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V � r APR ! ? 1984 DEPT.OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS NORTHAMPTON,MA,01060 a x s f n J 1i C� p Iwo t.cr.: ' q tJa11MNl C���, •t�s,a!/ o a 'ire.. �,/�/a Z.d»i�►� octal,� �r�s- o�vC v� a!o �i�roc. 'a'ivrr�, ,t-� d e.�►ra � � ! eZe.-35t* APR 12 1964 r�►e�cso g � �bTassacftusetts - DEPARTMENT OF BUILDrNG INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building Edward J. Tewhill Northampton, Mass. 01060 September 24, 1984 Mr. Robert E. Raciot 1 Pine Valley Rd. Northampton, Mass. 01060 Dear Mr. Raciot: We have been notified by Atty. William H. Welch that he no longer represents you per your zoning violations namely Automobile Repair Business, Junk Vehicles, and Junk Parts. Advice by return mail as to your progress in rectifying the above violations. Sincerely, Edward J. Tewhill Building Inspector EJT/ld 3c \ \\ /� \\\ \\ \\ �� �\ \ �\\ �\ \\ /\ \ \\ \ \\ V-4 3P \ \ \\ \ \\ � P r 6,201 625 576 - RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) sent to Mr. Robert Raciot C, °v, Street and o. co P Pine Valje y Rd. co P.O.,State and ZIP Code a North ton Ma. 010 CS Postage $ ; y Certified Fee a Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee V Return Receipt Showing °may to whom and Date Delivered C" Return receipt showing to whom, _) Date. and Adcicess of Delivery d TOTAL Pos{age'anq'Fggs - $ C5 Postmark.QrOate �{ 194 s %a rsNk,E, d y } \ f W\ ; ? o LU m IL « q � 0 a. , $ 6 § 2 m % f / & me @f o § W Q R » zm § o � e ■ Q « Q W k CN z @�k g « @ o�s.� e r�_© § �S ©2 0- - CC § qO w k tu-� e - CC—a: � �. « k o�■g , z-CIE 0. m _ �. . o # $ � z 3 SENDER:Complete Rees 1,2,3,and 4. Add your address In Ills"RETURN TO' space on reverse. �_ y �. (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 5 I. The to OW%smvke ie MQuaded(0180 one). Show to whom ad date awwomd " .. Q Slow to wham,date,and address of o*ary.. s 2. ❑RESTRICTED DELL VERY........................... t \ (Tae rd*A*d d0my In is dwrged to addNm a�rtp mwe mew tee.) VA TOTAL 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr Rober E. R ciot 1 Pine Va ley Rg Northampton, Mass. 01060 4. TYPE OF SERVICE ARTICLE iUMBER ❑REGISTERED ❑INSURED ZCERTIFIED ®COD P 620675576 ❑EXPRESS MAIL (Ahmp obWn signs ere of addresser#or spent} I have recafM IN article desulbod above. SiONA E rJAddressse OArrth"ed RY POSTMARK (may be on mvmss stew) S. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS tonty ff mqustw I. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 7a. EMPLOYEE'S INITIALS Ln 21. William H• Welch LAIN OFFICES, INC. 743 MAIN STREET ',RED CODE 473 NORTHAMPTON. M ASSACKU SETTS TEL. 584A368 OtObO September 13 , 1984 S� 1410 OM OF BUILD=MKCT1gNj& NORTHAMPTON,MA.020666 Tewhill lqr . Edward BUILDING INSPECTOR City of Northampton City Hal ton Mass • 01060 Northamp that Tewhil1 Mrs . Racicot longer . Dear Mx • 11 today from I had a ca t as their attorliey a ne else of want me to act going to get she did n I assume they Therefore,do nothing• truly Your s Very A t c WHO fw jy r 1 of Nart4mon � lltYSSacl�rsew DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 NOTICE l , ORDER OF AND TO ZONING ORDINANCE VIOLATION CEASE, DESIST, AND ABATE Mr./M,., r !