25-075 (18) • i�Q� TO O - _ Crit� of �Xortljaiuptort = Z � � �i�{assacllitsetts -'t= _= W A.PL« . - ,r (office of the Onspertor of Puilbiitgs _ INSPECTOR 212 Main Street o Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN WAIVER Date Address Page Plot 76 - /5 Zone I understand that in compliance with Section 10.11 North- ampton Zoning Ordinances, such waiver may be granted only upon a showing that compliance with the the provisions of this Ordinance can be ensured without the necessity of site plan review. In reviewing a request for a waiver, the Administrative Officer may require the submission of specific ltems of information pertinent to the proposed development. Signature of Applicant r` I will submit a plot plan with all required speci- fications. Waiver granted Administrative Officer ° =,���,S/ zr � 111111 11. List of Abutters: Address Sheet No. Parcel . 1. Genevieve C. Brennan 16 Glendale St . Easthampton 25-BD 31 2._ Alfred Cichw_ 21 Western Ave ., Northampton 25-A 170 Robert L. Croatti, 3, A. Charles Kalbfeld, P.O. Box 221 Northampton 25-A 15 16, 171-18, 71 Welton Maynard 4. Marion L. Davis Fruit St Apt G-74. Northampton 25-BD 29 Charles J. & 5. Laura A. Eberlein 7 Elm St ., Hatfield 25-BD 76 6 Lyle E . Haggerty Riverbank Rd Northampton 25-BD 28 30 32 33 7, Richard & Sally Ingersoll 85 Riverbank Rd Northamp- 25-BD 70 ton 8, Rene P Jacques 35 Riverbank Rd., Northampton 25-BD 72 9. Michael Kielbowicz 67 Riverbank Rd. , Northampton 25-BD 73 10, Russell J. Myette 86 Riverbank Rd Northampton 25-Bn 7R Luke F. & 11. Joan D. Ryan 43 Dryads Green, Northampton 25-BD 1. 79 12. Robert L. Sherry 59 Riverbank Rd. , Northampton 25-BD 69 Joseph M. & 13 Victoria M. Wanczyk 5 Rocky Hill Rd. , Hadley 25-A 14 14. r 15. 16. 17. a 18. 19. — 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. WWI 29. 30. THE PR�RI�NG PRESS (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) ei e � • r 1 Ph .TnlFarZ/�fiTlO,v r/:�rs-Z d [ RC✓lSC.tiJ iZEcaiL,r�F�✓ -O Ts 8-q-7.3 �r ,,�y p N/9fZUGG L, �fy TG�t/ CS c�ft UL yerZ� W � ' �. cn t 7. Description of Proposed Work and/or Use No construction work would take place. A new enlarged lot would be created for the existing single-family dwelling by moving the Southeasterly and Southwesterly lot lines in a Southerly direction approximately 70 feet as shown on the attached sketch plan. The new lot would be approximately 25,000 square feet in area, with the existing single-family dwelling situated more or less in the middle of the lot. 9. Reasons Upon Which Application is Based Due to ignorance of zoning law, the applicant built his one-family dwelling straddling the lot line . The variance would merely allow the draw- ing of new lot lines. The location of the structure is a circumstance that especially affects the structure and does not generally affect the entire zoning district. Additionally, the topography of the land is such that the subject property should not even have been included in the SC zone, and made subject to the greatly increased restrictions on use, density and dimensions. The land is generally higher than the 100 year flood level, and the basement of the house is 3.5 feet over the 100 year flood level. The topography is therefore a condition that especially affects the land and does not generally affect the entire zoning district. The applicant will suffer substantial financial hardship if the SC provi- sions are literally enforced, because having to create a new lot of 50,000 square feet would require totally encompassing the adjacent lot, thereby destroying its potential value as a lot. Since no construction would be done, and then r sent single-family house would merely remain on a different sized lot, allogj the c iangfe ~wou d `not be a detriment to the public good or derogate from the "UV Z6ning ordinance . ., Not Write 'n These Spaces a5 —Q� Application Number: u 3 find. ;B.'I `' eoked Filed Fee Pd. Rec'd. ZBA Map(s) Parcel(s) Bf'-111 te Date A!!m''t. Date By Date Z g t a.x LIC BY.MADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: -Mn IN 1pptfi;ant Richard Ingersoll Address 10 Riverbank Road, Northampton, Massachusetts .- 2. Owner of Property Same as above Address 3. Applicant is: ®Owner; ❑Contract Purchaser; ❑Lessee; ❑Tenant in Possession. 4. Application is made for: U VARIANCE from the provisions of Section 6 page 4 of the Zoning Ordinance of the -- City of Northampton. Lot area, front setback, side setback (southerly side) ❑SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. ❑OTHER: 5. Location of Property 10 Riverbank Road, Northampton, Mass. being situated on the Southeast side of Riverbank Road $tM18P4 and shown on the Assessors' Maps, Sheet No. 25 BD Parcel(s)_76 6. Zone Special conservancy 7. Description of proposed work and/or use; See attached sheet , 8. (a) Sketch plan attached;UYes ❑No (b) Site plan: ❑Attched ❑Not Required 9. Set forth reasons upon which application is based: See attached sheet . 10. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). 12. 1 hereby certify that information contained herein is true to the best of my knowledge. Date April 14, 1980 Applicant's Signature