25-075 (8) b i Y r t:JJ..r drv,le i T i ' . .r-..P- Jf fin QI , 5=1 1 S JAMES C.d D�j ELL CR DECISION OF THE ZONING Ty y,,AS?. . aGLE JR. BOA?.D OF APPEALS ASSISTANT CITY S:''_!CITJR On September 28, 1977 , the Zoning Board of ApDeals for the City of Northampton decided to deny the petition of Richard Ingersoll for a variance to use a building for an office in a SC Zone . Based upon evidence presented to the Board, the Board made the following findings: 1. There exists no special hardship owing to circumstances relating to the soil conditions, shape or topography of such land or structures, but not affecting generally the zoning district . Any hardship was self—created. The petitioner had stated in his building permit application that the structure was to be an accessory barn which ,;as allowed under the Zoning Code. Subsequent inspection showed that it was being used for a non—allowed commercial use. 2 . The desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good. 3 . The desirable relief may not be granted without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent of zoning. The area is predominantly residential and agricultural and is zoned for those uses. 9 Charles W. Dragon J Chairman Eric B. erv -is Raymond Capers '