35-174 (15) 15 . In the design of parking lots serving uses located in
Business or Industrial Districts which provide more than
seventy-five (75) parking spaces, the expanse of pavement
shall be interrupted by separating rows of parking spaces
from each other and from driveways by using planting
strips which may also contain pedestrian sidewalks at
least six (6) feet in width. Provision of these required
planting strips shall take into account the need to store
snow, the need to locate light poles , the need to allow
safe pedestrian movement, the need to maximize emergency
access , and the need to separate different traffic move-
ments. Any modification to a particular parking lot
which caused the lot to exceed the seventy-five (75 ) car
standard shall cause the provision of planting strips to
be required in the entire lot. All proposals to construct
or modify such parking lots shall be reviewed by the
Planning Board in light of the requirements of this Section.
16. Fire lanes or emergency access points required for buildings
or other structures shall be protected from unauthorized
parking through the provision of curbs , mountable barriers ,
landscaped areas or such other improvements subject to the
approval of the Fire Chief and Chief of Police, which in
turn meets the objective of precluding parking in the
restricted area.
17 . No unregistered motor vehicle shall be parked, stored, or
otherwise placed in, on, or upon land in any district for
a period of more than six ( 6) months following the expira-
tion date of the registration of said vehicle except as is
hereinafter provided. No junk motor vehicle shall be
parked, stored, or otherwise placed in, on, or upon land
in any district for a period of more than thirty (30)
consecutive days except as follows:
a. Unregistered automobiles may be parked, stored, or
otherwise placed in, on, or upon land in a GB or HB
District where such storage is necessary to a new or
used car sales establishment and where such storage is
located on the same lot as the principal use or on a
lot immediately adjacent thereto but within the GB or
HB District.
b. Junk automobiles may be parked, stored, or otherwise
placed in, on, or upon land in a GB or HB District
where such storage is accessory to a business for the
repair of vehicles and where such storage is located
on the same lot as the principal use or on a lot
immediately adjacent thereto but within the GB or HB
District, provided that the storage area shall be
screened from outside view in a manner satisfactory
to the Administrative Officer.
Grxt� of Nort ampton T F
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INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building
William A. N i mo h ay Northampton, Mass. 01060
December 10, 1987
Mr. Michael Colby
30 Pine Valley Rd.
Northampton, Mass. 01060
Re: Complaint made concerning junk cars - 30 Pine Valley Rd.
Dear Mr. Colby:
Upon a visual inspection the complaint indicated is valid.
Northampton Zoning Ordinances Page 8-9, Paragraph 17, states as follows:
No junk motor vehicle shall be placed upon land in any district for a
period of more that thirty (30) consecutive days.
Previously you were cited for junk cars on June 23, 1987, July 27, 1987,
a letter was written asking you if you have rectified the violations. December
2, 1987, another letter of your violations was written. At the present time you
are still in violation of the Northampton Zoning Ordinances. Please respond to
our office at 586-6950 ext. 240 immediately or legal action will be taken.
A copy of the section out of the Northampton Zoning Ordinances is enclosed
for your reference.
Wil iam . Nimoh�y
Building Inspector
City of Northampton