Zoning notes 72 Dryads Green 2012-02-24 (2)Zoning notes 72 Dryads Green Single to two family conversion 2/24/2012 § 350-9.3. Change, extension or alteration of legally preexisting nonconforming structures, uses, or lots. Legally preexisting nonconforming structures, uses, or lots may be changed, extended or altered as set forth below. If a use is not eligible under one subsection, proceed to the next subsection. B. A conforming use on a preexisting nonconforming lot: A conforming use on such a lot may be changed, extended or altered: (3) With a variance to a conforming use which requires a larger minimum lot area, minimum lot width or frontage or minimum lot depth than is required for the present use or creates any other new zoning violation 350 Attachment 2: Table of Dimensional and Density Regulations URC Urban Residential C Zoning District Single and two-family dwellings area requirement is 6000 sq.ft. per unit and the frontage requirement is 75 ft.