32A-255 (94) City of Northampton, Massachusetts pg�11AMpT Q Office of Planning and Development City Hail • 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 - (413) 586-6950 FAX (413) 586-3726 •Community and Economic Development -Conservation -Historic Preservation ` •Planning Board-Zoning Board of Appeals •Northampton Parking Commission TO: Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector RE: vermit application FROM: Laura Krutzler , Board Secretary/OPD DATE: August 8 , 1996 Would you please review and return the enclosed Special Perm it application before the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for August 21 , 1996SO that we can advise'the Boards of any concerns you may have. "hank you. v 7 Sw .1 FROM SE I GEL SIG FIS PHONE NO. 4132473216 Jul. 08 1996 07 c 19PM`P: q t=4 4 FROM SEIGEL SIGNS PHONE N0. 4132473218 Jul. 08 1996 07:19PM 'D 1 N J r� o Z0 �y N o. -- ----------� Erection_-----.----- ._ ) MAY ? 3 � Alteration_------_.--( ) Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repair..___.__....__,( ) Repainting....._..._....._( ) before a permit will be granted, Removal....................... ( ) Cz a � � Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten-n) FFF PAGE. ..... . PLOT.......... .� Northampton, Mass.,........ _ _. ..._......................._.....19............ To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other ad`eit >:n: device, or marquee. BUSINESS N.A t r Star .Northampton. )BA..The..Hote 1 Northamp 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. ......3.6...YUx1g...Stxeet.,..Narthampton, MA 01060­ __ _...... ........... _.. 2. Owner's narii Egil..Braathen 3- Owner's adc'­es . 3j6 King­Str-eet, .Nort hamp toZ, .MA_01060 . ............... 4. Maker's m-me -.Seigel-.-S.igns._(T-entati-vel..................... ..._....... __ _..._....._._ _ . .......................... 5. Maker's addr,_ss .1 3..E��1 .eed..Raad..._..ys1,._.Hatfie . _.... _.__..................... 6. Erector's n<:n:' ..Same..as. Above......._-................. _...... .............__. 7. Erector's addr-.:; _ _.. _................._. ._......... SIGN KIND OF SIGN 1. Sign will be (c`,:e (Designate)ck one) illuminated....X...........non-illuminated... _ 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape indow or door ...._No_.... Iarquee..._..-- ....................... 1'rojectin ID. Lower edge w!l, De-­ t]/A ft. y -1 above the public wa . 5. _.........._............... 4. Upper edge «!;i ;,- N/A...ft. . ......ins. above the public way. hoof..... ..._ __ _..._................... 5. Height_._1Q-._..._t� _._5__.....ins. vVidth_....6.........ft._..____.._.ins. Temporary___....... ................ 6. Face area.._42. . -sq. ft. Wall......­.­ _. _....................... 7. Inner edge will be..._ 0____._ins from the building or pole. Ground-------.X......._._.....-_....... _ 8. Outer edge will be--- 0­.­-,in-s. from the building or pole. Other... ...__._ _ ..__ ._...._...._.. 9. Face of building or pole is..g!.4'-'-....ins. back from the street line 10. Sign will project__(I_.__ins. beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend­-- above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed ? Frame.._.._.Meta1__ __.._. Face......Wood ..-&_.. -inum 13. Estimate cost_$2,500-00 The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to tlic best of his knowledge and belief. urc (1I O­ncror A�,c�nt) gh NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above most he met forth sQ C'TTTenTV - M Ay g E11 e- No. ZONING PERMIT. APPLICATION (§10 . 2) .PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: Star Northampton, Inc. DBA The Hotel Northampton Address:_ 36 King Street, Northampton, MA 0106q'elephone: (413) 584-3100 Z Owner of Property:_ Ecil A.. Braathen Address: 36 King St. , Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: (413) 584-3100 3. Status of Applicant: X Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee _____Other(explain):___ --- 4. Street Address: {h King Straat-� Nnrthampt-can, MA 01060 Parcel Id: Zoning Map# Parcel# District(s): (� (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property Hotel and Restaurant/Bar 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): Remove existing 6' x 10' Hotel, Wiggins Tavern Sign replace with new hit x10' si an- 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Hasa Special PermitNadance/Finding ever been Issued for/on the site? NO_x DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO X DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) FILE # I If APPLICI' RT�M- TACT PERSON: `., f71, � `A ADDRESS/PHONE: - ;���•—=�/�Z.' �' PROPERTY LOCATION: �'�(_ MA? PARCEL: �, ZONE THIS SECTION FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM ETTIED OTTJ -:::51 Fee pflid Building Plans Included- c THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS AP ICATION- Approved as presented based on information presented Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § L PLANNING BOARD ,-'ZONING BOARD Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Permit from Conservation C mission / Z-- ' Signature of Dui g pec Dat NOTE:loaunnoa of n zoning permit does not relieve nn appilonnt's burden to oomply with nil zoning riaquirements and obtain nil required permits from the board of Health, Conservation Commisslon, Department of Publio Works and other applioable permit granting authorities. How does the project meet the special requirements? (Use additional sheets if necessary)? 