���'c��E t2~t �. oCl y(' and all persons having notice of this order. As owner/occupant of the premises, located at Assessor's Map _ Plo t#0;r and known as you are hereby notified that you are in violation of the City of Northampton's ZONING ORDINANCE(s) ARTICLE(s) .SI ! p _, SECTION(s) S12. , and are ORDERED 'this date �C 1- ��- �7 $ � to: 1. CEASE AND DESIST immediately, all functions connected with this V1019tion, vu-ur at the above mentioned premises. summary of violation 2. COMMENCE within ( ) hours, action to abate this violation permanently within days summary of action to abate and if aggrieved by this order; to show cause as to why you should not be required to do so, by filing with Clerk of the City of Northampton, a Notice of Appeal (specifying the grounds thereof) within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this order. If at the expiration of the time allowed, this violation has not been remedied, further action as the law requires shall be taken. By order, INSPECTOR F VJILDINGS ZONING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER W a CC Q 2. Vl � W IL .r�.{ OT b � x •V co m r.r...�. m 41 O N N aj a E c w0 p co O m m 0 W .r CN > q N s cc °aE O c° s 0 N =Van gq�M=r Sid CI W V ? •aM��� ui Cc F.. 0 Ov`Ev'9BE O y Eg°/pg3mg z wag w RE dolt slow V ...- oei SENDER:—Complete Items 1, 2, 3,and 4. 3 Add;vur address In the"RETURN TO' SpacO On ravers®. _(CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 1 The following seroce Is requested(check one). Show to whom and date delivered............... 9 ❑St*w to whom.data.and address of deilvery.. a 2. ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY........................... e (Tire resrnctea de Nary fee Is dwged In Wfbi A)the refum MMW ree.I TOTAL 3� 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO' Mr. Robert E. Raciot 11 P' e V lley d. or Eton, Mass. 01060 4. TYPE OF SERVICE ARTICLE NUMBER 11 REGISTERED INSURED P620675571 MCERTIFIED ❑COD ❑EXPRESS MAIL (A;"wsys oWn signature of addM369 of agent) I have received the artlde desvibeu abM, SIGNATURE DAdd see 0AuthOH ant 5' E f ER'v FDS RI ^a - 8. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS(0,*9 requesbd C . _W 7 UNABLE TV DELIVER BECAU r" SE: TA. E 4 `S INITIALS m n ,a GPO:1862379593 o F, - zm 5 C3 m Ln rn -4 15 T° 0 P 820 675 571 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) Sent tAr. Robert E. Raciot m °v Street and No. w 1 Pine Valle 00 P.O.,State a d ZIP Code a Northam ton Mass. 010 0 CS Postage $ W * Certified Fee t a Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered c"I Return receipt showing to whom. rn Date,and Address of Delivery 6 TOTAL Postago-end Fees $ ID CD Postma�Da` �rt 4 E ,7 0 199 . �. Gig t ri. S-y s' (/^ to r of 'Tox#t ampton = DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building Edward J. Tewhill Northampton, Mass. 01060 March 13, 1984 Mr. Robert E. Raciot 1 Pine Valley Road Northampton, Mass. 01060 City Tax Map 35 —Lots 175 & 177 Dear Mr: Raciot: This office has received a complaint that you are operating an automotive repair business, storing junk motor vehicles and junk car parts and in general a junk yard, on your above listed lots. To our knowledge you have not received any licenses for any of the above mentioned situations. There- fore you are in violation of the City of Northampton Ordinances. Upon receipt of this letter, please contact this office either by first class mail as to your intensions in rectifying the above violations. Sincerely, // Edward J. iewhill Building Inspector EJT/ld , \ \ v : / \ � / a 2 2° 44 # ' / \ � 0 �Ol/ /ca / / !/ 7 / / / � % � . J ! BE - e g �f §f� ;� . � § ga � �� . - - 5"-_ § . - � � ■:� ■ 22 9 , 22 \\ E �� � ® 5AA$%ta ■ U. 2222� � § § � ■ = 77- � K u«ta� E � . 2 . . � / . fb SENDER: Complete ftems 1,2,and 3. o Add your address in tl:e"RETURN TO"space on reverse. 1. The following service is requested(check one.) 13 Show to whom and date delivered........... ❑ Show to whom,date and address of deWery..._,a ❑ RESTRICTED D[LIVi'RY m Show to whom and date delivered................