29-447 LW'1•1111N.4 I 11...4 11$111 I [ Tr Nu l'o cps9 L 0 t 44-7 APPLICATION grerdinance Section 10,-7: Y,.:cciv,-:C : I File ro. 1--lan File • ........, . Inner 041,4N.q... 44,- t°,,t col q Ap,lic„t ( Address ,54 P..12.-JU-k_441 (Jx\) Pd tUresr: ; (.0 &CA:L- Lino „Ad Telephone Telephono This section is to be filled out in accordance - h te "Table of Dimonsional and Density Regulatione:. (Z-Q. AT.::'TICLE VI) ..___ -,oning usc Lot: Front DeFth etbac!7s J:ax.nd. rin. Op. )istrict Area 1id-th Front Side Per _ Cover._ Space east tin Exis , - - L 100 /r.. , 7 O, , LI i2A. n/ Present Proposed ... _ fl..rk the appropriate box to indicate the use of thc parcel: El Von-Conforming Lot and/or Structure. Specify. [21 Residential Single Family Unit ILulti-Family Du-rle:-: 1 jOthci Business 1—I Industrial Institutirr-nl I I Subdivision 1 1Rec,,Or I Ir.I.J.D. I I eh,r;r..,2c 1 1 r,.- L:1C.1 1 ! Subdivision with "Approval-Not-3enuir,j"-5tamp: Planning Roard Approval: I I Zoning PoLrd Approval (SpeciP1 Permit 1 .9: Variance) I 10ity Council (Specinl Exception S. 10. 10) 1 1Yos I i ro 7atershed Protection District Overly: (g.C. Sect. :.:IV) Parking Space Requirements: (Z.O. ,Sect. .),.1) Required_Pro p 0 Se ,.. Loading Space Requirements: (Z.C. Sect. 8.2) Required Proposed Signs: (Z.O. Art. VII) I 1Yds No Thvironmental Performance Standards: MO. Art. XII) I 1Yes No _ Plot Plan I I Yes 1 I No Site Plan I I Yes I I ITe. (S. 10,2) (S. 10.2 and 10.11 Lvar Grant, : D-te 1 Jqll 1ffill MI MI NM MN 1111.1 MI MI NM MI WM MI MN MI MI ill MI MI lall MN it MI MN MI NM NM MI MI MO MN MN MI NM MB MN 111111•NM NM This section for OFFICIAL use only: I 'Approval as presented: 1-111odifioations nece-scary for rrpi-ov -'l: Return: (Lore informatinn needed) I Denial: Peors: —- ------- -- • - :N_____„"L:-) ,• ':.'",. ‘_ . J-----)-- F/c 6-1 7 c - i Signature of Ap:,lic73nt Date SL;n-,ture ,0- AdT:lin. Officer Date 4101* 9 . 9/ 7 For ALL buildings within Fire District and for other buildings costing$10,000.00 or more,plans and specifications must be submitted to the Inspector of Buildings for examination and approval If building is to be moved give details relative to proposed location as for a new building. t IN Application for Permit to Build Northampton, Mass., ..../ 19.7 7 To the Inspector of Buildings:- The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, move, alter, or repair, according to the following specifications.- _--, 1. Owner's name �QL1 M3 3Q.r:.S) 2. Owner's address . °�� E/L/'-' ' ?.Q fe i.. 3. Architect's name cc�� 4. Builder's name ........... . Q'v ,S26.N...ad id-r ... 5. Builder's address I Lt.<..U :.1. . .........��'S� 6. Location of Building. Street No. ct!l!4 411 4.) /c 7. Is this a removal or new building •2 8. If removal, from where 9. What is the purpose of building • 7ak'a4Cr..a H E O 10. Material of building (.4)..Q.. , 2 11. If a dwelling, for how many families Number of rooms 12. Is there to be a store in the building .....»....» 13. Size of building, No. of feet front /f / ;No. of feet deep T ; No. of stories 14. Size of ell, No. of feet front - ; No of feet deep ..........,..,.... .....; No of feet high z. i 15. Size of Lot /' j ?d-r9 Feet Wide ......./.413 e Feet Deep /?9 16. How near the line of street // ( / c( ( t 17. How near the line adjoining lot. Right Left 'te) ; Rear 18. Nearest building is .....».. / feet in wottefll direction 19. Material of the floor C.v.) 20. Size of timbers, 1st •, Lnd ; 3rd ; 4th ; 5th '- 21. No. of feet span ; Distance on centers - -- 22. Will the building be erected on solid or filled land 23. What is the material of foundation ; Footing 24. Will the roof be flat or pitched Prfe-ked ; Covering AL7- `k44!�Slt�� 25. Heat; steam, hot water, furnace, stoves Power oil burner 26. Fireplace ; Insulation 27. How many sinks ; Toilets Lavatories .. ; Bathtubs.;Showers ; Settubs 28. City Service; Water Sewer ; Road Surface ; Sidewalk 29. Is lot on accepted street 30. Estimated cost (must be filled out) ot Applicant agrees to give the Inspector of Buildings 24 hours' notice before lathing or plastering this building. This building will conform to the requirements of the law. nigh I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent. 4 SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS (NUMBER) (STREET) (CITY) APPROVED BY T1 TLE DATE 19 - A DEPT. FILE COPY *IP' i-BUILDING oa a PERMIT VALIDATION DATE April 20, 19 77 PERMIT NO. /PL APPLICANT Jo-Arm Sanborn ADDRESS 26 Ellington Road. (NO.) `(STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSE) NUMBER OF PERMIT TO Rai ld_ Storage Shed (,I STORY Storage DWELLING UNITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED-USE) ZONING AT (LOCATION) 26 Ellington Road D ISTR tCT URA (NO.) (STREET) a BETWEEN AND. tp (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) cm LOT a m SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE t P BUILDING IS TO BE ion FT. WIDE BY FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION m O Z Wooa TO TYPE MvV�' USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION X (TYPE) C U REMARKS: 8173 ld Storage Shed ARA OR VOLUME ESTIMATED COST .$ 400.00 FEEMIT $ 10.00 (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) OWNER .TnArm Sanborn � BUILDINg�,!.P„ Ai //)....440„..,46il. ADDRESS 26 Ellington Road BY //////ttt���IIIIII (Affidavit on reverse side of application to be completed by authorized agent o. owner)