Zoning notes 72 Dryads Green 2012-02-24Zoning notes 72 Dryads Green
Single to two family conversion
§ 350-9.3. Change, extension or alteration of legally preexisting nonconforming structures, uses, or lots.
preexisting nonconforming structures, uses, or lots may be changed, extended or altered as set forth below. If a use is not eligible under one subsection, proceed to the next subsection.
B. A conforming use on a preexisting nonconforming lot: A conforming use on such a lot may be changed, extended or altered:
(3) With a variance to a conforming use which requires
a larger minimum lot area, minimum lot width or frontage or minimum lot depth than is required for the present use or creates any other new zoning violation
350 Attachment 2: Table
of Dimensional and Density Regulations
URB Urban Residential B Zoning District map-block 31A-250
Single and two-family dwellings area requirement is 6000 sq.ft. per dwelling unit
and the frontage requirement is 80โ ft. Multifamily dwellings require 7000sf per unit and 120โ frontage
Lot is 7434 sq ft and has 63โof frontage
§ 350-6.8. Other general dimensional
and density provisions.
In addition to the regulations in §§ 350-6.1 through 350-6.7 above, the following regulations shall apply:
In the case of one-family, two-family, and three-family
dwellings, no more than one principal building may be built on any single lot, except as allowed in § 350-10.5, Open space residential development (cluster), and as allowed in § 350-10.6,
Planned unit development (PUD). In all other cases, more than one principal structure may occupy the same lot, provided that if they aggregate they do not represent a more intensive
use of land than would be allowed if all uses were contained within a single structure.
A parcel of land held in fee simple ownership designated on a plan or deed filed with
the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds or Land Court; however, contiguous lots in common ownership may not be divided except in conformance with this chapter. Two or more contiguous
lots in common ownership
may be treated as one lot for the purposes of this chapter; provided that the combined lots are used as a single lot would customarily be used. The following shall not be counted toward
land within the minimum lot area: land under permanent water bodies; land within public ways, and land within private ways and rights-of-way where the general public has the right of
access by automotive vehicles.