_¢ ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom,date,and address of delivery.$_._._ (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 2. ARTICLE ADOREWED TO: m Mr. Robert E. Raciot -+ 1 Pine Valley Road M Northampton, Mass. 01060 rn 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: m REGISTERED MO. CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO. M P32 9187489 m (Always obtain tain s4mtura of addressee or agent) -4 I have received the article described above. n+ M SIGNATURE OAddressee OA or' agent O i Il ( �M L,21, a• oar ELiVERY POSTMARK IR 2 3 1� m sj S. AI713RESS tCor�tr,'.ete onH if nary 1 i�v r4 19� x S. tP ABLE TJ DELIVER Or-CAUSE: N GW 7,8' IMSSLS L s` *GPO.,1979-288.858 9 �' CD a f}ƒ/ E «« - - ~ 7\ gip» �_ \\{ 2 /\ } CD \ - - \ 77/\ \/ §w Fir ,\ \\ crw\� \\ \ \ 7/ crw M ID 9& . - §ƒ �\ !n--4 2 //! \~ \k/ §m \\ }�� k\ \ \\ \/ �/\ ,- 0=FL m/ - \\ƒ \ ƒ �» \\ \\ $/ \2\ /� rrp 3\ - ) ® \2w 2// \ - \k CD�/ o - - - \ k M-\ \ < \ . _ }7 s }M )n f 7ƒg . - I\ & \ k = \ -\ k CD P 3 2 . '? RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENTTO Mr. Robert E. Raciot STREET AND NO, 1 Pine Valley Road P.6--STATE AND ZIP CODE Northampton, Mass. 0106 POSTAGE $ CERTIFIED FEE ¢ W SPECIAL DELIVERY ¢ 5 oc RESTRICTED DELIVERY ¢ 1 LL pp y W SHOW TO WHOM AND ¢ r w U_ DATE DELIVERED Q �, u00i ti SHOW TO WHOM.DATE VA rn AND ADDRESS OF ¢ ' a o DELIVERY �- o w SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE DELIVERED WITH RESTRICTED ¢ DELIVERY \ c _----- i ----- SHOW TO WHOM,BATE AND ADDRESS OF DELIVERY WITH ¢ RESTRICTED DELIVE Y r _ TOTAL $ a POST TES F - A E w . ,... _ r CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS ry _ City Hall Q 210 Main Street D ' I 1 Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 JAN 12 X84 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 11 PT.of 586-6950 NORTHAMPTON. INSPECTIONS 1 David B. Musante,Jr. January 11, 1984 Mayor MEMO TO: Ted Tewhill, Building Inspector SUBJECT: Accessability of Pine Valley Road Per our phone conversation of January 10, 1984, it would be appreciated if you would speak to Mr. Raciot on Pine Valley Road regarding the proliferation of equipment and materials on his property that spill out onto Pine Valley Road. It has become difficult to plow this road with the above mentioned encumbrances in place. Sincerely, David B. Musante, Jr. Mayor City of Northampton cc: Bob Mimitz Pine Valley Road DBM:mm ; � �iffiC�Aft�f DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 Edward J. Tewhill January 11, 1984 Mr. Ro!)ert E. Racicot 1 Pine Valley Road Northampton, Mass. 01060 Dear Mr. Racicot: We have received a complaint from the Board of Public Works that you have vehicles parked in such a manner that they are interfering with the snow plowing operation on Pine Valley Road. Please have the vehicles removed immediately so this condition will be eliminated during future snow plowing. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, EDWARD J. TE HILL BUILDING INSPECTOR EJT/ld Q;itg of Corm nP#n • � ��sssc4ssctts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 G < 'l NOTICE ORDER OF AND _ TO ZONING ORDINANCE VIOLATION CEASE, DESIST, AND ABATE Mr.%�1Ya.' S• � �/ �x.�-c , and all persons havio.g notice of this order. As owner/occupant of the premises, located at Z�►'�-e- Assessor's Map ,3 5 Plot ° ,17 , and known as a you are hereby notified that you are in violation of,'the City of Northampton's ZONING ORDINANCE(s), ARTICLE(s) , SECTION(s) .