35-260 (4) Lv-V t Lv 1.._cYT L-A N L a L o-C' s-c v 3 L Rai tJ ka r i CI 0 I �2 N89°40'30''E Sl ►� 290 i 160.00' ` 150.00' r 2 W T.P, a , ARE�q . .t � o AREA ; 1.079 ACf co O T.P,#3 8=25.00' I� 1 L=25.49' ' 1 L=144.74' A=58024-43" \ L=414.45' L=36.00' \� ,� L 1 70.25' - ` - _40,56'_ i_ L=79.86' I R=510.0 L1=11°56'12.. S89°12'37"W :� F. 2 X9 Vy- 56 R-450.00' N6,9112',3T f� � ;.93 25 4 4.. -- L=93.75' f '40 56 L=125.00' �' • y T.P,#s R=25.00 L=25.49' 4=58°24'4 8,80.00 .DING ENVELOPE L= 155.11 ...,fir. •- W ', ;,-� .#5 ,�•'^" ..� +�... y„ n ' "MFG." ..A F"` Y w. ENV ., ♦ BUILDING EIAf -AREA t RE A 5 �, 6 .1 Aa ' ' — GRADED EVEAi� � �� .•.. i ALMER IIUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. ALMER 11UNTLEY,JR_, Pr , v+ ,, SURVEYORS - ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCIIITFCTS DOUGLAS W. TIIOMPSON, P.O, Box 568/30 INDUSTRIAL.DRIVE FAST I NORT11AM"ON, MASS.01061 WILLIAM R. GARRITY, I.A (4131584-7444 JOHN G. RAYMOND, Pz 0 260-116-20 June 22, 1989 City of Northampton Northampton Planning Board City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Hydrant Flow Test Parsons Wood Subdivision Dear Board Members: At the request of Jameb Boyle, the developer of the Parsons Wood subdivision off Burts Pit Road, this office conducted a fire flow test on the morning of Wednesday, June 21 , 1989. Representatives from •the City Engineering Department , Water Department, Fire Department and the developer witnessed the test. A rep- resentative from the Water Department operated all valves and hydrants. The test was conducted at 9:00 A.M. At that time, the flow rate from Mountain Street Reservoir was approximately 4 MGD. Both municipal wells were operating and the Turkey Hill Road water tank was on-line. The hydrant at the end of the cul-de-nac was used as the flowing hydrant and the hydrant located approximately 100 feet in from Burts Pit Road was used as the residual hydrant. Static pressure readings were 54 psi and 48 psi at the flow- ing hydrant and residual hydrant, rk. ­ctively. The flow rate was measured as 1110 gpm at 44 psi at the flowing hydrant and the pressure at the residual hydrant dropped to 45 psi. This measured flow rate converts to an available flow rate in excess of 2100 gpm at a residual pressure of 20 psi. The available fire flow exceeds the minimum flow rate required for a development of this type. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. Michael J. McGrath Review and Concur: Thomas S. Green, P.E. Manager, Sanitary Engineering Division MJM:J be cc: Mr. George Andrikidis, D.P.W. Northampton Water Department Northampton Fire Department James Boyle Date Filed File No', `I,ONING PERMIT APPLICATION zoning Oxclinance Sobtion 10 , 2 ] Naine of Anp•.l.i,cant r— oo?7�;S�r Address : ,l� Z���!-__ Telephone ; 2 , Owner. o�° Pi:n er.t,X A.dOress y � Telephone : C 3 , Status r)f ADD13,cant. 0lelnor Contract Purchaser Tae Sae G -Other (G' :j�a.a) I1� ) q , Par. ceI Ident.i.f.icatI.Qn Zon•i,ng 14ap Sheet,` P'a roe 1# Zoning Districts) ' Street Adc ress� s,,ff T g , Z-0—M plia1)Ce• 4/it.h 7,o ni n ci Proposed Use of Structure/Property Z1. Size of Structure (sq ft , ) Building height % Building Coverage 'Setbacks - fx ont .,side rear P Lot Size - (.E�' 47 o Frontage Floor Area Ratio '% Open Space e�O Parking Spaces Loading Spaces Signs Fill (volume & 3.0cation) 6., Mar. rati,`ie Descrintion of Pronosacl WordZPro, e ; ( Use additi,dnal sheets if necessary) 7 , Attached Plans : Sketch Plain Site plan 8 , cert'.i.fica�.ion : I hereby certify that the`ih�prmation, oontained herein is true and accurate to the be of my..knowledge , Data ; Applicant ' s Signature ; THxS-SfCTI5NrF311 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ! V ' 'Approved as presented, ' Denied as presented Reason for Denial ; Signature of Bdilding Inspector. , _ � � 4a