Sept 10, 2013 Minutes
Chair, Aelan Tierney
Vice Chair, Joe Blumenthal
Bruce Kriviskey
Rick Klein
Barry Steeves
Bob Walker
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 PM No Public Comment
new fire escape Academy of Music, 274 Main St,
7:00 PM, Aelan Tierney opened the hearing on
Northampton, Map ID 31D-166.
Tom Douglas presented the plans and described the differences between the old fire escape and
the proposed.
He noted that MassHistoric also has to approve the changes.
Tierney asked why the newel posts were not incorporated and whether the gaps in the railings
would meet code.
Douglas noted the project has a tight budget and the fire escape repair/replacement takes away
from interior renovation work budget.
Bob Walker asked for Tierney to clarify that she felt it would be better for the escape to be
continuous without gaps?
Tierney confirmed.
The Committee discussed further details about code and dimensions of fire escape and whether
code requirements might dictate need to change design.
Walker asked if Douglas was looking for a conditional approval.
Douglas stated he was.
Upon motion by Joe Blumenthal and second by Bob Walker, the Committee voted unanimously
to close the hearing and issue a permit with condition that any changes that are required by
MassHistoric or the code that would require design changes be sent to the chair and staff to
determine if they are substantial enough to trigger another hearing.
7:25 PM Aelan Tierney opened the hearing on Denmark Property Group, 4 Story mixed use
building, demolition and reconstruction 1 story office building at 79 King St, Northampton, Map
ID 31B-216.
Pat Goggins, applicant, presented the application .
Kevin Chrobak of Juster Pope Frazier described the details of the architecture including brick
cladding on the lower levels and cement fiber cement and photovoltaic on the roof.
Tierney asked if the panels would be visible?
Chrobak said no that there would be an 18” parapet that would hide the mechanicals.
Tierney raised the concern that the north elevation has less articulation than the south elevation.
Chrobak noted that the building is not parallel to the street and that 2 sides are always visible
from most vantage points.
The Board discussed fenestration and articulation and ways the structure could be modified on
the north side.
Goggins emphasized that they were concerned about windows on the west side and the need for
privacy for the residential tenants.
Joe Blumenthal noted that a rendering would have helped to understand the building articulation.
There was no public comment.
Upon motion by Joe Blumenthal and second by Bob Walker, the Committee voted unanimously
to close the hearing and issue a permit for the plans as presented with the condition that a
decorative cornice be wrapped around the north east, west elevations of the center raised portion
of the building. And revised plans be submitted prior to the request for a building permit.
8:05 The Committee voted unanimously to adjourn.
6:35 Adjourn