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13-038 (8)
10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO X ____" 1 IF YES,describe size,type and location: Are there any proposed chances to or additions of signs intended for the property'?YES PLO IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CM BE DENIED DUE 210 LACK OF izi?ORMATION. x".�..' P.2.3:= :o be fiiIed by rti,. Pa=t +S:,g Depac teat^ Required I Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size Frontage Setbacks - front 1 - side I L: R: L: R: if I - rear I Building height Bldg Square footage I %Open Space: (Lot area mirius bldg &paned parPi�g) i _ # of Parking Spaces f of Loading Docks Fill: :(vol-ume-& location) I 11 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: A P_LICANT's SIGNATURE NOTE: Lssusnoe of a zoning permit does not relieve en epplioen:s burden to oomph( with eil zoning f-eequirements and obtain ell required permits from the Eoetrd of Eieetth, Cons tee{For Corrtmisslon, Depsrtment of Publics Works end other epplioeble permft greriting authorities. FILE I • Fite No. ZONING PERMIT APPLI CTSON (§10 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION i. Name of Applicant: n P,orex I ■ Address: Q CV �.�r� 5A 1`1 c41—c2 n,. 1,M , MA Telephone:_4 127 72 2 - `v 1 Ol ik 1 2. Owner of Property: ► y 's.. E __ Address: pc) eox 12 4 N u�. ,� DK?(,( Telephone: / 0 2 -g 22_ 9 2 I Z 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Y. Other(explain): Ail r,,x ,t1Cle.ajdZir 4. Job Location: Parcel Id: Zoning Map# Parcel# District(s): (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) } 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property f\I6-t,l1 CoNSTPAC((C' /fi r f1--(ET 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): (Ci 1MX` 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW k YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DONT KNOW )( YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) U` 4ttIAMP2,oy� No.._ !.f 6. °.. " Erection....._.. ...... ( ) =1" Alteration ( ) Repair _ ( ) Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted, Removal ( ) Titv of Northampton, Aria. Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) FEE PAGE / 3 PLOT 37-- Northampton, Mass., '1t1..c. 2o0b To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit toy place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME...2:Ve...1K..Uc L j }A0(-^1 1. LOCATION, STREET and No.....33Q.-... (Thr) 2. Owner's name....la:AlAc . :).a.n t�c�!.. 0 �1 �. . A1c rb, ` 3. Owner's address ?. 2... 112..� q��..�..�1,1 :k ,r��./1�,. 0.11.Q(2.1, 4. Maker's name 5. Maker's address Cad. A.Iao..rac: 'zya,..tv\.Qc 6. Erector's name „:.?.•.. : L1Ct ►a, . t " mac 7. Erector's address SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated non-illuminated.....X • 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? h1/ Marquee 3. Lower edge will be ft. ins. above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will be .ft. ins. above the public way. Roof 5. Height 1...- ft /6 ins. Width..2.5 ft ins. Temporary >A 6. Face area 2g sq. ft. Wall 7. Inner edge will be................. ns from the building or pole. Ground i 8. Outer edge will be ins.from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of building or pole is..........._.....ins.back from the street line. 10. Sign will project....... ins.beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend it ins. above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed? Frame Face htln.4t.'...L (`-Q, 13. Estimate cost..25°,°'c2 aktaciiit4 The undersigned certifies that the above statements re ue to the best of his knowledge and belief. ., ... (Sign t t�re of Owner or Agent) NOTE:In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth P INT NOP CLEARLY and FULLY. • File#BP-2008-0620 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON Northampton Community Cooperative Market, Inc. ADDRESS/PHONE P.O. Box 1245 NORTHAMPTON PROPERTY LOCATION 330 NORTH KING ST MAP 13 PARCEL 038 001 ZONE HB THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out �� �� Ij� Fee Paid �i Typeof Construction: ERECT TEMPORARY BANNER-RIVER VALLEY MARKET New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FO LOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFO ATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission _ Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay //0zod0 Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. City of Northampton tit Massachusetts Tate issued 1/11/2008 0:00:00 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2008-0620 Permit Fee$30.00 SIGN PERMIT Business RIVER VALLEY MARKET Addre .bg` Applicant Installer Homeowner as Contractor Applicant Installer Address Work Description ERECT TEMPORARY BANNER - RIVER VALLEY MARKET Estimated Cost $250.00 Building Department Approval by: OFF:1 •i4 L ----- Q = A:+85.03 0� �' OFF:12.00 R all 0 /- 15 CR GT 0 24 IG _ 20 CP d It °Np .is N c.� c, lep-4111 .' 4/ ---' 8' I CS 'A—pp, 4a j 42' ,iT�) . �a I ill I E I� 4: i-C = 1+1 7.60 �,� It • I i 43 _ ,- 0 BLOCK RET. I 1 4) _._STORMWATER `0 &NA B d i / & r WALE , I o 4i TREATMENT SEE DETAI - I SYSTEM #2; 1 `-E1 ti -_--SEE-DET 20' 12' 4i STA:+96.7 ' ' 10' 10 e' 8'-6" )1: � 17' OFF: 20.04 '' 470 _. N BEGIN 6" BIT. /i) / CONC. CURB; TYPE 2 4/1' 1 i IEW UT1L POLE - I-- •PER MA •WY SPEC. 0' { I th / ,-,....- , �STA:46969� D GRANITE CUR: OFF:112.00 Rt' '�' 4'fx '\, STA.+51:44 1 1 1 ;LOPED 4" OFF:1 .65 , )RIVEWAY RADII YP. FOR BOTH SID . o 0 �'` -'' ,' i_a i- E:ghp, 1 r. :FP i (at z€; SEE DETAIL • w ..,,. —ice•��'—�—'tee — s.,:.,. ...,17,,.....4 ..t-,,./4,- , 16-0 ,,,,5.. .. . „xr. ., :6__,,,.. 7,- \ • . __., a., .. �.�,° ,.rte - _� ,��. .�,,.F .-, ge. .. — BIT. NEW EDGE OF EXIST. EDGE OF NEW EDGE OF END GRAN c PAVEMENT PAVEMENT PAVEMENT BEGIN BR. CONC STA•+17.97, OFF o o — — _ — — ACCESSIBLE _; . .„ •. CURB RAMP SEE DETAIL • ■ "9. • • • ■ ■ ---1 D. SEE SHEETS 4 & • TURNLANE LAYOUT IN' M CD W = •I n 3 s Z mAA J AA Z S y D D ND� Z �-2 (, OW D. NZ = a,ae,rn ^ 1 ��N X N O m oco 54. ,..,„..... ,...d,n.,.. x.,.. m whom -P CO ! .-----. TT o IT a 5 „= -0 i ''NN\N'SNINI1 ...,---m ,,,„.,,,—,---,.......—,,,..,„„„...- C S o c n —. _ A o"� Z Z m ,0 ... O z Q m dt 1 ( o O 6' .-�,�. a .,„,....mow. . t m ''- V? 7 CD I C2.7 ---, irvimiallilliZillillWAO LEI �f Z s Ail I n E o III N U po O Dr g, a 0p; c7 Ocx Trn =_ 0 �2 y2 N pF N `' 2 N C D rngD h°,y F,V > _, y z ,,2 y2 m _ A V N C1 V 3 - i O LP p -4 T th z _ s rn C J g c c R C re C7 ,. ° 11'-0' fl? 3 rn / / 6 N N g co x o co ° kseilaaxe aaeea; C'U 1 �� °--- eag°�' ag° sl' iF?!k'3i$"%&=( T r ..---- g g4 9� :�9" 5� d a;3z$y 3 9 tae•F¢T z 1kx S a°' zeca_" ;°o a= g�ix i it:14; s3 ti s€-ii) le eh .N-„.ir 1 °O i j__¢"u" @ fit-" t k� 12 a k; 42 it Z jR %c $ a 4 i' s o4 ¢ o e ;C lif eill l; ; Iq a ra°9'8$ il 12 ° I `191-11 1-'r !`��g 1 rilligl3v°°1 ai s'4i. etILIae 12„ 2 p�$ Dill i%i � ate. a Y3gi ! �; ' s�i$ 5 I_ P ssyy g9Q e t a i`°1 $$ ; E a. i 9 r8 g�. qg3 '-i4" c s f ;i 3°q ' 1 5 $34isti$ s11[ i g 1- € s■ • �: III ;i 9_gar. ,, • \ '6!• 2,x1 , —,- yroiti u '11'10 . 1. ` _/ p ,...`4.0:224t.„.22 ' P R a d i ce s Fi o `_ g•V P s4 �000ai`s° °r _ . o _ p r i i 0 a I� M.o = R tea' II �° m #I i 41o^fli A to ,,.i' a 11° �''.. �8 _ fig? =- o \--2, u =14 e Iii El g ,1,!.!Oil"'1 ‘-• gag rr,_• -� b + aro III 1� 1.-__ a s^ i im ^ h. �1 gnu ^_ : '69:=T-1, ..„ LJ £..` 1 ei 1 gg d 1 4 1 ads ! $ rsl 1 I '?1 �I go • r A 5 [a Rm 5j 'i a �J�k Tka $ a 4 kf .15'4','. o 115' $ �� . c • # j w a ••s'\ a 8 •,&3 p S^ Fag-7 ' ! • 3 a r 1,0 6, ,, \ / w 17 •. b°gi . [3 kty, /7-NNs _y 0 :'y d I"' 2'" , ° ; E 0 I.g o a_ ,I • ' ., , NI:ii ifi, k „ „ ,...,T. r- Ps :iie Ai 4_ :; r 11!; i a a_ 4 A ce a i a e � 9 '21 .1k a1 a p,c 1 `1 3 :ill �!I N 8i' 1111 j i 5 , 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size,type and location: Are there any proposed chances to or addiirons of signs intended for the property/?YES NO t•""/- IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF iu ORMATION. r..-Ler col.= to be fi.-..d 4... by to 9a=1.++rg Depar=zaaat Required i Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size 4 ti)re 4 -74 /+6-0 4•5/76= /i,.4- . Frontage Setbacks - frnnf I - side L: R: L: R: - rear Building height Bldg Square footage 1 %Open Space: I (Lot area minus bldg &p-ved parking) il # of -Parking Spaces I f. Loading Docks Fill: -(vol ume-& location) li 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. V , DA'Z'E: eZ„V 6/l _LICANT's SIGNA3JP � s s,NOTE: anoe of a zoning permit does not relieve an eeppli ants Ordert to oorrgsiv with 7aEl zoning requirements end obtedn all required permits from the Eoerd of Health, Oorser-retion Commission, Department of Publio Works and other epplioeble permit granting authorities. FILE f • r f File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (510 . 2) PLEASE' TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: ./ ► 1/ 41 Jed ,✓ Address:426-- X5/1-7 P -= Telephone: 243 y'' 0/013 2. Owner of Property: / JLL 4 (Leine. Address: i r 6414974Y RO & 7hitstn-, Cs'A f✓Telephone: „'2 C13-'13 "9t err 5;,?cf 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contrail Purchaser Lessee V Other(explain): j"/G1✓ jiuefe.'I C¢70it ^74fr1,0-14-4L4-7fc:7 '- 4. Job Location: 330 /©/ 7/1-- /47/0474, 6-7 Parcel Id: Zoning Map# Parcel# District(s): (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property ©G'#2 45 7al/eCr- 6. Description of Proposed Usei iork/ProjectiOccupation: (Use additional sheet if necessary): 70 /i 74L.L O®li,ce ,c8 -c= 4 s P54 477 ,6Q.-Her' rt 44,, 7. Attached Plans: I/ Sketch Plan Site Plan > Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DONT KNOW V YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) �+Mr .r _ l _ t j, r�• Erection....._ ( ) q rr, �, Alteration ( ) �,• Jo is Repair....._. ....._ ( ) Plans must be filed with the Binding Inspector, _a Repainting ( ) before a permit will be t� Removal ( ) Q.tit Txtv of Northampton, Alass. Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) FEE PAGE PLOT Northampton, Mass.fer .24....... 6— 19 To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME i1" ,4z-c -Y /1. LOCATION,LOCATION, STREET and No. s t.3v.....1.:42'C'701 . 1!" `75.7 2. Owner's name &Ld' r 3. Owner's address 4&-7 e--4 06 6-42 4. Maker's name.... ,.r..,4. S/6':-5 5. Maker's address Gv<4/C.,r"e m✓ `--s p!O/ 6. Erector's name fleirt 7. Erector's address SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated non-illuminated • 2. Will sign Marquee gn obstruct a fire escape, window or door? '" 3. Lower edge will be.....7 ft ins above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will be....l( ft. ins. above the public way. Roof 5. Height zi ft ins. Width l Q ft ans. Temporary Wall 6. Face area 40 .sq. ft. �r 7. Inner edge will be.....Q.......ins from the-building or pole. Ground 8. Outer edge will be...f,,? ins.from the or pole. Other 9. Face of building or pole is.Lielins.back from the street line. 10. Sign will project..... ins.beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend '4 it ins. above theb••i' „r pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed? Frame-r'7Li ` Face "/1;t;'47 13. Estimate cosf3.b' )0 The undersigned certifies that the above stat ents are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. (' ignature of Owner or Agent) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth paINT- , CLEARLY and FULLY. File#BP-2008-0721 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON New England Signs,Inc ADDRESS/PHONE 628 Center St CHICOPEE (413)594-2131 PROPERTY LOCATION 330 NORTH KING ST MAP 13 PARCEL 038 001 ZONE HB THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out / � Fee Paid �'� -5� '" Typeof Constriction: ERECT ILLUM GROUND SIGN-RIVER VALLEY MARKET NCA A Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FO LOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFO IATION PRESENTED: pproved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management /6z_ Demolition Delay .............. 751,----- 7."'" ' 2 cz3,5 Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. City of Northampton Massachusetts Date issued 3/4/2008 0:00:00 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2008-0721 Permit Fee$30.00 SIGN PERMIT Business RIVER VALLEY MARKET Addre . " y 1, Applicant Installer New England Signs, Inc Applicant Installer Address 628 Center St Work Description ERECT ILLUM GROUND SIGN - RIVER VALLEY MARKET Estimated Cost $3800.00 Building Department Approval by: NEW ENGLAND SIGNS Fax:4135942131 _ --.__.. Feb 27 2008 11:34 P.01 S. np• 5 ! t 4 ' L!. '- / LCv8 f lii!r�i�r�Y�7�00111111 1 ` , � ! 1 111111 'I!' II i! '`1Frt r; sas.f.i.Lt �y i` }i11;,I{,t'1„i!«jijis i!1!1!�:�j � i,j'Il1llli;i Mt., ,'; ; '1111161 I I e ? _ _ iK a!I ( I �i --=11! -_ I":.'1.1:-•,''i E.:.3 7:::77_ tAi a r1• r_, 11� T 111°4 - I ig :Q = I, room= 1 111- f t ;E_i E `.Es 117`- 0. 111 * 4 1 gig `c ]p Xi _ f • i Ur A tne985 Ai^aa s9 et Ca 0 l 4c aw1°r i; Yva;3 a;4l t- b P a ii It.°' �a-•it§a� I ^ °i9timeT #t i= 5 -6e=^°°:y6Gk0"' ••— . aFaisIi?�_ • 11=L� 2 9 li iy is s.2..4 WI! 11 Y G O I Ei'lfflittUj' z" q 1i P I 3 • sP r Ia y € '�■■ at ipIt-iiiBt; gii; 1.i ii ' T}g I y g ii 19 i g $� :•� �78A &cy$��tsl h; t•; S 1k sg fit` @ q v 8 , i q1 V. 8 ai !q3$s i. h'i I% i i I ;g a °9t !r 1i 148Eo t •g' __ z °gel ' $ d1$6siie1freld% i 'It aiei$_ a 3 i g f =1 i sp,„ irt a x m gas m a : a 5 € it 5 ,R a �' a4°°°•°•4N°•Y7Y A },_ 9 ° f_. RR \.\ R"___ RAs Q :g Y9 • s. j 1. J ° � m5 x g R �_ 8 � �^ . zo w= ' _ a 1 p -0 _ PpO 4��8 #R q` a `�`a??.. e \ 1 y, f€: a. �. a a 0 48 ` P L _ 1 • 1 ,i ( 0 AA a � is q l µ < i OOPP i 1 T, 't n v _�Ir �; i ., h $' , Ia R . i A+ '- I ' ° fire P� ,. ° oab m €:t n,Y Pr i It® k `, y a 3 Lam. a I t Q / lig. to R k's Q v s e ^i jr 1oq 9 � eI ® M u a=a s Y , ( 4= V € aa Ha m aaa o g rlm a€� a ' t..r a ii)• 1 x II1j • f R v 111.1� yr- 7,&, I $- 1 i -%VIII... ' , Wel \ ,rt N ag !! i 1 cg's } 13 _s •g 7g R. °P, .��ie. -,, • mq Ii I • i I d a Y Tr �Rm s,•I; I .rte s gz: A3'F C Fv -,.7a.g€ III i a •mss ' § nP, 5 b^ WF „,: I• 1 to,s� ®� 4 Seem: a r � r °Q r y yO R . € w a ® I' ■ s ag - 440 f_ 1 ' ..f . Iii/, if i 0 z : .2,;,' I: :1 Cli' • , E 1 f g9 `-____` A e9 ' �` 'w N i M I !! 11R air• Iii' lift i t co C �� } cn-- .... NN _ OO mom W O cc,,, A BCD O ■- W co,-, IS DN I �AOrn / G wW0 gym 11101 1I1f III' ILi '1 C o. ILpIQMii. �p. ( lid 1 C P — rn a� Cp W 5 . t 3 pp frn; .z.z F CIII 017"rsa 5 = • v r- i°c a. 1 N 0 A• Z � 161 C `� �z �•JI G N co „, X11 8g 4 N o v Z � 16 , . = `' o ,1111 ;3111111111": 1 e C E t TYP. r • C`,, C fi g N. ,,, ;i4 C, l7 (D a fD t o R- k. e a P p 0 a - • Y 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO L./IF YES, describe size,type and location: Are there any proposed chances to or additions of signs intended for the property?YES NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF iii Y'ORMATION- This cola= to be f.i. ad by tile "-'Tr;,,9 Afar=em.t Required Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size , tf''�2 flee 4/76' x'41"- Frontage • Setbacks - frr rit - side J L: R: L: R: - rear 1 Building height Bldg Square footage %Open Space: (Lot area minus bldg &paved parkiig) # of -Parking Spaces le- of Loading Docks Fill: {vol-lime-& location) 11 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DE: �' '` 05- _APPLICANT'S SIGNATUP3 NOTE: Essuanoe of a =onirg permit does not relieve an ¢ppFio ntss b den to c.c't p:v with U zsinin8 s{uiremenis and obtain ail required permits from the 6cerd of Eieetth, Cor:servotion Commission, Depsrtznent of Public Works and other espptioab1e permit granting authorities, FILE I File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (f10 . 2) PLEASE SE TYPE OR PR.flTT ALL INFORMATION i. Name of Applicant: ,2 v i v 4i ftva /i L•✓ 6-014444.0 %h't Address: 426--- i -ic K .S7 e4yee0/',.c Telephone: 'J -- 1 (-mil 2. Owner of Property: 1JL.4 inn &ixP, Addresst3fr. ±1,c iL>' AD /7/744:7. -j Telephone: c3/ "� 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee L"Other(explain): s / / ) ' /44?'f •-f /W.-4i" r : 5-] 4. Job Location: � �V 7 L Parcel Id: Zoning Map# Parcel# District(s): (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property /Z-()O 9 .5''7 .,.6= 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additonal sheets if necessary): Vi4e- ' GET—T7C=it f c ' - ‘770/2,45:- /—M1,".% A/c-7A .4 7 C4-' D CAV i✓€ t,!�• 7. Attached Plans: f✓ Sketch Plan v Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Departn ent Files. 8. Has a Special PermitNariance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? CV NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) N 0._ea 7c7e) (AV)7 tir7f„ ,,,1 (4 Erection—....... tor• Alteration....... ) r ‘,' , Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector Repair ( ), _ , _ Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted, nvo Removal ( ) r-rn cu...O Titv f Nortiautptan, ,, s. Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) FEE PAGE PLOT Northampton, Mass.,ICEn •2 e./A 4 I e)C1'" - 4•12,W. To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME eale/C C-'17 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. ;23 0 /2"ebezlht 2. Owner's name elk{,-.A14-41. 609Pt 3. Owner's address c=7 4. Maker's name...tir .......612.4aihditvil .1 ‘ 5. Maker's address.. .4.g2 7Cfl 5.1 el/4626:5F 1)"(1-ss o/c2e3 6. Erector's name 7. Erector's address SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated non-illuminated ‘7- Marquee • 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door?.. .."(P Projecting 3. Lower edge will be./2. ft. ins, above the public way. Roof 4. Upper edge will be.f 4' ft. ins, above the public way. 5. Height c.3 ...ft ins. Width..%V. ft .ins Temporary Wall 6. Face area '. ..S..sq. ft. Ground 7. Inner edge will be ' ins from the building er-ptri.e. 8. Outer edge will be ' Ins. Other ns.from the building es-peic. 9. Face of building or pole is,2"/".itts.back from the street line. 10. Sign will project 0 ins,beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend it °' ins, above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed? Frame Face094467)e., 13. Estimate costi45-00 The undersigned certifies that the above stat- -nts are rue t9 th best of his knowledge and belief. rjr, gnature of Owner or Agent) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth CLEARLY and FULLY. pup, File#BP-2008-0720 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON New England Signs,Inc ADDRESS/PHONE 628 Center St CHICOPEE (413) 594-2131 PROPERTY LOCATION 330 NORTH KING ST MAP 13 PARCEL 038 001 ZONE HB THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out 65-3 ) A 30 Fee Paid Typeof Construction: ERECT NON-ILLUM WALL SIGN-RIVER VALLEY MARKET New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Buildint Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE F LOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INF ATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § q J'r Finding Special Permit Variance* 6"9' [ Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission _ Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay / .' .,.7./ 2 ' • Signature rtuilding Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. City of Northampton $ Massachusetts Date issued 3/3/2008 0:00:00 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-2008-0720 Permit Fee$30.00 SIGN PERMIT Business RIVER VALLEY MARKET Applicant Installer New England Signs, Inc Applicant Installer Address 628 Center St Work Description ERECT NON-ILLUM WALL SIGN - RIVER VALLEY MARKET Estimated Cost $1800.00 Building Department Approval by: D. F. VALENTE A R C H I T E C T do P L A N N E R 571 MAIN STREET * REAR S O U T H M E D F O R D MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 02155-6552 P�� TELEPHONE 781 - 395 - 0120 APR 1 t) 2v 'o N.FV/ FACSIMILE 781 - 395 - 8702 E-MAIL: dfvalente@comcast.nefi ! i DOMENIC F. VALENTE, A.I.A. ARRIL 14,2007 COPY FAXED, ORIGINAL MAILED 1ST CLASS MR.ANTHONY PATILLO BUILDING COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR 212 MAU,: STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 RE: RIVER VALLEY MARKETS NORTHAMPTON, MA PROJECT NO.PB-07-01 FINAL AFFIDAVIT I DOMENIC F. VALENTE AIA, ARCHITECT OR MY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAVE OBSERVED THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE (ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS) FOR THE REFERENCED BUILDING PROJECT. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, IT HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED PER THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AS PREPARED BY THIS FIRM, AS WELL AS PER ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES, APPROVED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND WITH PROVISIONS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE. IN OUR OPINION,THE BUILDING IS READY FOR"CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY" FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC. PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. VERY TRULY YOURS, D.F.VALENTE ARCHIT, CT&PLANNER SEAL DOME IC F.VALE E,A.I.A. CC: PLAN B RETAIL( FAXED 1-860-870-5382) DFV/jv ' f % 4 I r� �i .2.. F-1=1.1taw a C - z ,?- ..' .---- ..7411 • o ......... c y, 2 a 2 I < ,.. C-3 VA• 'P 71 -I K • —1 > ■ , L,-. P E-7 2 2 7-1 •-., ....--9 t 0, 2 z I , 0 co ( ) 1 u., o .., E; -., > I r-, c) 0 0 . - b., ■ E I 1 -_-- 0 , z 2 :::=:=■ rn , I q K 70 1. 0 8 2 n 1 D3 U) < ,-, liP111111111i > a) --, r— — XJ 73 M > > XJ . , Z ,./..- — r ' . 88g' z p ' ,,/ *IN q 2 z 1 1 z 0 1 0.1g =_ GA 8 1 7-6" / / I E 51 $,T, 0 cr) o 13 0 P - , - ■Nb. r, " IN) c 0 CP r.) - e co o-0 D 0,p i7 z a v r. 0 cod . ‘,-,;-„, �� 2'-3" cod � 8 9 6 LI ; �,, _ _ _ // / // _ao y ^ z o - Kim = re\ L — `— � ` = —� v n o a 3 �• 01 - _-,Ln R r o ill r o Co ( - O M13 l J - _ W o o o F, p- - - op I O a _ G) ry r O O J ti \� o fl,' L o v. /".......