29-064 (7) dq-0
City Ralf- 2i o Main Street,Room ii • Nortbampton,MA o i o60-3 i 98 - (413)587-1266 - Fax:587-1264
ova^ WaNneFeiden,Director-email:planning@ cit2g.northampton.ma.us-internet:wwwnortbamptonplanning.org
September 15, 2000 SEP 1 5 2ft
Donald Sca g el nr�``' ��f' `�,fps�
31 Gilrain Terrace
Northampton, MA 01062
Dear Mr. Scagel:
I have reviewed your plan, submitted September 11, 2000, for the artificial recharge system on
your property that is required as a condition of your Special Permit with Site Plan granted
January 24, 2000. Your plan does meet the requirements in our code for infiltration. You must
install this system within 30 days as you have already exceeded the timeline granted to you in the
Special Permit for this project (June 24, 2000 was the expiration date of this permit).
Please submit proof to the Office of Planning and Development that this system is in the ground
on or before October 15, 2000. Such proof may be in the form of receipt of payment and
signature from your contractor showing completion of this project.
This letter approving your plan for the proposed infiltration system,which is required by your
Special Permit, in no way addresses any other actions or enforcement that the City has pending
with you.
Carolyn Misch, AICP
Senior Land Use Planner/Permits Manager
cc: Joe Cook, Assistant City Solicitor
Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner
planning board -conservation commission -zoning board of appeals -housing partnersyip -redevelopment authority -northampton GIS
economic development -communitNdevelopment-historic district commission -historical commission-central business architecture
original prim tea on recgcleapaper