7.4 4C F. Explain why the requested use will: not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district or adjoining zones.- The new sign is upgraded and will fit in with the Hertel era not be detrimental to the health, morals or general welfare: N/A be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance: G. Explain how the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely effect those objectives, defined in City master study plans adopted under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81-C and D. VJP are taking down the n1c3 sign, an(J nning ,ipan upgraded version. 9. 1 certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I (or the landowner if I am not the landowner)grant th&Zoning Board of Appeals permission to enter the property to review this app1.,cation. Date: �i �{ 'Applicants Signature: ! S Date: Owner's Signature: (If not the same as applicant's) i t� provisions for persons with disabilities: 4 spaces that are closest to the building have been set up as handicapped spaces C. How will the proposed use promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to: the natural landscape: Ghrjih-_ grin f nwers will beplAced around the sign. to existing buildings:Si�jn will 1 f i t i n wi th thp hi st o f ra l aspect of the Hotel. other community assets in the area: sign will 1 fit in with the theme of the community. D. What measures are being taken that show the use will not overload the City's resources, including: water supply and distribution system: Nf A sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systems: N/A fire protection, streets and schools: N/A How will the proposed project mitigate any adverse impacts on the City's resources, as listed above? N/A E. List the section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance that states what special regulations r are required for the proposed project (Accessory apartment, home occupation, accessory structure, etc.) 7-4 4C 3 ; s. Special Permit Approval Criteria. If any permit criteria does not apply, explain why. A. How will the requested use protect adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses? How will the project provide for: surface water drainage: N/A sound and sight buffers: the preservation of views, light and air: N/A B. How will the requested use promote the convenience and safety of pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets? f/ Sign will be away from the side walk. Also their will be shrubs around i-he sign_ How will the project minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area? The sign will attrace some of the traffic from the first entrance of the hotel to minimize traffic of the convenience store and our customer; Where is the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets? off c)f King StrPPf What features have been incorporated into the design to allow for: access by emergency vehicles: There are twn accessi hl P PntrancP. r tea acctrn �t@ this n @esi the safe and convenient arrangement of parking and loading spaces Large parking area for customers and there is an area designed for loading and unloading. 2 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION FOR: 1. Type of Project: X SPECIAL PERMIT: Home Occupation Accessory Apartment Historical AssocatioWSociety,et al Sign Attaching Accessory Structure to Princ►paI Wildingi 2 Permit is requested under Zoning Ordinance;Section_xa:�:::�:Z 3. Applicant's Name: Star Northampton, Inc. dba Th Hotel Nort-hamntnn Address: 36 King street, Nnrthamntnn Telephone:(r 41 t SRa—zi nn 4. Parcel Identification: Zoning Map# 32A Parcel#-25&.,—Zoning District:__ Street Address: 36 King St-raat, Nnrthamntnn _ MA 5. Status of Applicant:_x Owner, _Contract Purchaser; Lessee Other(explain) 6. Property Owner: Egil Braathen Address: 36 Kind Street, Northampton, Telephone: (41 3) SR4-31 on 7. Describe Proposed Work/Project (Use additional sheets if necessary): Remove existing 6' x 10' Hotel, Wiggins Tavern Sign and replace sign *******k******kk*kk**kkk****kkk****kk*k****k*k****k***kkk*******k*******kk**** Has the following information been included in the application? Site/Plot Plan List of requested waivers fee(S 120.00) 2 sets of labels (supplied by the Assessor's Office) Signed dated and denied Zoning Permit Application Three(3)copies of the Certified Abutters List from Assessors' Office. 1