—ire IH /__,J m Zm o � iI AMY JI � m o -< 7`o � > D w 3247. j' i# O m \ / \ rn w J µ • // 1 i . .c.....71 !1 / - C (n m o o m R. 1••-10"12� (. ) m o / N 1 D ti N II n N O C m v Z u W- 44 -, O.: ra no-a c> 0`% .Dz o`o = z s6 -' m rI `\yl c• 2 z w G -1 01 UI r o u, n o T1 co u o ss E., r S D z �- m 0 N Z co 0 G N O O ry CT v a, z .. ;(7 n < —I O X N./ D < Cn D 73 m o _ ii DD � 7) x' Z V)m ® ® ■ 'I Z P. d i c ' p I II 0 o 0 5 N SAFETY STANDARD FOR PLATFORM LIFTS AND ASME A18.1-2003 STAIRWAY CHAIRLIFTS at the terminal landings,they shall be of the restrained be opened and the brake shall apply automatically when t I compression type. any operating device in para. 2.10.1 or 2.10.2 is in the The failure of any single magnetically stop position,and when any electrical protective device operated switch, relay, or contactor to release in the functions. intended manner,or the failure of any solid state device 2.10.9 Electrical Equipment and Wiring to operate as intended, or the occurrence of a single All electrical equipment and wiring shall accidental ground or combination of accidental grounds conform to the requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. shall not permit the lift to start if this failure renders ineffective any electrical protective device. Electrical equipment shall be certified to 2.10.4 Motor Reversal Protection. Where a non- the requirements of CAN/CSA B44,1/ASME A17.5. instantaneous reversible motor is used,a protective cir- 2.10.10 Manual Operations.Means shall be provided cult or device shall be provided to prevent the motor to permit authorized personnel from a position outside from continuing in the same direction if the reversing the platform to raise or lower the platform manually in control is activated. the event of power failure,unless standby (emergency) 2.10.5 Phase Reversal and Failure Protection. Lifts power is provided. having polyphase alternating current power supply 2.11 Emergency Signals shall be provided with means to prevent the starting of If the platform is installed in an area not visible to 1 the lift motor if the phase rotation is in the wrong direc- personnel at all times,emergency signaling devices shall tion,or if there is a failure of any phase. be provided in accordance with the requirements of para. This protection shall be considered to be provided if a 2.11.1 or 2.11.2. Standby power shall be provided in. reversal of phase of the incoming polyphase alternating accordance with para. 2.11.3. current power will not cause the lift driving machine motor to operate in the wrong direction. 2.11.1 The platform shall be provided with an audi- ble signaling device,operable from the emergency stop 2.10.6 Emergency Stop Switch. An emergency stop switch,marked also with"ALARM"or from a separate switch shall be provided on the platform and located switch marked "ALARM," which is located in or adja- cent or adjacent to each platform operating panel. When cent to each platform operating panel. The switch opened,this switch shall cause the electric power to be marked"ALARM"shall illuminate when actuated.The i removed from the driving-machine motor and brake if signaling device shall be go audible inside the platform provided. and outside the runway, The-audiblek signaling-device Emergency stop switches shall be of the manually shall have a rated sound pressure rating of not less than opened and dosed type and have red operating handles 80 dBA nor greater than 90 dBA at 10 ft (3.05 m) and ar buttons. respond without delay after the switch has been acti- vated. shall be conspicuously and permanently marked vated. 'STOP"and indicate the"STOP"and"RUN"positions. Snitches shall be positively opened mechanically and 2.11.2 The lift shall be provided with a means of two- ; tleir opening shall not be solely dependent on springs. way conversation between the platform and a readily accessible point outside the runway which is available 2.10.7 Slack-Rope and Slack-Chain Devices for Wind- to emergency personnel(telephone,intercom,etc.).The hg Drum and Roller-Chain-Type Driving Machines.Wind- means to activate the two-way conversation system does ing drum driving machines with rope suspension shall not have to be provided on the platform. to provided with a slack-rope device of the manually reset type that will remove power from the motor and 2.11.3 If the auddie/signaling device(s), or the hake if the platform is obstructed in its descent and the means of two-way ciir( ersation, or both, are normally supension ropes slacken.Lifts with roller chain suspen- connected to the building power supply,they shall auto- son means shall be provided with a slack-chain device ti y transfer to a source of standby or emergency flat will remove power from the motor and brake if the power as required by the applicable building code or, patform is obstructed in its descent and the suspension where applicable, Standard for Health Care Facilities means slacken. This device is not required to be of the (ANSI/NFPA 99) after the normal power supply fails. manually reset type if the chain sprockets are guarded The power source shall be capable of providing for the tc prevent the chain from becoming disengaged from operation of the audible signaling device and illumina- tle sprockets. tion of the alarm switch for at least 1 hr,and the means of two-way conversation for at least 4 hr. 2.10.8 Release and Application of Driving-Machine Bake. Dri ving-machine brakes shall not be electrically 2.12 Code Data Plate released until power has,been applied to the driving- A data plate shall be provided that indicates the A18.1 nachine motor. All power feed lines to the brake shall Standard to be used for inspections and tests.The data 17 SAFETY STANDARD FOR PLATFORM LIFTS AND ASME A18.1-2003 STAIRWAY CHAIRLIFTS S 750 lb.(340 kg). The lift shall be capable of sustaining as required shall be verified by engineering tests as and lowering a load as specified in Fig. 9.7. The rated described in para. 9.6. speed shall not exceed 30.ft/min(0.15 m/s).The travel shall not exceed 12 ft(3 658 mm).Travel of lifts conform 2.8.2 Minimum Factors of Safety and Stresses of mg to para.2.1.3 shall not exceed 5 ft(1 524 mm). Plat Safety. Parts and Rope Connections forms with a floor greater than 15 ft2(1.39 m2)shall have Parts of safeties, except springs, safety- rated load of not less than 750 lb (340 kg). rope drums, leading sheaves, and their supporting 2.7.2 Capacity Plates. A capacity plate stating the brackets and 'jaw gibs,shall have a factor of safety rated load shall be provided by the manufacturer and of not less than 3 4., based on the ultimate strength of the fastened in a conspicuous place.The letters and material,and the materials used shall have an elon als used shall be not less than 1/ in. (6.4 mm)in height gction of not less than 15%in a length of 2 in. (51 mm). Forged, cast,or welded parts shall be stress relieved. 2.7.3 Data Plates.A data plate shall be provided by Springs shall be permitted to be used in the the manufacturer and securely fastened to the machine. operation of platform or counterweight safeties. Where The plate shall state the rated speed,rated load,weight used,and where partially loaded prior to safety opera- of platform, suspension and support means, date of tY P manufacture, and manufacturer's name. Letters and lion,the loading on the spring shall not produce a fiber numerals shall be not less thin 1/in.(6.4 mm)in height. stress exceeding one-half the elastic limit of the material During operation of the safety,the fiber stress shall not (03) 2.7.4 Restriction Sign. A sign shall be securely fas- exceed 85% of the elastic limit of the material. Helical tened in a conspicuous place at each landing and on the springs,where used,shall be in compression. platform.The sign shall state"No Freight"in letters not Safety-rope drums, leading sheaves, and 1/ less than in. (6.4 mm) high and shall include the, their supporting brackets and safety-jaw gibs shall be international symbol of accessibility. permitted to be made of cast iron and other metals 2.8 Safeties and Speed Governors provided such parts have a factor of safety of not less than 10. All platforms shall be provided with a safety,except Rope used as a connection from the safe ,,�J platforms of direct-plunger hydraulic lifts. The safety to the governor rope, including rope wound on the shall be actuated by the action of a speed governor safe roe drum or by the breakage or slackening of the suspension or ' - P shall be not less than 1/8 in. (32 mm) support means. Where actuation is by a governor, the m diameter and shall be made of a corrosion-resistant safety shall be set at a maximum speed of 75 ft/min The factor of safety of the rope shall be not less (0.38 m/s).Where actuation is by breakage or slackening than 5. Tiller-rope construction shall not be used. of the suspension or support means,the safety shall be The factors of safety shall be based upon set without delay,and independent of the speed gover- the maximum stresses developed in the parts during nor,if provided. the operation of the safety when stopping rated load Safety parts shall conform to the requirements of from governor tripping speed. paras. 2.8.2 and 2.8.3. Where hoisting ropes are used, Safety-rope leading-sheave brackets and the application of safeties shall conform to the require- other safety operating parts shall not be attached to or menu of para. 2.8.4. supported by wood members. The application and release of safeties shall conform to the requirements of paras. 2.8.5, 2.8.6,and 2.8.7. 2.8.3 Material and Factor Of Safety. Governor ropes, where provided, shall 12t of iron, steel, monel metal, 2.8.1 Screw Drive Machines. When screw drive phosphor bronze, orstdinless steel. They shall be of a machines are used, safeties and speed governors con- re gular-lay construction, and not less than 1/4 in. (6.4 forming to para. 2.8.1 shall be permitted. - mm)in diameter.The factor of safety of governor ropes The down speed of the platform shall be shall be not less than 5. Tiller-rope construction shall limited with rated load to not over 175 ft/min(0.89 m/ not be used. s)in the event of failure of the driving means. 2.8.4 Type A(Instantaneous)Safeties.On the parting of the hoisting ropes free fall),Type A governor o er- The fall of the platform in the event of g ( ). yp g p failure of the driving nut shall be limited to a distance ated safeties, where provided,;Shall a ' 1 without not exceeding 1/ in. (13 mm),by utilizing a safety nut appreciable delay.,and their app 'cation shall be inde- } or other equiva�l2ent means. pendent of the speed action of the governor and of the location of the break in the hoisting ropes(inertia appli- 1 The capability of the alternate safety cation), and shall be permitted to be accomplished by devices described in paras. and to function the use of a governor and governor rigging having a 15 • SAFETY STANDARD FOR PLATFORM LIFTS AND ASME A18.1 2003, ���. STAIRWAY CHAIRUFTS }) (j) rack and pinion in a return loop by properly made individual tapered i (g) screw babbitted sockets or properly attached fittings as recom- (h) friction machine guides and rollers mended by wire rope manufacturers. Clips of the U- Suspension and support means utilizing a combing- bolt type shall not be used.Tapered babbitted rope sock tion of two or more means shall conform to all applicable ets and the method of babbitting shall conform to the requirements of the respective means unless stated requirements of para. 9.8. otherwise. 2.5.8 Guarding. All suspension means shall be Steel tapes or welded link chains shall not guarded against accidental contact. Suspension means be used as suspension means. that operate within a guide or track and travel at the Where ropes or chains are used,no fewer same speed and in the same direction as the platform than two shall be provided. shall be considered suitably guarded. For rated loads up to 500 lb(227 kg),ropes . 2.6 Platforms shall have a minimum diameter of 14 in. (6.4 mm) and 2.6.1 Frame and Floor. The frame shall be of metal chains shall have a minimum pitch of 1/2 in. (13 mm). construction and have a factor of safety of not less than For higher rated loads, ropes shall have a minimum 5 based on the rated load. The floor shall be of metal diameter of 3/8 in. (95 mm) and chains shall have a or wood construction with a nonskid surface. minimum pitch of 5/s in. (16 mm). 2.6.2 Securing of Enclosures.The enclosure shall be 2.5.2 Factors of Safety.The suspension and support securely fastened to the floor and so supported that it means shall have a factor of safety of not less than 7 cannot loosen or become displaced in ordinary service, based on the tension in the rope,cable,chain,or forces on the application of the platform safety, or on buffer exerted on the rack and pinion when raising the rated engagement.The enclosure shall be so constructed that load. When the platform and counterweight are sus- removable portions cannot be dismantled from within pended by steel-ropes and the driving means between the platform. the machine and the counterweight is an endless roller- Enclosure linings, decorative panels, light fixtures, type chain, the factor of safety of such chain shall be and other apparatus or equipment attached to the enclo- 1 not less than 8,based on the rated load. See section 8 sure shall be securely fastened and so supported that for special requirements for particular drive systems. they will not loosen or become displaced in ordinary 2.5.3 Arc of Contact of Suspension Means on Sheaves service, on platform safety application, or on buffer and Sprockets. The arc of contact of a wire rope on a engagement. traction sheave shall be sufficient to produce adequate Panels attached to the enclosure for decorative or traction under all load conditions.The arc of contact of other purposes shall not be unfastened from inside the a chain on a driving sprocket shall be not less than Platform by the use of common tools or shall be permit- 140---�es. ted to be removed from inside the platform when perfo- r- - rations, exceeding that which would reject a ball 1/2 in. 2.5.4 Spare Rope Turns on Winding Drums. All wire (13 mm) in diameter, in the enclosure used for panel ropes of winding drum machines shall have not less gg or support have permanent means to prevent than one full turn of the rope on the drum when the straight through passage beyond the running clearance. platform or counterweight has reached its limit of possi- 2.6.3 Strength and Deflection of Enclosure Walls.The ble overtravel. enclosure walls shall be designed and installed to with- 2.5.5 Securing Suspension Ropes to Winding Drums. stand a force of 75 lbf(334N)applied horizontally at any The drum ends of wire ropes shall be secured on the point on the walls of the enclosure without permanent inside of the drum of winding drum machines by clamps deformation nor cause the deflection to exceed 1 in. or by tapered babbitted sockets, or by other means (25.4 mm* approved by the authority having jurisdiction. 2.6.4 Use of Cast Iron.Cast iron shall not be used in 2.5.6 Lengthening, Splicing, Repairing, or Replacing the construction of any load bearing member of the Suspension Means. Suspension ropes shall not be platform frame or floor other than for guide shoes and lengthened or repaired by splicing.Broken or worn sus- guide shoe brackets. pension chains shall not be repaired.If one rope or chain 2.6.5 Floor Area. The inside net floor area shall not of a set is worn or damaged and requires replacement, 2 "!� the entire set of ropes or chains shall be replaced. If a exceed 18 ft2 (1.67 m)., �^^ chain or sprocket is replaced due to wear,all chains and 2.6.6 Illumination ( ) sprockets shall be replaced. At the threshold of the floor,with the land- 2.5.7 Fastening of Rope Suspension Means to Plat- ing door open,the minimum illumination shall be not form.The platform ends of wire ropes shall be fastened less than 5 ftc(54 lx). 13 SAFELY STANDARD FOR PLATFORM LIFTS AND ASME A18.1-2003 STAIRWAY CHAIRLIFTS { ), 2.2.7 Design and Strength of Brackets and Supports? specific driving means are further specified in section 8. 'i The building construction forming the supports for the guide rails,and the guide-rail brackets,shall be designed Set screws or threaded poions located in to safely withstand the application of the platform or the shear plane of bolts and screws shall not be used to transmit 1, ad. counterweight safety when stopping the platform and Means �be provided to ensure that there is not its rated load or the counterweight;and withstand the relative motion between rigidly joined components forces specified in para. within the deflection transmitting load. limits specified. Where necessary, the building construction shall be Where flexible couplings are used to transmit load, means reinforced to provide adequate support for the guide shall be provided to prevent disengagement of the coupling components in the event of failure or exces- rails. sive motion in the flexible connection. 2.2.8 Bracket Fastenings.Guide-rail brackets shall be A fillet shall be provided at any point of change in the secured to their supporting structure by means of bolts diameter of driving-machine shafts and sheave shafts to or rivets, or by welding. Fastening bolts and bolt holes prevent excessive stress concentrations in the shafts. in brackets and their supporting beams shall conform Shafts that support drums,sheaves,gears,couplings, to the requirements of para.2.2.9.Welding,where used, and other members, and which transmit torque, shall shall conform to the requirements of para. 9.1. be provided with tight-fitting keys. 2.2.9 Fastening of Guide Rails to Rail Brackets.Guide 23.1.3 Friction gearing, dutch mechanisms, or rails shall be secured to their brackets by clips, welds, couplings shall not be used to connect a driving machine or bolts.Bolts used for fastening shall be of such strength drum or sheave to the main driving mechanism. as to withstand the forces specified in paras. Worm gearing having cast iron teeth shall and 22.7. not be used on the driving machine. Welding, where used, shall conform to the require- ! ments of para. 9.1. Driving-machine chains and sprockets shall be of steel and shall conform in design and dimen- r 2.3 Driving Means and Sheaves sions to the requirements of ANSI/ASME B29.1. The driving means shall be one of the following: Winding drums, traction sheaves, over- (a) winding drum head sheaves,and deflecting sheaves used with suspen- (b) traction sion and compensating ropes shall be of metal,shall be (c) roped sprocket provided with finished grooves for ropes, or shall be (d) chain sprocket permitted to be lined with nonmetallic groove material, (e) screw and have a pitch diameter of not less than 30 times the (f) rack and pinion diameter of the suspension ropes. Where 8 X 19 steel (g) direct-plunger hydraulic rope or 7 x 19 steel aircraft cable is used the pitch (h) roped-hydraulic diameter of the drums and sheaves shall be permitted to (i) lever hydraulic be reduced to 21 times the diameter of the rope or cable. (j) friction Where the grooves are used to transmit pbwer,-suffi- Driving means utilizing a combination of two or more dent traction shall provided between the rope and 1 means shall conform to all applicable requirements of groove, and in the event of nonmetallic lining failure, between the rope and the remaining sheave groove, to the respective means unless stated otherwise. safely stop and hold the,platform with. 125% of the 2.3.1 General Requirements rated load. _t? The factor of safety, based on the static 23.2 Hydraulic Driving Machines. Direct-plunger load (the rated load plus the weight of the'platform, hydraulic driving machines,where used,shall conform ropes, counterweights, etc.), to be used in the design to the requirements of para:8.1,except para. 8.1.2. of driving machines and sheaves, including fasteners Roped-hydraulic machines shall also conform to the transmitting load, shall not be less than 8 for steel, requirements of para. 8.1 except for paras. 8.1.1, 8.1.3, bronze,or other metals having an elongation of less than, and 14%in a length of 2 in. (51 mm) or 10 for cast iron or 2.3.3 Screw Machines.Screw machines, where used, other metals having an elongation of less than 14% in shall conform to para. 8.2. a length of 2 in. (51 mm). Other factors of safety for ( . 2.3.4 Friction Machines. Friction machines, where 2 Runway-enclosure walls of bricks,terra cotta,and similar mate- used, shall conform to para. 8.3. rials, used in buildings of steel and concrete construction, are usually insufficient in strength to form by themselves adequate 2.3.5 Machine Framework and Base. The machine supports for the guide rails. framework,base,and fastenings to the buildings where 11 SAFETY STANDARD FOR PLATFORM LIFTS AND ASME A18.1-2003 STAIRWAY CHAIRLIFTS the platform floor with no openings, other than those self-closing, at least 42 in. (1067 mm) high, and with- necessary for operation. Openings necessary for opera- stand, without permanent deformation,a force of 125 tion shall reject a ball 14 in.(13 mm)in diameter.A grab lbf(556 N)on a 4 in. (102 mm)by 4 in. (102 mm) area. rail extending the full length of either side wall shall be 2,13.5 The sides of the platform not used for provided at a height of 34 in. (865 mm) to 38 in. (965 entrance or exit shall be guarded by walls of smooth mm).The running clearance between the platform endo- construction with no openings,other than those neces- sure wall and the vertical face of the machine sary for the operation of the lift,to a height of at least 42 shall be not less than 2 in. (51 mm)nor more than 3 in. in. (1067 mm).Those openings necessaryy for operation (76 mm). Where an obstruction or surface less than 42 shall reject a ball 14 in. (13 mm)in diameter.A grab bar in.(1 067 mm)above the top landing other than machine extending the full length of either side guard.shall be housing,stationary guard panels,shutter type(telescop- provided at a height of 34 in.(865 mm)to 38 in.(965 mm). ing)guard panels or sides used for entering and exiting is within 12 in.(305 mm)of the platform enclosure walls The underside of the'f ilatfornt`shill be and presents a pinching,shearing,or crushing hazard,a equipped with a device.that,if the platform is obstructed . smooth continuous surface shall be provided extending in its downward.travel by a force not to,exceed,15 lbf from the lower landing to a height of not less than 42 (66.6 N)applied anywhere on its underside,will actuate in.(1 067 mm)above the top landing.Where an obstruc- a minimum of two sensing devices that shall cause elec- tion or surface is between 42 in. (1067 mm)and 80 in. tric. power to.be removed from the driving machine (2 000 mm)above the top landing,a smooth continuous motor and brake, if provided, and cause,the platform surface shall be provided extending from the lower land- to stop its downward motion within 2 in. (51 mm).The ing to a height of not less than 3 in. (76 mm) above the stroke of the device shall be not less than the stopping obstruction.The continuous surface shall be located on distance of the platform. The lift shall be permitted to the lift side of the obstruction not doser than 2 M. (51 operate away from the obstruction.Downward motion ' mm) to the platform enclosure walls. shall be permitted to resume when the obstruction is removed. I (03) 2.1.3 Runway Enclosure Not Provided 2:1:3:7 The clearance between the platform floor t2.13.1 The runway entrance shall be guarded at and the upper landing sill shall be not less than 34 in. the upper landing by a door of unperforated construe- (9.5 mm)nor more than 3/4 in (19 mm). tion.The door shall be self-closing,at least 42 in. (1067 ' All doors, except as provided in para. mm)high,and withstand,without permanent deforma-,shall be provided with a combination mechanical tion, a force of 125 lbf (556 N) applied on a 4 in. (102 lock and electric contact. Locking devices shall be pro- ; mm)by 4 in. (102 mm) area.The door shall be located tected against tampering from the landing side. The not more than 3 in. (76 mm)from the platform sill. locking devices shall permit a door to be opened only + if the platform floor is within 2 in.(51 mm)of the respec- The runway entrance shall be guarded at five landing. The platform shall be permitted to move any intermediate landing by a door of unperforated away from the landing under control of the normal construction not wider than the entrance to the platform operating device if the door is closed but not locked, plus 1 in. (25.4 mm).The door shall be self-dosing and extend to a height of at least 42 in. (1067 mm) above provided that the devices will cause the platform to stop the top terminal landing. The lift side of the door and if it moves away from the landing more than 2 in. (51 mm sill shall present a smooth surface located not closer )before the door is locked. than 3/8 in. (9.5 mm)nor more than 3/4 in. (19 mm)from Where the lift is"installed at a location that the access edge of the platform floor. does not have guard rails t the upper landing as allowed by building codes (seep definition), the requirements of Smooth vertical fascias of unperforated paras.,, and shall be permitted to construction shall be securely fastened from the top ter- be omitted when platform gates are provided.They shall minal landing sill and any intermediate landing sill to extend to a height at least equal to the top terminal the level of the bottom terminal landing sill.They shall landing height plus 6 in. (152 mm)measured when the be equal to or stronger than 0.0598 in. (1.519 mm)sheet platform is at its lowest position. The gates shall be of ' steel and guard the full width of the platform.The fascias unperforated construction,self--dosing and be provided shall not be permanently deformed when a force of 125 with electric contacts to prevent movement of the plat lbf (556 N) is applied on any 4 in. (102 mm) by 4 in. form if the gates are not dosed. The gates shall not be (102 mm) area. permanently deformed when a force of 125 lbf (556 N) . ) The side of the platform providing access is applied on any 4 in.(102 mm)by 4 in.(102 mm)area. to the lower landing shall be guarded by a platform The requirements of para. shall be ■ door of unperforated construction. The door shall be permitted to be increased to 3 in. (76 mm) if a platform 9 SAFETY STANDARD FOR PLATFORM LIFTS AND ASME A18.1-2003 STAIRWAY CHAIRUFTS • Table 1.4-2 Procurement Information (0: Organization Address and Phone Number Organization Address and Phone Number ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc. CSA Canadian Standards Association 25 West 43rd Street,4th Floor 5060 Spectrum Way • New.York, New York 10036 Mississauga,Ontario Telephone: (212)642-4900 L4W 5N6 Canada www.ansi.org Telephone: (416) 747-4000 www.csa.ca ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue New York, New York 10016-5990 DOC U.S.Department of Commerce Commodity Standards Division Telephone: (212) 591-7722 Available from Superintendent of www.asme.org Documents ASME Order Department . Government Printing Office 22 Law Drive Washington,DC 20402 Box 2300 Telephone:(703)684-0211 Fairfield, New Jersey 07007-2300 www.commerce.gov Telephone: (2011 882-1167 (800) 843-2763 ICBO International Conference of Building Officials ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 5360 South Workman Mill Road 100 Barr Harbor Drive Whittier,California 90601 West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania Telephone:(213)699-0541 19428-2959 www.icho.org Telephone: (610) 832-9500 NFPA National Fire Protection Association www.astm.org 1 Batterymarch Park P.O.Box 9101 AWS American Welding Society,Inc. Quincy,Massachusetts 02269-9101 550 NW LeJeune Road Telephone:(617) 770-3000 Miami,Florida 33126 www.nfpa.org Telephone: (800)443-9353 SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress www.aws.org International, Inc. BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators 900 Montclair Road International,Inc. Birmingham,Alabama 35213 4051 West Flossmoor Road Telephone: (205) 591-1853 Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478 www.sbcci.org Telephone:(708) 799-2300 UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. www.bocai.org 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook,Illinois 60062-2096 CPSC U.S.Consumer Products Safety Commission Telephone: (847) 272-8800 Washington, DC 20207-0001 www.ul.com Telephone: (301) 504-0990 (800) 638-2772 (800) 638-8270 TTY www.cpsc.org rr • (25.4 mm).The openings created in the runway by these All doors shall be provided with a combi- doors shall provide a minimum vertical clearance of 6 nation mechanical lock and electric contact. Locking ft in.(2 032 mm).The doors shall guard the entire area devices shall be protected against tampering from the of the openings except for space necessary for operation. landing side.The locking devices may permit a door to Space necessary for operation shall reject a ball 1/2 in. be opened only if the platform floor is within 2 in. (51 (13 mm)in diameter. The lift side of the landing doors mm) of the respective landing. They shall permit the and sill shall present a smooth surface located not closer platform to move away from the landing under control than 3/8 in. (9.5 mm)nor more than 3/4 in. (19 mm) from of the normal operating device if the door is closed the platform floor. but not locked,provided that the device will cause the 7 SAFETY STANDARD FOR PLATFORM LIFTS AND ASME A18.1-2003 STAIRWAY CHAIRLIFTS solid state device:an element that can control current flow window:an assembly consisting of a surrounding frame without moving parts. and one or more sashes,ventilators, or fixed lights, or speed governor:a continuously operating speed monitor- a combination of these, designed to be installed in a ing and detection device that,at predetermined speeds, wall opening for the purpose of admitting light or air, provides signals to the controller and imparts a retarding or both. force to activate the platform lift or counterweight safety, working pres re: the pressure measured at the cylinder or stairway chairlift. of a hydra c driving machine when the platform lift starters control panel: an assembly of devices by means or stairway ' lift are lifting their rated load at rated of which the starter may control the manner in which speed. a lift functions. 1.4 Reference Codes, Standards, and Specifications static switching: switching of circuits by means of solid This secfioin covers the codes,standards,and specifi- state devices. cations incorporated in this Standard by reference; the stop switch: see emergency stop switch. specific editibns that are applicable;and the rules of this Standard that reference each document (see Table 1.4 supply P fi in%:the piping for a hydraulic driving machine 1). This section also lists the names and addresses of between the control valves and the driving member of the organizations from which these documents may be the driving machine. procured (see Table 1.4-2). terminal landing: see landing. Only that portion of the code,standard,or specifica- terminal stopping device,final:a device that automatically tion as specified by the rules in this Standard is appli- causes the power to be removed from the driving cable: machine motor and brake,or from a hydraulic driving machine,independent of the functioning of the normal 2 VERTICAL PLATFORM LIFTS1 terminal stopping device, the operating device, or any emergency terminal speed limiting device,after the plat- Section 2 applies to vertical platform lifts installed in form lift or stairway chairlift has passed a terminal locations other than in or at a private residence for use 1 landing by the mobility impaired. terminal stopping device,machine final(stop-motion switch): 2.1 Runways (03) a final terminal stopping device operated directly by Runways shall be installed in accordance with paras. the driving machine. 2.1.1, 2.1.2, or 2.1.3. Runway construction for lifts that terminal stopping device, normal: a device or devices to penetrate a floor must comply with para.2.1.1 and with slow down and stop a platform lift or stairway chairlift the building code. automatically at or near a terminal landing indepen- 2,1.1 Runway Enclosure Provided dently of the functioning of the operating device. travel (rise): the vertical distance between the bottom The runway shall be guarded by a solid terminal landing and the top terminal landing. enclosure extending from the lowest landing to a height of at least 42 .'(1067 min)above the uppermost land traveling cable: a cable made up of electric conductors, ing.The enclosure shall withstand,without permanent which provides electrical connection between a platform deformation,a force of 125 lbf(556 N) applied on any lift or stairway chairlift and a fixed outlet in the runway. 4 in. (102 mm) by 4 in. (102 mm) area. The interior of valley break: a broken wire in a wire rope in which the the runway enclosure sh'all,,present a smooth surface. outside wire of a strand breaks in the immediate vicinity The nuiw y entrance shall be guarded at of the point where it contacts a wire or wires of an the upper landing by a door of unperforated construc- adjacent strand, generally at a point not visible when tion not wider than the platform plus 1 in. (25.4 mm). the wire rope is examined externally. One end of the The door shall be self-dosing and at least 42 in. (1067 broken wire is long enough to reach from one valley to mm)high.The runway side of the door shall present a the next one and the other end of the broken wire gener- smooth surface.The door shall be located not more than ally cannot be seen. 3 in. (76 mm) from the platform sill. (03) vertical platform lift: a powered hoisting and lowering The runway entrances at all but the upper- , mechanism designed to transport mobility-impaired most landing shall be guarded by unperforated self- persons on a guided platform that travels vertically. closing doors not wider than the platform plus 1 in. jl weatherproof so constructed or protected that exposure to the weather will not interfere with its successful oper- 1 See section 5 for the requirements for this equipment installed ation. in or at a private residence. 5 524 CMR: BOARD OF ELEVATOR REGULATIONS 35.00: continued . 2000.7a Limitations of Load Speed and Travel Delete on line 7 of 2000.7a.the words:"nor penetrate a floor",and add the following: • "The lift may penetrate a floor when the hoistway meets the fire rating requirements of the building code and fire rated landing doors are installed set flush with the hoistway edge of the landing sill and the wall above and below same. This enclosure must extend to the ceiling or'the roof above it and be ventilated. The inside surface of the enclosure will be smooth and flush throughout its height. A key switch shall be provided on the platform,that when placed in the on position,control from the landing shall be inoperative." 2000:13 Intermediate.Landing Stop Add new rule 2000.13 as follows: 2000.13(1) When an intermediate landing door is installed,that door shall not be unlocked as the platform passes the landing. 2000.13 (2) When a wheelchair lift is.enclosed in a hoistway, a manually operated emergency-lowering device operated from outside the hoistway shall be installed. An • emergency door opening device shall be installed on the lowest landing door when there is no pit provided." 2001.1 f Electrical Equipment and Wiring Delete 2001.1f(1)and(2)and insert: "All equipment and wiring shall conform to the requirements of 527 CMR 12.00: 2002 Massachusetts Electrical Code(Amendments)." 2001.10g Electrical Equipment and Wiring • Delete 2001.10g(1)and(2)and insert: "All equipment and wiring shall conform to the requirements of 527 CMR 12.00: 2002 Massachusetts Electrical Code(Amendments)." Add to 2001.6c(2),a new(d): "Barrier arms shall surround a passenger during the travel and be located at a minimum height of 36 inches and a maximum height of 36.inches to the top of the arm from the platform." 2001.13 Operation and Signals Add new rule 2001.13 as follows: 2001.13(1) "When the lift can be operated from the platform,an audio and visual signal must be activated whenever the platform is moving. This signal can be located on the lift or on each landing where a turn in the stairway exists. 2001.13(2) When the unit is called from any landing call station,the audio and visual signal must be activated prior to any motion,and the lift must be in folded position. 2001.13(3) Attendant call buttons shall be located at each landing call station in the sight of the operator and connected to a location that can send assistance." PART XX1 PRIVATE RESIDENCE INCLINED STAIRWAY CHAIRLIFTS&INCLINED&VERTICAL WHEELCHAIR LIFTS Add to 2100,1a(1) "Landing door panels on the front and rear(narrow side)shall be 35": Doors on the side entrance shall be a minimum of 42". The car platform shall not have more than two openings." • 3114/03 524 CMR-240 524 CMR: BOARD OF ELIrVATOR REGULATIONS 34.11: Inspection and Tests Upon completion of the work of installation or alterations,the licensed elevator mechanic . making the installation or alterations shah make a practical test of the devices in the presence of a qualified licensed elevator inspector. A full report within ten days after the inspection shall be made by the inspector to the Commissioner of Public Safety on forms furnished by him. The owner or his agent in a building in which a lift is installed or altered shall arrange for an inspection with the authorized division of State,city or town inspection department every five years thereafter. REGULATORY AUTHORITY 524 CMR 34.00: M.G.L.c. 143,§§68,and 69;c.22,§ 11. • • • • • 1/9/98 524 CMR-225 524 CMR: BOARD OF ELEVATOR REGULATIONS • 524 CMR 34.00: VERTICAL WHEELCHAIR LIFTS(FOR INSTALLATIONS MADE PRIOR TO J JUNE 7, 1991) Section 34.01: Definition of Vertical Wheelchair Lift 34.02: Limitations 34.03: Capacity and Rated Load of Vertical Wheelchair Lift 34.04: Rated Speed of Vertical Wheelchair Lift 34.05: Platform and Ramps 34.06: Supports and Mechanism Housing 34.07: Safety Factor 34.08: Guarding 34.09: Controls and Electrical Equipment 34.10: Standards 34.11: Inspection and Tests 34.01: Definition of Vertical Wheelchair Lift A and love ical wheelchair lift is an electrically powered elevating device used to vertically raise person in a wheelchair from one level to another. 34.02: Limitations ' The installation of lifts shall be restricted as follows: `'�--� (1) Vertical lift travel shall not exceed 12'from the bottom landing. (2) Vertical lifts shall not be installed to service more than two floors,and shall not penetrate a floor. t (3) Vertical lifts may be installed adjacent to a Poach,stairway,landing or at the end of a ramp or bridge,located indoors or out of doors. 34.03: Capacity and Rated Load of Vertical Wheelchair Lift The rated load shall not be less than 500 lbs. 34.04: Rated Speed of Vertical Wheelchair Lift The rated speed of the vertical wheelchair lift shall not exceed 20 feet per minute. 34.05: Platforms and Ramps (1) The platform shall measure not less than 36"wide and shall have an area of not more than 12 square feet. (2) The platform surface shall be constructed of material that is relatively smooth and skidproof. (3) A ramppshall be provided,as required for access to the platform: (4) A metal guard not less than Vs"thick and six inches high shall be provided the full width of the platform to prevent a wheelchair from rolling off the lower access end of the platform when in use. The guard must be actuated automatically by movement from the landing and be raised to a minimum angle of 80°. 34.06: Supports and Mechanism Housing (1) The assembled unit of a device shall be supported and maintained in place so as to prevent any part from becoming loose or displaced. 1/9/98 524 CMR-223 (� h) `) 2006 nn �1 Patriot Elevator & Lift LLC P. 0. BOX 307 • SHREWSBURY, MA3 $ACF11.TS'ETTS"OT545-0307 508 845 2622 • 800 597 LIFT (5438) • 508 845 2549 FAX WWW.PATRIOTELEVATOR.COM January 14, 2008 Alan Plan B Retail 12 Goose Lane Tolland, CT 06084 RE: River Valley Market, Wheelchair Lift Dear Alan, As we discussed, the lift we are installing in the subject project is a vertical platform lift with constant pressure keyed operation. The platform has 42" high walls on 3 sides and the door wall forms the 4th protective side. The unit travels at 15 fpm and has Ple.'-• - and metal doors with electro mechanical interlocks. We follow the Mass Cod: 24 CMR {'i4 section 34 and ANSI A17.1 and ASME A18.5 for accessibility lifts. Due to the constant pressure control buttons (as opposed to automatic push button control), the mechanism is not equipped with a fire recall system. The circuitry is not sophisticated enough to accommodate this complicated feature. The Mass code does not allow lifts higher than 12' and are generally installed in non fire rated situations; mezzanines, outdoor enclosures, etc. The codes do not require fire recall as you will see from the attached information. If you have any further questions, please contact me. Sincerely, P tr ot�" Cift LLC Andrea Hunt, President 800-597-5438 ahunt @patriotelevator.com ® § \ C) ) \ , 2 n- /f \,f - \ § \ \ z §§ | ® Ja! / - §§§§ ;� I ■ G B /§ . /7 - ^ Z 2 W , , ® / W < < < 2 > /17 / 2 - W >,- 2 uj \ W 0_ % - I /I > -t cn r \ �# ; II > c § W II II W b II b °E W §& L II L 0 K , 1 " m ° , ] \ \ N ` % . . � . C, , I cn 0 _1 \ S � #a k ma M �- . z2S@ �� nq� / ` 6\f@ z = }/ ` �\ { I � . � u9 in > 0'O \ -1° / t z 0a} & ® ) & > c., -riffle . . 3 ■ \ leiden. v / 3 - 38 PLAN B RETAIL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANAGEMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lone • Tolland, CT 06084 Tel. 860.870.5380 Fox. 860.870.5382 E-moil: p'an.b.retoil©snet.net January 2, 2008 1 Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner Office of the Building Inspector Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: River Valley Market, Northampton, MA Dear Tony: Please find attached a sketch (SK-1 C) of a proposed canopy for the egress stairs from the Mezzanine level of the market for the above-referenced project. We will still fabricate the stairs as specified utilizing open mesh treads to allow snow/rain to pass through without accumulating. Let me know if this agrees with your interpretation of the code requirement. Please call with any questions. Sincerely, /4,,id91 / L 1 I 6 i 1 I i.� , Charles A. Bomel ; pEncl. REP'L !1.1 N O M O ti N p p N bA N O N y . ?.L, Z E L N• O.. CZ U U (NI U E cC U y ro Q bA N O c p • ci"� N c~d O b0 cad 'D .3 •c�a •C bll-p C �' � U • J n c? >' G u U U . •L GL.^ ti id o G cs E N v, R. C u w U u 0. G y y x > o •�.3 c 3 p U ▪ C U 0U Y cd 71 Oer . C u X WO �M 0 ctl � O 00:9 N U cV b0 v p T v U u U O " ¢ N o• rE ca N m M m m _ 011.4 •� 4 v C E o O M co o N w N G 0 C O O,y E a I-∎ O Y -- • O O N F. a>l P' v C a1 c E2 x .O 'O U x bn O y CI :1 h 3 w 0.V A _R bU 7, N a O O O 0O b Z O �V Q 0 .LyO 0 O = '0 3 . es.. 0 ,5 v r, es - 0 of,N E p 1 = ro t wT F o x c -o ° N,n .. �' ya. 3y 03 0 3 a 3 V m p o p o 0 s x = '�O O � w 0 y �Y �a.) a, L a ? .3 o .),0 3 W C • e ❑ o o onw > c 0 a a c`1:2 o &1n o,_ pr7 s = 3 0 U v o a "° 2 �" 0 c U >" " 7 ' on > 3 Y 'w,. F .oO o Y - .E 2 a " a -O o o o o - O Ce Z _ o W = U .-E ° i) ao ' a) ° on n.o E a Q t o kr) <_ G O R U E J O '-W M � a � M � z .. o ' � c cd ca= aiz 7.0 z o ° oYEaEi ` ao :oC70 C7 , O N O a" p N U" bA Y 7 o . O g 1 rl 1 t+" P. ti C.) m D i O u E Ta.--S o_E W V 0I O a Q U es 0 .4,) _ o.. rE cX x 1 0 1 1 L O c 1 O m 1 O i 1 c 0. V M rn O ',, vl }�1 LO �O V 1 N O vo C Cil 1 .. Q) N N C A -� C o ti O O v Y Q) � 1 LI G 'I o `o �. p • CU v 3 ' p a w o O •L 1 G cu z ° R O ,2 G. A O L L. M a. aoi 3 i a on bA m > E � O I x y 0. 0. Vi Q c. x ; w W o o C7 C7 . < d o .. 7 -1 a p . L.,.. Lc. R O VI z z Q N A u N 1 7 LW� U] N �J 00 00 ^ pip O O a: C� �y E 0 (3 V = y '� 1M 'O O__ "' v o Z CU 1 1 0p. "' o aui �k 1 CIS : O u Z o o... 'I C.; Ei . ' N �° L o 2 v a ' 0 a. z 2 o a., cil O ti °' ° a op S' O y FF_y Z' z O O V ,0 VCC-.I b0 bA • " °C O Y ' O F 'O C E 67 ++ 0 N E- � C 0 09.07 Madeline presented a lime line for credit submissions and stressed deadline compliance. 09.08 Madeline will review list that Brian is assembling for mastics, adhesives, etc. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 10 MINUTES PAGE 5 OF 5 NORTHAMPTON, MA 08.01 Alan Cote discussed: • For grey water system, he was directed to Steve Willis at Edwards & Kelcey. • Concrete tank to be requested of Site Contractor for grey water system. • Requested cut sheets on all equipment. Refrigeration Cases will be sent. Chuck Bomely to work on Kitchen Area and sinks. 08.02 Rochelle questioned column locations and ceiling height below Mezzanine. Chuck Bomely to review duct clearance. 09.03 Floor pits are ready to ship. HP Cummings to follow with Alcan. 10— Have arrived. 09.04 Brian requested details for block attachments—transitions at Loading Dock. Chuck Bomely to follow. 09.05 Brian requested a review of interior finishes for the store. Chuck Bomely to follow. 09.06 Chuck Bomely to issue compactor door spec to HP Cummings. III. NEW BUSINESS 11.01 Roof cleats on wall over ramp/Smoking Area. 11.02 Need to discuss utilizing HVAC for temporary heat and process, management of this method. 11.03 John is looking for Doorcraft submittal returns. 11.04 Monica's phone number is 802.579.9434. IV. SCHEDULE • Brian reviewed a short term schedule working towards the steel building to be erected starting August 13. Erection to be roughly two(2)weeks. • Chuck Bomely requested a long-term schedule that will follow the building erection the first week of September and a short-term schedule for immediately following the building erection. -Sub-slab meeting will take place. Brian to coordinate. • Overall schedule to be submitted October 3, 2007. V. LEED PROCESS 04.02 Lauren/Allison reviewed their LEED process. They have established phone call reviews with all parties to discuss the process further and to establish electronic communications. A LEED topic will be added to the minutes for a regular review. 