35-190 (2) � a Crzt� of Xort4ampton � d �txssxchnsetts W � t o ' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS f t INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 Sv AS A HOMEOWNER I UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE A BUILDING PERMIT FOR A HOME OR ADDITION I INTEND TO LIVE IN. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON. BEING A HOMEOWNER AND NOT A PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR IN NO WAY ABSOLVES ME OF ANY RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE THAT ALL FACETS OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS ARE COMPLIED WITH. Signature & Date C n C Cr1 .y tii a y o b O crnn Z 5 > � O b z d tri CD d y �f Zoning Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. \,��`3 30 Alterations _ a NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 3 0 19 %% Additions Repair APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Garage O �, K\0rC.V\C-e. t JV`� Lot No. 1. Location ��.'alv �C�tr}S Q� S Cr. 2. Owner's name k,�C Addresses CA-C, U A—C QO - 3. Builder's name Address 1~ Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. Expiration Date 4. Addition 5. Alteration 0X 6. New Porch 7. Is existing building to be demolished? 6 8. Repair after the fire In 0 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating .`'" I,j �- 11. Distance to lot lines 12. Type of roof 13. Siding house b 14. Estimated cost:- S G 0 G d The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his, her knowledge and belief. n XY �� Signature of responsible applicant Remarks PA YN, T�SHOP Date Filed/ r., - .fi � � File. No, ZONING PERMIT APPLICA'T'ION (910 . 2) 1. Name ,of Applicant: Adclx•ess ;lfaC, �1,./'; i ,P c7 Telephone: — —_ 2 . Owner of property: Address ;Zj :(. Art', Telephone: LAT 3 . ,Status of Applicant:2{ Owner contract Purchaser Lessee Other. (explain: A . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# Parcel; /go , Zoning District (s) (include erlay�� Street Address Requived . 5 Existing Probosed by., china Use of Structure/Property (if project 'is, only interior work, skip to 6) „ Building height ��31c1�1 . Coverage (Footprint) t - S.etk,acks - front - sidd - rear Lo t•'size Frontage Floor Area Ratio _. %OP en Space (Lot area minus building and parking) - Parkincl Spaces ._ -Signs —_._._.. Fill (volume & location) - 6 . Narrative Descri Lion• of Proposed Wo k Pro ect if riFcessary) p� p- / (Use additional sheets 7 . ..' Attached Plans : Sketch Plan Site Plan s . Certification: I ' hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date: Applicant ' s Signature: t\ _- _ - --,rHts s cTioN root o FzaiAZ vs oNI;Y i _ - - _ - ; Approve-d as �reserited/based on in•for'mation' presented D ilea as presented dasorl f c, Denial: . gna a of Bu g Inspector Date ,--" NOTE: Issuanco of a zoning pormil dons not rollovo an applicant's burdon to corn frorn Uw.Board.o(Flonnli, conaorvation Commission, Dopartmont of Public Works and oUUor al zoning Ilclooponnittgra, and otKalrt alt rv<�uirrd i;onn?is pp ponnit granting aulhoriUod. o � E � W cn .o ° o � � ,•� ►-� � U � c 'man � ° a Q. p 4.. 4. a.. er 4.. �■i� c� V� CJ � � sue. O � �. cu � y V 1�1 I O V wi.: L .r p •� .r 4 C O CZ cj cl r. res cd CS, +- +•+ �, O C4 ..fin C'r. Qm cjo � � = ; � m >� as h :3 c\J p cr el P:! v mow/ o= ice. U 46aAls Z F+ A r7 Q. r, Cl r°+ *.a A i