29-340 (8) A. The off-site parking will be shared by more than one land use; and
B. The greater distance is justified because of pedestrian traffic patterns and the vitality
of the adjacent land uses that would be part of the walk; and
C. Patrons or employees of the principal land are likely to actually utilize the provided
off-site parking; or
3. Parking spaces for colleges or educational uses shall be located on contiguous or adjacent
lanai owned by the college or educational use. For the purposes of this section,contiguous or
adjacent land shall include land in common ownership,even if separated by public or private
roads, or rivers,or streams, or private property,when said private property is not more than
150 feet wide.
A Special Permit issued under this provision shall be coterminous with the length of the lease and
shall expire if and when the lease for said parking expires. (Amended 7/28/86,6/17/93 & 12/21/95.)
Section 8.8.
{Reserved for future use. Old section deleted 11/21/1996)
Section 8.9 Parking and Loading Space Standards. (See also §2.1 Definitions: Parking Space)
All parking and loading areas shall comply with the following:
1. A parking space shall be at least 8 '/z feet in width and 18 feet in length,with at least 18 feet
of backing-up and maneuvering area directly behind the space (which may be shared with
other spaces). Except for parking spaces for the same residential housing unit, each space
must be laid out so that it does not block access to another parking space.
2. The layout of the parking area shall allow sufficient space for the storage of plowed snow
without reducing the number of required parking spaces, unless removal by some other
means is provided.
3. Any fixture used to illuminate any parking area shall be so arranged as to direct the light
away from the street and away from adjoining premises used for residential purposes.
4. Parking shall not be located within five(5) feet from the front lot line for residential uses, 15
feet for uses in M district, nor ten (10) feet for other uses. For all residential uses in all
residential districts except for UR-C, parking for more than two vehicles shall not be
permitted within the front-yard setback. Parking is not permitted within any of the setbacks
in the Business Park or Planned Village Districts. {Amended 11/21/1996}
5. Parking and loading spaces, other than those required for single and two-family
dwellings, shall be so arranged as to prohibit backing of vehicles onto any street.
6. No portion of a driveways entrance or exit shall be closer than fifty (50) feet to the curb
line of an intersecting street nor shall it be closer than fifty (50) feet to any portion of an
existing driveway located in a Business or Industrial District.
05/01/01 8-5
7. There shall be a maximum of one driveway/curb cut per lot. The Planning Board may, as
part of Site Plan Approval, allow additional driveways/curb cuts if, and only if, such
Permit will promote and improve safe and efficient traffic circulation.
8. A driveway's entrance or exit shall not exceed, at its intersection with the front lot line, a
width of: fifteen (15) feet for single, two and three-family uses; and twenty four(24) feet
for all other uses, except that the Planning Board may, as part of Site Plan Approval,
allow a thirty foot width if, and only if, such Approval will promote safe and efficient
traffic circulation.
9. The parking area and access driveways thereto shall be graded and drained so as to
dispose of all surface water accumulation in accordr.nce with acceptable engineering
10. Except on a farm, not more than one commercial vehicle, and said vehicle shall not
exceed a weight of 10,000 pounds gross weight shall be garaged or in any way stored on
any lot in any Residential (R) District.
11. No private access street or driveway serving a parking lot for non-residential use shall
cross property in a residential district except with a Special Permit granted by the
Planning Board.
No more than two (2) unregistered motor vehicles (any vehicle that does not have a valid
Registration legally issued by a governmental authority), and no motor vehicle
accessories which are not parts of said two vehicles, may be parked, stored or otherwise
placed on a parcel of land in the City of Northampton without a Special permit from the
Northampton City Council. This section shall not apply to the parking, storage or
otherwise placing of unregistered motor vehicles and/or motor vehicle accessories where
such parking, storage or placement is in connection with a legally established business
selling new and/or used automobiles and trucks, or automotive repair or automobile
service stations. This section shall also not apply to trucks and tractors which are in use
for bona-fide agricultural purposes.
`'IAll permitted unregistered motor vehicles and/or motor vehicle accessories shall be
screened from the view of the public and from abutting public ways and from abutting
properties by being enclosed within a structure or si ht impervious fencing or screening.
14. A Zoning Permit must be received from the Building Commissioner, and a Driveway
Permit from the Department of Public Works, for all new or relocated driveways or
parking lots.
15. Any use (drive-ins, etc.) which requires the "stacking" of vehicles waiting in line, must
be able to provide for the stacking of at least five (5) vehicles in each line without the
cars exceeding the boundaries of the lot.
(Amended 7/19/90, 8/15/91, 6/18/92, 6/17/93, 10/6/94, 4/18/96, and 5/18/2000)
05/01/01 8-6
Crit� of Xort4auiptott D r
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INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building o
Northampton, MA 01060
July 18,2002
Ms. Susan Wilson
204 Acrebrook Dr.
Florence,MA 01062
Dear Ms.Wilson:
In response to a complaint received on July 15,2002 I did a site visit. There are unregistered vehicles with
smashed windows and car parts visible to the public.
I have enclosed a copy of the Northampton Zoning Regulations section 8.9 paragraphs 12 and 13 pertaining
to unregistered vehicles and parts.
As this is the third time I have informed you of this situation it needs to be corrected within ten(10)days or
face possible fines of$100 per day.
Sincerely, "Yj
Stanley Szewczy
Building Inspector