05. Phone interview done. 05.06 Per a conference call with Lauren regarding LEED's status Chuck Bomely confirmed Edwards & Kelcey to comply with ASHRAE. Also, Chuck Bomely to pursue flow rates for toilets, sinks and all major equipment. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 10 MINUTES PAGE 4 OF 5 NORTHAMPTON, MA 06—C 0 to be initiated. d. Plan B will submit dimensional plans for underground electric. e. Steve Strong of Solar Design will be requested to attend the Sept. 19, 2007 meeting to coordinate his work with Lodola and the building installation. 06—Steven is looking to deliver and install PV panels at the end of September. 04.05 Plan B will update documents to include a second means of egress from the Mezzanine. 07— Reviewed plan. Adjust stairs to corner. 08— Revision is acceptable. Specs will be forwarded. 09— HP Cummings to price. 05.01 Chuck Bomely to pursue Elevator Shop Drawings to coordinate with all associated trades. A discussion with Lodola confirmed they have all required electric components in their bid. Plan B will confirm with other trades as Shop Drawings are received. 06—Shop Drawings received. 05.03 A review of a mat at the Vestibule should be asked to ECI as to it being required for air quality points. 08—Call Lauren. 06.01 Kalwall —John requested info on skylight protection from fall through. 09— HP Cummings needs to request letter from Kalwall rep. 06.05 Rochelle has requested a consumption estimated for electricity usage. 10— Edwards & Kelcey is resolving basis with NEI. 06.06 Smokers' location 35'from door—out of view of customers is to be established. 07— Locate at rear north east corner of building. 08—Type of structure discussed. 07.02 Rochelle requested placement of banner on building. Will pursue after building skin is installed. Rochelle to pursue allowable size. 07.04 Monica requested review of a door at top of stairs. 08—Add door at top of stairs. 09—Sketch to be issued. 10—Price out/add hardware. 07.05 Time clock location to be determined by 10— Rochelle to review for location. 07.06 Brian suggested a review of specs for all mastics, adhesives, etc.for LEEDs. 08—Chuck Bomely requested list of all items and trades that will utilize same. 10 - Add to list recycled content. 10—Letter must go out to Subs requiring LEED compliance. 07.07 Need to review floor process for Sales Area floor system. 10— Info submitted for review. 07.08 Call Lauren on use of PVC on above slab plumbing. 08—Check on contact/cement. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 10 MINUTES PAGE 3 OF 5 NORTHAMPTON, MA Minutes will be emailed to attached list. Monthly progress reports will be submitted to the Building Department with structural summary. H. OLD BUSINESS 01.07 Plan B to submit further detail for canopy structure and also pursue wood takeoff for materials. A review of certified lumber versus recycled material will be reviewed. 07— Rochelle gave contact for P& B Construction. 01.08 Chuck Bomely requested status of utilities, particularly electric. P. J. Lodola will be questioned of this status. 04— Rochelle to pursue Verizon. 05—Verizon utility site— Rochelle to follow on Phone Company. 06— Rochelle needs to confirm type of service that is required. 07— Has set 50 pair twisted cable and will be coordinated with National Grid's installation. 08—Chuck Bomely requested a schedule for Nation Grid primary install. 09—National Grid still needs to locate precise transformer pad. 03.04 Rochelle Prunty asked if the Landscape Contractor should review the site. Brian feels that August 15 would show more of the final site conditions. Chuck Bomely indicated this time might be good as some of the larger planting/trees need to be ordered prior to the season ending. 05—Owen will pursue alternate species for longevity. September was targeted to order and November to plant. 06—Patio alternative needs to be reviewed. 07— Peter Wells to review materials. John will pursue allowable ramp termination at building. 08—Chuck Bomely and David Hill to pursue Peter Wells. 09— Brian requested size of ball of trees. 03.07 John indicated he is still having concerns of Glazing Contractor. Chuck Bomely will forward A-1 Glass' quote to John. 05—John to pursue A-1 Glass. 07—Cell number to John. 860.209.1793 08—Contract being worked out. 03.08 HVAC discussion was had. Berkshire Air's value engineering concept does not appear favorable. Chuck Bomely is pursuing original design quotes. This issue needs resolution as its impact is involving other trades. 05—Quotes have been given. A decision is needed next week. 06—Jon Peterson presented his review of the project. Chuck Bomely presented quotation from Darcy Refrigeration. All discussed contract options. 07— Letter of design refusal from Edwards & Kelcey. 08—Chuck Bomely to issue letter refusing VA approach. 10 - Letter issued. 04.03 Paul Johnson reviewed electrical issues: a. Transformer pad location as proposed by the Utility Company requires longer secondary lines. Lodola to review and look at using aluminum versus copper to offset the costs. 05—Quote issued for change, the Delta at$2,500+. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 10 MINUTES PAGE 2 OF 5 NORTHAMPTON, MA RIVER VALLEY MARKET NORTHAMPTON, MA MEETING 10 MINUTES: WED., SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 Attendees: Rochelle Prunty—River Valley Market Monica Nunez—River Valley Market John Harrington—H P Cummings Brian Lang—H P Cummings David Hill—Works-in-Progress Alan—Moran Plumbing Alan Gero—Plan B Chuck Bomely—Plan B I. GENERAL BUSINESS • Job meetings will be held every Wednesday at 8:30 AM at the job site. All trades, General Contractor,Store Management, and Plan B Retail Design will be represented. This general forum will be used for project scheduling, coordination management,administration,and information document exchange. Minutes will be prepared by Plan B and distributed. • The job trailer phone number is 413.584.6800. The fax is the same as the phone number. Brian's cell number is 603.986.8242. • A copy of the Contractors' license/insurance/permit is required and should be submitted for file. • All trades will conduct safety meetings independently of regular job meetings. • Requisitions due the 1st of the month. All Subs should submit accordingly. • Change Orders should be processed as proposed Change Orders and given monetary effects. If critical timing issues are involved,exception can be made to allow the project to continue. These Change Orders should be received weekly at the job meetings. Use Schedule of Values AIA 703 G or equivalent. • "As-Builts"are required. All trades to maintain this process by marking all changes and concealed utilities on indicated set of drawings and photos at the Construction Office. • Submittals will be exchanged at weekly meetings. If this is not timely,submittals can be mailed and must be identified that submission is to expedite schedules. • Job office, boxes,and materials will be coordinated with H. P. Cummings. • Security issues of the construction site will be addressed with River Valley Market. • General site clean-up and trash removal will be coordinated with H. P. Cummings and done so under LEED's guidelines. • Plan B Retail Design is performing Project Management and will coordinate all issues with the Architect,Structural, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. • Requests for Information(RFI)will be submitted to Plan B. They will direct to the appropriate party and follow on answers. • Plan B has initiated an open policy to"barter" minor changes or trade-offs. Any of these issues will be documented in Meeting Minutes or RFIs,whichever suits best. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 10 MINUTES PAGE 1 OF 5 NORTHAMPTON, MA /3 -38 PLAN B RETAIL DES1gN ANd PROJECT MANNEMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lone • Tollond, CT 06084 Tel 860.870.5380 n '1�, „ ��'1 Fox. 860.870.5382 E-mail: p on.b.retoil @snet.net '0 - 8 X07 November 6, 2007 r t r _— L Mr. Anthony Patillo Building Commissioner City of Northampton 212 Main Street, Room 100 Northampton, MA 01060 RE: River Valley Market, Northampton, MA Dear Anthony: To respond to your letter of October 5, 2007 indicating that an exterior stairway must have a canopy over it, 1014.12 Exterior Stairways stipulates an exterior stairway must be protected to prevent accumulation of snow or ice. The specified stairs are fabricated as an open steel tread intended to prevent a buildup of snow or ice and therefore satisfy the code. An awning canopy is an alternative but we feel that it does not protect the stairway from buildup and accumulations on the treads; therefore, we favor the open tread to prevent any accumulations. I hope this interpretation answers your concern. Sincerely, I . - :- 'al i a.'. /9`1'"-/ Charles A. Bomely, REEIdESt N PIAN B / O RETAIL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANAGEMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lone • Tolland, CT 06084 Tel. 860.870.5380 Fox. 860.870.5382 E-mail: plan.b.retoil©snet.net October 1, 2007 OCT - 3 2007 Mr. Anthony Pattillo Office of the Building Inspector Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: River Valley Market, Northampton, MA Dear Anthony: The attached drawings: • FP.2 - Mezzanine Fixture Plan • A1.2 - Mezzanine Partition Plan • A3 - Exterior Elevations are submitted to modify the permitted plans. These sheets add a second means of egress from the Mezzanine Level. I have also amended the code analysis to include this egress route. I hope this clears this issue as I interpret this to satisfy the MA State Building Code. Please call with any questions you have Sincerely, RETAI'D4SkCiN Charles A. Borne , Jr. Encl. PLAN B / 3 RETAIL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANAgEMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lone • Tolland, CT 06084 Tel. 860.870.5380 Fox. 860.870.5382 E-mail: plon.b.retoil @snet.net RIVER VALLEY MARKET NORTHAMPTON, MA CODE REVIEW Project Square Footage: • 15,504 Square Feet— First Floor • 2,516 Square Feet— Mezzanine Level • 496 Square Feet— Mechanical Mezzanine Use Group Classification: • Mercantile Use per Table 309 Construction Type: • 3B, Combustible / Non-combustible as per Table 503, fully sprinklered Height and Area Limitations: • Based on Use Group and Construction Type - 9,600 SF + 200 SF for fully sprinklered, 28,800 SF allowed - 18,516 SF provided Occupancy: • Based on Table 1008.1.2 Mercantile, First Floor, one (1) person per 30 square feet, one (1) person per 300 square feet Storage, and one (1) person per 60 square feet Second Floor • First Floor Public/ Prepared Area— 11,276 Square Feet • First Floor Storage Area —4,228 Square Feet • Second Floor Storage/ Prep— 3,012 Square Feet - 11,276 SF @ 30 SF per Occupant = 376 Occupants - 4,228 SF @ 300 SF per Occupant = 15 Occupants - 3,012 SF @ 60 SF per Occupant = 51 Occupants Total Occupancy 442 Occupants iiiial i Egress Capacity: • 0.15 inch per person required • 0.15 inch X 442 occupants = 66.3 inches • Building has 180" egress provided RETA IGN • A minimum of two (2) doors are required • Four (4) doors are provided on the First Floor • Mezzanine egress has two (2) routes Travel Distance: • Maximum travel distance allowed to an exit = 250 feet • Maximum travel distance provided = 126 feet October 1, 2007 74fr ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS-ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1839 -2 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Footings Line A to N on Line 5 REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 8/15/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 3500 3500 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-112 T-113 T-114 T-115 Specimen No. A B C D Slump ASTM C143 (in) 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% Concrete Temp.ASTM C1064 78°F 78°F 78°F 78°F Date Sampled 7/18/2007 7/18/2007 7/18/2007 7/18/2007 Date Received 7/19/2007 7/19/2007 7/19/2007 7/19/2007 Date Tested 7/25/2007 8/15/2007 8/15/2007 8/15/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 28 28 28 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 6 x 12 6 x 12 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.5 29.7 29.7 29.6 Total Load (Ibs) 79,300 134,140 133,905 133,605 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2800 4740 4740 4730 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES,INC. /424401/4(1A,e -: By: Richard Bellucci President Copy Charles A. Bomely, Jr., Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC John Harrington, H.P. Cummings MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S AT ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS -ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1834-2 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Wall Line N REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 8/14/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 3500 3500 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-72 T-73 T-74 T-75 Specimen No. A B C D Slump ASTM C143 (in) 5" 5" 5" 5" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 80°F 80°F 80°F 80°F Date Sampled 7/17/2007 7/17/2007 7/17/2007 7/17/2007 Date Received 7/18/2007 7/18/2007 7/18/2007 7/18/2007 Date Tested 7/24/2007 8/14/2007 8/14/2007 8/14/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 28 28 28 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 6 x 12 6 x 12 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.0 29.3 29.1 29.2 Total Load (Ibs) 59,005 110,915 99,020 105,690 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2090 3920 3500 3740 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. Al",;(Cd14-1 By: Richard Bellucci President Copy Charles A. Bomely, Jr., Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC John Harrington, H.P. Cummings MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S . TE- ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS-ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1835-2 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Footing-Line N REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 8/13/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 3500 3500 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-52 T-53 T-54 T-55 Specimen No. A B C D Slump ASTM C143 (in) 4" 4" 4" 4" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 80°F 80°F 80°F 80°F Date Sampled 7/16/2007 7/16/2007 7/16/2007 7/16/2007 Date Received 7/17/2007 7/17/2007 7/17/2007 7/17/2007 Date Tested 7/23/2007 8/13/2007 8/13/2007 8/13/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 28 28 28 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 6 x 12 6 x 12 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.1 29.4 29.3 29.2 Total Load (Ibs) 103,990 133,280 131,910 131,450 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 3680 4710 4670 4650 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES,INC. c By: Richard Bellucci President Copy Charles A. Bomely, Jr., Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC John Harrington, H.P. Cummings MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S 04.01 Retaining wall type is still being pursued by Site Contractor. The alternate"ready rock" is acceptable by all if there is no cost difference. 04.02 Lauren/Allison reviewed their LEED process. They have established phone call reviews with all parties to discuss the process further and to establish electronic communications. A LEED topic will be added to the minutes for a regular review. 04.03 Paul Johnson reviewed electrical issues: a. Transformer pad location as proposed by the Utility Company requires longer secondary lines. Lodola to review and look at using aluminum versus copper to offset the costs. b. It was also discussed to run secondaries under the building to shorten them and also to relieve the logistical route shared by other trades. c. D-mark location was discussed and determined to be placed under the stairs of the Mechanical Mezzanine. d. Plan B will submit dimensional plans for underground electric. e. Steve Strong of Solar Design will be requested to attend the Sept. 19, 2007 meeting to coordinate his work with Lodola and the building installation. 04.04 Lauren requested information on the Refrigeration Systems. 04.05 Plan B will update documents to include a second means of egress from the Mezzanine. IV. SCHEDULE • Brian reviewed a short term schedule working towards the steel building to be erected starting August 13. Erection to be roughly two(2)weeks. • Chuck Bomely requested a long-term schedule that will follow the building erection the first week of September and a short-term schedule for immediately following the building erection. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 4 MINUTES PAGE 3 OF 3 NORTHAMPTON, MA Monthly progress reports will be submitted to the Building Department with structural summary. II. OLD BUSINESS 01.05 John Harrington submitted on Kalwall skylights. Chuck Bomely requested wall panels' submissions. 03 -John indicated a 12 week lead time. Chuck Bomely to pursue on site in 6 weeks. 01.07 Plan B to submit further detail for canopy structure and also pursue wood takeoff for materials. A review of certified lumber versus recycled material will be reviewed. 01.08 Chuck Bomely requested status of utilities, particularly electric. P. J. Lodola will be questioned of this status. 04—Rochelle to pursue Verison. 01.09 The requirement of an additional conduit was requested by National Grid. A discussion followed and concluded that the Change Order submitted is to be reviewed. 02— National Grid has rerouted primary line. No hand hole. Concrete encasement. To be reviewed with Berkshire Design. 03—John to get hard copy of final route to revise. 02.04 Site lighting base information was requested by John Harrington. 02.07 Chuck Bomely reported that the grey water system has been approved by the State Plumbing Board. This approval will be sent to the Building Department as it is revised by Engineer. 03.01 Alan Cote requested clarification of grey water system. Chuck Bomely indicated that revisions are being issued with the final grey water system design. Copies will be distributed this week. 03.02 Contract clarification of reverse osmosis water system is needed. Chuck Bomely to review. 04—Chuck Bomely to pursue Ramone. 03.04 Rochelle Prunty asked if the Landscape Contractor should review the site. Brian feels that August 15 would show more of the final site conditions. Chuck Bomely indicated this time might be good as some of the larger planting/trees need to be ordered prior to the season ending. 03.06 Chuck Bomely to call Algon for pull box push. 03.07 John indicated he is still having concerns of Glazing Contractor. Chuck Bomely will forward A-1 Glass' quote to John. 03.08 HVAC discussion was had. Berkshire Air's value engineering concept does not appear favorable. Chuck Bomely is pursuing original design quotes. This issue needs resolution as its impact is involving other trades. III. NEW BUSINESS RIVER VALLEY MEETING 4 MINUTES PAGE 2 OF 3 NORTHAMPTON, MA PLAN B RETAIL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANAGEMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lane • Tolland, CT 06084 Tel. 860.870.5380 Fax. 860.870.5382 E-mail: plan.b.retail@snet.net RIVER VALLEY MARKET NORTHAMPTON, MA MEETING 4 MINUTES: WED., AUGUST 8,2007 Attendees: Rochelle Prunty—River Valley Market John Harrington—H P Cummings Bryan Lang—H P Cummings Paul Johnson—P J Lodola David Hill Chuck Bomely—Plan B I. GENERAL BUSINESS • Job meetings will be held every Wednesday at 8:30 AM at the job site. All trades, General Contractor,Store Management, and Plan B Retail Design will be represented. This general forum will be used for project scheduling,coordination management, administration,and information document exchange. Minutes will be prepared by Plan B and distributed. • The job trailer phone number is 413.584.6800. The fax is the same as the phone number. Brian's cell number is 603.986.8242. • A copy of the Contractors' license/insurance/permit is required and should be submitted for file. • All trades will conduct safety meetings independently of regular job meetings. • Requisitions due the 1st of the month. All Subs should submit accordingly. • Change Orders should be processed as proposed Change Orders and given monetary effects. If critical timing issues are involved,exception can be made to allow the project to continue. These Change Orders should be received weekly at the job meetings. Use Schedule of Values AIA 703 G or equivalent. • "As-Builts"are required. All trades to maintain this process by marking all changes and concealed utilities on indicated set of drawings and photos at the Construction Office. • Submittals will be exchanged at weekly meetings. If this is not timely, submittals can be mailed and must be identified that submission is to expedite schedules. • Job office, boxes,and materials will be coordinated with H. P. Cummings. • Security issues of the construction site will be addressed with River Valley Market.li\ • General site clean-up and trash removal will be coordinated with H. P. Cummings and done so I) ' { under LEED's guidelines. • Plan B Retail Design is performing Project Management and will coordinate all issues with the A- RM " ' N Architect,Structural,Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. • Requests for Information(RFI)will be submitted to Plan B. They will direct to the appropriate party and follow on answers. • Plan B has initiated an open policy to"barter"minor changes or trade-offs. Any of these issues will be documented in Meeting Minutes or RFIs,whichever suits best. • Minutes will be emailed to attached list. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 4 MINUTES PAGE 1 OF 3 NORTHAMPTON, MA 03.05 John Harrington requested grout specs for column base plates. Chuck Bomely to review. 