13-035 (3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY PLAN 2. Preliminary Home Energy Rating Results Based on the assumptions described above, we have calculated the following Preliminary Home Energy Rating results. Preliminary HERS Index:57 Preliminary Improvement Over 2012-2013 v2 Massachusetts Reference Home:32.2% ENERGY STAR HERS Index Target: N/A Note that Confirmed Home Energy Rating results may vary from the Preliminary Home Energy Rating results due to changes in building plans, energy features installed in the home, RESNET standards, software changes, and other factors. 3.Services Requested CET will provide a Confirmed Home Energy Rating for the purpose(s) indicated below. CET will charge fees for these activities based on the Price List attached to your Home Energy Rating Services Agreement. ®Stretch Energy Code compliance ® Mass Save Residential New Construction Performance Program Incentives—Tier I or II ❑ Mass Save Residential New Construction Performance Program Incentives —Tier III ❑ ENERGY STAR version 3 certification As part of these services, CET will verify that your home meets all the requirements listed in the attached Program Description. 1 have reviewed and understand this Energy Efficiency Plan. I have reviewed the assumptions in part 1 and confirm that the assumptions are correct. Signature: Date: Printed Name: Company: CET Internal Use Only HERS Rater.,John Saveson Date of Preliminary Rating:12117113 REM/Rate File Name:13-408370 N.King St Northampton plans.blg Form v2013-02-20 Page 2 of 2-Please send signed form to the Center for EcoTechnology Tel(413)586-7350 ext.242-Fax(413)586-7351 -greenhomeC2cetonline.org LU CENTER FOR c T chnolcc� we make green make sense- ENERGY EFFICIENCY PLAN Project Address: 370 North King St, Northampton, MA Conditioned Floor Area 648 sq ft Building Type Single Family Detached Accessory Apartment Bedrooms 1 1. Assumptions for Preliminary Home Energy Rating CET has completed a Preliminary Home Energy Rating with the following assumptions: a) The construction plans you have provided are accurate, including window dimensions and locations. b) Energy features not listed below in part c will meet the prescriptive requirements of the IECC 2009. c) The home will be built to incorporate the following energy features: BUi[dingnvelol�e Specifications Used in Analysis Basement Condition Over Unconditioned Garage Foundation Wall Insulation Type= N/A R-Value= N/A Garage Ceiling Insulation Type= 14" Dense-Pack Cellulose R-Value=49 Above Grade &Walkout Walls Insulation Type = Dense-Pack Cellulose R-Value= 19.3 Grade=2 Windows U-value = .26- .28 SHGC = .26- .28 Exterior Doors R =5.0 Ceilings Insulation Type = 18"Cellulose (flats), 15"Cellulose +2" Pol isoc anurate(slopes) R-Value=67 Blower Door Test* 3.0 ACH50 or better* Thermal Enclosure Checklist Sections 3 5 Meet ALL Checklist Requirements as verified by a HERS rater at pre- drywall and final inspection *The 2009/ECC requires a blower door test result of 7 ACH50 or lower. The number listed here requires significant improvements in air sealing beyond the base energy code. Mechanical) Syst Specifications Used in Analysis ems- Heating Equipment T e: High Efficiency Ductless Minis lit Efficiency: 10 HSPF Cooling Equipment Type: High Efficiency Ductless Minisplit Efficiency:20 SEER Water Heating Equipment Type: Propane On-Demand Efficiency: 95% Duct Location N/A Whole House Ventilation (ASHRAE 62.2) 20-25 CFM, 12 watt exhaust-only bath fan, less than 1.5 sones, rated for continuous use, with 24 hr digital programmable timer L�ghtlng=&AppttanCes Specifications Used in Analysis Lighting 80%or more compact fluorescent bulbs Refrigerator Energy Star Certified kWh per year or less Dishwasher Energy Star Certified Energy Factor=or better Page 1 of 2 ;ity of Northampton Mail -370 North King St https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&i1--39211afc3d&view�t&se... ' . Charles Miller<cmiller @northamptonma.gov> 370 North King St 1 message Jeffrey Gougeon <jeff @gougeonbuilders.com> Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 9:30 AM To: Chuck Miller <cmiller @northamptonma.gov> Chuck, These are the fire protection plans I'd like to use and attached is the energy rating. From TABLE 720.1 Walls, 14-1.31, m 2" x 4" wood studs 24" on center with sis" Type X gypsum wallboard applied vertically or horizontally nailed with 6d cooler or wallboard nails at 7" on center with end joints on nailing members. Stagger joints each side. Garage Ceiling, 21-1.1 Base layer 518" Type X gypsum wallboard applied at right angles to joist or truss 24" o.c. with 1 1/4" Type S or Type W drywall screws 24" o.c. Face layer 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base applied at right angles to joist or truss through base layer with 1 718" Type S or Type W drywall screws 12" o.c. at joints and intermediate joist or truss. Face layer Type G drywall screws placed 2" back on either side of face layer end joints, 12" o.c. Thanks Jeffrey 1 of 1/31/2014 10:41 AM