Building Penult May 15,20(1(1 hdTjpjL SERVICES FOR PROJECTS LIM THAN 35,000 ." .. QUBIC'FEET.bF�ENCLb6`1t�D BpACE . �••- • ' = � - 'i• lnterfor Alterations ❑ Existing Wall signs ❑ Uemolltlun❑ Repalre❑ Addllluns ❑ Accessory BUIldingC( Eisterfor Altsratlon ❑ rxieting ervtlnd Sign❑ Nev Signs❑,Roonng M Change or Use❑ Other❑ liAef Oeeeripllen fifer It bticf description btere_ _5c Or Proposed Work �•+ bEC11vN 61 U8E URPUF}1ND:GCINSTRUG TYf E": USE GROUP Check as applicable) CONSTRUCTION TYPE A Assembly 11 A-1 ❑ A-Z ❑ A-3 ❑ 1A 11 IA-4 ❑ A-5 ❑ 113 1 ❑ B f luelneea 2A ❑ klfvnal ❑ 28 ❑ y• ❑ F-1 ❑ F-2 ❑ ZC alafd Q 3A ❑ nnal ❑ - ❑ I-Z ❑ 1-3 ❑ 39 ntile L1 4 eential ❑ R-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ GA ❑ storage ❑ 9-1 ❑ 9-2 ❑ 513 [Q U Untily ❑ speeiry: M Milted Use ❑ speciry: a Speclel Use ❑ Speciry: GcSiV(f�lEfE-i1iI�.�Ef;flvN IFt13TIN0 dl11LbTNG VN6I RG`olNd fif NtiYi4?IbN9;ADr51t1(7N9 flNfS/vFt`C(4�NGRIN USE Exlsf►ng Use group: Proposed Use Group: I EMS UnU Hazard Index TUU GMR 34. _� PfDpu5ad Hazard Index TdU GMR 34 Cy 8EQT/OHsA BUILDIN®HErr3HTAN�AREA :: PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION :r�'{,f_j'�r�5'f•,,rt.:=.i31!j'`'g K trBUILDING AREA EXISTING ..'••r ai,' d:fir: •. •:. �r: '.1.. �!7i� %::"a'_.ay 1 t�.�-Ifl,`',•'1''l::�r7i5�'n r � :i.:. 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Total Height ft ;�,;� :;.i-f�ri d.;,1;,:•.:r�. •,,r is-:,. }-..°.".- 7.1 Ff ad o a nfo 7.3 Sawags DispcsafSystem: " y.WeterBupply(M.G.L.c.4D,§6A) Zone�--�� ne(] Munf ripal[( On site disposal system❑ Public Prfvale❑ 4--'------� •' • t , Yereionl,7 Cunnuarcial Building PerrultMa 15 2000 ` C Ity of Northampton El ctric. Plumbing&Gas Irs^pe—cations 13611ding Department Northampton. MA a,oso 1Z Main Street Room 100 Northampton,MA 01060 phone 413-557-1240 Fax 413-667-1272 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE,CHANGE THE USE OR OCCUPANCY OF,OR QEMOLIB"ANY BUILDING OTHER THAN A ONE UR TWO FAMILY DWELLING • .SECTIUN:t•�$:ITE.IIVFf1ttMATIOf�':' • i.i Proaerty � :e- I Krr; Address: `� ;l.t!����,Tl�is•l;dbt(tirl�ttl, rl�col�pletdtiby,Nffl��;r !•'•.:. ...�,••� f.,f \i`r� C}�'tjr/fir°•r.7"!:•:i� 717• r ' •.krF 'N'C>::'^''` -� .';Ai;�'�iryi?{(.s�. s t } ��• a*,,}ry,.-s..rr %'f!'z•s •f�' ^J$t-y�/+F rmr, `){t A r 'Y p`�Y,.'ti•�.�jlifr''Y''�:ad%i7.�i1.. ��{ .•�:cr�'�'' Jr f ¢�`. }e• rf -ff. 'MOTION�'r P gr!rsrt i�viyNe 9iirP/aurHclrzrir= ftGENt.rt Z.i Owner of Record: Wit' �C Y rcy cc:'1'v4' Name(Pdn!) Currenl Mslling Addfpss: Telephone — q• 6� ca Name(Pdnt) Current Melling Address: yt 3- 5�, 4-1? ' SfOneture % ` Telephone D :t Dd0 0 C 5` Item EsHmated Coe[(Dollars)to be Official Use Orify;:.' wra fated b ermlt a Jlcanl " "' .. i. 6uHdfng Cu .(ej Biifltllrig Permit Fee 2. ElecUlcel (b}�stlmeted TOW GO[Of: t;oristrirc[(oq:frv(n• ••r:' 3, Plumbing Bu(Idfng'Nemtf[Fee.: f' A c - 4. neel fiV Fi 6.Fire Protectlon B, Totel= 1+2+3+4+5 �, Checjc Ntimbt3i t fihf�.SAr;((�n�vt 0 C101 WO 0 BulldlnalsPFrrtRNuhtib�f.: .. b .. . `I sueQ b�lgrta[ufel..t:'..t :.........,(.I` . !•,. .. :. : .. ;r;!l;:Itf;•'tq.. -r{il:.t. ... - •l:l.r''.,i. tl,. _ .. •9ul(dln�Cam(n(rld�(df(aNrr73p�UlvrarBupolrips. -�2t8 File#BP-2015-0200 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON YOUNG ROOFING CO INC ADDRESS/PHONE P O Box 60056 FLORENCE (413)584-1367 PROPERTY LOCATION 10 MAIN ST MAP 23A PARCEL 115 001 ZONE GB000)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: STRIP&SHINGLE ROOF New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included• Owner/Statement or License 011878 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORR TION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management e I la Sign re o ui di Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. 10 MAIN ST BP-2015-0200 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 23A- 115 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: ROOF BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2015-0200 Project# JS-2015-000379 Est. Cost: $88000.00 Fee: $528.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: YOUNG ROOFING CO INC 011878 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 21170.16 Owner: FLORENCE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP Zoning: GB(100)/ Applicant: YOUNG ROOFING CO INC AT. 10 MAIN ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: P O Box 60056 (413) 584-1367 WC FLORENCEMA01062 ISSUED ON.10/14/2014 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.STRIP & SHINGLE ROOF POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType• Date Paid: Amount: Building 10/14/2014 0:00:00 $528.00 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240, Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner