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A► ! AR Alb AI A! " A AM. A A _ A A A _ A Ak OR f di& - ABM A Al It A ilk A All A, A A - oak " ff," " ^ \ ,Z. °I* 0.11, sok. silk " oak dok osk, ilat ilk Ask ".. . 4 X Li — \/ . --s, _ ---4 --- 1 --■ i_ , \ . r 1 ; k % C\ V\ .‘ 1 \ L. . .._.. . — , 4- -1-- \.) . i 1 , Z' 1 1 , _ r, -,..„ 1 1 . t. ..,- oh ...4 ^ dok, mok .0.0,, " ow ..., Agok ilik All Allik " 41114%. 4.4 M. „",, ,.. \■,,‘ ---3- c . ' \ CD .4- CI ' c---- , . 'I 0 . Z ,....„.. .....,.... 'i \ \ \ I .. --' 07 CD -- .i ‘...) -) -....' +) "....3 4 0 1.-". C 1-) cr) - ■••-• — -J V 4 v .44-4 I ' C.>) '.‘ -''• ', I (...3 \.,= , / I a q a. U.,1 •.„ %•-.-44. = ti ...,) \(::......: I Cr■ ''',, —.I ---;) I , it I a> cs) c7 I .• ,—, ..c3 I cof 1-- _ (ci , ...4 („) 4- 4..... *:. ......1 ■u. MI ' I * < MI e#7# C • a• I-- 0 4— z 4 = •• 1....____. -/ 4/1 ...' 6 I 4 4 U.1 --"' 0 C C .4 • 1.. 44 - • cu 4 / a. ....11 ....0.4 E . 0. 4-> a.) tf) - .c .., 0.. RI +., c u \-- < c..) fo (0 = - . ,./ i )k,r E --* tt) cc .../ S.- so 0 • s- 4- .• ,a) . II.. < sa) 0 a c) (.4) 4-1 its C ---• 0 4-1 ..... v.. •-• E 0 a" .E:1 .I) E c..) . C s- E u) 5... .t...) s_ a) . 0 CD 0 =I (0 CD a NJ Cl. = 04 C...) 0— ul = Lt- . • " ' 1 ' ■•••• C"..I • ':-.. to-1 to r.... co • 4100" ■ 011t, TuI uli/lumenWI of tgassarljustittri BUSINESS CERTIFICATE ............. ... .... . 0 ',e provisions of Chapter one hundr� �� ned''le undersigned hereby declare(s) that a business under the title is conducted at /C�,q TUkh/ Street• . I, . •..Fiampshi J!!1 LAliu1ro er re Iruai, �! f �� E sOnally appeared SS rr! ! o ,u��urt Da before '��'1'Z..��%G.... 9(`F h,z pl, ... ..... .. .... ...and ...• 1d A.� B ja1rme the above,na l deo med • Ma . A cer oath that the..f btrs�nesrOml he d Issued ! oregoing statent s shall be ate of Issue ccordance ent,S tract. •.. nducte and shall with this d and shall be retie Is section CS lapse and be each f°hrll be !n for•(Seal) old unle seso��herea fterd cf., ect f (z,F°rm as6 renewed so Iona or four M .. ag Such ' SU�k�N iNC / rON 6pS 4 f , j-;T� • perk I ' Auodwo>we}sXs)ppe0 puo 6u3 meN d SO£O-09010 suasny>osso 'uo}dwoyPoN a>uaJoid SO£XO8-0'd poo alRnuapi(oH 8179 D!a4Da�j stlasnipassow XuodwoD>u{>aj3 s}}asny>°ssoW _.) (,) , ) S / 5/ I v , Li I Qc-N1\04 C) A : Hooe.c. i . 1 ■ , , II , 11 11\ . _ . 9) ■ _ , • . IR' Ain )0 ‘o•o ..... 1 ikli - 'V II ----- ,] %4 _,--- ier ‘ _._. I i . 1 4 _ „,„ - • ;IOLA ' . , An ,....___ C b o = `ti O C n.7 a ^. tri = i 5. o o c, ts: y r .1 z cicz o' .4 (7) 2 y 5 5 cm b d o C O a rr 7. Zoning Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. ,s—P e' ' P-.. Alterations �"'!�ati NORTHAMPTON, MASS. e i4$,` a e , V /�'iry /� ]9 9..?APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Additions ns Repair Garage 1. Location 4-7 : V_7e/ "7r/ 4. r-,-../..r ��q Lot No. 2. Owner's name �►--�1,,,,,y�,S- eVzf nay Address s-'2 G,•�1.�,,2,//�,..-/ .. ,r/.,s- ,,a 3. Builder's name C c,/,,r-0...2c,,./ c--" ,-... --I.- Address ...",. e _ -ir, -/ 4-21 ..rrC.,4-,0:3,.' Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. c."--C-74--‘ G> Expiration Date /7 " yam 4. Addition 5. Alteration 6. New Porch / ,' >' ...-'e ' ...c....-r.c-sv.'P c 7-702-:-.4•1/0--,-/ of:7 c-../t- 7. Is existing building to be demolished? 8. Repair after the fire 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating 11. Distance to lot lines 12. Type of roof 13. Siding house 14. Estimated cost:- acs---e.) The undersigned certifies that the abov statem is are true to the best of his, her knowledge and belie Signal e of responsible applicant Remarks GGG��' Date Filed ,P /°'`t>' -= File No. ZONING PPERMIT APPLICATION (510.2) 1. Name of Applicant s �'�f�c-i 6:1/JA Address: 0,6 (0 Si Telephone: c- Ljp c( 2 . Owner of Property: --7i�, .10.,.- a-0,7 Address: ,s.-- ' ‘./,,-,-.b.,e,, -/ c„,-,z ,,„, Telephone: ,s----fi 4-—.c, 3 . Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain: �4,-.6 - . 4 . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# (HA Parcel#_& Zoning District(s) (include ove la s) , (,ti., Street Address 57 r , ,1Y-6( - ,,,6 , ) -Require 5. Existing Proposed by Zoni. Use of Structure/Property (if project is only interior work, skip to #6) Building height %Bldg.Coverage (Footprint) Setbacks - front W 1 ,561 . 01 - side t + t 54 i7+ i`-, -- - rear (130 513 . -&°), Lot size Frontage Floor Area Ratio %Open Space (Lot area minus building and parking) Parking Spaces Loading Signs Fill (volume & location) 6. Narrative Description of Proposed Work/Project: (Use additional sheets if necessary) %- X. �C ° ,vas r-ss c,..P,.- , '-7..r-.�,.trZ 0e7,-�4- 7 . Attached Plans: U."- Sketch Plan Site Plan 8 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information conta iled, herein is tr e nd accurate to the best of my knowledge./ Date: 5 60- Applicant's Signature: ,/,/ , .," �,-, THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: 1/ Approved as presented/based on information presented D� ied as presented 'ea on f/or genial: L------7 1-v,, / , , . 5/7/./ 2--- Signat•re of B ' .ing Inspector date' NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits A A, from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. hh CI- JIB —0-1 `7) (-1 et - � z B =© , i w. .3 y c c 0 o _ x a.0 ili x c c ° c rb ; ra 0 .4∎I net,O+ 7. O O v, .0 O O' O u,• rC �_:: o ,y r• 3 c 0 ~ •�. C �P A. ' ., c _ o' y A _ O A V ..! !o 0 3 ,a- —. 7 O .T 70 c a et, ro R O• 'C O ►fir III7111/ A tiZ CA A A c f9 0 - A O v rC 1.3 Q Q' .a >v ro a r. fl) a �+ x ��yy n 00 Cl) n = c - ro � 0 CI "0 ""' o ° rt m 0 °i ..4, ■ r"- C ' O O W t.1 ro b U9 Q' '0 r"a tr, e , Cot 3 C O t3. cn(D M SINN4 t4 et O 0 O O Z C) et cn' A. c Q r+ Melt. Melt M. d "`T a a _ �. fCD a) C Mt" y r. O r. Q 1/.r. W A 'a• a. ., .CA C ro A C7 - L: .I IN.) r� © C G Cr OC �.► �e - * rg '�' •'0 CA o v, • A• "1 x }.y 5 0,0 atl = X!" CC9 =• cm $ 01 = ro tD y S \ 5,, )1mt et 4 c ,..% �� y s c c O D O O O O Q' CA Cn VJ t/1 Vl ,< till t� a a 'ti •o 'v •o 'o v O , \ ro .O.y 0 0 0 0 O C" y c 5� 0 �, is D vo aro _ LO CFQ e en c c iv= o n ro iv 7 '0. b . 3' O' 0 a'! ' W t.4 o.• ZS 6, O 7 0� VG CA 121 n z ' S.ill p 7 'T3 z I 1 g 2 e1 `s O C '1 d = en Q' ...3 0• c a; D 'Ct CM tv, .o y• ac c ro d 2:1 c" GA c n ct 2 twil I.� 2 so Cn - � . 0 7 C7 Cr!Cfl et, y 0 vi 2 0' BUSINESS CERTIFICATE �flr Luntmonturttltfl of aoyaarlparttri 17 195?:„. . In conformity with the provisions of Chapter one hundred and ten, Section five of the General Laws, as amende the undersigned hereby declare(s) that a business under the title of t ,' ge._ Reel Ser ' ge is conducted at Number ,--3 JQ ,6j\t Street Y20 1-11 jo„ CITY OR TOWN by the following named persons. FULL NAME RESIDENCE TCS4 CC- l' itai(` g6N5 es.,(114•kfyipk?1. Pc.e. w9i-thcepz I ned (:)0e, + (SIGNATURE) (SIGNATURE) (SIGNATURE) (SIGNATURE) c� llr Luntntnuturaltll of fl:al atllu ttto Hampshire May 19 , 92 ss. , 19 Personally appeared before me the above-named David A. Blair and made oath that the foregoing statement is true. A certificate issued in accordance with this section shall be in force and effect for four years from the date of issue and shall be renewed each four years thereafter so long as such business shall be conducted and shall lapse and be void unless so renewed. J.r". . / a 7-c.c.__ (Seal) TITLE Asst. City Clerk Form 486 A, M. SULKIN, INC., BOSTON PERMIT APPLICATION CHECK LIST It - `J if - 3q - Yes No Date 1 . Zoning Form Application ( 2. Permit Application L-- ' 3. Homeowner statement if applicable Lic . #7 if not 4. 2 sets of plans �� � `` 5. Curb cut 6. Wate D- '.. u-0 1 - 1. 7.. Permit fee - check only MC- ! 37, S; (-fG 8. Special Permit required with deg if applicable 9. Under section 127 - CMR 7An 14. Form A -