35-010 (3) gillr n.f all _- ar iB ylixsenrl�uurlla a �� D1.1MATM8INT 01+ DUIGDINO INSP-MYNONS — r • INSP6C1'OR 212 lYtain Street A2u�iicipal 13ulldin� '' Northampton, TN1a8 s, 01000 AS A HOMEOWNER I UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE A BUILDING PERMIT FOR A HOME OR ADDITION I INTEND TO LIVE IN , I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CI'T'Y OF NORTHAMPTON. BEING A•HOM5OWNER AND NOT A PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR IN NO WAY ABSOLVES ME OF ANY RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE THAT ALL FACFTS- OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS ARE COMPLIED WITH. ti Date Filed — - File No', . ZON'NG Z Itrd1:T APPLICATION 7,0 ni11CJ ord111L11)CO SCJCti.On 10 . 2 ] Name of Anl.i.cant ; � Address ; i i• c '�ele hone ; rn p 2 , Owner. of Property Address ; T� T Telephone ; 3 , St�atus, oi' AIZ01 a.c<�nt: ; o',mer _Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (e.xplai.n __ ) q , Parcel Identi-f'ication ; Zon,i Map Sheet,_ Parcel# zoning District; (s) Street Address 5 , Compliance' with zoninU ; r �istin _ Proposed Use of Structure/Property C'VA G Size of Structure (sq . ft , ) Building height �- k Building coverage Setbacks - front side _. {a. - rear ��+r7 ZE -;T ` Lot Size —° Frontage Floor Area Ratio °s Open Space Parking spaces Loading Spaces Signs ' Fill (volume & Location) 6., Narrati�ie Description of 'P r. onos0d Work Pro ect ; (Use , additi,dnal sheets if necessary) �s 7 . Attached Plans ; Sketch Plan Site Plan 8 , certlfiea�ion ; T hereby certify that the 'irt axmation, contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my owledge , Date ; Applicant ' s signature ; THIS - SECTION CTIONFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY:- - - - _ ✓`-'Approved as presented Denied as presented Reason for Denial ; Signature Of Building :[nspeCtor'- Date. �/ o C � t7 b O r 7d > OZ G y.� '� a y Q V i+ O O. N b Z d O Crl n y � W Zoning a Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. T 1.No. Alterations go NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 19 Additions APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Repair Garage 1. Location �� 7� nrru1 S A jD alt, I�V1i4S5 Lot No. ,� y 2. Owner's name 0�y ?. l FACT u-y)mn Address rWS ,R , /Ui'1I' uK 3. Builder's name Address Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. Expiration Date 4. Addition Alterft6op 6. New Porch 7. Is existing building to be demolished? 8. Repair after the fire 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating 11. Distance to lot lines 12. Type of roof 13. Siding house 14. Estimated cost:- /00 The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his, her knowle ge and belief. �j U4 0. V *-� Signature of responsible applicant Remarks PHINT^SHOP o�yy ti o O •� � a b1) a� cd Cl �--+ N M I •Q •Q � � •C O C O ON G C o 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 tx Q 0. ►-� � o o v�n c� C7 0 .0 CD �+ `r/ �' 3 a a •° .� �wee„ � L � bn .y V >4 U � > A > p Ca GYa G� Q OJ CC E •A L p v Qj ►�-1 3 � � O C � T1 O G � � G. a u wdp�an* z ir) C .0 p 0. cn A O f. •� c�cl U