18C-048 (32) Zoning, Building Code Complaint Sheet . . . SHEET 2 Or 2
23 December 1999
S.E. Susco , 754 Bridge Road, Northampton against Northampton
Nursing Home , 737 Bridge Road, 18C-48
Disturbance (s) resulting from exterior lighting system.(s )
. . .continued. . .
Changes and additions made without Zoning Permit, Section 10.2
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts
Changes and additions made without Electrical Permit (s) ,
Massachusetts State Building Code and/or Electrical Code
Changes and additions have resulted in Violations of Section 12..0
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts:
• Unconfined emissions resulting in a nuisance
• Spillover ( light trespass ) to property of 754 Bridge Road
in an ammount to adversly affect
• Enviromental pollution ( light pollution )
• Direct and indirect obnoxious glare from flood lights
.Unshielded,non-diffused lamps ( numbering at least nine )
visible from residence at 754 Bridge 'ioad
$ effut of tot )nzptctm sf 1110ilbings
212 Main Street•Municipal Building.
Northampton,Mass. 01060 11
SHEET 1 OF 2 D FT OF$t1l+ ;�ycpEi^T!0(VS
How received: Telephone ( ) omp
23 December 1999
Personal ( ) ` Date:
Letter ( X) Time: A.M. P.M.
Telephone No. (413)584-9375
Complainant's Name: Steven E. Susco
Complainant's Address: 754 Bridge Road, Northampton,MA 01060
Complaint received by:
EX Chapter 44 Zoning Ordinances, City of Northampton
[�Chapter 802 As Ammended Mass. State Building Code
F1 Sanitary Code, Art.2
Complaint reported against:
Name: Northampton Nursing Home Tel. (413) 586-3300
Address: 737 Bridge Road, Northampton, MA 01060
Location of complaint. 737 Bridge Road, Northampton, M*Aap# 180 Lot# 48
Signature of Complanants:
Nature of complaint:
Various changes and additions to exterior illumination systems of
Northampton Nursing :-come have resulted in adverse and ob�jeationable
disturbance to and upon property at 754 Bridge Road, Northampton.
All attempts to address and resolve the matter with property owners)
or business management have yeilded no responce.
Theirfore relief from disturbances is sought thru Zoning complaint.
Investigation: Yes ( ) No ( ) Investigated by: