29-003 (2) �f _ w : 38 Cr H e c =p L ` fi �` aletJo�.f�w;s m m > OWC W $ saa v GG 1 _ !�b 1 " Q ,°.,> �� ;y Uanl la a o ssalpdeos ; a ' n woymo6 "a m f oa ni i o L ° ° .9 O vt^ Q mania a s ue wo m o rn P 1 4 3 p P 4 i v a m a m c a * ;j fiulmoyS idlaoad wn;aa m ° ° cv� ;°•.O m ty a° G, d m a Z v, m °_ p,.v 5 i j aed tianilad pa;ou;sad LL'm c C l� ~ Q�U w aad tianliad IeloadS ° -> m d 1J1 Q tW 00 4> CIO y °o y A _ aad Pai;IUao H Z '�\y` iJ �`\�u $ 96e;sod G� 41 ID° r ° C N �l"'" k jfi- u V aPo0 dIZ Pus a;eI •O d C O Co m 9 '. / ON pus 19911S c ° M V ° w O c z�-d x v (as�ana�aaSJ m > O rwc 'U d.o d f I �j TVW 1VN0IiVN831NI a0d lON 'D 0301A08d 39Vd3AOO 30NnASNI ON " ,F- av c1 ° e cc m� o IItJW a3iJila33 a0J 1d1333 �_ E V a1cc cc ° 0'0° Q Q WC9 NN U Cly Cn W °i°t •L tq 7 m° O ' ° ° o 1W ' -S 1 DECISION OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS At a meeting held on September 25, 1985, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Northampton voted unanimously to grant the Finding request ° of Tuillio Inglese, 592 Main Street, Amherst, for the purpose of constructing an enclosed entranceway connected to a pre-existing non- conforming garage at property located at 157 Florence Road, Northampton (URA Zone). Present and voting were: Chairman Robert C. Buscher, William Brandt and Shirley Puchalski. The findings were as follows: R. Buscher, referring to Section 9.3 (E) of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, found that as the property is located in a semi-rural neighborhood and is well set back from the road, and that extending the current boundaries of the house will not be substantially more detrimental than the existing structures. � 1 I S. Puchalski-found that the alteration will not be substantially j more detrimental than the existing structure. i W. Brandt concurred. The following conditions shall apply: { That the garage as it currently exists shall continue to be used as a garage and not as part of the living quarters or for commercial activities. i Robert C. Buscher, Chairman am Brandt Shirley Mchalski g( . OCT 1 01", = W $ � �1GlsssatchTSCtfs DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS � a INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 Edward J. Tewhill April 28, 1988 Mr. Gilbert Fullerton 157 Florence Road Florence, Mass. 01060 Dear Mr. Fullerton: We have received a formal complaint that states you have brought in fill and dirt on your above listed property. Please note that a Zoning Permit is required before any fill can be allowed on property and only 500 cu. yds. is allowed by right. Any fill in excess of the 500 cu. yds requires a Special Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Please contact this office at 586-6950 as to what you are going to do to rectify this problem. Sincerely, Edward Tewhill Building Inspector EJT/lb %& OQ CUL MP10 Z = �txss�ar�rg�tt$ a $ o ' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building Edward J. Tewh i l l Northampton, Mass. 01060 Sv • April 28, 1988 Mr. Frederick W. Seyfried 54 Sandy Hill Rd. Florence, Mass. 01060 Dear Mr. Seyfried: In reference to your complaint dated April 19, 1988, concerning Mr. Gilbert Fullerton, 157 Florence Road, Florence Mass. : Question #1 Have written to Mr. Fullerton advising him that we require a zoning permit to bring in fill of up to 499 cu. yds of clean fill , or if the amount is over the 500 cu. yds. a Special Permit is required. Question #2 Dirt Bike & Mortorcycle Track, if commercial it is not allowed. Private Zoning Does not Control . Question #3 Noise-- No Exceptionally loud or distinctive noise shall be allowed between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Question #4 The land is not in a wetland area Question #5 See Question #1 Question #6 The City is not required to notify the abutters. Question #7 See Question #1 Question #8 See Question #6 If you have any further questions regarding this matter please feel free to call 586-6950 ext. 240. Sincerely, Edward Tewhill Building Inspector EJT/lb enclosure } ��y a N Q � a � z A ti z J 0 _ za i i IN 0 O -A � List of Abutters: Address Sheet No. Parcel 1. Barbara Ann Rogers , Marilyn R. Wade 29 4 2, mail to: Marilyn Wade, 35 Stei.grer Rd. , Holyoke iti�.A, 01040 3. 