29-045 (7) o BUSINESS CERTIFICATE ZIIlle (9m=nnwea114 of Anomr4usrtts •--•-•-••-CI-�Y CF.. ORTHAMPTON._....... - Filed September 26, 1979 HAMPSHIRE, SS. ...._..Sep-tembar__24.................19-7-9... In conformity with the provisions of Chapter one hundred and ten, Section five of the General Laws, as amended, the undersigned hereby declare(s) that a business under the title of........................................ .............................N_utxit_ion..Consulting_ S.ryices--------------- ........... ...... ... .......__ ... .. __. . _.. . _. ____ _ . .._. _......is conducted at Number .................................... ----------lE-__Center Street -----•.. ......... 302, ----------- ---------------- ............................Northampton----------------------------- ------­---------- CITY OR TOWN by the following named persons. FULL NAME RESIDENCE ----Constance__K.___Allen------------___-------------- 23 Pioneer_..Knolls , _Florence_, MA 01060 ------------------------------- ------------------------- -----•----• ........................ --------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ..---.......------ ---- ------------------------------------------- ..................... ............. --...-------- Si ed ---------_--------- ---------------------------------------------- (SIGNATURE) (SIGNATURE) ........................................................................ ........................................................................ (SIGNATURE) (SIGNATURE) c'7t p Tomnwnwexlit( of Maosar4nortis HAMPSHIRE t - ----...-••----_..ss. ....S.epte-tr1�.eX'...24 - 19.7-9--- Personally appeared before me the above-named........................................................................ Constance K. Allen ------------•-•--------------•-•-•-----•--------..._......------....----._.............._...._.............------------------------............---------•-•--........----- -•------ --------•-------•-•-----------••--------------•-------------.................................................................. --------•---•-•-----------.......--------............. and made oath that the foregoing statement is true. ...... .. ............. (Seal) (Andrew J. S gel) My..commi5sion expires : .........Notary Public..................... April 24 , 1981 TITLIF FORM 486 HOBBS Q WARREN, INC.. PUBLISHERS, BOSTON, MASS. 02101 33A� . ,. ., . . . r: . , N � _ r. r �. _ "t ry . .. s ., x .. .. fi.. .. .. n .'^e .., � ., y ... .. .. t. .: �:...... ., ,.,. Edward J. Tevhill February 25, 1981 Constance K. Allen 23 Pioneer Knolls Florence# Ms. 01.060 Door Me. Allen: This office has been notified that you are operating your business, Nutrition Consulting Services at 23 Pioneer Knolls, Florence, Ms. 01060, City Tax Map 290 Lot 45. As your business license to operate 1�utrition Consulting Services was issued on September 240 1979 to 16 Center Streets Northampton# and zoned Central Business# the business use was allowed by the City Ordinances. Ww" However, as you are now operating the business at 23 Pioneer Knolls* Flovencts Vass. , you are in violation of the City Ov- dinances adopted July 22, 1975O and amended April 28 and Dec. 6 0 1979. Wenty three Pioneer Knolls is zoned URA. In order to operate a businessg a variance is required for approval by the Zoniog Roar of Appeals. At your earliest conveniences please contact thit otfice. Very truly fours, Edward J. Tewhill ASSISTAW WALDIFr- WSPECTUM, EJT/lp 41 '00" _ _ .� _ ., �. ��• � s � - .,.. �., - �,. y. .... Edward J. Tewhill February 25, 1981 Constance K. Allen 23 Pioneer Knolls Florence, Ms. 01060 Dear Me. Allen: This office has been notified that you are *peratirg your business, Nutrition Consulting Services at 23 Pioneer Knolls, Florence* 'Na. 01060, City Tax Map 290 Lot 45. As your business license to operate Nutrition ColisultIng Services was Issued on September 24, 1979 to 16 Center Street, Northampton,, and zoned Central Business, the business use was allowed by the City Ordinarces. However, as you are now operating the business at 23 Pioneer Knolls, Florence, Mesa., you are in violation of the City Or- dinances adopted July 22,, 1975, and amended April 28 and Dec. 69 1979. Twenty three Pioneer Knolls is zoned URA. In order to operate a business, a variance is required for approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals. At your earliest convenience, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Edward J. Te-whill ASSISTANT BUILDING INSPECTOR EJT/lp