35-005 (35) No. �� � FEE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSAC USLTTS Board of Health, ' ✓ " CERTIFICATE OF C®M IANCF Description of Work: ❑Individual Component(s) omplete System The under ' n hereby certify that a Sewa a Disposal Sys em; Co tructed ( ),Re air d ( ),Upgraded ( ),Abandoned ( ) by: �f' LA at �^ � has been installed in accor anc with the o ' ion of 31 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the roved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No. 7" , dated Approved Design Flow gpd) Installer- _ Designer: s Inspector: Date: The issuance of this perrrut shall not be construed as a guarantee that the tern will function as designed. rL