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Janet M. s�iepparc+�, sct.
City Sokcitor
August 19, 1997
Leon W. Malinofsky, Jr., Esq.
NU- 2 1199T
182 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060-3104 v
RE: Dick Giusto and Russ Benjamin and
the Northampton Airport
Dear Attorney Malinofsky:
I'm in receipt of your letter to Anthony Patillo dated July 15, 1997. 1 have reviewed some of the
material with the Building Inspector and with the Senior Planner Paulette Kuzdeba regarding your request
for a grandfathered use of the Airport.
Please be advised that as of this date you have not provided sufficient information to the Building
Inspector, in order to justify this zoning use.
I would suggest that if you would like the City to consider this request that you put together a list of
dates and events that have taken place at the Airport and describe the nature of those events so that we
might review your situation.
To date the Building Inspector has received information from your client in an unorganized
I have instructed the Building Inspector and the Senior Planner to forward copies of any
documents that they receive from you to my office for my review. I look forward to resolving this matter
with you and allowing the Building Inspector to make a determination based on all of the facts. I would
appreciate it if you would contact my office if you have any questions. Otherwise please forward your
documents to the Building Inspector so that the Building Inspector might review it. Thank you for your
attention to this matter. Please let me k w'if you have any questions.
Vfuly ,J ard, Esq.
cc: Mayor Mary Ford
Michael Vito, Executive Assistant
Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector
Wayne Feiden, Head of Planning Department
Paulette Kuzdeba, Senior Planner
Nancy Pelletier, Esq.
76 Masonic Street, Northampton MA 01060 (413) 585-5889 FAX: (413) 586-2937