35-016 (12) Tile Board had vietaed the site on February 28.
The meeting for ti-le purpose of making a decision on the
petition of Cmasta Bros . for a variance to construct a building
in an SR zone was called to order at 7 : 10 PM in the Council
Cizarabers , City Hall, by the Chairman, Charles W. Dragon.
The public hearing on the matter ;lad been advertised in the
Daily Hampshire Gazette on February 3 and February 10, 1976.
The minutes of that public hearing were read and approved unani-
The Chairman noted that while the petitioner contended that
the site in question was not suitable for residential use, the
property could in fact, be used for two building lots; that
there was no hardship affecting this particular parcel but not
affecting other parcels in thcaarea; and that granting the vari-
ance would derogate from the intent of the zoning ordinance
because people have the right to expect a degree of permanence
to the zoning ordinance. --
TMir. Brushway agreed with Mr . Dragon. In addition, he said
that the district is residential and the type of business proposed
for this property is not for a residential zone. He further stated
that the lots are excellent, not poor as the petitioner claimed .
In his opinion, the requirements for a variance have not been met.
,fir . Moggio agreed with the findings of the other two members.
The vote was taken resulting in a unanimous vote to deny the
The meeting was adjourned at 7 :25 PM. Present and voting
were Charles W. Dragon, Chairman; Armand Mo, gio and Thomas Brush-
way. Also present were Attorney Harley Sacks, Clare Fennessey,
Clerk, and a reporter from the Daily Hampshire Gazette.
Ch rles W. Dragon
C'z rman �
Armand 1 iioggio
ti omas Brushway
- 3 -
Continuing, Mr. Sacks said that Cmasta Bros, Inc. , a con-
struction company having several vehicles and presently renting
space to park them, has been plagued by damage to the vehicles
by vandals, and if a shelter cannot be provided , the company
will be 'forced out of business. The company has been unsuccess-
ful in its search for another suitable site for the proposed
building, and they would prefer to stay in Northampton. The
purchase of this particular parcel, on which the petitioners have
a buy and sell agreement, would allow the company to stay on a
competitive footing. Since the area is, in Mr. Sacks ' words ,
commercial, he claims that the proposed building would probably
be one of the best in the area, and would blend into the surround-
ing land . Fences, trees or shrubs would be provided if the Board
so states. Gravel could be used for dust control. Presently,
there is much vehicular movement in the area , and no increase is
The Chairman asked Mr. Buczala, present owner of the land,
if there has been any previous effort on his part to sell the
land . Mr. Buczala said that there had .Wt.
Mr. Sacks was then asked if the company had plans for the
remainder of the lot, and he said that it would be used for a
turning and parking area for the equipment.
Robert Conners, Clerk of Cmasta Bros . , said teat the company
is now using a rented site bordering the parcel in question, there-
fore the amount of traffic generated from the operation would be
the same. In answer to a question from the Chairman, Mr . Conners
believes that the gravel bank near the property will be operating
for some time.
Mrs. Robert Conners spoke in favor of the application, saying
that the building would add to the area.
Questioned by the Chairman about sewers in the area, Mr .
Conners said that there are no sewers, but that percolation tests
had been done three or four years ago. Mr . Mcggio said that he
believed that the laws on the percolation tests have changed since
Mr. Sacks said that there will be ample space between the
proposed building and the wetland area .
The matter was then taken under advis ment and the hearing
was adjourned at 9 : 30 PM.
2 -
j r
In re : Petition for variance by Gmasta Bros . , Inc.
This is the decision of the Board of Appeals of the City of s
Northampton on a petition filed by O.nasta Bros . , Inc. requesting
a variation from the requirements of Article V, Section 3 of
Chapter 44 of the Revised Ordinances , for the purpose of con-
structing a building forty by forty-eight feet, by approximately
t;venty feet in height and being a one story structure for an
office and storage of vehicles. The premises affected are located
on the easterly side of vest Farms Road , designated as Parcel 16,
Sheet No. 35 of the Assessors ' Plan and are known as the land of
Thomas and Ella Buczala .
The public notice on this matter was published in the Daily
Hampshire Gazette on February 3 and February 10, 1976. The Plan-
ning Department recommended denial of this application for the
following reason: type of business proposed for this suburban
residence district would be detrimental �.,to -the- neighborhood.
The Board of Appeals ' hearing was held at 8: 15 PM in the
Council Chambers , City Hall, on February 24, 1976. The Chairman,
Charles W. Dragon, presided. The other members present were
Armand Moggio and Thomas Brushway. Also present were Clare Fen-
nessey, Clerk, Attorney Harley Sacks, Mr. Buczala, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Conners , Norman Gorenstein of the Daily Hampshire Gazette,
and three interested citizens . There N.jere no objectors to the
petition present.
Harley Sacks of Norse and Morse, Attorneys-at-Law, represented
Ofnasta Bros . He showed a map of the land and described the site
of the proposed building, which, when completed , will have space
in the rear area for parking trucks, thus keeping the vehicles
hidden from view from the street. The parcel is bounded by a ceme-
tery, a wetlands area, open space, and a gravel removal operation.
Mr . Sacks acknowledged the fact that, given some dirt, a home can
be built anywhere , but contended that this particular parcel is not
suitable for residential use. He said that the composition of the
soil is rocky and scraggly, and that the area contained nothing
that would provide a pleasant view. He further stated that this
lot is unlike any other SR zoned land , and the proposed use would
not undermine the intent of the zoning ordinance.