29-005 (2) f ' � m� a 'Y'1 •m e � a 7 N d a e Erection........................... Alteration...................... Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repair......»......... .... ....( ) Repainting....................( ) before a permit will be granted, Removal................... Titv of A"ort4anyton, 'Mayo. Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) F E E.fbU. PAGE. . . PI.OT..:S�. Northampton, Mass.............. ........... r..Jjy.E x:5................19.. .. ..... To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME....... ....l..l.f.-1........... 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. ......2...��........ 4.0.6Z.1.1r.N..GS.................�.............r ......... .c t:. . . r.4. ................ 2. Owner's name................L.!..rrt........ ?l i '.Z .:......... .f . .rLC.t�............�.l�tcfR.P.....,G,. 3. Owner's address........... .........ly.s..........1.9..fp.Q.uz.......................................................................................................................... 4. Maker's name.........................:14P..N...... s 1_ .. .�.......................................................................................................................................... 5. Maker's address....................... Ift.xri.. �..�?...... l?I�f............................................................................................................................. 6. Erector's name........................ .................L..:...... ? /. h.ts..N..................................................................................................... 7. Erector's address....................��A„!?. ......(... ........... c;kcf ........t '.Qr.�E................................................................................ SIGN KIND OF SIGN 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated..................non-illuminated......i ../... (Designate) 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door?...........v... Marquee............................... 3. Lower edge wiI1 be....... ......ft.....�2.........ins. above the public way. Proj ecting.................................. 4. Upper edge will be...... ........ft.......!:........ins.above the wa ublic Roof................................................. p Y• 5. Height....... ......ft..... '..........ins. Width.....(..........ft..... ...........ins. Temporary................................. 6. Face area-2.#......sq. ft. Wall.............'..... ........................... 3 5” {��.�t Ground.......� .......................... 7. Inner edge will be.....»...........ms from the build_ing or pole. 11M6 Other.............................................. 8. Outer edge will be....5..............ins. from the building or pole. 9. Face of building or pole is.6-.-..l��.ixts.back from the street line. 10. Sign will project..................ins.beyond the street line. G"r 11. Sign will'extend..................ft...................ins.above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed? Frame........ ........................ Face....w..`. "..r�........................... , 13. Estimate cost..,�?..�:- The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner or Agent) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth P i�t P CLEARLY and FULLY. tiAMp CITY OF NORTHAMPTON �► MASSACHUSETTS +d INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS r DATE June 15, 1988 Y 1 SIGN PERMIT PERMIT NO. 160 PERMIT FEE$ 10.00 BUSINESS FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH ADDRESS 219 FLORENCE ROAD, FLORENCE OWNER RICHARD PAASCH, PASTOR ADDRESS 219 FLORENCE ROAD APPLICANT JOHN SEIGEL ADDRESS W. HATFIELD PERMIT TO: ERECT A 41311 X 6'3" WALL SIGN MADE OF WOOD ESTIMATED COST$ 350.00 BUILDING DEPT. e�_ BY s.