32A-255(3) M Table No. 3 Sample Calculations Height and Area Limits Hotel Northampton Building Characteristics Occupancy: Use Group A-3 Construction Type: 2A Height: 6 stories / 75 ft Area: 10 ,000 sf Fully sprinklered 75% perimeter access Allowable Area Calculation (1) Basic allowable area (Table 305) 19 ,950 sf (2) Reduction due to height (20% - 3 ,990 sf of Item 1 - See Table 305.4) (3) Net Allowable Area 15,960 sf (4) Increase in allowable area for + 15, 960 sf sprinklers (100% of Item 3 - See Section 306. 3) (5) Increase in allowable area for + 15,960 sf excess accessible perimeter (100% of Item 3 - See Section 306.2) (6) Total allowable area (Sum of 47, 880 sf Items 3 , 4 and 5) Allowable Height Calculation (1) Allowable height from Table 305 5 st / 65 ft (2) Increase in allowable height for 1 st / 20 ft sprinklers (See Section 308.1) .(3) Total allowable height (Sum of 6 st / 75 ft Items 1 and 2) Note: Results listed as Example 3 in Tables No. 1 and 2 . Table No. 2 Summary of Area Restrictions Hotel Northampton Example Construction Sprinkler Occupancy Area Allowable Type Protection Limit* Situation? 1 2A No R-1 36,480sf Yes 2 2A No A-3 31,920sf Yes 3 2A Yes R-1 54, 720sf Yes 4 2A Yes A-3 47, 880sf Yes 5 3C No R-1 11,520sf Yes 6 3C No A-3 10,080sf Yes 7 3C Yes R-1 17,280sf Yes 8 3C Yes A-3 15,120sf Yes 9 4B No R-1 5 , 760sf No 10 4B No A-3 5 , 040sf No 11 4B Yes R-1 8 ,640sf No 12 4B Yes A-3 7,560sf No Note: The extended building will have an area of approximately 10 ,000 sf. * Assumes a six story building for which the allowable area must be reduced in accordance with MSBC Table 305.4. Also assumes 75% of the perimeter of the building is accessible under the criteria of MSBC Section 306. 2 . This latter condition justifies a 100% increase in the allowable area. J Table No. 1 Summary of Height Restrictions Hotel Northampton Example Construction Sprinkler Occupancy Height Allowable Type Protection Limit Situation? 1 2A No R-1 9st/100ft Yes 2 2A No A-3 5st/65ft No 3 2A Yes R-1. 10st/120ft Yes 4 2A Yes A-3 6st/85ft Yes 5 3C No R-1 3st/40ft No 6 3C No A-3 2st/30ft No 7 3C Yes R-1 4st/60ft No 8 3C Yes A-3 3st/50ft No 9 4B No R-1 2-1/2st/ No 35ft 10 4B No A-3 1st/20ft No 11 4B Yes R-1 3-1/2st/ No 55ft 12 4B Yes A-3 2st/40ft No Note: The extended building will be 6 stories and 75 feet in height. i Tris Metcalfe, M*T Page 6 May 9 , 1989 main building based on the technical arguments listed above. If you have any questions concerning this letter or when you are ready to proceed with seeking of a variance, please contact me. Very truly yours i � �'7rt Harold R. Cutler Encls. (3) a Tris Metcalfe, M*T Page 5 May' 9 , 1989 result from providing sprinklers in the entire building. * The fact that installation of sprinklers would compensate for some non-complying existing conditions including exits stairs which discharge through grade floor use spaces and unenclosed stairs which connect the basement, first and second floors . * The fact that the cost of installing sprinklers could only be justified economically if the two additions are allowed. Conclusions The existing Hotel Northampton is of mixed construction including Construction Types 2A, 3C and 4B and of mixed use including Use Groups R-1 and A-3 . Areas of the building classified in other use groups (A-2, M and B) are considered incidental to the main uses. Given the existing height, area and lack of sprinkler protection, the existing building is noncomplying with respect to the height and area limitations of the MSBC. This non-complying situation is allowed to continue to exist under the provisions of Article 22 of the MSBC. Expansion of the building by addition of a partial sixth story and a five story addition is not permitted by the MSBC because the combined height and area of the existing building plus additions would exceed the height and area allowed for a new building of the same occupancy and construction type. A variance could be sought to permit the additions to the existing building. The primary justification for the variance would be that the level of fire safety in the expanded hotel with sprinklers would be greater than the level of fire safety in the existing, unsprinklered building. The building with the added story would be required to be sprinklered by the Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 148, Section 26a-1/2 concerning retroactive installation of sprinklers in existing high rise buildings. I believe the next step in this process should be to seek a variance from the code to permit the additions to the Tris Metcalfe, M*T Page 4 May 9 , 1989 construction and provided with automatic sprinklers to be allowed to be of the height (6 stories and 75 feet) and area (10,000 sf) proposed for the expanded Hotel Northampton. MSBC Sections 304. 