18C-048 (9) Crib -af Xurt4ant r ern
i n, .
212 Main Street • Municipal Building
Northampton, MA 01060 �� A
Richard Perry
Northampton Nursing Home
737 Bridge Road
Northampton, MA 01060
December 17, 2007
Dear Mr. Perry,
We have received several complaints concerning the driveway lights at your
facility on Bridge Street.
.I have visited the nursing home on a number of occasions, and I've taken
readings with a light meter at various locations on the property and on adjoining
properties. I met with you on November 13, 2007 to discuss the problems with the site
The City of Northampton's Zoning Ordinances, §350-12.2 regulate the types of
lighting fixtures that can be used in the city, the intensity of light from those fixtures, and
the degree to which the light and glare from your property can be seen from other
properties. The site lighting at 737 Bridge Road does not comply with the ordinances.
The fixtures are inadequately shielded and they create a significant amount of glare that
is visible from beyond the property line. I have already provided you with an excerpt of
the pertinent regulations. The complete ordinance is available on the City of
Northampton website (http://www.northammptonma.gov/).
Please make arrangements to have the non-compliant lighting fixtures changed.
You must install compliant fixtures in a manner that conforms s witi i '35r-�n
�.••••••••• � V I L.2. nn
electrical permit will be required for this work. Make arrangements with an electrician to
replace the fixtures, and provide me with a copy of that contract. If you do not provide
evidence to us by Friday, January 4, 2008 that you have made arrangements to have
the lights replaced with compliant fixtures, I will issue a Notice of Violation of City
Ordinances. Penalties for violations of city ordinances may, upon conviction, be affixed
in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. Each day or
portion of a day that any violation is allowed to continue shall constitute a separate
Feel free to call if you have any questions. Our telephone number is 587-1240
and our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, excepting that we
close at 12:00 noon on Wednesdays. My email address is:
Ihasbrouck a�city.northampton.ma.us.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Louis Hasbrouck
City of Northampton
Local Inspector and Zoning Enforcement