�. , and are ORDERED to: sz 1. CEASE AND DESIST immediately, all functions connected with this violation, on or at the above mentioned premises. summary of violation 2. COMMENCE within 1�4 — ( ) hours, action to abate this violation permanently within 3p days summary of 1 ►� action to � , 4=f�s� abate and if aggrieved by this order; to show cause as to why you should na*_ be required to de so, by filing with Clerk c. the Ci tv cf "'.;Tth— amiDton, a notice of Appeal (specifying the grounds thereof) within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this order. If at the expiration of the time allowed, this violation has not been remedied, further action as the law requires shall be taken. By order, _ - - INSPECTOR OF BU DINGS ZONING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER @ > ® � m8 § � £ ) § �/ % § . . z rA f 2 ^ / J . % ) 2 a . E � - § , N � ® 'a / a 4-1 - 2 ® mmmummm� wE $ 2 ® $ o to W e ©mmumum--ft 2 41 / J d # � � Wt ! S + E - ( ` / Z / , w / o ® o a _ £2E ■ a ■ §5:;"M z -���2 no . & � . Mcr- �� ■. � ��_.. _ U. o■■{i.e z �-©.- _ ��a a. to Bk�k"k Jim ■#a£$ , s' � � � o SENOR: Complete ftems 1,2,3,and 4. Add your address In the"RETURN TO" space on reverse. (CONSULT POSTWIASTER FOR FEES) 1. The toliawing service Is requested(check one). Show to vrtwm and date delivered............... 4 t Show to wham,date.and address a delivery.. s 2. ❑RESTRICTED DELIVERY........................... (Tta mOtted drwery NO is ChWW hr addh0 M the mtum r eow Are.) TOTAL 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr. Robert E. Raciot 1 Pine Valley Road Northampton, Mass. 01060 4. TYRE OF SERVICE: ARTICLE NUM ❑REGISTERED ❑INSURED ry" O CERTIFIED D COD P 3 2 91874 ; } ❑EXPRESS MAIL (Always obtain signature of addresses or agent) W I have received the article described above. SIGNATU E ❑Addressee 0 rized agent 5. 1) Of ELIYERY POSTSiR !�+ tmey to an' n del — `/-7— r M 6. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS(0*a e A 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 7a. T S a i 9 n\\ \ %{JJ \{ (E/ m \\ ®::6 ® �� _ ]= e r� 5- <® »- - 2 - \k\ \m _ » \ƒ \ k k& 3\ \3 \® a � \/}\ \y \\ \� � \g &\\ ® �\ \ _ \/w \ 2k m \_ i» q� 2\} (` �§ - «c . k}\ k cD to me, w 2G # =3 - / O\\ \ ` ƒ _ o P32 v RECEIPT FOR CERThO .._ NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL�L�[ (See Reverse , C SENT TO Mr. Robert E. Raciot STREET AND NQ --_ 1-Pine__Valley Road P O.,STATE AND ZIP CODE Northampton, MA. 01060 POSTAGE $ CERTIFIED FEE s" ¢ �+ SPECIALDELIVERY W s RESTRICTED DELIVERY oc v� W SHOW TO WHOM AND 6 W W DATE DELIVERED f H y SHOW TO WHOM,DATE. w AND ADDRESS OF a DELIVERY 2 W +K SHOW TO t5 o WHOM AND DATE 1a DELIVERED WITH RESTRICTED c o = DELIVERY SHOW TO WHOM,DATE AND ADDRESS OF DELIVERY WITH 14D RESTRICTED DELIVERY TOT OSTAGE A►17"ES $- G, Q POSTm . A F6 --- � f �[aasacl�asetta N -= DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS — INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building ,o Northampton, Mass. 01060 Edward J. Tewhill May 30, 1984 Mr. Robert E. Raciot 1 Pine Valley Rd. Northampton, Mass. 01060 Dear Mr. Raciot: Reference Notice of Zoning Ordinance Violation mailed to you under date of April 4, 1984, with reference to your operating an automotive repair business, storing junk motor vehicles and junk car parts on your above property City Tax Map 35 Lots 175 & 177, Zoned SR. r As so stated on our above notice dated April 4, 1984, the thirty (30) day grace period to abate the violation has lapsed. However, we will extend the time period until June 11, 1984, to correct the violations. However, you have the right to appeal my decision to the Zoning Board of Appeals, within the extended period for their decision Sincerely, Edward J. ewhill Building Inspector EJT/ld \ c LL / §� t ca IL ` o ® \ � C) / 13 2 v & § N of a � 2 ; o (1) e \ ( 4J ■ ° z � i_ # 4 % 2 — p / = m �4 uj a men C14/ k V) )a@ « ■ o°s:.;f k k �k 2 . ■■2{c nO e � w ©C4 LU� w Z a ��_�: � cc _ ■.