2 and 2200.3 (5) both specify that an addition to a building is permitted only when the combined height and area of the existing building and new addition do not exceed the limits allowed by Table 305 and Sections 305, 306 and 307. In this situation, the existing building is of mixed construction including Type 2A, 3C and 4B. The height and area limits for the building plus any addition would, therefore, be based on the lowest of the construction types, Type 4B. The data documented in Examples 9 through 12. 0f Tables No. 1 and 2 document indicate the expanded hotel would not satisfy either the height or area limits of the MSBC for an unsprinklered or sprinklered hotel of Type 4B construction. Under these circumstances, the only means of bringing the expanded building into strict code compliance would be to isolate the portions of the building of less than Type 2A construction (the Annex, the porches and the receiving dock) from the main building by free standing fire walls and to construct the new additions of Type 2A construction. This approach is, for practical purposes, impossible given the configuration and construction of the existing building. Another approach to gaining acceptance of the increased height and area of the building would be to seek a variance from the building code to allow the noncomplying conditions. Under the circumstances, several factors could be used to support such a variance. They include: * The practical impossibility of providing a fire wall separation of the sections of the building of Types 3C and 4B construction from the section of Type 2A construction. * The fact that the one story porches and receiving dock would, by themselves, be permitted to be of Type 4B construction. * The fact that the three story Annex would, by itself, be permitted to be of Type 3C con- struction if provided with sprinklers. * The increased level of fire safety that would Tris Metcalfe, M*T Page 3 May 9 , 1989 construction type. Section 306.2 allows the area limit for a building to be increased by as much as 150% when that building faces on public streets and other unoccupied spaces not less than 30 feet wide. Section 306.3 allows the area limit for a multi-story building to be increased by 1.00% when the building is fully sprinklered. Tables No. 1 and 2 attached document the height and area restrictions of the MSBC respectively for several combinations of occupancy and construction type present or planned for the Hotel Northampton both with and without automatic sprinkler protection. The right hand columns of these tables indicate which combinations of construction type, sprinkler protection and occupancy would be acceptable in a building with the actual height and area characteristics of the extended hotel . A sample calculation of the data documented in Tables No. 1 and 2 is provided in Table No. 3 attached. The implications of these specific restrictions are discussed below. Other Considerations Massachusetts has two laws which require automatic sprinklers in high rise buildings. Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 148 , Section 26a requires that sprinklers be provided in all new high rise buildings . MGL, Chapter 148, Section 26a-1/2 requires retroactive installation of sprinklers in most existing high rise buildings by the mid 1990 ' s . Enforcement„,of these two laws is assigned to the local fire department. The proposed addition of one story to the main hotel building will increase the height of that building to more than 70 feet. By the criteria of the MSBC and Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 148 , Section 26a and 26a-1/2, this increase will require that the building be treated as a high rise building. I expect the Northampton Fire Department would require that the extended hotel be provided with a complete automatic sprinkler system under the provisions of Section 26a-1/2. Discussion As illustrated by Tables No. 1 and 2 , a new building of Use Group R-1 and A-3 occupancy would have to be of Type 2A . s Tris Metcalfe, M*T Page 2 May 9 , 1989 (unprotected ordinary) construction. All of the above construction types are assumed by me on the basis of our discussion on May 3 . They are all subject to confirmation by additional study of actual field conditions. The lack of fire walls within this building requires that it be classified as mixed construction including construction types 2A, 3C and 4B. For purposes of height and area restrictions and other code provisions which depend on construction classification, the building would be treated by the requirements related to the lowest form of construction. In this case, the lowest form of construction is Type 4B, unprotected wood frame, construction. Planned