29-005 Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals
Public Hearing on Application of Faith Baptist Church
Aujus t 14, 1984
The Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on August 14, 19h4
in the Council Chambers, Municipal Office Building, on the variance request of
Faith Baptist Church (Richard L. Paasch, Pastor) under the provisions of
Section 8.10, Page 8.7, of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton for
the purpose of postponing blacktopping of their parking lot in conjunction of
building a church at 219 Florence Rd. , Florence.Present: Chm. Buscher, P. Laband
and K. Sheehan.
The Chairman read the public notice as it appeared in the Daily Hampshire
Gazette on July 31 and August 7, Section 8.10 of the Zoning Ordinance and advised
those present of their right to appeal .
Correspondence: The Chairman read a memo from L. Smith on behalf of the
Northampton Planning Board and comments from Mr. Smith.
,Rev. Paasch stated that the reason for the requested delay in blacktopping
their parking area is that the church wishes tooperate on a cash basis, pay-as-
they build basis and intend to finish the blacktopping after the interior work is
completed (approximately 2-3 years) on their new church building. He stated that
he has received no adverse reactions from the aubtters and stressed that the lot
has good drainage because of the sandy soil conditions and the gradual sloping
off into a stream approximately 800' beyond the property. He also foresaw no
problems with plowing.
He stated that they intend to use a trap-rock type surface, which will be easy
to maintain.
P. Laband expressed his feelings that the gravel solution may, in fact, be
a better solution than blacktopping.
R. Buscher suggested that if the variance is granted than two conditions
be imposed: 1) That a black-top apron be constructed from the City-maintained
black-top to 10 feet inside the property line going towards the church building,
2) That the variance be restricted to a three-year period.
It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to adjourn the public hearing
at 8:55 p.m.
P. Laband, referring to criteria for a variance, found that the soil conditions
��-- and ) are particular to the area, which does not effect the district; that literal
r ement would cause financial hardship in that the church does not wish to incur
a bt; that there is no detriment to the public good and the requested use does
no a rogate from the intent of the Ordinance.
co Sheehan found that the soil is unique; that there would be a financial
'`. N ha ip; that by granting the variance, it is not detrimental to the intent of
� �th finance.
�i Buscher concurred noting that this is a non-profit organization maintaining
elf with a minimal amount of debt.
The following conditions were imposed: 1) That a black-top apron be constructed
from the City-maintained black-top to 10 feet inside property line going toward the
church building (in order to prevent gravel from being carried onto City-maintained
road) and 2) That the variance be restricted to a three year period.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to grant the variance.
Present in addition to those mentioned was J. Parker, Board S crd' ary.
Robert C. Buscher, Chairman
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I; 1
i� At a meeting held on August 14, 1984, the Northampton Zoning Board of
Appeals voted unanimously to grant a special permit request with conditions
to Faith Baptist Church (Richard Paasch, Pastor) to construct a parking area
to be graveled rather than paved in conjunction with the construction of
their building at 219 Florence Road, Florence.
The findings were as follows:
' Dr. Laband, referring to criteria for a Variance, found that the
soil conditions (sandy) are particular to the area, which does not
I effect the district; that literal enforcement would cause financial
hardship in that the Church does not wish to incur any debt; that
there is no detriment to the public good and the requested use does
not derogate from the intent of the Ordinance.
Ms. Sheehan found that the soil is unique; that there would
be a financial hardship; that by granting the variance, it is not
detrimental to the intent of the Ordinance. f
I 4
Mr. Buscher concurred.
The following conditions were imposed:
1. That a blacktop apron be constructed from the City-
, maintained blacktop to 10 feet inside the property
1 line going- towards the church building.
I� 2. That the Variance be restricted to a three-year period. fi
4 f
Robert C. Buscher, Chairman
Kathleen Sheehan
AUG 2 8 1984
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INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building %,,, %11 '
Northampton, Mass. 01060
Bruce A. Palmer
August 21 , 1989
Pastor Richard Paasch
219 Florence Road
Florence, Mass. 01060
Re: Faith Baptist Church
Dear Pastor Paasch:
This Department has become aware of a variance issued for a three(3) year period,
starting August 14, 1984 for the purpose of not paving the parking lot at 219 Florence
Road, Florence, Mass. As the three (3) years has elapsed either the lot must now be
paved or an extension must^applied for with the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Please notify this Department within fourteen (14) days as to your intent in this
Bruce A. Palmer
Inspector of Buildings
City of Northampton