03.06 Chuck Bomely to call Allen for pull box push. 03.07 John indicated he is still having concerns of Glazing Contractor. Chuck Bomely will forward A-1 Glass' quote to John. 03.08 HVAC discussion was had. Berkshire Air's value engineering concept does not appear favorable. Chuck Bomely is pursuing original design quotes. This issue needs resolution as its impact is involving other trades. IV. SCHEDULE • Brian reviewed a short term schedule working towards the steel building to be erected starting August 13. Erection to be roughly two (2)weeks. • Chuck Bomely requested a long-term schedule that will follow the building erection the first week of September and a short-term schedule for immediately following the building erection. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 3 MINUTES PAGE 3 OF 3 NORTHAMPTON,MA Monthly progress reports will be submitted to the Building Department with structural summary. II. OLD BUSINESS 01.04 David Hill reported that is close to bringing Madeline Cook on to perform LEED's process. Madeline is on board as our lead consultant. 03- Madeline will attend August 8, 2007 meeting. 01.05 John Harrington submitted on Kalwall skylights. Chuck Bomely requested wall panels' submissions. 03-John indicated a 12 week lead time. Chuck Bomely to pursue on site in 6 weeks. 01.07 Plan B to submit further detail for canopy structure and also pursue wood takeoff for materials. A review of certified lumber versus recycled material will be reviewed. 01.08 Chuck Bomely requested status of utilities, particularly electric. P. J. Lodola will be questioned of this status. 01.09 The requirement of an additional conduit was requested by National Grid. A discussion followed and concluded that the Change Order submitted is to be reviewed. 02— National Grid has rerouted primary line. No hand hole. Concrete encasement. To be reviewed with Berkshire Design. 03—John to get hard copy of final route to revise. 01.11 John Harrington requested pull box location plan as well as pit cover types. Chuck Bomely to submit. 02.04 Site lighting base information was requested by John Harrington. 02.07 Chuck Bomely reported that the grey water system has been approved by the State Plumbing Board. This approval will be sent to the Building Department as it is revised by Engineer. III. NEW BUSINESS 03.01 Alan Cote requested clarification of grey water system. Chuck Bomely indicated that revisions are being issued with the final grey water system design. Copies will be distributed this week. 03.02 Contract clarification of revenue osmosis water system is needed. Chuck Bomely to review. 03.03 John Harrington requested that he be copied on Allied's testing reports. Chuck Bomely to review. 03.04 Rochelle Prunty asked if the Landscape Contractor should review the site. Brian feels that August 15 would show more of the final site conditions. Chuck Bomely indicated this time might be good as some of the larger planting/trees need to be ordered prior to the season ending. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 3 MINUTES PAGE 2 OF 3 NORTHAMPTON,MA • • PlAN B RETAIL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANAGEMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lone • Tolland, CT 06084 Tel. 860.870.5380 Fox. 860.870.5382 E-mail: plan.b.retoil©snet.net RIVER VALLEY MARKET NORTHAMPTON, MA MEETING 3 MINUTES: WED., AUGUST 1,2007 Attendees: Rochelle Prunty—River Valley Market John Harrington—H P Cummings Bryan Lang—H P Cummings Alan Cote—M J Moran Louis Hasbrouck—Bldg Inspector Chuck Bomely—Plan B I. GENERAL BUSINESS • Job meetings will be held every Wednesday at 8:30 AM at the job site. All trades, General Contractor, Store Management,and Plan B Retail Design will be represented. This general forum will be used for project scheduling,coordination management, administration,and information document exchange. Minutes will be prepared by Plan B and distributed. • The job trailer phone number is 413.584.6800. The fax is the same as the phone number. Brian's cell number is 603.986.8242. • A copy of the Contractors' license/insurance/permit is required and should be submitted for file. • All trades will conduct safety meetings independently of regular job meetings. • Requisitions due the 1st of the month. All Subs should submit accordingly. • Change Orders should be processed as proposed Change Orders and given monetary effects. If critical timing issues are involved,exception can be made to allow the project to continue. These Change Orders should be received weekly at the job meetings. Use Schedule of Values AIA 703 G or equivalent. • "As-Builts"are required. All trades to maintain this process by marking all changes and concealed utilities on indicated set of drawings and photos at the Construction Office. • Submittals will be exchanged at weekly meetings. If this is not timely,submittals can be mailed and must be identified that submission is to expedite schedules. L: .`;‘-=-:„„,"v Job office, boxes,and materials will be coordinated with H. P.Cummings. Security issues of the construction site will be addressed with River Valley Market. p . . • -ii\, General site clean-up and trash removal will be coordinated with H. P. Cummings and done so under LEED's guidelines. • Plan B Retail Design is performing Project Management and will coordinate all issues with the RET'i rw ..1- Architect, Structural, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. • Requests for Information (RFI)will be submitted to Plan B. They will direct to the appropriate party and follow on answers. • Plan B has initiated an open policy to"barter"minor changes or trade-offs. Any of these issues will be documented in Meeting Minutes or RFIs,whichever suits best. • Minutes will be emailed to attached list. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 3 MINUTES PAGE 1 OF 3 NORTHAMPTON, MA c 01.04 David Hill reported that is close to bringing Madeline Cook on to perform LEAD's process. Madeline is on board as our lead consultant. 01.05 John Harrington submitted on Kalwall skylights. Chuck Bomely requested wall panels' submissions. 01.07 Plan B to submit further detail for canopy structure and also pursue wood takeoff for materials. A review of certified lumber versus recycled material will be reviewed. 01.08 Chuck Bomely requested status of utilities, particularly electric. P. J. Lodola will be questioned of this status. 01.09 The requirement of an additional conduit was requested by National Grid. A discussion followed and concluded that the Change Order submitted is to be reviewed. 02— National Grid has rerouted primary line. No hand hole. Concrete encasement. To be reviewed with Berkshire Design. 01.11 John Harrington requested pull box location plan as well as pit cover types. Chuck Bomely to submit. 01.12 An overall schedule was submitted. A discussion followed. Plan B requested it be updated monthly and short term schedules be prepared weekly. III. NEW BUSINESS 02.01 Chuck Bomely requested in addition to"as built" markups that photos of the subslab be taken. 02.02 Minutes will be emailed to attached list. 02.03 Moisture proof material was submitted and approved for foundation. 02.04 Site lighting base information was requested by John Harrington. 02.05 Insulation for the foundation was approved as specified. 02.06 Monthly progress reports will be submitted to the Building Department with structural summary. 02.07 Chuck Bomely reported that the grey water system has been approved by the State Plumbing Board. This approval will be sent to the Building Department as it is revised by Engineer. IV. SCHEDULE • Brian reviewed a short term schedule working towards the steel building to be erected starting August 13. Erection to be roughly two (2)weeks. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 2 MINUTES PAGE 2 OF 2 NORTHAMPTON, MA • i PLAN B RETAiL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANAGEMENT, LLC 12 Goose lone • Tolland, CT 06084 Tel. 860.870.5380 Fox. 860.870.5382 E-moil: plan.b.retoil @snet.net RIVER VALLEY MARKET NORTHAMPTON, MA MEETING 2 MINUTES: WED.,JULY 25, 2007 Attendees: Rochelle Prunty-River Valley Market John Harrington-H P Cummings Bryan Lang-H P Cummings David Hill-WPA Ryan Hellwig-Foundation Engineer Louis Hasbrouck-Bldg Inspector Chuck Bomely-Plan B I. GENERAL BUSINESS • Job meetings will be held every Wednesday at 8:30 AM at the job site. All trades, General Contractor,Store Management, and Plan B Retail Design will be represented. This general forum will be used for project scheduling, coordination management, administration, and information document exchange. Minutes will be prepared by Plan B and distributed. • The job trailer phone number is 413.584.6800. The fax is the same as the phone number. Brian's cell number is 603.986.8242. • A copy of the Contractors'license/insurance/permit is required and should be submitted for file. • All trades will conduct safety meetings independently of regular job meetings. • Requisitions due the 1st of the month. All Subs should submit accordingly. • Change Orders should be processed as proposed Change Orders and given monetary effects. If critical timing issues are involved,exception can be made to allow the project to continue. These Change Orders should be received weekly at the job meetings. Use Schedule of Values AIA 703 G or equivalent. • "As-Builts"are required. All trades to maintain this process by marking all changes and concealed utilities on indicated set of drawings and photos at the Construction Office. • Submittals will be exchanged at weekly meetings. If this is not timely,submittals can be mailed and must be identified that submission is to expedite schedules. ,, • Job office, boxes,and materials will be coordinated with H. P. Cummings. Security issues of the construction site will be addressed with River Valley Market. Mr--- ^ • General site clean-up and trash removal will be coordinated with H. P. Cummings and done so . l; under LEAD's guidelines. ':- Plan B Retail Design is performing Project Management and will coordinate all issues with the Architect, Structural, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. • Requests for Information(RFI)will be submitted to Plan B. They will direct to the appropriate party and follow on answers. • Plan B has initiated an open policy to"barter"minor changes or trade-offs. Any of these issues will be documented in Meeting Minutes or RFIs,whichever suits best. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 2 MINUTES PAGE 1 OF 2 NORTHAMPTON, MA • II. NEW&OLD BUSINESS 01.01 The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 25, 2007. 01.02 The job trailer phone number is 413.584.6800. Brian's cell number is 603.986.8242. 01.03 A summary review of the LEAD/commissioning process was given by Ernie Lawas. John Harrington confirmed that commissioning specs have been distributed to all major H P Cummings subcontractors. Ernie also requested that all RFI's and submittals of MPE Contractors be copied to his firm. Plan B will process this information. 01.04 David Hill reported that is close to bringing Madeline Cook on to perform LEAD's process. 01.05 John Harrington submitted on Kalwall skylights. Chuck Bomely requested wall panels' submissions. 01.06 Northern Building's submittals will be returned to vendor early next week. Chuck Bomely is also to submit to the Building Department. 01.07 Plan B to submit further detail for canopy structure and also pursue wood takeoff for materials. A review of certified lumber versus recycled material will be reviewed. 01.08 Chuck Bomely requested status of utilities, particularly electric. P. J. Lodola will be questioned of this status. 01.09 The requirement of an additional conduit was requested by National Grid. A discussion followed and concluded that the Change Order submitted is to be reviewed. 01.10 Allied Testing has been commissioned to perform independent testing. Brian Lang will coordinate with invoicing to River Valley Market. 01.11 John Harrington requested pull box location plan as well as pit cover types. Chuck Bomely to submit. 01.12 An overall schedule was submitted. A discussion followed. Plan B requested it be updated monthly and short term schedules be prepared weekly. III. SCHEDULE RIVER VALLEY MEETING 1 MINUTES PAGE 2 OF 2 NORTHAMPTON,MA , PIAN B RETAIL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANAI♦EMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lone • Tollond, CT 06084 Tel. 860.870.5380 Fox. 860.870.5382 E-mail: plan.b.retail©snet.net RIVER VALLEY MARKET NORTHAMPTON, MA MEETING 1 MINUTES: FRI.,JULY 13,2007 Attendees: Rochelle Prunty-River Valley Market John Harrington-H P Cummings Bryan Lang-H P Cummings Ernie Lawas-BVH David Hill-WPA Ryan Hellwig-Foundation Engineer Chuck Bomely-Plan B I. GENERAL BUSINESS • Job meetings will be held every Wednesday at 8:30 AM at the job site. All trades, General Contractor, Store Management,and Plan B Retail Design will be represented. This general forum will be used for project scheduling,coordination management, administration,and information document exchange. Minutes will be prepared by Plan B and distributed. • A copy of the Contractors' license/insurance/permit is required and should be submitted for file. • All trades will conduct safety meetings independently of regular job meetings. • Requisitions due the 1st of the month. All Subs should submit accordingly. • • Change Orders should be processed as proposed Change Orders and given monetary effects. If critical timing issues are involved, exception can be made to allow the project to continue. These Change Orders should be received weekly at the job meetings. Use Schedule of Values AIA 703 G or equivalent. • "As-Builts"are required. All trades to maintain this process by marking all changes and concealed utilities on indicated set of drawings at the Construction Office. • Submittals will be exchanged at weekly meetings. If this is not timely,submittals can be mailed and must be identified that submission is to expedite schedules. • Job office, boxes,and materials will be coordinated with H. P.Cummings. • Security issues of the construction site will be addressed with River Valley Market. eit • General site clean-up and trash removal will be coordinated with H. P. Cummings and done so under LEAD's guidelines. • Plan B Retail Design is performing Project Management and will coordinate all issues with the Architect, Structural,Civil,Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. • Requests for Information(RFI)will be submitted to Plan B. They will direct to the appropriate party and follow on answers. • Plan B has initiated an open policy to"barter"minor changes or trade-offs. Any of these issues will be documented in Meeting Minutes or RFIs,whichever suits best. RIVER VALLEY MEETING 1 MINUTES PAGE 1 OF 2 NORTHAMPTON,MA /3. 32 PLAN B RETAIL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANACIEMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lone • Tolland, CT 06084 Tel. 860.870.5380 ±'`7 0 L. I LL,'-'i Fox. 860.870.5382 E-mail plon.b.retail @snet.net t ._- _ -- --I TO: Anthony Pattillo, Building Commissioner ' Northampton, MA ARCHITECTURAL FIELD REPORT 1 Submitted: AUGUST 23, 2007 Field Report issued to review construction process and summarize Meeting Minutes 1 through 5 as follows: A. Work in Progress • Site - All major blasting complete. - Storm water system in progress. - Water line to site complete. - Back fill complete to foundation. • Foundation - All footings, piers, and foundation walls complete. - Foundation insulation and moisture proof complete. • Structural: - Building steel frame being erected. • As of this report, all work does appear to substantially comply with Construction Documents and Specifications and has been completed with good construction standards and practices. B. Design Issues • Grey Water System variance has been issued by the State Plumbing Board and these documents forwarded to your office. • Structural documents from the pre-engineered building manufacturer have been issued and forwarded to your office. • A fire escape stairway has been specified, located and will be forwarded to you as e:' construction drawings are completed. A revised code analysis will also be forwarded to you. REP N This report respectively submitted by: Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Encl: Meeting Minutes 1 —5 Allied Testing Reports to date / PIANB J33f RETAIL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANNEMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lone • Tolland, CT 06084 Tel 860.870.5380 Fox. 860.870.5382 E-mail: plan.b.retoil©snet.net August 14, 2007 r , , ',j 1L,_� __._- 1 to 1 5 2007 1S"rttitlUri$ ,1 Mr. Anthony Pattillo 0060 Office of the Building Inspector �� Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: River Valley Market, Northampton, MA Dear Anthony: This letter will serve to forward to you: • Special Inspection Reports from Allied Testing Laboratories from 07.16.2007 through 08.08.2007. These have also been distributed to Ryan Hellwig, PE for his review. He will also submit his report to you. • Approved documents for grey water installation from the Board of State Examiners of Plumbing and Gas Fitters, dated 07.17.2007. • I have reviewed the egress from the Mezzanine Floor and have added an exterior stairway to address the travel distance. Documents are being updated and I will submit these to you when completed. • Structural documents for the pre-engineered building were issued to LLouis Hatsbrouck at a job meeting. Please call with any questions you have AI Sincerely, REP' a IL N 4 Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Encl. ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St George Road • Springfield,Massachusetts 01 104 Phone: (413) 736-1846 Fax: (413) 736-1838 Report No. 1 of Soils Tests Date: 7/16/07 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Valley Market, 330 N. King St.,Northampton, MA Subject: Soils Tests Reported to: River Valley Market—Attention: Rochelle Prunty, General Manager SOILS INSPECTION During today's site visit,the client's representative requested a visual inspection of compaction of blasted crushed material. Placement of blasted material around footing where 2' of over blast was removed and placed in lifts. Each lift was placed in 6 inch lifts using a Weber CR4 Plate Vibrator and hit five times and then re-excavated down 3 inches where piers are and recompacted with a plate vibrator three more times. Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. By: Richard Bellucci President Copy: Mr. Chuck Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N T / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S. 71C ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1679 DATE: 7116/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Vally Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton,MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Footing -Line N Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/16/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 16:00 264 3500 4" Footing - Line N SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%), 16:00 264 4" 16:00 264 5.4% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 16:00 80°F 16:00 264 80°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 80's No. Yds.: 13 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. Aatel44:440: By: Richard Be ucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S •IfE• ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1678 DATE: 7/17/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Vally Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Wall Line N Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/17/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 14:30 277 3500 5" Wall Line N SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 14:30 277 5" 14:30 277 5.0% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 14:30 84°F 14:30 277 80°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 80's No. Yds.: 19 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. fx.ezti:Lezoe_t_: By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S 711r ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1683 DATE: 7/18/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Vally Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Footings Line A to N on Line 5 Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7718/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 11:30 275 3500 3.5" Footings Line A to N on Line 5 SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS -ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 11:30 275 3.5" 11:30 275 5.2% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 11:30 75°F 11:30 275 78°F Weather: Rainy Temp.: 70's No. Yds.: 18 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. /04;464,AW7444-t- By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road • Springfield,Massachusetts 01 104 Phone: (413) 736-1846 Fax: (413) 736-1 838 Report No. 2 of Soils Tests Date: 7/19/07 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Valley Market, 330 N. King St.,Northampton, MA Subject: Soils Tests Reported to: River Valley Market—Att: Rochelle Prunty, General Manager Herewith is submitted,the results of soils tests conducted on sample picked up on by Allied personnel on 7/16/07. Lab.No. 9313 Source/Identification: On Site Crushed Material TEST: SIEVE ANALYSIS Sieve No. % Passing 2 100.0 1 1/2 95.9 1 67.5 3/4 61.7 1/2 46.4 3/8 38.8 4 21.7 8 11.0 16 4.8 30 2.3 40 1.7 50 1.2 100 0.5 Respectfully submitted, ALLIE TE TING ABORATORIES, INC. By: Richard Bellucci President Copy: Mr. Chuck Bromley,Jr., Plan B Retail Design MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S. 7r ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01 104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1692 DATE: 7/20/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Vally Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Wall -Line 5 N to A Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/20/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 10:30 282 3500 4.5" Wall-Line 5 N to A SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 10:30 282 4.5" 10:30 282 5.2% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 10:30 75°F 10:30 282 78°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 70's No. Yds.: 22 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S RE ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01 104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS -ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1835-1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Vally Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Footing -Line N REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 7/23/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-52 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 4" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.4% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 80°F Date Sampled 7/16/2007 Date Received 7/17/2007 Date Tested 7/23/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.1 Total Load (Ibs) 103,990 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 3680 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. /1;44//fe., By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design &Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S 7fir ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1695 DATE: 7/23/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Vally Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Footing -Line-1 to N &A Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/23/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 10:00 288 3500 4" Footing - Line- 1 to N &A SLUMP TESTS -ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 10:00 288 4" 10:00 288 5.5% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 10:00 65°F 10:00 288 74°F Weather: Cloudy Temp.: 60's No. Yds.: 14 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. iliV;44-47/QZ"'—" By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield,Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1699 DATE: 7/2412007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Vally Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Wall Line 1 -N to A Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/24/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 14:45 288 3500 4.5" Wall Line 1 - N to A SLUMP TESTS -ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%I 14:45 288 4.5" 14:45 288 5.2% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 14:45 75°F 14:45 288 77°F Weather: Cloudy Temp.: 70's No. Yds.: 22 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. ift4A're/A/14 - By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS -ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1834-1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Vally Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Wall Line N REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 7/24/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-72 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 5„ Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.0% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 80°F Date Sampled 7/17/2007 Date Received 7/18/2007 Date Tested 7/24/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.0 Total Load (Ibs) 59,005 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2090 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. /41;#44//4i4(-- --- By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S 7Ca. ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield,Massachusetts 01 104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1706 DATE: 7/2512007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Block Wall Footing Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/25/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 14:45 248 3500 4.25" Block Wall Footing SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 14:45 248 4.25" 14:45 248 5.1% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 14:45 80°F 14:45 248 79°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 80's No. Yds.: 10 Respectfully submitted, ALLIE TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design &Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / 74r ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS -ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1839 -1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Footings Line A to N on Line 5 REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 7/25/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-112 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 3.5" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.2% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 78°F Date Sampled 7/18/2007 Date Received 7/19/2007 Date Tested 7/25/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.5 Total Load (Ibs) 79,300 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2800 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S MLLICIJ ICJIIIVV LADUKAIVKItb, INC.. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1711 DATE: 7/26/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street,Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Wall from A5 to A2.5 Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/26/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 13:20 288 3500 3.75" Wall from A5 to A2.5 SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 13:20 288 3.75" 13:20 288 4.7% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 13:20 84°F 13:20 288 86°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 80's No. Yds.: 13 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. //te,4,1edz-f/C- By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S /-‘ II.NIII'IV 1./"'1NVRP%IVIRALJ, 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1716 DATE: 7/27/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Valley Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Interior Piers, Footings, Lines 2.3-L.1,2.3,K.7,2.1,L1,J1.J5.G.5-G.2 2.5-8 Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/27/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 15:30 266 3500 4" Piers- Footings-Interior SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS -ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 15:30 266 4" 15:30 266 5.2% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE -ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 15:30 80°F 15:30 266 80°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 80's No. Yds.: 16 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. ietd°4-e/le By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S IL "LLI IJ ILJIII'V LADVICHIVKICJ, IIVL. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS -ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1852-1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Wall -Line 5 N to A REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 7/27/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (lbs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-159 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 4.5" Air Content ASTM CI73 or C231 (%) 5.2% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 78°F Date Sampled 7/20/2007 Date Received 7/23/2007 Date Tested 7/27/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (lbs) 28.7 Total Load (Ibs) 71,350 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2520 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. i(fA,Lec/:id‘r,f-■%: By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design &Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1718 DATE: 7/29/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Piers -5.3 -A8.2-5,3,9-D5.3 -4A-T 8.8-2.0 Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/29/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 13:30 277 3500 4" Piers-5.3 -A8.2 -5,3,9-D5.3-4A-T 8.8-2.0 SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS -ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 13:30 277 4" 13:30 277 5.3% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 13:30 85°F 13:30 277 84°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 80's No. Yds.: 6 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S 7r ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS -ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1857 -1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Footing -Line-1 to N &A REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 7/30/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-190 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 4" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.5% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 74°F Date Sampled 7/23/2007 Date Received 7/25/2007 Date Tested 7/30/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.5 Total Load (Ibs) 90,090 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 3190 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. By: Richard Bellucci President Copy Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S 7r. ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1718 DATE: 713012007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Piers-5.3 -A8.2 -5,3,9-D5.3-4A-T 8.8 -2.0 Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/30/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 13:30 277 3500 4" Piers-5.3-A8.2 -5,3,9-D5.3-4A-T 8.8-2.0 SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 13:30 277 4" 13:30 277 5.3% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE -ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 13:30 85°F 13:30 277 84°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 80's No. Yds.: 6 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 4,44,16e/ By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S /-►LLICIJ ICJIIIVV LHDVICHIVRICJ, 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS-ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1869-1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Block Wall Footing REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 8/1/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (lbs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-226 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 4.25" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.1% 0 Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 79°F Date Sampled 7/25/2007 Date Received 7/26/2007 Date Tested 8/1/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.0 Total Load (Ibs) 83,015 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2940 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. AZ-t,‘6/"ef-e —j* By: Richard Bellucci President Copy Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S 7fr ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1734 DATE: 8/1/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cumminigs Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Wall -Line A-Between 2&3 Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 8/1/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 15:00 253 3500 4" Wall- Line A-Between 2 & 3 SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 15:00 253 4" 15:00 253 5.2% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 15:00 90°F 15:00 253 84°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 90's No. Yds.: 9 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. ite4461.4/ By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S ir" ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road -Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 CONCRETE FIELD REPORT NO. 1729 DATE: 7131/2007 Client: River Valley Market Project: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA Contractor H.P. Cummings Producer: Construction Service Location of Concrete Placement: Footings-A Line Between 2&3 Columns Reported to: River Valley Market Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty CYLINDER FABRICATION -ASTM C31 DATE CAST: 7/31/2007 IDENTIFICATION TIME TRUCK CLASS SLUMP EXACT LOCATION A,B,C,D 264 3500 3.5" Footings-Line A Between 2 &3 Columns SLUMP TESTS-ASTM C143 AIR CONTENT TESTS-ASTM C173 or C231 Time Truck Slump Time Truck No. Air Content(%) 264 3.5" 264 5.2% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE-ASTM C1064 Time Temperature Time Truck No Temperature 90°F 264 82°F Weather: Clear Temp.: 90's No. Yds.: 6 Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. Ak44-‘/A1-144-c----- By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S IffEw ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS -ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1862-1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market, 330 N. King Street,Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Wall Line 1 -N to A REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 7/31/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-218 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 4.5" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.2% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 77°F Date Sampled 7/24/2007 Date Received 7/26/2007 Date Tested 7/31/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.0 Total Load (Ibs) 79,085 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2800 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. /44itzt"%fle,e_c___. By: Richard Bellucci President Copy Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design& Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S ifIE ALLICU ICJIlNL LAbUKAIVKICJ, IIVC:. 115 51. George Road •5pringtield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS -ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1875-1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Wall from A5 to A2.5 REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 8/2/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-252 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 3.75" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 4.7% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 86°F Date Sampled 7/26/2007 Date Received 7/27/2007 Date Tested 8/2/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.5 Total Load (Ibs) 90,505 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 3200 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. xer:14' By: Richard Bellucci President Copy Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS-ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1880 -1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market, 330 N.King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Interior Piers, Footings, Lines 2.3-L.1,2.3,K.7,2.1,L1,J1.J5.G.5-G.2 2.5-8. REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 8/3/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-268 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 4„ Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.2% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 80°F Date Sampled 7/27/2007 Date Received 7/30/2007 Date Tested 8/3/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.0 Total Load (Ibs) 72,285 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2560 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. By: Richard Bellucci President Copy Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS-ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1883 -1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Piers -5.3 -A8.2-5,3,9 -D5.3 -4A-T 8.8-2.0 REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 8/6/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (lbs) Coarse Aggregate (lbs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-330 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 4" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.3% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 84°F Date Sampled 7/30/2007 Date Received 7/31/2007 Date Tested 8/6/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.0 Total Load (lbs) 85,515 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 3020 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES,INC. 444.144e,e. By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr., Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S 71r. ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS-ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1897-1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market, 330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Footings -A Line Between 2&3 Columns REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 8/7/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-361 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 3.5" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.2% ° Concrete Temp.ASTM C1064 82°F Date Sampled 7/31/2007 Date Received 8/1/2007 Date Tested 8/7/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.2 Total Load (Ibs) 74,065 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2620 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. Ar;evela‘L___ By: Richard Bellucci President Copy Charles A. Bomely, Jr., Plan B Retail Design & Project Mgr., LLC MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S 7ir' ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 115 St. George Road Springfield, Massachusetts 01104 Phone (413) 736-1846 Fax (413) 736-1838 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS-ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 1903 -1 CLIENT: River Valley Market PROJECT: River Valley Market,330 N. King Street, Northampton, MA LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Wall - Line A-Between 2&3 REPORTED TO: River Valley Market Date: 8/8/2007 Attention: Ms. Rochelle Prunty Concrete Class 3500 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. T-373 Specimen No. A Slump ASTM C143 (in) 4" Air Content ASTM C173 or C231 (%) 5.2% Concrete Temp. ASTM C1064 84°F Date Sampled 8/1/2007 Date Received 8/2/2007 Date Tested 8/8/2007 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6 x 12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.0 Total Load (Ibs) 80,120 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 2830 Remarks: Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. By: Richard Bellucci Copy President Charles A. Bomely, Jr., Plan B Retail Design& Project Mgr., LLC John Harrington, H.P. Cummings MEMBER: A.S.T.M. / A.C.I. / A.W.S. / A.S.N.T. / M.C.I.B. / I.A.C.R.S External panel connectors and cable outlets shall be water-resistant. All instruments shall be identified by black and white engraved,laminated nameplates. Lettering shall be 3/8" high, minimum. The instrument panel shall be arranged to give an orderly presentation of the instrumentation. The enclosure shall have a hinged panel that provides ready access to all instruments and accessories for servicing. All items shall be so wired and mounted such that, in general, any one item can be removed without interruption of the other items. No zero-based analog signals shall be used between instruments. All instruments shall be mounted semi-flush on the front of the panel in a manner such that all basic controls and adjustments are accessible without unlatching or opening the panel itself. 2.17 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER Practical Applications, Inc. 12 Channel Street Boston, MA 02210 Tel: (617) 423 - 5639 Fax: (617) 423 - 9341 4 ; Output: Flow Transmitter shall provide a pulse output directly proportional to the volume and display both rate and totalized flow. Manufacturer: ABB or approved equal 2.15 Pressure Transmitter (PE-0200) Quantity: One (1) Type: Diaphragm Loop powered 4-20mA, 1" NPT Fitting, 0- 100 PSI range Material: Wetted parts 316SS, enclosure NEMA 4 Manufacturer: WIKA Model C-10 or approved equal 2.16 Main Control Panel A complete electrical power, control, and instrumentation system as specified or recommended by the equipment manufacturer for the safe operation and supervision of the Greywater Recycle System and related equipment shall be provided, except those items specified to be furnished under other sections. Schematics and interconnection wiring diagrams for power, control, and instrumentation circuits shall be provided for all equipment. Terminal blocks (plus 25 percent spare terminals) shall be provided in panels to terminate field and interconnect wiring. The control panel will be equipped with a single dry contact alarm terminal. This will be a general alarm for connection to end user's remote alarm systems. The control panel shall be a wall mounted, NEMA 4 enclosure, sized to adequately house all necessary instrumentation, fuses, control circuit transformer, circuit breakers, and motor starters, etc. The control panel shall be supplied with a flange disconnect switch to de-energize all components that are included in the Greywater system. The panel shall be mounted within the Greywater Recycle System footprint and at a height suitable for accessibility. The panel will include termination points for all interconnecting wiring to the Analyzers, Discharge Pumps, and Alarms. Panel will have dry alarms contacts, as appropriate, to connect with existing remote alarm system. The panel shall incorporate ON/OFF 2-position selector switches with green pilot lights to indicate operational status and provide control of System Power, and auxiliary equipment. Discharge pumps will have panel mounted Hand/Off/Auto control switches and green pilot lights to indicate operational status. The panel will include an audible and visual alarm and push button alarm"Silence". Alarm Points: The control panel shall incorporate an audible alarm, red pilot lights, and a dry contact for connection to a remote alarm system by others. Each alarm condition shall have its own individual red pilot light. The alarm contact shall be rated for 10 Amp, 120 VAC. control, operation, and maintenance. Pump will be rated for 5 gallons per minute at 15 psi. Pump motors will be TEFC, Minimum 1/3 HP, 115/230 VAC, 60Hz icp, 3450 rpm. Pumps wetted parts will be constructed of chemically resistant materials and subject to the engineers' approval. Controls: The pump will automatically energize when the UV light is energized. Manufacturer: Pumps: Goulds or Approved Equal. 2.12 UV Light (UVL-0200) Quantity: One (1) Tank: The UV light will connect to the interior storage tank via piping with the UV light circulation pump. UV light shall be 254nm wave length bulb capable of treating 5 gpm or higher and provided with a sleeve wiper. Manufacturer: Atlantic Ultraviolet or Aquafine 2.13 Bladder Tank(T-0300) Quantity One (1) Type Heavy duty butyl rubber bladder re-moveable for inspection, epoxy coated steel tank, 5 gallon capacity. Configuration Bladder tank will be installed on lift station discharge piping to maintain pressure in the piping system. Manufacturer Amtrol or approved equal 2.14 Greywater Feed Flow Meter (FE-0300) Quantity: One (1) Type: Low frequency Electromagnetic induction type and shall produce a DC pulse signal directly proportional and linear to the liquid flow rate,dual range w/low flow cutoff at 0.5 gpm or less. Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz Size: 2 inch Housing: Carbon Steel; The meter housing shall be NEMA 4X as standard with an option for accidental submergence in up to 30 feet of water for up to 48 hours without damage to the electronics. Mounting: 150# Carbon Steel Flange Electrode Material: 316 Stainless Steel Liner: Rubber 2.9 Tank Vent Filter Housings and Filter Elements Quantity: One (1) Type: 10" Housing for use with a 0.2 micron Hydrophobic PTFE membrane w/polypropylene, disposable cartridge Manufacturer: Flowmatic 10" Housing w/3/4" NPT Fittings or approved equal. 2.10 Feed Pumps (P-0200, P-0201) Quantity: Two (2) Tank: The pumps will connect to the interior storage tank. Bottom fittings will allow connection to pump lift station suction piping. Pumps: A discharge skid with two manifolded pumps connected to the effluent discharge tank via separate connections and operated in a lead/lag/auto mode. Pumps will be installed with the appropriate isolation valves, check valves, strainers,pressure gauges, and piping to allow for complete automatic & manual control, operation, and maintenance. Each pump will be rated for 25 gallons per minute at 60 psi. Pump motors will be TEFC, Minimum 3 HP,480 VAC, 60Hz 3cp, 3450 rpm. Pumps wetted parts will be constructed of chemically resistant materials and subject to the engineer's approval. Controls: The interior storage tank will have two level control points. They will include: Tank Low-Low Level (shut off point for both the lead and lag pumps and low level alarm),Tank Low Level (activation of city water solenoid valve). Level sensors will be single point, mechanical float type. Configuration: The pumps will be installed on the effluent discharge tank so as to maintain flooded suction. The pumps, tank, and piping will be supplied as a single skid mounted unit. Unit control will be at the main panel with interconnecting wiring by others. Manufacturer: Pumps: Goulds or Approved Equal. 2.11 UV Feed Pump (P-0202) Quantity: One (1) Tank: The pump will connect to the interior storage tank. Bottom fittings will allow connection to pump lift station suction piping. Pumps: Pump will be installed with the appropriate isolation valves, check valves, strainers, pressure gauges, and piping to allow for complete automatic & manual 2.5 Interior Storage Tank (T-0200) Quantity: One (1) Type: Cylindrical Cone Bottom Sp.gr. Wastewater: 1.1 Tank Volume: Minimum 250 Gallons Temperature: Ambient Pressure: Atmospheric Materials: Polyethylene or Polypropylene Fittings/Connections: Cover shall be bolt-down type integrally mounted to the sidewall with gasket; Cover shall include minimum 24" square or circle, sealed access way for maintenance and inspections. Provide overflow to floor drain,vent, bottom suction, and UV circulation loop. 2.6 City Water Makeup Valve (FCV-0300) Quantity One (1) Type 3/4" two piece ball valve actuator ready Configuration Automatic Open/Close with electric actuator, 50 lb-in torque, 115VAC Materials: Stainless Steel Ball, Brass/Bronze body with Teflon Seals Manufacturer: Apollo 71AR464 w/AE0200 Actuator or approved equal 2.7 City Water Makeup Flow Meter (FE-0200) Quantity One (1) Type Positive Displacement Disk Type Configuration Totalizer, rate and pulse output to main control Materials: Brass/Bronze with EPDM or Viton Seals Register: Meter and Register must be compatible and approved by the City Water Meter Department for use as a rebate meter. 2.8 Level Sensor (LE-0100 & LE-0200) Quantity: Two (2) Type: Ultrasonic with auto temperature compensation Range: 0 to 15 feet Configuration: Continuous level with three programmable relays for either alarm, latched, or alternation Materials: ABS enclosure rated NEMA 4X Voltage: 95-250VAC w/60VA rated relays Manufacturer: Flowline Echoswitch Model LU71005 or approved equal 2.2 Duplex Pump Lift Station (P-0100, P-0101) Quantity: Two (2) Tank: The pumps will be connected to the exterior storage tank. Pumps: End suction, open impeller centrifugal pumps will used to transfer the rainwater from the exterior tank into the interior day tank after passing through the multimedia filter. The pumps will be installed with the appropriate isolation valves, check valves, strainers, pressure gauges, and piping to allow for complete automatic &manual control, operation, and maintenance. Each pump will be rated for 25 gallons per minute at 20 psi. Pump motors will be minimum 1 HP, 480 VAC, 60Hz 3cp, 3450 • rpm. Pumps wetted parts will be constructed of chemically resistant materials and subject to the engineer's approval. Configuration: The pumps will be installed inside the building. The suction piping will be installed as to minimize the pipe distance and number of fittings as not to exceed the pump suction lift. Unit control will be at the main panel with interconnecting wiring by others. The ultrasonic level controller On/Off Approved Equal. Manufacturer: Pumps: Goulds Pump Model ICS or 2.3 Multimedia Filter (F-0200) One (1) Quantity: Vessel: The filter vessel will provide at a minimum 4 cu.ft. of media. Configuration: The multimedia filter will provide removal of particulates which are on average 50 microns or larger. The system shall be equipped with a multifunction valve to allow service and automatic backwash based on time. Vessel fittings shall be 1.5 IPS or larger. Manufacturer: Alamo LC-150 Series or Approved Equal. 2.4 Multimedia Backwash Valve (ne 10200) One (1) Type 1.5" two piece ball valve actuator ready Configuration: Automatic Open/Close with electric actuator, 80 lb-in torque, 115VAC Materials: Stainless Steel Ball, Brass/Bronze body withTeflon Seals Manufacturer: Apollo 85AR w/AE0400 Actuator or approved equal GREYWATER RECYCLE SYSTEM 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF WORK The Greywater Recycle System shall be a complete, automatic, and self-contained, continuous Greywater Recycle System provided for treatment of recovered Greywater. The Greywater Recycle System shall be designed, constructed, and installed to comply with the following design conditions. It shall be a multi-storage tank system comprised of two feed pumps, two discharge pumps and continuous UV light treatment loop. The Contractor shall supply auxiliary systems and equipment, as appropriate, required to maintain a complete and workable Greywater Recycle Systems including,but not limited 1o, required piping between units, auxiliary equipment for plumbing and power, and controls and interfaces between auxiliary equipment and the Greywater Recycle System. Chemical additives will be allowed to enhance the Greywater Recycle System. The installation shall be constructed indoors. A 30-AMP, 480 volt, 3(p, 60Hz electrical service will be available for system powering. Design Criteria 1.2.1 Design Criteria Wastewater Source: Rainwater Design Flow: 20 gpm Wastewater Specific Gravity: 1.1 Design Influent Temperature: Ambient Flow Conditions: continuous/intermittent 2.0 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Unless otherwise specified, all materials and equipment shall be standard commercial products in regular production by the manufacturer and suitable for the required service. 2.1 Exterior Storage Tank (T-0100) Quantity: One (1) Type: Rectangular Sp.gr. Wastewater: 1.1 Tank Volume: Minimum 2500 Gallons Temperature: Ambient Pressure: Atmospheric Materials: Reinforced Concrete Fittings/Connections: Cover shall be bolt-down type integrally mounted to the sidewall with gasket; Cover shall include minimum 24" square or circle, sealed access way for maintenance and inspections. Provide overflow to storm drain,vent, and roof or side penetration for pump discharge. NEW SUPERMARKET BUILDING FOR RIVER VALLEY MARKET Northampton, Massachusetts EK PROJECT N°. 060013055 August 7, 2007 GRAY WATER SYSTEM SPECIFICATION � ^ A ate'^ .�`a�PNtH OF Mgss90 T A MUSTAFA r" i ," T::4c CA :: 1. 2C,,,,,,T- ,:::, : :-':z if.: 1: ilotor 1"C4HiA4 rik::(....\ IgM b4 - Prepared By: JACOBS EDWARDS AND KELCEY 343 Congress Street Boston,MA 02210 WATER HEATING CHART HOW Example MUCH Chart#1 shows the water temperature rise you can expect Given: 27 Ton compressor(s)output at any of the given compressor outputs and water usages. HOT 120 Gallon/hour water usage FIRST,determine your hot water usage in gallons/hour. 60°F Cold water supply temperature WATER SECOND,determine your compressor(s)output(in tons). DO YOU THIRD,extend the compressor output line until it inter- 70°F Estimated water temperature rise 9 sects the water usage line on the"water heating chart". With these given conditions,one Therma-Stor can heat 120 USE? gallons/hour of 60°water to 130°F. If hotter water is desired,recalcu- late using two Therma-Stors(this doubles the heating plate area),or consider the Therma-Stor III-1. 70— Only the III-1 has a 6000 watt back-up element. To calculate heat added by the 6kW element:20,478 BTUs/hr.(from element)/ 60— 1001 Rise 75'Rise 50°Rise 25°Rise gallons/hr./8.33 lbs./gallon= °F rise from element. F 50— To convert to BTUs reclaimed:Multiply gallons per hour x 8.33(the weight of one gallon of water)x °F rise= BTUs per hour 40— reclaimed. `0 30— c 6. E2 0— 0 10— Example 120 gallons/hour x 8.33 lbs./gallon x 70°F rise=69,972 BTUs/hour 0 , 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I reclaimed. The heating element could add another 20.5°F(20,478 BTUs 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 /Hr./120 gallons/hr./8.33 lbs./gallons=20.5°F). Water Usage(Gallons Pcr Hour) SUPERMARKET APPLICATIONS... You can now run the entire refrigerant load(up to 64 tons)of today's larger rack systems through a single Therma-Stor 1l-1 or III-1 Heat Recovery System. Typically,the Therma-Stor is piped in series with a conventional water heater. (See Diagram B.) In applications with"batch"cleaning,adding a storage tank is recommended. You can install the storage tank to accommodate thermal-syphoning(circulating without a pump). (See Diagram C below.) The III-1 (or multiple III-1's)would typically replace the conventional water heater. If you install a Therma-Stor system in a circulating loop,pump the water as slowly as possible and return to the 3/4"NPT midport. Do not circulate directly between water heater and Therma-Stor unit unless heater has been deactivated so that it acts as storage only. You can also install Therma- Stor units in parallel to accommodate larger loads. Adding the balance tube assures pressure equalization so that refrigerant flows evenly through each tank at all times. (See Diagram D.) DIAGRAM:A ,ATER BLEED DIAGRAM:C RLAIDYr AVOeE F,r\unr�T HOT CATER OUT TovmR LTANCi. THREE-WAY VALVE •}• •4.1 �<R),,,,iTt) -r- T,,, : tO_ ROL•-ATER s ► ;i�T CATER OUT �EUrr1 nLLCe\AL)E j•••} }..• 110-r U'4TER OUT •..rt....4.., \`AL\C: It ..----141---■4.1111 IIIW -!...1.--, IIOT CATER OUT THERM4 ST OR INSULATED RECIRCULATION TI IERMA,TOR INSULATED i� �� 11-I i,,III-I STOR.>GE II-I ir 111-I STORAGE \IPPLE LOOP RETURN TANK \IPeL[CnR TI IERMASTOR TIIERM.4 STOR 'AIR O TANK ••••' ••1•••0 AQi:as'rnr TO II-I.�r 111-I II-I.�rIII-I RECIRCULATION ,�Il VrAT r,l LRATC 011)11- . LOOP RETURN \AL\L O a 0•.i••••••■ }. TO DRAIN e Q C(lfD CATER IN 4••••4. `4�... ��.= 2 i�lr 2 ••,•••••,•••� = COLDUATERIN 1•••} '•••! 1 }•••-•••■••l •4'0 O.,..•• COLD CA TER IN COLD U'.ATER IN . �� �� --.4 I '� r ■•••••• I IOT GAS BYPASS VALVE WATER BLEED VALVE and without RECIRCULATION LOOP RECIRCULATION LOOP TI IERMAL SYPI ION with NO RECIRCULATION LOOP TI IERMAL SYPHON with RECIRCULATION LOOP DIAGRAM:A DIAGRAM:D (CAN OUT GAS IS '—I PREHEATED = • •••* .IIOT CATER IIOT CATER OUT ......0 4 .......•••••••'••1 CATER OUT • 1.•} ■ a I I 411 4 40010, I .44..../ • ••••• ` TIIERM.4 STOR TI IERMA ST 112 TIIERM.A ST OR BALK-UP II-I 11.1 OPTIONAL SISTER THERM AS OR TIIERMA-ST(R OPTIONAL G S II II-I II-I RECIRCLATION RECIRCIILATI(1N HEATER .1•••• LOOP RETURN ? RETURN '........,.. o O N + ,• .: •* OPTIONAL 6 9 9 6 EQUALIZATION TI RE _ � COLD C ATER IN ...5 ti• }610 O e 0 g ....r.....--... 1 , COLD •••0 ,•l UNIT PLUMBED IN SERIES with WATER HEATER ; : WATER IN THERMA-STOR H-1 and HI-1 HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS SPECIFICATION INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS--See figures at left (20 1. Single circuit heat exchanger plate is welded and expanded for internal refrigerant passage. 2. 1-5/8 O.D.refrigerant inlet and outlet. 3. Industrial glass lined hot water storage tank. 4. 2"Foam-in-place urethane insulation. 5. Dual anode protection against corrosion for extended tank life. 6. 1-1/4"male NPT water inlet and high-temperature outlet. 7. 150 psi and 195F pressure/temperature relief valve. 8. Attractive enameled galvanized external wrapper.. 9. Mid tank 3/4"NPT(female)opening for recirc,loop return or for aquastat. 10. Stub out for equalization tube(optional-for use when two or more 11 .Therma-Stors are piped in parallel;see diagram D on page 2.)' 111-1 ONLY': it 6000 watt medium density electric heating element. 208/230 single phase is standard,also available with 277 or 480 volt elements. 12. Thermostat to control element 13. Thermostat to control 3-way reclaim valve or water bleed valve. 'UL requires the manufacturer to supply a control to avoid overheating the water. If utilizing a 3-way reclaim valve,ignore the water bleed solenoid that is included. OPERATION... Therma-stor 11-1 and 111-1 heat and store hot water by transferring refrigeration waste heat to cold water. This cost-efficient alternative for producing hot water fits any existing refrigeration system and improves the sys- tem's efficiency at the same time. Hot water production depends on the evapora- tor load and temperatures,compressor,water usage, condensing temperatures, etc. A water heating chart is found on the back page. APPLICATION SPECIFICATION... Therma-Stor 11-1 and III-1 can accommodate evaporating loads of up to 85'tons. total(R-22) on an open drive air conditioning system. Capacities for more typical systems such as supermarket racks are listed below. Therma-Stor plate design, You can connect a 11-1 or 111-1 to an individual compressor or parallel units in mul- with rapid,free-flowing paths for refrig- tidies for larger tonnages. Therma-Stor's are not intended as a substitute for air erant gas,promotes excellent waste or water cooled condensers.. heat transfer throughout the tank. 11-1 and 111-1 Max.recommended capacity (in tons)for typical refrigeration systems. Low Medium t Refrigerant Temperatures Temperatures ,. . R-22 60 R-502, R-404A, R-507 42 64 51 R-134A 47 53 OTHER FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS: R-717(ammonia)II-1A only 100+ 100+ • Diameter:29°,height:67",weight:427#. • 119 gallon nominal water capacity. 'These ratings assume approximate 15/b.pressure drop at maximum capaci- Hated for 400 psi refrigerant operating pressure. ties. For complete pressure drop information,contact the factory. • 150 psi maximum operating water pressure. • R-16 insulation. WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL... • U.L.listed. RAE 90 standards. Incorporating provisions in the piping to bypass the hot gas around the Therma- • Meets A.SH Stor to the condenser are recommended. You can do this using an aquastat • High refrigerant capacity. along with hot gas bypass valve. Another option to avoid overheating the water is • Double wall protection between refrigerant and water. to bleed off hot water. (See Diagram A). The 111-1 has a built-in surface mount • Triple leak checked,shipped with N2 holding charge. thermostat to control either a 3-way valve or the water bleed solenoid. Part No.4020166-11-1 For the 11-1,the 3/4'NPT female coupling at the mid-point of the tank is for the Part No.4020355--II-1A with Ammonia connections(R-717) recommended water temperature controller if there is no recirculation loop. (A Part No.4021540-111-1 208/230 surface mount aquastat can be mounted on the hot water out line on a recircula- Part No.4021955-111-1 277 volt lion loop system). Using capillary tube systems with the Therma-Stor is not normally recommended. Please contact the factory with any questions. 6 Thermo-51-ot LLC 1-800-533-7533 (608 222 5301) Fax:608 222 1447 PO Pox.0880•Madison.WI 53708 Phone:608-222-5301•Far 603-222-1447 Web:www thermastor COM•Email:salesOthetmaslor.com A Page 2 of 3 Gentlemen, The following issues were addressed via a telephone conference call with Tony Patillo, Building Commissioner, and Larry Lepine, Plumbing Inspector for the city of North Hampton and myself on 5/22/07. The conference call was requested to review the list of comments by Larry Lepine and my previous responses dated 5/15/07. The following items are in the same order as listed in my email on 5/15/07. 1. Floor drains in coolers/freezers: Plumbing Inspector doesn't want them ( in a telephone conversation with Joe Peluso of the State Plumbing Board on 5122/07,Joe stated they are not addressed in the Plumbing Code, but mentioned they might be covered in the Health Code 105 CMR.) An alternative solution would be floor drains in front of the coolers. 2. Gray water system must be State Board Approved: The gray water system proposed is considered a special plumbing system and does require a submission to the State Plumbing Board for their review and approval. Mr. Patillo noted he would approve a building permit when he receives a copy of a contract between Edwards and Kelcey and Plan B for designing the gray water system to be submitted for approval by the Plumbing Board. 3. Additonal details for the Gray Water System: See item two above. 4. The 3 compartment sink in commissary requires a grease trap: Will provide. 5. Trap Primers on all floor drains: Trap primers are required under section 10.10(10)5.b. of the State Plumbing Code, and will be provided on all floor and trench drains. 6. Produce sink must have an indirect waste connection: The Plumbing Code, section 10.12(1)(a)3. States that"culinary/produce sinks....shall convey the waste from these fixtures indirectly to a properly traped and vented floor sink" however,The Board refered to section 10.09.(c)which states "sinks 10 inches or deeper require a grease trap". Edwards and Kelcey can design the single and/or two bowl sinks to indirect waste floor sinks and take the 3 bowl sink to a grease trap. 7. Heat reclaim tank for domestic hot water must be Mass. State Approved: The reclaim tank is furnished under the refrigeration equipment contract, Plan B to obtain the approval number from the heat reclaim mfgr.and forward to the Plumbing Inspector. 8. Request more information on the Heat reclaim tank: See note 7 above. 9. The plumbing contractor shall own the piping from the discharge of the exterior grease trap to ten feet: The Grease waste system (and the indirect waste system) are considered "Dedicated Systems in the Plumbing Code and must be installed by a licenced plumber to ten feet beyond the traps,will provide. Roger G. Bernard P.E. Plumbing/Fire Protection Dept. Manager Direct line 617 532-4318 Jacobs Edwards and Kelcey 343 Congress Street Boston, Massachusetts (p) 617 242-9222 (f)617 242-9824 rbernard @ekmail.com www.ekcorp.com 5/23/2007 Page 1 of 3 Plan B Retail Design From: Willis, Stephen [swillis @ekmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:02 PM To: plan.b.retail @snet.net Cc: Bernard, Roger Subject: FW: River Valley Market, Telephone conference call Chuck attached is Roger Bernard's answer to the plumbing issues and my answer to the electrical question below. Additionally per the Building Commissioners Review on May 8,2007 there was an issue relating to the Building service grounding. As stated the request was for; Item 3; "Compliance with NEC for grounding of rebar in foundation". Our answer is as follows: Per article 250.52.A3 of the 2005 NEC grounding of service is required to include a concrete encased electrode for the ground electrode system. This is accomplished by using a reinforcing rod not less than 20'-0" long (surface area) encased within the concrete floor slab. This rebar should have continuity with the foundation vertical reinforcing. The electrical sub contractor is required by Code to provide this work as part of the installation of the building electrical system. Please call me if you have any questions. Stephen J.Willis Pw ct f:tnan .Iatobs Edwards and keice 7)242-'Q22(,)(617}2,42-9S21 acull‘corn i n .;{� s :1rLhittc.t, I'iti 3 CIS {`i>3 s ri. tc;rs .a an, :.ru c+,n.dc.n�ial.If}ott rt ,ct ribs n .. i€n,;r?(, or:z not €€t_tnuad dlould not actdin...'id0Se,n:a>c rtnl ct.h:s irna:n<.liN:and,:c ,lio ld es ,�n,-cae.ama,and any<0;:i.hm:nts or copies. From: Bernard, Roger Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:41 PM To: Willis, Stephen Subject: FW: River Valley Market, Telephone conference call Roger G. Bernard P.E. Plumbing/Fire Protection Dept. Manager Direct line 617 532-4318 Jacobs Edwards and Kelcey 343 Congress Street Boston, Massachusetts (p) 617 242-9222 (f) 617 242-9824 rbernard@ekmail.com www.ekcorp.com 5/23/2007 EP GFNEE RS ARC4+STECTS PLANNERS CONSTRUCTORS May 23,2007 Mr. Charles Bomely-Principal Plan B Retail Design and Project Management,LLC 12 goose Lane Tolland,CT 06084 Re: Gray Water System DCP#2 River Valley Market,Northampton MA. Project No.060013055 Dear Mr.Bomely: Edwards and Kelcey Architectural&Design Services,Inc.(EKADS)is pleased to submit this Design Change Proposal(DCP)for additional design and associated work for submission of engineered drawings showing what is proposed for the Gray Water System under Section 3.04 Product,Design and Testing Standards paragraph(3)Special-permission to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Plumbing Board. Our fee to execute this task is outlined as follows: Plumbing Design,Board Review and Changes $5,500 Administration $500 Total $6,000 If this DCP meets with your approval please sign a copy and forward it to our office. The second copy is for your record. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, IDW DS AN% KELCEY,Inc. !J . la Peter Pratt,P.E. Associate Wice President ACCEPTED!. lan B Re i1 .ign d P oject Management,LLC TITLE: b,65,--0 DATE: DCP-2 Gray Water System/sjw PLAN B RETAIL DESIGN ANd PROJECT MANAGEMENT, LLC 12 Goose Lone • Tolland, CT 06084 Tel. 860.870.5380 Fox. 860.870.5382 E moil: pan.b.retail @snet.net May 23, 2007 m AY 2 5 z0�7 C. ,rJ C"Y r. Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner Office of the Building Inspector Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: River Valley Market, Northampton, MA Dear Tony: The attached proposal has been expedited to pursue the required variance for the grey water system at the above-referenced location. In addition, I have attached a summary of responses to Larry Lepine's issues that were discussed on a conference call yesterday. In regards to Item 7 and 8, I have attached a cut of the Therma-stor hot water reclaim tank as well as stated the Massachusetts approval number of P3- 0706-348. This number will be labeled on the tank when it is delivered. Please call with any questions. Sincerely, Charles A. Bomely, Jr. Encl. RETAI . IQN I ; • ,""il. I a", ^v r i= ^ O O U ~ a1 $.) WD • f CC Ji � O~ r' �/� n� GJ �i ct U c V J r" U •i . 