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Troposal Vinyl Siding Corbett H ie Improvement Roofing � Roofin Nort� mpto i, MA 01060 Awnings (413) 584-6571 Canopies ` Gutters �sl e6 7 SQ_ Shutters PROposAL st.rimrr-rm TO LD�,�/4l `{/e/M PHO — (o.S S nATE ajffC ,D JOB NAME CrrY,.%7ATE awl ZIP CODE 4/d © Q 2 108 U1cA noN �/ 6 DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates fix: ,z s�,tr X1JW1OW / 7 c )oce_ >b Arid l u v CWe(Pt•opoSe hereby to furnish material and lahor-complete in accordance with the above specifications,for the sum of: Dollars(t �521,2_5_ ) Payments to he made as follows:b 0„ ,)r AT SJ)+KT P (J�} �>Nel� L/�� �J/Y��✓ / All material is guarantml to be ac specitieAl. All work to he completeil in a work-like manner according Authorized to slandant practices. Any altercations or deviation from abovespecifications involving extra co,ets will be Signature executed only upon written orders,and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements amlingent updm strikm accidents of delays beyond our amtml. Owner to carry fire,tornado Note: This propcxsal may he and other necessary insuranm (hrcwdrters are fully advered by Worknten's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted witlun days. ,acceptance of Troposal-The above prices,specifications \ are conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted.You are authorized to Signat do the work as specified. Payment will be mask as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: A acj0 Signature I „o (ALT of l E 1�+7sn({I DEPARTME1,FT OP DUILDr�\;C INSPPCTiot,S 212 Main Strcet 7funicipal Dmidinc Nort.hampton, Mass. 01060 i woRia. IZ'S CONKP NSATION MSUP NCE rk17Fln vlI (li c"Iisxlperm�ttcc) with a principal place of business(residencc at. Ll ��2s1� S /VOZ - D 0 (phone-. su�.Uri ty/s�Lc.fzi p) do hereby ccrdi - under t}Ic p?.-ins aria penalties of perjury-., h�l I - ( ) I am an employer providing the following,' .,orkcr's cotnncns-n io, cove 2gc Ior Illy eluplovccs worldng an tills job: f 01-Ss = Corer ) (P06 NU--aix-r) (r:piruor, Dal^) ( ) I am a sole proprietor, geaeral contractor or hoazeow-Der (circie- One) and 112ve hired the c000-ac',grs listed below vybo liave the `olloWine worker's c0ci.Den_,�,2oon poi les: ( atvcofCon� ncto-) (tnRr�nc Cotn0ln)'/i�GlCi ?tt1II1.C;) �_?:�1;JuonD.11C) (Nanc of COnGZ!Clor) non Dale) (Name of Contractor) _ (Insurance Compan)-/P0Uq- N:1mb--r) (Expirdoo Daic) (Name of Couu-a(nor) (Insu=c-- Comcaay/PoLcy Number) Dal-) (uaa.th:46-ob.1 6=-ifncociil'w mcjv�infwm-i 11 I am a sole proprietor and have no one worming for me. ( ) I am.a home owner performing all L6e work myself. NOTE:pl=s be to zm Chi..tz]c bccx> . rim wto c¢ploy P=,cw w Li:) —rx oo.d..=tl;^-of not mocc th._n ` _L=rj in wbi the bom.-o+'n r r mod:,«oa Llc V-o d,zppurtcnrs tbecu e-r as C�-IIy ac d-cil be .=Pic)=A' lbc Act(G Ll S2..n 1 CS)1.:optio.tioo by.bom000v far:bc:='=«permit ray c.id�oc trc I.-gl %s ore .=Ploy-under din Wocti cla Compom...tion Act I undcnaad the a Dopy of this m!.