32A-152 (12) TO : CHIEF PASSA DEPUTY CHIEF DRISCOLL BUILDING INSPECTOR PLUMBING INSPECTOR FROM : CAPTAIN STEVE CORBETT DATE : 6 DEC 97 RE : LP GAS VIOLATIONS AT 5 - 7 STRONG AVENUE 527 C1YR 6. 08: (1) (A) NO FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT WAS FILED FOR LP GAS STORAGE . 527 CMR 6. 07 (5) (a) LP GAS WAS USED AND STORED ON THE SECOND FLOOR . EVENTHOUGH THE HABITATION WAS IN THE ADJACENT BUILDING I AM NOT SURE WHAT TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION SEPARATES THE BUILDING SINCE THEY BUTT EACH OTHER . PEOPLE WERE SLEEPING ON THE OPPOSITE WALL FROM WHERE THE PROPANE TANKS WERE LOCATED . 527 CHR 6. ,06.- (1) NO OWNERSHIP OR EMERGENCY MARKINGS ON THE LP TANKS . NFPA 3-4. 3. I MUST HAVE PERMISSION FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO HAVE THESE LP TANKS IN THE BUILDING WHILE THE PUBLIC IS IN THE BUILDING . CO( PPM) Maximum - 565 @ ISAC Dec . 06, 97 Minimum = C"' @ 11 : 36 Dec . 06, 97 H2S (PPMI Maximum 3 @ 18140 Dec. 06, 97 Minimum 0 @ 1IL36 Dec . 06, 97 02M Maximum 21 . 5 @ 18 :OS Dcc, 06, 97 Minimum 1- . @ W139 Dec , 06. 97 LELM r Maximum 4 @ 18 : 19 Dec. 06, 97 Minimum 0 @ 11136 Dec . hi;., 9 Comment :: ~ CO (31 C51 co CD Ul / USER DEFINED CODES NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPT. FDID ;INCIDENT NO. ;EXP.NO. 'MO ;DAY ,YEAR ;TIME ;15214 ; 971808 ;00 '12 ;06 ;97 17 : 56 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1. FIRE/EXPLSION ;2. OVERPRES/RUPT � 1 � ---------------------------------------------------------- ---', 3. RESCUE/EMS ;4. HAZARD. CONDT ;CARBON MONOXIDE HAZARD 7 6 ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------' 5. SERVICE CALL :6. GOOD INTENT I 1 , 1 1 I _ ________________ I?. FALSE ALM/CAL '3. NAT DIS/MISC i 9. HAZMAT LEVEL ;10. WATER USED I 1 i * .---------_...---------------------- -___-------- ------------------------------------------ -- ' ' REMARKS NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPT ' For incident : 971808 Exposures OO DATE, 12/06/97 TIMEL 17 :56 . . WE RECEIVED A TELEPHONE CALL FROM THE MANAGER OF THE MEZZA LUNA RESTAURANT, WHO SAID THE OIL BURNER REPAIR PERSON ADVISED HER THAT THERE WAS A PROBLEM WITH A CHEMICAL ODOR' UPON ARRIVAL CAPTAIN HURLEY WAS INFORMED THAT THERE WAS A | STRUNG ODOR IN THE BATHROOMS. A CREW ENTERED THE BATHROOMS ' WEARING AIR PACS. THEY FOUND HIGH C. O. LEVELS IN BOTH BATHROOMS. THE LEVEL OF C. O. WAS ABOVE 100 PPM' A FURTHER CHECK OF THE BUILDING FOUND HIGH LEVELS OF C. O. IN THE | BASEMENT ( ABOVE 40 PPM. ) AND EXTREMELY HIGH LEVELS NEXT TO ' ' | THE BOILER THE HAZ MAT OFFICER (CAPTAIN CORBETT) WAS CALLED . | TO THE SCENE ALONG WITH THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. A FURTHER CHECK OF THE BUILDING REVEALED PROPANE HEATERS BEING USED TO DRY JOINT COMPOUND ON THE SECOND FLOOR' THE PROPANE HEATERS | WERE THE CAUSE OF THE MISM C U LEVELS AND ODOR IN THE / C. O. | BATHROOMS BELOW. THE C. 0' LEVELS IN THE BASEMENT WERE PARTIALLY DUE TO AN IMPROPERLY FITTING FLUE PIPE FROM THE BOILER WHERE IT ENTERS THE CHIMNEY. WHEN HIGH LEVELS OF C. O. WERE FOUND THE RESTAURANT WAS ' | EVACUATED AND THE FURNACE WAS SHUT DOWN ALONG WITH THE TWO | HOT WATER HEATERS' THE PROPANE HEATERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR WERE ALSO SMUT DOWN' THE BUILDING WAS AIRED OUT USING SMOKE EJECTORS. ONE PERSON WAS TRANSPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL VIA | AMBULANCE DC CHEVERETTE ' �*^*******^***�**^^*********^�*******�^***°***^**�^ | � Z (CAPTAIN CORBETT) ARRIVED ON SCENE ABOUT 1815 HRS. I TOOK MEASUREMENTS WITH THE TMX 412 METER IN THE BASEMENT. WHEN THE NATURAL SAS FURNACE CAME ON ALL THE PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION POURED INTO THE BASEMENT INSTEAD OF THE FLU PIPE INTO THE CHIMNEY. THE METER READ 981 ppm CO THEN MAXED OUT | AT 1000 ppm CO WHICH I5 THE LIMIT OF THE METER' IT I8 ' POSSIBLE ACTUAL READING WAS MUCH HIGHER. THE BOILER IS ABOUT 400, 000 BTU' S. THE TWO HOT WATER HEATERS ARE ABOUT | 166, 000 BTU' S COMBINED. ' , ' \ � TWO 100 POUND PROPANE TANKS WERE FOUND ON FLOOR TWO \ CONNECTED TO HEATERS' THE METAL HEATERS WERE ON THE WOODEN FLOOR' THERE WERE HIGH READINGS (ABOUT 175) ON FLOUR TWO' THE SECOND FLOOR WAS WELL SEALED AND THE WINDOWS WERE SHUT AND THERE WAS POOR AIR EXCHANGE IN THE AREA' | | IT APPEARED THAT THE RESTAURANT WAS SANDWICHED BETWEEN AN UPPER AND LOWER LEVEL OF CARBON MONOXIDE' THE PLUMBING INSPECTOR AND BUILDING INSPECTOR WILL BE AT THE BUILDING