075323Proj. No. 10105 Residence Conversions October 7, 2011 58 Kensington, 57 Dryads Green, 72 Dryads Green Smith College, Northampton, MA ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING Page 1 of 9 075323 SECTION 075323 -ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A.Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A.This Section includes the following: 1.Adhered membrane roofing system. 2.Walk way pads. B.Related Sections include the following: 1.Division 06 Section "Miscellaneous Carpentry" for wood nailers, curbs, and blocking; and for wood-based, structural-use roof deck panels. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A.Roofing Terminology: Refer to ASTM D 1079 and glossary of NRCA's "The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual" for definition of terms related to roofing work in this Section. B.Design Uplift Pressure: The uplift pressure, calculated according to procedures in SPRI's "Wind Load Design Guide for Fully Adhered and Mechanically Fastened Roofing Systems," before multiplication by a safety factor. C.Factored Design Uplift Pressure: The uplift pressure, calculated according to procedures in SPRI's "Wind Load Design Guide for Fully Adhered and Mechanically Fastened Roofing Systems," after multiplication by a safety factor. Proj. No. 10105 Residence Conversions October 7, 2011 58 Kensington, 57 Dryads Green, 72 Dryads Green Smith College, Northampton, MA ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING Page 2 of 9 075323 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A.General: Provide installed roofing membrane and base flashings that remain watertight; do not permit the passage of water; and resist specified uplift pressures, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failure. B.Material Compatibility: Provide roofing materials that are compatible with one another under conditions of service and application required, as demonstrated by roofing membrane manufacturer based on testing and field experience. C.FMG Listing: Provide roofing membrane, base flashings, and component materials that comply with requirements in FMG 4450 and FMG 4470 as part of a membrane roofing system and that are listed in FMG's "Approval Guide" for Class 1 or noncombustible construction, as applicable. Identify materials with FMG markings. 1.Fire/Windstorm Classification: Class 1A-90. 2.Hail Resistance: MH. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A.Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B.Manufacturer Certificates: Signed by roofing manufacturer certifying that roofing system complies with requirements specified in "Performance Requirements" Article. 1.Submit evidence of meeting performance requirements. C.Maintenance Data: For roofing system to include in maintenance manuals. D.Warranties: Special warranties specified in this Section. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.Installer Qualifications: A qualified firm that is approved, authorized, or licensed by roofing system manufacturer to install manufacturer's product and that is eligible to receive manufacturer's warranty. Proj. No. 10105 Residence Conversions October 7, 2011 58 Kensington, 57 Dryads Green, 72 Dryads Green Smith College, Northampton, MA ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING Page 3 of 9 075323 B.Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified manufacturer that has FMG approval for membrane roofing system identical to that used for this Project. C.Source Limitations: Obtain components for membrane roofing system from same manufacturer as roofing membrane. D.Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide membrane roofing materials with the fire-test-response characteristics indicated as determined by testing identical products per test method below by UL, FMG, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Materials shall be identified with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. 1.Exterior Fire-Test Exposure: Class A;ASTM E 108, for application and roof slopes indicated. 2.Fire-Resistance Ratings: ASTM E 119, for fire-resistance-rated roof assemblies of which roofing system is a part. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A.Deliver roofing materials to Project site in original containers with seals unbroken and labeled with manufacturer's name, product brand name and type, date of manufacture, and directions for storing and mixing with other components. B.Store liquid materials in their original undamaged containers in a clean, dry, protected location and within the temperature range required by roofing system manufacturer. Protect stored liquid material from direct sunlight. 1.Discard and legally dispose of liquid material that cannot be applied within its stated shelf life. C.Protect roof insulation materials from physical damage and from deterioration by sunlight, moisture, soiling, and other sources. Store in a dry location. Comply with insulation manufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing, and protecting during installation. D.Handle and store roofing materials and place equipment in a manner to avoid permanent deflection of deck. Proj. No. 10105 Residence Conversions October 7, 2011 58 Kensington, 57 Dryads Green, 72 Dryads Green Smith College, Northampton, MA ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING Page 4 of 9 075323 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A.Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit roofing system to be installed according to manufacturer's written instructions and warranty requirements. 1.9 WARRANTY A.Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form, without monetary limitation, in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of membrane roofing system that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Failure includes roof leaks. 1.Special warranty includes roofing membrane, base flashings, fasteners walkway products and other components of membrane roofing system. 2.Warranty Period: 10 years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 EPDM ROOFING MEMBRANE A.EPDM Roofing Membrane: ASTM D 4637, Type I, nonreinforced uniform, flexible sheet made from EPDM, and as follows: 1.Manufacturer: a.Carlisle SynTec Incorporated. 2.Thickness: 60 mils, nominal. 3.Exposed Face Color: Black. 2.2 AUXILIARY MATERIALS A.General: Auxiliary materials recommended by roofing system manufacturer for intended use and compatible with membrane roofing. 1.Liquid-type auxiliary materials shall meet VOC limits of authorities having jurisdiction. Proj. No. 10105 Residence Conversions October 7, 2011 58 Kensington, 57 Dryads Green, 72 Dryads Green Smith College, Northampton, MA ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING Page 5 of 9 075323 B.Sheet Flashing: 60-mil-thick EPDM, partially cured or cured, according to application. C.Epichlorohydrin Sheet: 60-mil-thick, unreinforced flexible sheet with the following typical properties as determined per ASTM test method indicated: 1.Tensile Strength: 1500 psi; ASTM D 412. 