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35-236 (10)
�_...._ Fxm............................. .�r THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS GARY R. BOARD OF HEALTH � ni SWANSON ' .1 No. 7 93 ' CITY..............OF.......NOR.THAMPTON............................................... .................... sr�F ST p iratiou for Uilipatial Rforbi Tringtrurtion Permit plication is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (X ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal S ' at: vv BAYBERRY LANE LOT NO. 2 ..LAWRENCE A '6b&` t"'es .... . .... . .6.5 WHITELOAF..Rb1 NtOUTHAMPTON� MA .. ...... ....._.. . ... ... ......... .... ... ...... -Owner ...... Address (� .......... .................................................................................................. ................................................................... "� luxtaller Addrexo y x Type of Building Size Lot....-I...-.3.9... I� Dwelling— No. of Bedrooms...........................................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (XX) 'a Other—Type of Building ............................ No. of persons............................ Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) P4 P, Other fixtures ............................................................................................................................................------_..... 1 1.Q GAL• .-./ t per day. Total daily flow.......•.- . � Design Flow.. +l �4�4X ,XIXX y. y 44Q....... .... lions. Oda' Septic Tank—Liquid capacityl.-5o.gallons Length.12.6....... Width-68 Diameter................ Depth.4 �'....... t Disposal Trench— No. .................... Width.................. Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. x 5 Seepage Pit No.....1.............. Diameteil_6 +_..X_1 2.,�epth below uilet.... ..+. . ...... Total leaching area....5.2.4.....sq. h. Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) MARY R_- SWANS N P. _ 1,1HW... Date......................(5-�9-84 a Percolation Pest Results Performed b ................ +...-_._____.--.._.Q-_- + *�•+- -- ••. ---- .a "Pest Pit No. 1.... .........minutes per Inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water..WK.......... Gz, Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ ,i O Description of Soil............................IL 2'._.SILTY...S UBSOIL.R_.._3'._•COARS.E.-.$AND;,.,4.'._..f IRIS-•.GREY :4 --•...... .................. ................•---.......----... ..... ........... .............. .. .. .......... ...... .. .............------ SAND W ...................................•-•._......•---•-••----............._...._..................----••••........................._......... `[ Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................ .....................--•---......................-•---...........................---..................................•--••---.................--•-•.................----...........................---- Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with •� 'the provisions of iIT11 5 of the State Sanitary Code— The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed...................................................................................... ................................ Date ApplicationApproved By.......................•.......................................................................... ....................U.i.C.............. Application Disapproved for the f olloiving reasons:................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................••----................._........................................._....._........._..._..._.......... .Date.._.......... PermitNo........................................•--............- Issued-------------------Date................................ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH CITY............oF......NORTHAMPTON..................................... Tertif irate of ( 0111P U11re THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( X) or Repaired ( ) ...............................................................................................................................................•---............_..-•-- by^-'................•---.... Installer BARBERRY :- LANE, LOT NO. 2 at............. ._.... ... ...---•--••••................ ...........................................---•--••... has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE: 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No......................................... dated................................................ THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE................................................................................ Inspector.................................................................................... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ......C I.TY...............OF._.......NORTHAMPTON............................. Biliplilittl Worbi Tountrurtiou ramit LAWRENCE AUDETTE Permissionis hereby granted---•..................................... ......-----......................................---•-•---........................................ to Construct ( X) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at No..------- AY�Tt -�-�-1P 1 ANE LOT NO 2 ...... ..---.. .........1.....................t.......... ._........ ............................................................................... ....._..... Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No..................... Dated.......................................... ............................................................------.......----............................ Board of nealtb DATE..........................................•-•--......_•-----.................... FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS Vill. ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES DISTRICT IX. SITE OR PLOT PLAN For Applicant Use uuNNNNNUOUNN•na••NN.NNUtnuunouuuN.uuuN•Nt.•uiNG•N■NgNUUUwrfugNNNRU.N■Na..•NNNN..NN.N.•u.NN■N uN■• .:•.../......N•.•\••,■•t.t••r■.r...../..■--•.•\•\.■•.t.•.N\.•■.•••---■...•,tN.••f:S/gi■.,,-..•.•...•\.-■-.•N••t.....................................N.■ •:::H::H:HHH::;S:a•:HH:H:::t: :::H:::•H:L:::::M:••::::HH:::H.....Q.N.H..:•:,:.::N■:HH:::■:::::�;::::•.t••Rt:HH.:H:..::H:H:::::H■ :::aL::H\:H HU HHH:L:U:n"mm L:L:::::L.L::L:.0...::L ::LL:Le ::: 54168811111=88 .800.08. NaUgoal to as HUHURRHUHHHHUHUHN 0: .mumNcwe-■\.•fNr/•ar.••■•.N•w......r•.-..Rr....■N..■/..-..■.-a■■■a.■•..■■■■,•.•t\•f.Nf...•Rt.....■\-•t..-N N•.•--■N-■.••----•■-■.•-../....N••....\t//■ • N:86HUH NN.,NNNN•uuuururNN L ::use.......::: :i::::::::::::::::::::: .•"■■ii .•::Hs::::'wr'wiL:;s:::�°:::H: w::::;::5:$swoH;:;:n::::::::ss:H:'N'H:::::::::H:H::HH: ;: :::::%::::::::::HHS;H:HH:HSHHs°::H:::HH ..N•t • • ■R R.••,f.N.aN..R.a■■lNNN-rlN-...N.-.-■/■. .wo R.. :a.•..-/t■\-.Na-N■ of=rRtS. gNaNN•ia:..\•a•NrN r.NRN Rr•!N.■N-\.,.a••NN.N NRN.N.a-NR■na-.NN•N•.N.f.a\•fN N.■■NNtaaNNNN■ ..r•••\...•.•.•t.....■-..-\.N.N man N...•.•.t•...■■..•■N r-•\■t•..••R•-••f•.•N....•.a.tl...g.■■.•t.-t...\■N-.\rr•■.w•■■.-.-N.•.■.■■N...N■■NN NNN .t•■■i■Sala■........•.....\n.NN.....\...-r■.•.r.•■•..f...•,•S./.•.■.•t•!ra•■..t•t..•.S.faf•/.•■-t■.-•t..•a/•■.t..•....■•.■N tf......■.•■■•■•..-..•...-■• .N•. of ara..N.al..••N■L•NN■ruun•aNOaoN.uor•t.u.0 N■NNNtuNNU.uaN a.N-aunNUUUNU.urunN•NmuN.N.■NNNNNN.N.N• .NN tN.N■M Nf■.• HR NaM•N NtN•N•NON•pRNNN••ON.NN•RNN•NaNNa.SN NNNa■nNNNNN.RN-.N■N N••N..-NN•.•NN.■■N t.■N N.N• i:::::.N.H HH::.m...4.... :::::::5::::::::::5:::::::::::::ui:::::::::::::::.:::::::.:::::.Nis::H:::::::::=:i:::::::::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::u ..■•....•..•••.