4. Arthur L. &Rosemary P. Mongeon 62 Sandy Hill Road 29 402 5. mail to : same 6. 7 Cornelio F. & Romona R. Santiago 171 Florence Rd. 29 374 8. mail to : same 9. 10 Robert E. & Katherine M. Murphy 151 Florence Rd. 22-D 90 11 mail to: P.O . Box 83, Florence VIA 12. 13 Gilbert S, & Barbara Ann Rogers 29 473 14 mail to : 205 Florence Rd. 15. 16 Jeffrey F. Sheehan, 131 Florence Rd. 22D 89 17 mail to : Florence Savings Bank 18. 19 .. James F.' & Ethel J .- Svoboda, 89 Bl&ss .St." - 22D 101 20. Mail to : same - 2'1. 22. 23 � UG 1 24. 25. br` ,r Sir 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) Do Not Write I Application Number: L _ Filed ° - Fee Pd. Rec'd.� ZBA -Map(s) Parcels) t t Date Amt, Date B y Date g t X05 ?� AOPLICATfON IS HEREBY MADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: 1. Mme of Applicant Tullio Tnglese Address 592 Main Ste Amherst 2. Owner of Property Gib Fullerton Address 157 Florence Roadj Nor- hampton 3. Applicant is: ❑Owner; ❑Contract Purchaser; ❑Lessee; ❑Tenant in Possession. x Designer 4. Application is made for: ❑VARIANCE from the provisions of Section._. page of the Zoning Ordinance_ of the City of Northampton. SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. /,OTHER: 1.r2 -- Art;^i e 1 x Section 9�`i Page 9-2 Paragaph E_ 5. Location of Property 157 Florence Road being situated on the w Eit side of Florence Street; and shown on the Assessors' Maps, Sheet No. 29 Parcel(s) 3 6. Zone URA 7. Description of proposed work and/or use; Construction of a154 sq. ft. enclosed P n Xicz+ iv� r.2r-2 he aaraF-e is snon-conformin-a structure as it is sited or or adi cent o the n onerty line. Attaching the garage to the house Extends a non-conforming situation_ in terms of set-back requirements as the legal set-bsck for the garage changes from 4' to 15' once it is attached to thp hn1lsQ, 8. (a) Sketch plan attached; ❑Yes 0 N (b) Site plan: 0Attched []Not Required 9. et f rth reasons tupon which application is based: The extension of this non-conforming situation is :_ requested to be granted as it has no effect on the nei.g or oo an zs no more detrimental in any way than the existing non-con ormance. 10. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). 12. 1 hereby certify that information contained herein is true to the Wt of my knowle e. r I - 0 Date Applicant's Signature A ^4000A 0 , CITY OF NORTHAMPTON • Tax Map No. 29 LoM 3 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION e � Zoning Ordinance Section 10.2 ° Rec d. 0 File N 0 Plan File ,r BUILWNO rtc,.. Owner F i� r. •i�Lglese Address 157 Florence Road Address _ 592 ?ain Street, Amherst _ Telephone 586-1096 Telephone 256-8025 This section is to be filled out in accordance with the "Table of Dimensional and Density Regulations: (Z.O. ARTICLE VI) Zoning Use Lot Front Depth Setbacks Max. Bid. Min. Op. District Area Width Front Side Rear Cover Space single y° % ° Past Existing family 2.46 130 800 Present URA' Proposed % I % Mark the appropriate box to indicate the use of the parcel: D Non-Conforming Lot and/or Structure. Specify Non—conforming structure CC.-Residential DSingle Family Unit ❑Multi-Family ❑ Duplex ❑ Other ❑ Business ❑ Individual ❑ Institutional ❑ Subdivision ❑ Regular .0 P.U.D. ❑ Cluster ❑ Other ❑ Subdivision with "Approval-Not-Required"-Stamp: ❑ Planning Board Approval: ' ❑ Zoning Board Approval (Special Permit 10.9: Variance) ❑ City Council (Special Exception S. 10.10) Watershed Protection District Overlay: (Z.O. Sect. XIV) ❑ Yes D No Parking Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect. 8.1) Required Proposed Loading Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect. 8.2) Required Proposed Signs: (Z.O. Art. VII) ❑ Yes ❑ No Environmental Performance Standards: (Z.O. Art. X1 1) D Yes ❑ No Plot Plan D Yes D No Site Plan P9 Yes ❑ No (S. 10.2) (S. 10.2 and 10.11 Waiver Granted: Date ❑ This section for OFFICIAL use only: ❑ Approval as presented: • Modifications necessary for approval: • Return: (More information needed) • Denial: Reasons: Sig ture o Applicant D to Signature of Admin. Officer Date P Nf�SN P DP !