37-060 (9) — s� o� PERMIT APPLICATION CHECK LIST PAGM YES NO DATE 1 2 . 3 . OWNER OCCUPANT STATEMENT IF NOT 4 . 3 SETS OF LOT PLAN l� 5 . NEW CONSTRUCTION 6 . CURB CU 7 . WATER AVAILABILITY FORMS 8 , 9 . ADDITION 10 . ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 11 . SIGN / AWNI 12 . PERMIT FEE — CHECK ONLY — MONEY ORDE c, 13 . SPECIAL PERMIT REQUIRED WITH DEED IF APPLICABLE 14 . UNDER SECTION 127 - CMR 780 15 . FORM A 16 . FILL COMMENTS : K P� rn v x � x z m > H ):o U) ;o adl�EO0 HtJLJU O a r H P. tlj tlj z t.Ej N tJj cu • >0 w t 03 d N > ry t1i En � 0 n N 10 m to Vi U2 En VJ yH gyp' \�( xH H w O N to H 6 + ;d > a Hz Oro z y z vi Hen pi tom", n En z r v1 O ° rij H O s o Uri > 0 z r V U1 > zH O �?, � td O Di VV ao c•°v IXJ y xt d0 a zz > r o � � y b 1-]y 1 Vd Ni r o '^ H `1 yVJ k7 G t1i tz r 1' t > � z � n� T �► v _ � a 70 -s CA Z > Z ..l m Zoning Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. Alterations NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 0,6 ti 19ly— Additions APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Repair Garage 1. Location d- G u i' S i Lot No. 2. Owner's name , � T � S7 Address 7A 1 Co u-T 0 T A 3. Builder's name (y A.�-TP— A /II AP,F/< L/ k Address 9 V T/J A G-Ca /,IC-i^) Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. 0 ON 1 5-1 101-N 13 Expiration Date G r � 4. Addition 5. Alteration NA n.,0 G9 P Am P 3 /oc O r- ,JG U S 6. New Porch 7. Is existing building to be demolished? 8. Repair after the fire ,�/.E w t= uo �' S'� 1�` w o c, r /ru y�.�. /J f n 0 G K 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating 11. Distance to lot lines 12. Type of roof 13. Siding house 14. Estimated cos f,�i�®-#too �u The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his, her knowledge and belie(. S,gnaw,e of sponsible appicant Remarks TL' r 0 4r L rj 1'/ 7/ y'. E I /` /- 'v Date Filed ` File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION I . Name of Applicant: ZVAZ.TP- Address : £{r/ Telephone: a G8�0o 9 2 . Owner of Property: 7T I h,7,y Address:-' 2 .7,2 ET' Telephone., 6,2 1 c- 3 . Status of Applicant: Owner contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain ) 4 . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# Parcel# '� r Zoning District(s) (include over ys) Street Address VA Required 5 . Existin Proposed by Zoning Use of Structure/Property (if project is only, interior work, skip to #6) Building height ldg. Coverage (Footprint) Setbacks - front - side L: R. L: R: - rear r ' size Frontage. Floor Area Ratio r oOpen Space (Lot area minus building and parking) Parking Spaces Loading signs Fill (volume & location) 6 . Narrative Description of Proposed Work/ ro ect: (Use additional sheets if necessary) /' 1= AJovsl�= 7 . Attached Plans: _Sketch Plan Site Plan 8 . certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date: " r Applicant's Signature: r THIS BEOTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented--Reason: Special* Permit and/or Site Plan Required: Finding Required: Variance Required: � , Signature of Building nspector Date NOTE: issuance of a zoning Permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply Wrtli all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health.Conservation commission, Doparimont of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. 1�,� c,,-� �, ��. `� .� ` ',J �� ,\' t`� ♦, \� i C" �� �J� \� C.� �:� �r \. �`" :� 7��J � � z 00 14. c = _ c� fCD n r. n ►h f 'CC'L7 0 A w try' O O, j Q n b 'C (C H. CD D •; 8 Q ao � do rt m (D ~ ID 0 o"I C � (D t (D n �On n c O i o n x� s � � r ^ �•h on CD C-4 `I 1 CD 91 CT n 8. � CD � o 5 � � Z y r CD tz 5 5 d o qq ,-. -rj 8n con QO C a 0 tTI U1 W tQ rA O �f o o o w L, w X07 C C7. C p � �! ' < m ti i ct r. rn O ft4 rn Qo O rn 7a 0 '. � I � �-t � C" C C✓ �' C✓ C C" ? cn �� y (D r p ¢. n C co h z