•■lttSS.w•..r..■r.■...oft -••...••..•!t-•....,.w,•w..rN.-...t■Nr--------N..f...•..••.■N......... ••Ma./-.et........\.•...........\.....•■. ...•NNR.w\N■N■ • NR.riw.•NN.IRN IrN.\•iN..g.R-N.t.•N•Nwlt..•NNN■N-NN.•.--NN-.■■R.NN.......N.NNNtNNN■N■■.••-■.■N■.l./.■■-.-■■ .N■.\•-.f.•-..■t■NH H..■.tlRa•/.N\a.i.■.■,•.••tR.t.-.•.■ttfi.to■-./.t\■■•..RRa.■■\•N■R.Ntr.•a.■.••■.R-•..••.t-■..■•t•w..NN■..N..w■■N.N.\t-••MH .S/-r.t■N..•..a.f g..-►.••.••.••■.\/..N .::;:L::HN :::L:H•■N t:saws::s..::.H■.H■R•H.:H trf.i.N:/•..ra.•N.Ngtg•wt.tn.R•.•N•.!N•.H N Nt-1N..■N.N■.t•N■wrNN ,rt••t\ 1N\message N 1,000...,..\N■•: .0 HHH.-N•a. ::::::*a* Nw :: :: ::::: Nw"H H H :: : :z : : 9: .44ame.somes NHNr■.N.■-N..r.•NwH a.ag.•.N.■S N■.N,N■.aN...NN•■f■■.H..-/.lN•t•N-R....N HNNOfNN-NN.RN.r.!a••....lN.aN.RN Rose* 1•r N:/■:s.lN•.s.■.::N N H:t:.■:tN R-•:-IN s.:...:■:\NN:.\.•:.N:•:.t.•N::.N.:.-•N:.•:.■/::•.t:-N•l■:.I.::.N.•■s.:•N.■:.••: Hw:s:su■•uo:;nN;.:N.w::.:goose:::••::L::i::::::,L:::.::a::::.■::L::.:....:.::.::.-:N::.:::.::■:-H:::::•:::::: IN■NNN1a N.N•w•tr■■■a.NN..N-..\■•-L.•RO NIN.l.N■.t N.g.rwaN t,.g•N,NtN.N.a..f\wNaN•N N•N■ON,NNNN.•■.•■...■■.■f.■N.RR■•■■■.■•■NNR•• U.".:U HH:HHHs°ssH::H:H:::::HH:H::H::Sr':�i::::::::::H:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s ONN;w:H.:HN/,:�;;:N:R;;H:•:.;\.w:r:aN. :H:::: :;:RH::::•:R:.::H:..N.:..: :$:$:•iH::s"::g:.::•:::::::.:rN NNN-:t:::.:::.:::■ • • • ■..,.•...l NRNRNa•■/.......-•■■-.tt■■nt■■t•./•..■ tHww;•aw:ws :::::::::■:::N.::;:•H::t.::i::::H:H::: :::::a•::.H:.R•■;•:tH.:..111::;.:H:::::H:H:::::HRSH::::N.:::H:■::::::::::::.. : 1.. 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License No. Contractor Jf d-3 7 3. Architect or Engineer I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent and we agree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction. Sign ur of applicant ; Address , /t Applicption gate 00 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW RECORD — For office use Plans Review Required Check Plan Review Date Plans By Date Plans By Notes Fee Started Approved BUILDING $ PLUMBING $ MECHANICAL $ ELECTRICAL $ OTHER $ VI. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS Date Permit or Approval Check Obta ned Number By Permit or Approval Check Date Obtained Number By BOILER PLUMBING CURB OR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING ELEVATOR SEWER ELECTRICAL SIGN OR BILLBOARD FURNACE STREET GRADES GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS OIL BURNER WRECKING OTHER OTHER II. VALIDATION Building �� FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit number Building- Use Group Permit issued 7 19 _ Building �r c Fire Grading Permit Fee Live Loading Certificate of Occupancy $ Occupancy Load Appro ed by: Drain Tile $ Plan Review Fee $ TITLE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON �+ MASSACHUSETTS $ OFFICE of the INSPECTOR of BUILDINGS T Page Plot ,2340 APPLICATION FOR INSPECTOR ZONING PERMIT AND BUILDING PERMIT z IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections: 1, 11, 111, IV, and IX. O ZONING I• AT (LOCATION) c-7 i.All Y �'{�, r`y �-'r UI D STR CTS LOCATION (NO.) /(STREET) OF BETWEEN i= (-° AND BUILDING (CROSS ST ET) (CROSS STREET) 1- IV f�f�l '66 f'",��. LOT /t` c JT•.../ !:° SUBDIVISION /�� 6 LOT BLOCK SIZE_f N II. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING — All applicants complete Parts A — D A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE - For"Wrecking" most recent use m m 1 New building Residential Nonresidential 2 Addition(1/ residential, enter number 12❑� One family 18 ❑ Amusement, recreational of new housing units added, if any, Lr✓-}J in Part D, 13) 13 Two or more family - Enter 19 ❑ Church, other religious number of units- - - - -o- 20❑ Industrial 3 ❑ Alteration (See 2 above) 14 Transient hotel, motel, 4 ❑ Repair, replacement or dormitory - Enter number 21 ❑ Parking garage 5 F-] Wrecking (If multi family residential, of units ------- - -- 22 Service station, repair garage enter number of units in building in 15 Garage 23 ❑ Hospital, institutional Part D, 13) ❑ ❑ Office, bank, professional 6 F__1 16 Carport 24 Moving (relocation) 17❑ Other - Specify 25 ❑ Public utility 7 ❑ Foundation only 26 ❑ School, library, other educational B. OWNERSHIP 27 ❑ Stores, mercantile 6 [N Private (individual, corporation, 28 ❑ Tanks, towers nonprofit institution, etc.) 29 ❑ Other - Specify 9 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) C. COST (Omit cents) Nonresidential - Describe in detail proposed use of buildings, e.g., food processing plant, machine shop, laundry building at hospital, elementary 10. Cost of improvement,,,•,,•,,....... .) school, secondary school, college, parochial school, parking gorage for, department store, rental office building, office building at industrial plant. To be installed but not included If use of existing building is being changed, enter proposed use. in the above cost a. Electrical..................... : o�+ b. Plumbing ..................... ;J6;12 c. Heating, air conditioning........ <5 d6; d. Other (elevator, etc.)............ 11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT $ 000 III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING — For new buildings and additions, complete Parts E — L; for wrecking, complete only Part J, for all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS 30❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 40 ❑ Public or private company 48• Number of stories............... 31 0 Wood frame 41 � Private (septic tank, etc.) 49• Total square feet of floor area, all floors, based on exterior / 32 ❑ Structural steel dimensions ..................... 33❑ Reinforced concrete H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY 34 ❑ Other - Specify 42 ® Public or private company 50. Total land area, sq. ft. ........... # s 43 ❑ Private (well, cistern) K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES 51. Enclosed ...................... C F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL 35 ❑ Gas Will there be central air 52. Outdoors........................ conditioning? 36 � Oil L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY :3 37 ❑ Electricity 44 ❑ Yes 45 No 53. Number of bedrooms.............. 38 ❑ Coal 39 ❑ Other - Specify Will there be an elevator? Full.......... ;L - 54. Number of 46 ❑ Yes 47 [X No bathrooms Partial....... DEPT. OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS BUILDING ZO + ! 2112 Main Street oa Northampton, MA 01060 PERMIT 35 - 236 p VALIDATION DATE July 17, 19 86 PERMIT NO. 391 APPLICANT L.P. Audette ADDRESS lte oaf Rd. 237 INO.) (STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSE) PERMIT TO New Buildin g _ STORY Single FAmily Dwellin g NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS +1 (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) AT (LOCATION) 9 Bayberry Ln. , Tinkham Woods Subdivision ZONING CT SR (NO.) (STREET) BETWEEN AND (CROSS STREET) (CROSS__STREET) LOT SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE BUILDING IS TO BE FT. WIDE BY FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION (TYPE) REMARKS: permit for the construction of a new single family dwelling with attached garage AREA OR )CODOCKM 8160 sq. f t. ESTIMATED COST $ 110,000.00 PERMIT $ 696.00 VOLUME (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) OWNER Same as Applicant, IL Same at; aPP.L_LUUlILj6 gJR(y BY _Q ( ADDRESS 7T WHITE - FILE COPY . GREEN - FIELD COPY • CANARY ^ APPLICANT COPY • PINK - ASSESSORS COPY p}NT 1' } � � } � � ;\ . § } on U Z} ul <10 < CL: W z U. LLJ 0 LL Wi 0 < J < LLJ 04 w (-): : �Z. (n z lmuji 0 0 \ �9} ƒ� / �} § � O! c tn / } ^� ƒ �� � L LI: 60— cz tn C-4 tn 6. In �: o U Z -r- co cl LL