2.Ultimate Elongation: 200 percent; ASTM D 412. 3.Tear Resistance: 150 lbf/in.; ASTM D 412. 4.Brittleness Temperature: Minus 20 deg F; ASTM D 746. 5.Resistance to Ozone Aging: No cracks after 168 hours' exposure of 50 percent elongated sample at 104 deg F and 100-pphm ozone; ASTM D 1149. 6.Resistance to Oil Aging: 15 percent maximum mass change after 168 hours' immersion in diesel fuel No.2 at 158 deg F; ASTM D 471. D.Bonding Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard bonding adhesive. E.Seaming Material: Manufacturer's standard synthetic-rubber polymer primer and 3-inch-wide minimum, butyl splice tape with release film. F.Lap Sealant: Manufacturer's standard single-component sealant, color to match roofing membrane. G.Water Cutoff Mastic: Manufacturer's standard butyl mastic sealant. H.Metal Termination Bars: Manufacturer's standard predrilled stainless-steel or aluminum bars, approximately 1 by 1/8 inch thick; with anchors. I.Walkway pads: Manufacturer’s standard synthetic rubber pads with urethane ballast in rolls or tiles. J.Miscellaneous Accessories: Provide pourable sealers, preformed cone and vent sheet flashings, preformed inside and outside corner sheet flashings, T-joint covers, in-seam sealants, termination reglets, cover strips, and other accessories. Proj. No. 10105 Residence Conversions October 7, 2011 58 Kensington, 57 Dryads Green, 72 Dryads Green Smith College, Northampton, MA ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING Page 6 of 9 075323 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A.Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with the following requirements and other conditions affecting performance of roofing system: 1.Verify that roof openings and penetrations are in place and set and braced and that roof drains are securely clamped in place. 2.Verify that wood blocking, curbs, and nailers are securely anchored to roof deck at penetrations and terminations and that nailers match thicknesses of insulation. 3.Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A.Clean substrate of dust, debris, moisture, and other substances detrimental to roofing installation according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. Remove sharp projections. B.Prevent materials from entering and clogging roof drains and conductors and from spilling or migrating onto surfaces of other construction. Remove roof- drain plugs when no work is taking place or when rain is forecast. C.Complete terminations and base flashings and provide temporary seals to prevent water from entering completed sections of roofing system at the end of the workday or when rain is forecast. Remove and discard temporary seals before beginning work on adjoining roofing. 3.3 ADHERED ROOFING MEMBRANE INSTALLATION A.Installroofing membrane over area to receive roofing according to membrane roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. Unroll roofing membrane and allow to relax before installing. B.Accurately align roofing membrane and maintain uniform side and end laps of minimum dimensions required by manufacturer. Stagger end laps. Proj. No. 10105 Residence Conversions October 7, 2011 58 Kensington, 57 Dryads Green, 72 Dryads Green Smith College, Northampton, MA ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING Page 7 of 9 075323 C.Mechanically or adhesively fasten roofing membrane securely at terminations, penetrations, and perimeter of roofing. D.Apply roofing membrane with side laps shingled with slope of roof deck where possible. E.Adhesive Seam Installation: Clean both faces of splice areas, apply splicing cement, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping roofing membranes according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of roofing membrane terminations. 1.Apply a continuous bead of in-seam sealant before closing splice if required by membrane roofing system manufacturer. F.Tape Seam Installation: Clean and prime both faces of splice areas, apply splice tape, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping roofing membranes according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of roofing membrane terminations. G.Repair tears, voids, and lapped seams in roofing that does not meet requirements. H.Spread sealant or mastic bed over deck drain flange at deck drains and securely seal roofing membrane in place with clamping ring. I.Install roofing membrane and auxiliary materials to tie in to existing roofing. J.Apply epichlorohydrin sheet over roofing membrane at locations indicated. 3.4 BASE FLASHING INSTALLATION A.Install sheet flashings and preformed flashing accessories and adhere to substrates according to membrane roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. B.Apply bonding adhesive to substrate and underside of sheet flashing at required rate and allow to partially dry. Do not apply bonding adhesive to seam area of flashing. Proj. No. 10105 Residence Conversions October 7, 2011 58 Kensington, 57 Dryads Green, 72 Dryads Green Smith College, Northampton, MA ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING Page 8 of 9 075323 C.Flash penetrations and field-formed inside and outside corners with cured or uncured sheet flashing. D.Clean splice areas, apply splicing cement, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping sheets to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of sheet flashing terminations. E.Terminate and seal top of sheet flashings and mechanically anchor to substrate through termination bars. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A.Final Roof Inspection: Arrange for roofing system manufacturer's technical personnel to inspect roofing installation on completion and submit report to Architect. 1.Notify Architect or Owner 48 hours in advance of date and time of inspection. B.Repair or remove and replace components of membrane roofing system where test results or inspections indicate that they do not comply with specified requirements. C.Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. 3.6 PROTECTING AND CLEANING A.Protect membrane roofing system from damage and wear during remainder of construction period. When remaining construction will not affect or endanger roofing, inspect roofing for deterioration and damage, describing its nature and extent in a written report, with copies to Architect and Owner. B.Correct deficiencies in or remove membrane roofing system that does not comply with requirements, repair substrates and repair or reinstall membrane roofing system to a condition free of damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion and according to warranty requirements. Proj. No. 10105 Residence Conversions October 7, 2011 58 Kensington, 57 Dryads Green, 72 Dryads Green Smith College, Northampton, MA ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) ROOFING Page 9 of 9 075323 END OF SECTION 075323