ON MONDAY IN THE A' M' | S CORBETT ' ______________________________________________________________ Page 1 MASSACHUSETTS FIRE INCIDENT REPOR`t Department of Public Safety Office of the State Fire Marshal �d�,' DEC 5 1010 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02215 ;` 10 FDID# DEPARTMENT Revised i H�p,ri �JRM ;a A 15214 NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPT - Report 2 ante M �„°W ' .. _. Incident# If Exposure Date Day of Alarm Time Arrival Time Back in Serv. 971808 Fire Only: 00 12/06/97 Week: Satrday 7 17 : 56 17 : 58 20 : 12 Type of Situation Found Type of Action Taken Mutual Aid B CARBON MONOXIDE LEAK 4 8 Remove hazard 4 1 Rec'd 2 Given Fixed Property Use (Occupancy) Ignition Factor N\A C Restaurant 16 1 Undeterm/not reported 0 Correct Address Zip Code Census Tract D 7 STRONG AVE_ 01060 821902 11 Occupant Name (Last,First,Mi) Telephone Room or Apt. E MEZZA LUNA ( ) — 12 Owner Name (Last,First,Mi) Address Telephone F DIPAOLA, ROBYN 96 RUSSEL ST HADLEY ( 413 ) 584-8000 13 Method of Alarm from Public Co. Inspection Shift No. Alarms G 587 1030/587 1031 1 District E—3 A 1 No. Fire Service Personnel No. Engines No. Aerial Apparatus No. Tankers No. Other Vehicles H Responded 5 Responded 2 Responded 0 Resp. 0 Responded 0 Hazardous Material Yes Substance Special Equipment Used? Present? X No 20 FIRE Number of Number of Number of Number of I SERVICE Injuries Fatalities OTHER Injuries 1 Fatalities Rescues Mobile Property Type Vehicle 1 Yes Estimated Total J Stolen? 2 X No Dollar Loss Insurance Co. Total Insurance Claim Paid 30 Year Make Model Color License: No. VIN#(Serial No.) 40 If Equipment Involved Year Make Model Serial No. In Ignition Complex Area Of Origin Equipment Involved in Ignition K Form of Heat Ignition Form of Material Ignited Type of Material Ignited L Method of Extinguishment Level of Fire Origin Number of Stories Construction Type M N 0 Extent of Flame Damage Extent cf Smoke Damage Detector Performance Sprinkler Performance G IF SMOKE SPREAD BEYOND Form of Material Generating Most Smoke Type of Material Generating Most Smoke 0 ROOM OF ORIGIN WEATHER Avenue of Smoke Travel R CONDITIONS Entries contained in this report are intended for the sole use of the State Fire Marshal. Estimations and evaluations made herein represent "most likely" and MEMBER MAKING REPORT DATE "most probable" cause and effect. Any representation as to the validty or accuracy of reported conditions out- DANA CHEVERETTE, DEPUTY CHIEF 12/06/97 side the State Fire Marshal's office, is neither intended nor implied. FIRE MARSHAL F.M. 1 Yes 2 No r y , MUTUAL INSURANCE • L M• COMPANY ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES OF MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 330 Whitney Avenue,7th Floor • Holyoke,MA 01040 Tel.:413-535-5060 FAX:413-535-5001 March 12, 1998 a Anthony Patillo a Building Commissioner � 1 3119% Zoning Environmental Office 212 Main Street FFEP 0f B1 111 Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Miriam Green vs. Mezza Luna D/A: 12/6/97; Claim # (not assigned) Dear Mr. Patillo: A.I.M.Mutual Insurance Company is the worker's compensation carrier for Mezza Luna Restaurant located at 7 Strong Street, Northampton, MA. Our insured informed A.I.M.Mutual that on December 6, 1997 employees of Mezza- Luna were exposed to carbon monoxide. While it is my understanding that Ms. Green is the only employee transported to the Cooley Dickinson Hospital via ambulance that evening, several other employees received oxygen outside of the restaurant from EMT's that arrived at the scene. Further, Ms. DiPaola, President informs me that your office is one of several that has conducted an investigation into this incident. I am requesting a copy of your report as well as copies of any test results and photographs taken that evening or thereafter. A.I.M.Mutual will be responsible for payment of your usual charge for such a copy. Should you have any questions regarding this request, please call me directly. Sincerely, t � + Dorothy Tat ian Regional Claims Manager 11 North Avenue P.O.Box 4070 Burlington,MA 01803-0970 Tel.:617-221-1600/ 800-876-2765 FAX:617-270-5599 222 Berkeley Street,Suite 1300 P.O.Box 763 Boston,MA 02117-0763 Tel.:800-782-6929/617-262-1188 FAX:617-262-7543 90 New State Highway,Raynham,MA 02767 Tel.:508-821-3100 FAX: 508-821-3570 255 Park Avenue,9th Floor Worcester,MA 01609 Tel.:508-754-7005 FAX:508-793-7828 SPONSORED BY ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES OF MASSACHUSETTS Incident Report April 6, 1998 Northampton Fire Department called me to the scene of Mezza Luna Restaurant for a report of high levels of carbon monoxide in the women's bathroom. The bathroom had been closed and aired out by the time I arrived at the scene. Deputy Chief Hurley indicated that the readings he had upon arrival were 433ppm. A test was conducted in which the furnace in Forbes Synder was run while readings were measured in the bathroom. The bathroom has a brick wall that was exposed during renovations of the restaurant and is adjacent to chimney that serves the furnace for Forbes Snyder. The levels of CO were elevated the closer the meter was to the wall indicating that the source of CO appears to be coming from wall. The levels were measured in the shwashing area immediately next to bathroom and no detectable levels were found except in women's bathroom. The women's bathroom was closed to the public. Previous history of this situation is as follows: I" call to this location was Saturday December 13, 1997. High levels of CO were detected in the women's bathroom. At this time it was discovered that construction workers renovating the floor above were using propane heaters to dry drywall joint compound and was determined that the tanks were located directly above the bathroom and that CO had seeped through openings in floor and entered into bathroom. The furnace room in basement of mezza luna also had high levels of CO. The flue pipe entering the thimble also was not grouted tight and was very loose fitting. Mezza Luna hired a contractor to grout the thimble and patch holes in ceiling of furnace room and install a door closer on furnace room door. 2nd call Mon. December 8, 1997 Delivery trucks were parked in rear near kitchen, door was open and high readings were detected in dishwasher area immediately adjacent to open door, Trucks were told to shut engines off, COklevels returned to normal. 3rd call December 13, 1997. High levels of CO were detected in women's bathroom. Plastic sheeting was installed to cover exposed brick in bathroom. The bathroom was cleared and aired out so that levels of CO were normal. The furnace was turned on in Forbes Synder and CO meter was placed so that readings could be taken in the area behind plastic, the readings immediately went off the scale for CO (above 300ppm). Forbes Synder was informed of this and had furnace serviced by Bay State Gas. The furnace was serviced by Bay State on Monday Dec 15a' . Forbes Synder also contacted a chimney contractor who looked at chimney and informed him that the chimney was lined from the thimble up and that the mortar in the clay liner was"cooked" meaning the mortar was crumbling and not tight at the seams of clay liner. There were no more calls for CO after furnace was serviced until Sunday April 5, 1998. ..:c.aY.+-r...aa u.E.+.:.u:...may. ..-,M.r.n.. yyy •...L.x:,.... Wr�.[{iRi!✓.iY:R'.i1r1%'iSw.' . 1 I have researched Mezza Luna and have concluded that the only source for the high carbon monoxide readings in the women's bathroom is your chimney and furnace. The problem must be corrected. A contractor should be contacted to analysis how to seal your liner and chimney to prevent and gases from escaping before they reach the top of chimney. Please contact this office within 10 days to let us know how you intend to correct the problem. If you have any questions please call me at 587-1240. Sincerely, Anthony Patillo Building Commissioner City of Northampton CC: Deputy Chief Bill Hurley,Mezza Luna 0 Mme, �gNwMP� e GrZt� of Warfhauiptan Z $ � �lassRChusctts - �e DEPARTMENT OF BUILD12,TG INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building '`>e Northampton,MA 01060 April 9, 1998 Forbes Snyder Business Products Inc. 15 Strong Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 Subject: Carbon Monoxide hazard to Mezza Luna Restaurant Dear Mr. Brinkley, The Northampton Fire Department has called me to Mezza Luna restaurant several times in the past few months with the reports of elevated readings of carbon monoxide within the restaurant . I have enclosed a log of my visits to the scene. The investigation that I have completed indicates that the source of the high readings of carbon monoxide that have occurred within the ladies bathroom at Mezza Luna are coming from the furnace located in the basement of your property. The contributing factors that allow this to happen are: 1. The furnace in your basement is connected to a chimney which is lined with a clay tile liner that starts at the thimble of your furnace and extends to the roof. The liner is in poor condition, the mortar that was used to connect the individual sections of the clay liner has deteriorated and no longer provides a tight seal. This condition allows carbon monoxide which should vent out and up the chimney to escape from the linen. The brick chimney is also in poor condition, the mortar is also deteriorated*.o that there are gaps allowing the gases to escape from both the liner and chimney. 