° � « » o 4i sa222, z Baas ; o r=.Marc 40 LU 'SRI-$ z �°0 00 �' » � 19r.3ER:Complete items 1.2.3,and 4. Add your address In the"RETURN TO" space of reverse. (CONSULT POSTtAASTER FOR FEES) 1. D bo wlnp service Is requested(0"one). to whom and data ddverod............... ❑Show 10 whom.date.and address of depvery.. ( , r�ierped k�edtlJdou \U� TOTAL �= 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr. Robert E. Raciot 1 Pine Valley Rd. Northampton, Mass. 01060 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: ARTICLE NUMBER ❑REGISTERS ❑INSURED P 620 6 7 5 63 CERTIFIED ❑COD ❑EXPRESS MAIL (AW W obtain s(pnature of addressee or spent) I have received the arfido described above. SIGNATUR []Addressee Autho M 5. 6. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS M*M 4. 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE � 1 �►GP0:16e237P669 cl CD zt 45 P 620 675 636 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) Sent to Mr. Robert E. Raciot v°°, Stre i a c1 No �1 �ine Valley Road co P.O. State and ZIP Code ci Northampton, Mass. 0106 d C1 Postage $ g o * Certified Fee `� r Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee t Retur .. ec J_/I to whom e i Return pt s `w3 00 rn Date, Addr elivery j m TOTA stage ees `$ LL o Postm or °w °' E LL a vAA j 9 S") Z 6 �20� oy (rxt�r of X'oxt4ampton � � �Iass>zcl�nsetts - Offire of the 31napertur of 'Puilbings _ W 212 Main Street•Municipal Building _- Northampton, Mass. 01060 COMPLAINT SHEET How received: Telephone ( ) O [ c� Complaint No. Personal ( Date: Letter ( ) " 2710 Time:91-5-1A..'M. P.M. Telephone No. Complainant's Name: Complainant's Address: Complaint received by: VIOLATIONS OF: ❑ Chapter 44 Zoning Ordinances, City of Northampton ❑ Chapter 802 As Ammended Mass. State Building Code ❑ Sanitary Code, Art.2 Complaint reported against: Name: mil," Tel. Address: Location of complaint: Map# Lot# Signature of Complanants: / /e Nature of complaint: Investigation: Yes ( ) No ( ) Investigated by: P DINT SH P r .� �. I C� v � � � �'� 1 ,� ,:�,, t - � � �' � - _ _ _ / A J ���%� _ G���"�J l r � �� `���� � ���� �� (� ..-> L S� CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 / OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 586-6950 David B. Musante,Jr. December 6, 1984 Mayor Mr. Ted Tewhill OGC Building Inspector 6 198Q 212 Main Street DEPT Northampton, MA 01060 OF U LUN No;iTH Dear Ted: i` I am again getting complaints from the people in the Pine Valley Road neighborhood relative to the junk cars, auto parts, old washing machines and other junk on the lawn and property of one Robert Raciot of Pine Valley Road. Ted, we have talked before about this situation. My sources tell me that it is getting progressively worse. This problem is one hell of a lot worse than that of Ed Gross on Hockanum Road because there are neighbors in the near vicinity of the Racicot property. By the way, you're doing a good job in a very difficult position and you and Al are to be commended. You only hear from me when there are problems and I apologize for that. You are reallv appreciated. Thank you for the advice relative to the Reverend Pagasz �use' on Route 66. It was good advice and Larry Smith is going to help him with the rezoning in order for him to qualify for a special permit. Sincerel , David B. Musante, Jr. Mayor City of Northampton DBM:mm G 00 �4 1