®cm—y bo f--,dad to tba of L-i, +id Acodcii'f OiM- co-mb'c cQ l=boa-zd Uu L•dl to uauc tovrcasc wider soQ ou 25 A of MG1,152 m led to the mina o(c'imi Paultics ooa* �--.o of.fine of up to S I 00.00-.Ncc m. riyoorDC,y of up w ooc yc:r eat 6,0 pcvs-1--in t,ro"o(.Slop Wok Ord-nod• , Sub of S 100.00,d_y.ptia:a CDC. For dc,.rta+=�J only . . P rIII1I NumbCS - - ' i r� J ` �G �� ��1•^ —� lot Y '�• Si1'naLurc ofLicanscc/Pc —L Ee J a.Jn;euDiS.JaumoawoH .paltlouuV sMm'I It12u2D sll2sngotssmin13o alelS put sMt'1 OuiuoZ Itoo-I put omS`saoutUip10 uOldultgIJON 3o XjiD`apoD ouiplmg oltlS oql gIIM ooutilduloo io3 Xjglgisuodsol sownssm pus sagglao,,.laumoawoq„pauoimpun aq,L -li u Qd salt iapun nof,io3 xiom uuopod of ollq nog (s)uoslad 1o3 algeil aq new non`paltlouuy smu-I ItnuQ[)sllasngoesstln;agl3o(gltaQ ui oupInsol lou soimfui 1o3 saaXoldwg of saaXoldwg;o Xlgigtri) £Sj loldtgD put (uoiltsuodwoo ,sixjjoM)ZSi laldtgD of aoualaJal ql?M ltgl pasinpm aq osid panssi si vuLiod sigl golgM lo3�.loM oql jo uoiloldwoa uodn put ouimp`awil of awil wo.g paltnbal oq [pm,ales qoC oql uo oauasoid 1no C.aostn.sa nS uollan.JlsuoD 2uilot sy -1pMad BuiplInq aql.Japun paw.Jo;.Ja )I iom gans pe.Jo;algisno sa.J aq Iltgs aqs/aq legl Itioggp outpl!ng aql of algeld000m uuo3 t uo`Itioi$p ouippng aql of t?wgns lltgs„laumoowoq„gonS .JaUAoawoq a pa.Japisuoa aq lou Ilegs poua .Jean-0Mj e m awoq auo uegI Dow slan.Jlsuoa oqm uos.Ja d•solrgonlls ullm3 io/put!osn Bons of,Clossaoot salauonas pagotlap 10 pagotU-e 2u►IIaMp Kju mj oMl 10 ouo m`oq of popualui si 10`si aJagl goigM uo `Qpisal of spualul 10 sapisol aqs/aq goigM uo purl jo holed m uMo OqM(s)uoslad:.JauMoawoH Jo uoiliagaQ 1'9'£'80I uoilaaS uoil!pg qMS 08L UND'.Josin.Ja ns st slar..Jaumo aql lvgl papino.J `asuooil t ssossod lou soop oqM anq 1o3 [tnpiniput um o2t2uo of 13uMOawoq gans Mollm of put sagiwt3 (Z)OMl 10 (I)ouO JO s ullla,►a pai nano-.Jaumo apnlaui of papuolxo stM„slouMoowoq„.io3 uoildwoxa luo11no aq j, UM 1?4 '� MaJ p?i`+f4 k4'R SF ❑ ......ON .--....sad Pagoellb 1!nePgJV Pau61S ;!wad 6wpllnq aq;to aouenssl agl;o leluap aqI ul llnsai 111M llnep!4e slq;apinoid of alnpe� -uolleopdde sill ql!M palllwgns pue pa;aldwoo aq;sniu;Inep!4e aomnsul uol;esuadwoo sja�JOAA ((9)05Z§'ZS L'o IIAV,Glzl�-3ONvRanSN1-NOIIVSN3dWO3,SN3)NOM-0 L N01103S auogdalal S� ale4 uogelidx3 ssalppy o vS� _ lagwnN uol;eljS1f)@ { aweN AUedWO5 ❑ algeo!iddb loN s ' opea;uo0xluawa� w awo{ alalsa a�i;g mm auogdalal alnieubiS ate(]uoilendx3 ssalppy -TO - - o 0 0 jagwnN asuaai-1 — lap1oH asuaai7;o aweN ❑ algeopddy;oN :loslnla nS uogonlls5o0 pasuaalq vS i'' S301M2MS Ncd oinNISN00-9 NOII03S r.. SECTION 5 DESCRIPTION-OF:'PROPOSED WORK(check-all-applicable) New House [] Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alterations} Roofing Or Doors D Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [0] Decks [0 Siding Other[C7] Brief Descri, t�ion of Pr posed Work:_ �I, 1" V(llc.d Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet sa (f'New house n cil io extstlM771 r�sing .c Nplete.:the o"IJQVUInq: a. Use of building: One Family Two Family Other_ b. Number of rooms in each family unit: _ Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft, of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION Ta OYVNER 4UT404RIZATIOty. TO",BE;,COMPLETED WHEN' OWNERS'AGENTAR CONTRACTOR 71PPLIES„FOR BUICDIPlG>PERNIIT' l as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date J CM(Je,z : G” as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. ' ✓ , Print Name Signature of Owner/Agent Date .