2. The woman's bathroom in Mezza Luna is directly adjacent to the chimney serving your furnace. Under certain atmospheric conditions there is a negative pressure which makes it harder for gases to escape from your chimney. When this occurs the porous condition of the liner and chimney allow gases to be drawn into the building. The bathroom at Mezza Luna was renovated during construction and the plaster that was covering the wall in the bathroom was removed to expose the brick, unfortunately the plaster provided a barrier to the existing condition of your chimney and with it removed the carbon monoxide had a clear path to enter the bathroom. The fan in the bathroom contributed to this by drawing air from the room for ventilation and with the porous condition of the wall and your chimney and liner carbon monoxide was introduced into the bathroom. it would be assumed that the problem was caused internally at Mezza Luna Restaurant. In Andrew Church' s professional opinion after an internal inspection on April 9, 1998, of the chimney with lights and mirrors, he suggested the liner should be replaced to eliminate any possibilities that Carbon Monoxide gases could escape from our chimney. Any future incidents of Carbon Monoxide gases in the Restaurant would be caused by inadequate air movement or circulations created by the equipment and circumstances within the Restaurant. Very truly yours Lester G. Brinkley President LGB/ah cc : Deputy Chief Bill Hurley, Mezza Luna �fl S� 5.7 STRONG AVE. BUSINESS PRODUCTS INC. 300 TYLER S0 W.M PT 1-800-222-4064 413-5 4 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01061.1269 PITTSFIELD,MA 01201 NORTHAMPTON FAX 413-584-4116 (413)584.7072 (413)443-9027 PITTSFIELD FAX 413.448-2280 April 16, 1998 F City of Northampton AM I 7 Dept. of Building Inspections 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 ATTN: Anthony Patillo Subject: Carbon Monoxide Lear Mr. Patilio: This letter is in regards to your letter dated April 4 , 1998, providing notification that the Carbon Monoxide gas incidents causing hazardous conditions at Mezza Luna Restaurant, 5 Strong Avenue, was contributed in part from the chimney in the common wall between Forbes Snyder Business Products and Mezza Luna Restaurant. The chimney from your investigation requires installation of a new liner to prevent gases from escaping from the chimney due to the porous conditions of the present chimney liner. A contract has been negotiated with Andrew Church, D.B.A. Chimney Saver of Western Mass . , to remove the existing liner and replace it with a new liner and to repair the chimney as required. This work is scheduled to commence on April 17 , 1998 with a completion date of April 20, 1998 . I would like to call your attention to the Incident Report dated April 6, 1998, Situation #3 December 13, 1997 ; indicating high levels of Carbon Monoxide detected in the women' s bathroom of Mezza Luna Restaurant. Forbes Snyder did contact. Andrew Church (Chimnev Saver of West. Mass . ) , since in your opinion the chimney was not lined and gases were leaking from the chimney. However, after the chimney was inspected on December 15, 1997 and in Mr. Church' s opinion, the chimney was lined and the only problem that was determined from this inspection was that the chimney above the roof level needed to be rebuilt, but no immediate urgency was required since he did not believe the Carbon Monoxide gases were coming from our chimney. Arrangements were made to have the chimney repaired in the early spring. Approximately 4 months lapsed between the incident in December and the incident in April before Carbon Monoxide gases were detected in Mezza Luna Restaurant. This time period was the coldest time of the year and the furnace was running more frequently than any other time of the year. However, no incidents occurred during this time period and