37-060 (8) The GROVE: A Treatment Center for Adolescents
320 Riverside Drive, Northampton, MA 01060
�t r (413) 586-6210 • FAX (413) 586-7852
A Program of
g !AN
Tri-County Youth Programs. Inc.
Januar 25, 1995
trR traati,
Mr. Frank Sienkiewicz
Building Commissioner
City of Northampton
City Hall
Northampton, MA. 01060
Dear Mr. Sienkiewicz,
It is my understanding from speaking with Wally Marek, our
contractor, that the plans for our fire renovation work have been approved by
your office. In addition, Wally explained that we wish to have the exact
standards for ADA waived in the kitchen (while remaining for the entrance,
first floor bedroom and bath). This letter is to confirm to your office that in
the event we ever have a handicapped child in the residence, that client
would not be made to cook in the kitchen, and that staff or other clients
would be able to do cooking chores for the handicapped child.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter.
/va ?d�i
Deborah Palmer
Assistant Director
Grove Treatment Center