35-094 a A► CITY OF NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN POLICY The purpose of this policy is to establish the guidelines, procedures, specifications and conditions associated with sanitary sewer force mains that will become the responsibility of the Department of Public Works(DPW). The following conditions shall apply: 1. All information associated with the entire force main system shall be submitted by the applicant to the DPW for approval. The information shall include, but not be limited to, technical specifications of every system component, capacity of system, operation of valves, pumps and other controlling mechanisms, installation procedures and detailed testing protocols. 2. If the force main system is part of a proposed subdivision, its installation and inspection shall conform to the City' Subdivision Rules and Regulations in addition to the conditions stated in this policy. In all other cases, its installation and inspection shall conform to applicable Rules and Regulations of the DPW in addition to the conditions of this policy. 3. Force main systems shall be designed so that individual pump chambers shall be located outside the street layout. Curb stops and check valves shall be installed at the property lime. 4. No connection to the common force main system shall be allowed unless a "Municipal Sewer Availability" and "Residential or Commercial Building Sewer Application" are submitted and approved by the DPW. Attached to these documents shall be the technical specifications, manufacturer's name, model and rated capacity of the proposed pumping system. 5. Prior to the replacement or upgrade of any existing pumping system, the information requested in Item 4 above must be submitted to the DPW for approval. 6. Pumping chambers on private property shall be accessible at all times. The DPW has the right to enter said property at any time for the purpose of examining the pumping station for compliance with the regulations stated in this policy. The DPW will not be responsible for damage to any plantings or landscaping placed over or in close proximity to the pumping chamber access. 7. A red light indicating system problems/failure shall be installed outside every structure connected to the force main system. Said light shall be clearly visible from a vehicle traveling on the adjacent roadway. 8. It is the responsibility of every owner of a property/structure that is connected to the common force main to insure that all components of their service line are functioning properly and in accordance with the approved submittals. 9. Any violation to this policy may cause the service line of the structure in question to be shut-off at the curb stop. In addition, if the violation causes damages to either the common force main or to adjacent structures connected to the system, the responsible party shall bear the cost of all repairs and claims associated with said violation. 10. The DPW will become responsible only for the components of a sanitary force main system located within the layout of a City accepted street. Acceptance of a street can only be approved by the Northampton City Council. Adopted.by the Board of Public Works on May 14, 2003. C:\Policies\SanitaryForceMainsApril2003 i � �jy MUNICIPAL SEWER AVAILABILITY Northampton Streets Department �ijj- 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 i `' i 587-1570 I Location: nn rs�-^ 5 Cahillane Terrace � Inquiry Made By: Joan Larkin 413-586-0438 Date of Inquiry: May 12, 2003 Municipal Sewer Main in Front of Location: Yes x No Size of Sewer Main: 8" Material: PVC Age: Depth of Sewer Main: 8' Size of Service Connection: 6" PVC Comments: Sandy Gravel - 6 feet ._of cover 30.5' from left corner of house...., X54.5' from right corner of house � STUB 26 feet from Pole 18 26 feet from main A corresponding"sewer entrance fee"shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal sewer system. Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Streets Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. All work shall conform to Northampton Streets Department specifications. d, 0 Joseph omas, S permtendent Streets Department cc: Ned Huntley, Asst. City Engineer Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector