32A-255 (10) 9he9lotelWorlhomplOV-7 Historic Wiggins Tavern
Coolidge Park Cafe
36 King Street, Northampton, MA 01060
November 14, 2006
Northampton Fire Department
Attn: Fire Chief Brian Duggan
26 Carlson Drive
Northampton, MA 01060-2373
Dear Chief Duggan:
After our discussion during the inspection on November 7, 2006 regarding the unpaid
fees,please find the enclosed check for ticket number F051-000006.
Upon investigation into this unpaid fee, it was discovered that notice of the determination
from the hearing held at the Hotel Northampton on September 25, 2006 regarding this
issue had never been received. A call was placed to Mr. Bill Letendre on November 8,
2006 where he instructed us to call the Fire Department to get the determination. Mr.
Letendre's determination had been sent on September 26, 2006. Had a copy been sent to
us upon the ruling, the ticket would have been taken care of immediately.
In Mr. Letendre's determination it states that"it would be wise for the Hotel
Management to keep an open line of communication with the Fire Department". We
would appreciate the same courtesy so that we may be sure to properly handle any
If you would like to discuss this further or have any questions, please feel free to contact
me at 413-587-8100.
Best regards,
Mansour Gha ibaf
General Manager
cc: Mr. Bill Letendre
Duane Nichols
Anthony Patillo
Locally Known as Northampton Inn... An Inn of Colonial Charm"