Additions One addition to the building is planned to provide a sixth floor on the main hotel . This new story would be used for hotel guest rooms and a hot tub room. This addition would raise the height of the building from the present height of 65 feet to a new height of 75 feet and increase the number of stories from five to six. A second addition is planned on the northwest side of the building which will contain storage, retail , office, guest room and recreation (pool) uses. The storage, retail , office and pool areas will all be incidental or accessory uses to the main, residential , use of the building. The building area of the extended building will be approximately 10,000 square feet, the area of the largest single floor. Height and Area Limits MSBC Table 305 documents the basic height and area limits of the MSBC for buildings of various occupancies and construction types. These restrictions may be adjusted for several different reasons as discussed below. Section 308.1 allows the height limit from Table 305 to be increased by one story or twenty feet when the building is provided with automatic sprinklers. Section 305.4 requires that the allowable area of a building as set by Table 305 be reduced by the percentages listed in Table 305.4 depending upon the building' s height and Harold R. Cutler, Consulting Fire Protection Engineer f ± 165 Landham Road Sudbury, MA 01776 ' (508) 443-7088 .`.. May 9 , 1989 P/N 339 Metcalfe * Thorne, In 150 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Attention: Tris Metcalfe Dear Tris: Subject: Height and Area Considerations Hotel Northhampton This letter will summarize my review of the issue of height and area limitations imposed on the Hotel Northhampton by the Fourth Edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code (MSBC) . This issue arises because of plans to add an additional story to the main building as well as a five story addition to the northwest of the main building. Existing Conditions The building is presently occupied by Use Group R-1 (Residential/Hotel) , Use Group A-3 (Restaurant) , and Use Group B (Business) occupancies. It also contains Use Group A-2 (Night Club) and Use Group M (Mercantile) spaces which are incidental to the three main uses. The existing building consists of the main hotel , the annex and several small additions and infill structures constructed at various times in the past. The building is not subdivided by any free standing fire walls and, therefore, must be considered a single building in the eyes of the building code. The main hotel building is is reinforced concrete construction which would probably qualify as Type 2A (protected noncombustible) construction and perhaps as Type 1B (fire resistive) construction. The original front porch and two added porches on the east side of the building as well as the receiving dock at the rear of the building are of Type 4B (unprotected wood frame) construction. The annex building has exterior bearing masonry walls and interior framing of wood. This wooden structural system does not qualify as heavy timber and has not been protected . in rated assemblies in all areas (such as the attic) . This part of the building would, therefore, have to be considered Type 3C TRANSMITTAL ME,TCALFE * THORNE E� Ce LETTER AIA DOCUMENT G810 150 MAIN ST. NORTHAMPTON , MA. 01060 413 586 5775 �� y PROJECT: I�p ARCHITECT'S (name, address) '1 �T`�`� PROJECT NO: ATE: TO k ; I )#AY f 6 F0 If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. DEPT, OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS f checked below, please: NORTHAMPTON, VIA.01060 ATTN: ��sJ�- .- Q� Vv_eX ' ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. L J ( ) Return enclosures to us. WE TRANSMIT: ( ,Y erewith ( ) under separate cover via ( ) In accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ( ) approval ( ) distribution to parties ( information ( ) review & comment ( ) record ( ) use ( ) THE FOLLOWING: ( ) Drawings ( ) Shop Drawing Prints ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) 5.4aR Drawing�Reproducibles ( ) Product Literature ( ) Change Order ( / �a•r k" ~ COPIES DATE REV.NO. DESCRIPTION ACTION C(1nf ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmitted D:for signature and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS CODE B. No action required E. See REMARKS below C. for signature and return to this office REMARKS (�J��t/ G.'✓fit;','%'�"'�'`i � ll,Lr�`", � �_p r CMG L t�LP.c c t c►J.- r r fi". Gti t" COPIES TO: (with enclosures) El Cl ❑ BY: AIA DOCUMENT G010 TRANSMITTAL LETTER • APRIL 1970 EDITION ' AIA* COPYRIGHT O 1970 ONE PAGE THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1705 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20036