~` Section 4. ZONING All Informat-j6h Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Rear - Building Height Bldg. Square Footage Open Space Footage % (Lot area minus bldg&paved #of Parking Spaces (volurne,&Location)- A. Has aSpecial Perm it/Variance/Fi ding ever been issued for/on the site? NO 0 D0N7KNOVV YES 0 ' IF YES, date issued^ :L-__'____----� IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry ofDeeds? �� KNOW�� uum�| xmu ,co IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document B Doe, the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? ' Needs to be obtained 0 Obtained 0 Date Issued: C Do any signs exist on the propert ��y? YES \~� NO ){}� i IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES 0 NO 0 IF YES, describe size, type and location: E� Will the construction activity disturb( hng.gradin adon.orfi||ing)over1acmoriaitpartnfaoommonp|on that will disturb over 1acre? YES C } , NO �() `~� ! /`-�� IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. 1` . City of Nort,pampton Building Department LLu� 212;Main Street A Room 100 Ngrtharn0on; MA 01060 1 . ;phd6e413'587-1 40 Fax413-587-1272 "°APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE.INFO KM' ATION 1.1 Property Address: ,,- Maps �•�,w.�^� °ot �a-�, � ��•�Ueti,��� �00 A` iSlkOOK _0K t F Zone` , . O�erla}i D�sfnctF SECTION 2,-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: _ Signature Telephone 616; 2.2 Authorized Agent: ARc) T 00R,r-te-J-777 AV, Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: 71 Signature Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION':COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only com feted by ermit applicant 1. Building (a)'Bbilding P&mit Fee 2. Electrical .,M;Estimated Total Cost of Construction-fr6rh M" 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6. Total =-(I +2+3+4+5) 2 5'� Check Number This Section for Official'Use Only "Date'.. Building Permit Number Issued: Signature: - — Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date •300 ACREBROOK DR BP-2005-0914 61S' '" COMW)NWEA. 1' OF MASSACHUSETTS Map Block: 29-328 CITY Ox R rHAMPTON Lot: -001 Permit: Building Category: BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2005-0914 Project# JS-2005-1276 Est. Cost: $5125.00 Fee:$25.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: Ed Corbett Jr 116069 Lot Size(sg. ft.): 10497.96 Owner: WEIMANN LORRAINE M Applicant: Ed Corbett Jr AT: 300 ACREBKOOK tK Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 4 Reed Street (413) 584-6571 NORTHAMPTONMA01060 ISSUED ON:3130105 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.-INSTALL VINYL SIDING POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: 0/-C THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CI OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATI OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGUL TIONS. Certificate of Occu an Si nature: FeeTyae: Date Paid: Amount: Building 3/30/05 0:00:00 $25.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413) 587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Building Commissioner-Anthony Patillo