5 cC '.+ c� \ o \ U — --i C1/ C cG v O ,▪ _ � U o(n ,— ^ O . O 4 4 U O .▪ �" U a; : a m V r \ :� , 0 C y •� et V - S u w .. J VJ v .�. y [% � .0 O w i fin Q,ce O Cd �_ O x a, Ct `^ G T .H cn O bA O J V ti W t29 O .. bD c.-z' I it c In �.r r N O •0 M ft m u 0 0 en . O U CU U ,r .v o. 3 o ." 0 G cG• U ~ u si a) ct O OU c O O Ct V y 0-^ a) E —• v O cn y erne U e 3 w ,au o. O eC � .O 0 y G GJ ++ u ? o .a+ o.. :, w 4., = m u a) .. N Q, O cn u 0 5n a� ,x;Y, y r J O cC hA O 05/08/07 TUE 22:44 FAA. 1 761 :585 ZS UZ ur VALtd''IL AM-at IVA.iui E VALENTE ARCHITECT & P L A N N E R 571 YARN STREET ; REAR S O U T H M E D F O R D MEDFORD, MASSACHQSETTS 02155-6552 TELEPHONE 781 - 395 - 0124 FACSIMILE 7131 -395 - 8702 111‘ DOMENIC F. VALENTE. A,LA. MAY 5,2007 COPY FAXED,ORIGINAL MAILED 181 CLASS MR_ANTHONY PATILLO BUILDING COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR 212 MAIN STREET NORTH-HAMPTON, MA 01060 77 RE: RIVER VALLEY MARKETS NORTHAMPTON,MA PROJECT NO.PB-07-01 FINAL AFFIDAVIT I DOMENIC F. VALENTE AIA, ARCHITECT OR MY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAVE OBSERVED THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE (ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS) FOR THE REFERENCED BUILDING PROJECT. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, IT HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED PER THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AS PREPARED BY THIS FIRM, AS WELL AS PER ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES, APPROVED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND WITH PROVISIONS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE. IN OUR OPINION,THE BUILDING IS READY FOR"CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY'FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC. PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. VERY TRULY YOURS, D.F.V ENTE,A ITECT&PLANNER SEAL DOMENIC .VALENTE,ALA. ARci, CC:PLAN B RETAIL(FAXED 1-B60-870-5382) 44.` .v,t ��� ca . 97 4 ' DFVfjv -1ArA -10 OH of MO engraved signage with one-inch white lettering "Fire Alarm Control Panel" and/or "Fire Alarm Annunciator". Also engraved signage listing all fire alarm zone locations installed near panels. • The FD connection for sprinkler system is to be 4" Storz connection with an attached chain, in addition a sign reading "Fire Department Connection" in 3" white letters on a red background is to be mounted above the connection. Also an electric bell, which activates upon water flow, must be located above this sign. • The Fire Alarm/Sprinkler system must be supervised by either a direct connection to the Northampton Public Safety Dispatch or by a UL listed Central station. • Pull Stations shall be double action type. • Engraved labels (1"x1") numbering all smoke detectors for identification purposes installed on smoke detectors on main fire alarm system. Numbering sequence to be determined by Fire Department. (Only if a zone system) • 5 lb ABC Fire extinguishers are needed located at exits. This shall be in compliance with NFPA relative to maximum travel distance. Appropriate signage in compliance with ADA should be located above. • Duct detector test switches shall be clearly labeled for identification purposes. Location shall be determined by Fire Department. •Page 2 Northampton Fire p Department Memorandum To: Tony Patillo From: Duane Nichols Date: April 30, 2007 CC: Brian Duggan Re: 330 North King St. River Valley Market Secondary to a review of the plans and narrative submitted to me for review, I concur with the issuance of a building permit subject to the following conditions: • Fire alarm and fire suppression work permits shall be obtained for the project. The C/O inspection fee needs to be paid prior to any approval of fire alarm or sprinkler plans. • A Fire Department Emergency Access Key Box is required on the exterior of the structure near the entrance to control equipment; a red 120-candela strobe light that actuates upon an alarm condition is required above the Emergency Access Key Box. • Engraved key tags are required for the keys in Emergency Access Key Box. • A graphic representation of the structure must be installed at the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) and/or Fire Alarm Annunciator and/or Communicator. • Alarm verification must be active on all smoke detection zones. The Fire Alarm Control Panel and Fire Alarm Annunciator must be labeled with red •Page 1 River Valley Market Northampton,Ma Fire Protection Narrative April 2007 e) A list of names, addresses and telephone numbers of building personnel who are to be notified in case of emergency shall be provided to the code officials. Building keys shall be placed in the lock boxes. IrFF' River Valley Market Northampton,Ma Fire Protection Narrative April 2007 will complete an inspection and testing form, similar to that shown in NFPA 72 7- 5. The operation of sprinkler flow switches and tamper switches should be tested in conjunction with the testing of the sprinkler system. c) The general contractor will designate a responsible person to notify, with sufficient lead time, all persons who must perform and witness the tests, when the systems are ready for testing. Section 2—Fire Suppression System b) -. ,, e1 , ` `A ` tg, 6 T` tt a ! . ,. nth the . • e; specif c 11y hapter 9,and INFRA 1 , an c) The sprinkler contractor shall perform all required acceptance tests, complete and sign the appropriate"Contractor's Material and Test Certificate." d) The sprinkler contractor shall provide all required signage and all necessary literature and instructions provided by the manufacturers, describing proper operation and maintenance of all devices and equipment installed. Section 3—Equipment and Tools a) Equipment to be available on site at the time of witnessing the operational testing of the fire alarm system will include: Manufacturer's instructions, smoke machines, sound meters, voltage meters, magnets, communications radios. Section 4—Approval Requirements b) The method of documenting approval shall be the standard method of the authorities having jurisdiction. c) When a system or portion of a system fails to operate satisfactorily, the cause of the failure shall be found and corrected and the applicable portion of the test repeated. It is expected that the contractor will have tested the components and systems in advance of the official test to find and correct any deficiencies. d) A Fire Alarm System Record of Completion, as shown in NFPA 72 4.5, shall be prepared and submitted by the contractor. The Inspection and Testing Form, as shown in NFPA 72 10.6, shall be prepared and submitted by the contractor. Prr River Valley Market Northampton,Ma Fire Protection Narrative April 2007 Section 6—Special Consideration and Description. There are no deviations from prescriptive requirements of regulatory codes and standards. 903. 1.1 (1.b) Sequence of Operation. Operation of a system smoke/heat detector, manual pull station, hood suppression system or water flow switch shall automatically activate the fire alarm system to cause the following: a) Notification appliance strobes to flash and sound the evacuation signal. b) Phone dialer sends signal to approved monitoring station to notify the local fire department. c) Recall the elevator that serves the floor of initialization to the egress floor or alternate floor if smoke is present. d) Activation of a duct smoke detector will cause all of the above described functions to occur plus will cause the associated air handling unit to shut down. e) The annunciator panel(s) will indicate the address and location of the first device that initiated the alarm. f) Activation of a tamper switch, or derangement of a supervised fire alarm circuit or equipment, will cause a trouble signal in the fire alarm control panel and notification via campus loop will send a signal to approved monitoring station to notify the local fire department. g) Shut down equipment under food service hoods via shunt trip. 903. 1.1 (1.c) Testing Criteria. Section 1—Testing criteria a) The designated responsible employee of the electrical subcontractor who installed the fire alarm system will be responsible for setting up and coordinating the fire alarm test. b) The professional in charge of the fire alarm testing will witness the testing, along with representatives of the authorities having jurisdiction. The testing contractor River Valley Market Northampton,Ma Fire Protection Narrative April 2007 t) The new fire alarm system will transmit signal to an approved monitoring service via phone dialer. Section 5—Features in the design methodology. a) It is the designer's intent that the building be equipped with manual and automatic notification and evacuation signaling systems. b) The local Fire Department will receive notification from the approved monitoring service. c) The fire alarm control panel will be located in the front lobby. The annunicator, lock box and beacon will be located outside the main entrance. d) Safeguards, fire prevention and emergency procedures during construction will be performed and monitored by the general contractor's safety officer in compliance with the requirements of NFPA 241 and the authority having jurisdiction. e) Operations and maintenance manuals for the fire alarm system are to be furnished by the installing contractor. Future periodic testing of the system shall be performed by an approved fire alarm testing contractor in accordance with NFPA, State, and Local procedures. f) The sprinkler system for offices, toilet rooms and break room shall be based on design density of 0.1 GPM over 1,500 Sq. Ft., merchandise areas and storage areas are designed for ordinary group 1 with a density of 0.2 GPM over 2,000 Sq. Ft. g) The new fire service will a six inch main off the existing water main in King street(Route 5) on the Easterly side of the building. There will be a double check valve assembly, alarm check valve with butterfly valve for the sprinkler system, main drain, electric bell and water motor gong. A two way fire department connection will be located on the Easterly side of the building. h) The entire fire suppression system will be hydraulically sized by the sprinkler contractor, who will furnish drawings and calculations to the following: 1. Design Engineer 2. North Hampton Fire Department 3. North Hampton Building Inspector pr7 River Valley Market Northampton,Ma Fire Protection Narrative April 2007 Section 3—Design responsibility for fire protection systems. Sprinkler System: A new automatic sprinkler system will be provided. There will be one sprinkler zone with associated alarm valve, water motor gong and electric bell. Design densities will be indicated on the sprinkler plans furnished by the sprinkler contractor. The professional engineer(PE)provides a performance based specification. The installing contractor will provide sprinkler working drawings and hydraulic calculations to confirm the design criteria. The PE reviews and approves the installing contractor's final layout and calculations. The PE is considered the engineer of record and certifies system installation for code compliance at completion. Section 4—Fire protection systems installed. a) t r ere will b- • • •} • • - .,heads protecting.the coolers, freezers an loading dock. b) Fire alarm system and components: The system will consist of a rte' analog/addressable fire alarm control panel. Manual and automatic addressable alarm system devices will be installed. The system will include manual pull stations, automatic smoke detectors with remote indicators as applicable, duct smoke detectors with test buttons, sprinkler water flow switches and tamper switches, ADA compliant speaker strobes, a graphic annunciator, key lock box and outdoor strobe over the entrance to the store nearest the fire alarm control panel. Building wide occupant notification will be by horn/strobe appliances in common areas, strobe only units in bathrooms Addressable system smoke detectors will be located in all common corridors, at the top and bottom of all enclosed stairs, in electric/mechanical rooms and in all egress routes. Manual pull stations will be located at all exit doors. c) Supervisory devices will be connected to the fire alarm control panel via addressable interface modules. All addressable devices will communicate to the fire alarm control panel over a class `A' initiating device circuits. Notification appliances shall connect to the fire alarm panel via class `A' notification appliance circuits. d) Emergency power equipment. The fire alarm system will be equipped with battery backup as required by Code and will also have generator backup. Emergency lighting will be powered from a standby emergency gas-fired generator. e) Elevator recall will be provided via smoke detectors. f River Valley Market Northampton,Ma Fire Protection Narrative April 2007 903.1.1 (1.a) BASIS (METHODOLOGY) OF DESIGN Section 1—Building Description Use Group: Mercantile Construction Type: (unprotected construction) Total Area: 14,989 sq. ft. Total Occupancy: 499 persons Number of exits provided: 3 Section 2—Applicable Laws, Regulations and Standards. a) 780 CMR State Building Code, Section 903 Fire Protection Systems b) Applicable Sections of M.G.L., Chapter 148, "Fire Prevention" c) Applicable Sections of 527 CMR"Fire Prevention Regulations" d) Local Regulations e) Massachusetts Electrical Code 0 Americans with Disabilities Act g) NFPA 13 Installation of Sprinkler Systems h) NFPA 24 Installation of Private Fire Service Mains i) NFPA 25 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-based Fire Protection Systems j) NFPA 70 National Electrical Code k) NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code 1) NFPA 101'Life Safety Code m) NFPA 241 Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations n) Underwriters Laboratories River Valley Market North King Street Northampton, Massachusetts 780 CMR 903.1.1 Fire Protection Systems NARRATIVE REPORT April 2007 Prepared by: Roger G. Bernard, P.E. W. T. Greer, P.E. Edwards and Kelcey Architectural and Design Services, Inc. 343 Congress Street Boston, MA 02210 Tel. (617) 242-9222 Fax. (617) 242-9824 c, i u 7 t c)Cl) c7 Cl)11-•(0 C) • i O can I ■J ..f•• :1.e i� OC �vmN� ;I, C.,I O c0 1 1� O mu)n O O �DONmm�N N I I I C� i I, �0 nx �ZO* 1 ill.. +' ZW , 8m� NC7m -I I i 1 : "9, c,9, 1 CO = m -� z ' 0—NNm =m 7mW CO m 'l v it• N 'mCn�°�4ff ° wo p z •• NON C Si? x • m iI I o I� O � �p7���D vNp O �Om° o O r- ---I -<,� N -p Co' co m r- g I W - �Z N m r a -I- Ion f; 1 t : `-13 Q u) c-, z v = o Ili II cr, , + z i� 4- o , g 1 co , ,14-• r 1j z Vi'� ! �', m D r i pU!U w I ee� 1 „ � ? r O br IN g ` im 'r1 <I0 IN 11 i••` D• r alp p m pa ®..�ili��' `�•tI'�,� � r 0 ZU) -I KI m ,4 f e �g V!D W 1� 1 N • I , x 'l n. i I mG N--9 0;x tali �_ 1 ` i -I( ;r 11 / aD p N �� .07I. - mrri 4 .: ®11131 ' 1 qD P 1� • i y)P®o 'Eiltrit 1 ! 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To: Northampton Building Inspector From: John Harrington Date: Tuesday,April 24, 2007 Re: River Valley Market ❑ Urgent X For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle • Comments: Enclosed are 3 copies of the revised entrance driveway regarding the River Valley Market. This is being submitted as part of the Building Permit Application. 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES ✓ NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: �� 8 M � 1' �� € f�+%I'DOe17) Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES ✓ NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: v rev 11. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavatjDn, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES ✓ NO IF YES;then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required: 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION This column reserved for use by the Building Department< ; EXISTING PROPOSED . .:¢ al s � . .'• Lot Size /32 //5-2,- SF /3Z, '10 5F z7 � Frontage 459it 45o e _* IP) Setbacks Front 55=0`i '' CO - 5J p- Side L: - R: - L: Za9` +R: 60 I 'f _R: Rear 65. r .,..,?',.:,-;:.::::;;-,.,,,11:..,,,-,r h `Building Height /-STDRY t " ,, *- Building Square Footage -- /5. Z7o t _ %Open Space: (lot area ,l'i . :.-,, , minus building&paved D' t i r - Jr �„ _ ,...-- . :� . parking - x» .;... :�_ #of Parking Spaces 14 t -sue. ..-. ... #of Loading Docks ` ~ r _ • Fill: 351 of c.,'Y (volume & location) '- eAAKtakr ,agGA 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. �. Date:_ 7.19.°s" Applicant's Signature all -1"1 1'FeP. NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Historic and Architectural Boards,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. W:\Documents\FORMS\original\Building-Inspector\Zoning-Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/4/2004 Jut_ 1 g 2005 y / File No.opol006 pe or print all information and return this form to the Building Inspector's Office with the $15 filing fee (check or money order)payable to the City of Northampton 1. Name of Applicant: g-N Ef- f MAc1FET /a. THE a€K);sliti2F ve5t4a C3ecoP Address: 4 Rya Nit rHAtNPMAI J►/4 Oil Telephone: 4hS 5e2''lr°o 2. Owner of Property: Ott-L-M te. cog?. Address: '311� 5('Ej'( fp--P• i3t " GT b ,5""L4 Telephone: 0-4'3' 337-- 141 b 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee .7 Other (explain) 4. Job Location: t.lDiGT}1 k4v.1 T ST. (M*r t3 19kgreL 38� t n 6`slcs '" �dTCPI �3 afiStTd ��,,�• � �„ a x ®e° rt:r�e� �ISt��..s°�"-�"'"'�"'� 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: VA C.A,3 T CfoRMEt. F-04-1E- 0044'6 ) 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): gtoEr— -ef bAxgrzr sat - 60,Ssa+1E4- cx,oiregATNE. l►rr-, kt 6goce1�Y _ ..TZ -e• &ETAtc.) t.)%114 it5ocaAe V �hR K�,J LT c�F>✓ y L AsQu AR-EI S vTILATIES /4,A2 5760 E NO./JAG—C.-AE- T_ 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan ✓ Engineered/Surveyed Plans 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW ✓ YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW • YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9.Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO ✓ DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained date issued: (Form Continues On Other Side) WADocunients\FORMS\on=inar,Buildine-InspectorlZonine Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/4/2004 File#MP-2006-0006 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON Berkshire Design Group ADDRESS/PHONE 4 Allen Place (413)582-7000 PROPERTY LOCATION NORTH KING ST MAP 13 PARCEL 038 001 ZONE SR THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FOR M F ED OUT _ , ee 'ai. 1j'«1.L< Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: ZPA-RIVER VALLEY MARKET SITE New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENJED: Approved ddifional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § 5:2_ � rot 11 Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR S e Permit with Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Co .ssion 72/.4041,5 Signature of Building Official Date Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information. 2. This project will be required to submit one or more Notice of Intent (NOI) to the U.S. EPA for coverage under the NPDES Stormwater Construction General Permit. Copies of both the final NOI and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to the Northampton DPW prior to issuance of a building permit. The final SWPPP shall be reviewed by the Northampton DPW and may need to be amended to the satisfaction of the Northampton DPW prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. The applicant shall submit to the Northampton DPW within 60 days of the issuance of this permit the following information: a. A detail of the overflow structure for the detention basin shown to the south of the entrance drive on Sheet 3, Grading & Utility Plan. b. A detail of the pipe inlet into the detention basin from SWTS #1. It is preferable that the design of the detention basin separates the inlet from the outlet as great as possible to lengthen the flow path and increase the detention time. Sheet 3, Grading & Utility Plan shows the inlet mentioned above 15 feet away from the outlet structure. 4. Prior to construction, the applicant must secure all necessary permits and approvals from the Massachusetts Highway Department for construction work in the State Highway System layout and proposed stormwater discharges to the stormwater system owned and operated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Signature of City ngineer ate cc. Planning Board c/o Office of Planning and Development Building Department Conservation Commission c/o Office of Planning and Development U:\Stonnwater Permits\Stonnwater Pennits\Pennits_new applications\North King-River Valley Market.doc Page 3 of 3 Standard Permit Conditions: 1. All clearing, grading, drainage, construction, and development shall be conducted in strict accordance with the following plans and information submitted with the application and as amended by any conditions attached to this permit: a. River Valley Market, Site Plans, Sheets 1 and 2 dated July 25, 2005 and Sheets 3, Dl, EDP-1, and ECP-2 dated August 2, 2005, stamped by Marc S. D'Urso, P.E., The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. b. Drainage Calculations & Report for River Valley Market dated August 3, 2005 and stamped by Marc S. D'Urso, P.E., The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. c. Proposed Stormwater Management System Operation and Maintenance Plan dated August 3, 2005. d. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for River Valley Market, dated August 3, 2005,prepared and stamped by Marc S. D'Urso, P.E., The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. e. Geotechnical Recommendations for Proposed River Valley Market, Northampton, MA, dated August 2, 2005 by O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates. f. Test Pit Logs for River Valley Site, dated June 15, 2005 by O'Reilly Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc. 2. The Northampton Department of Public Works (DPW) or its authorized representative shall be provided access to the property to conduct inspections before, during, and after construction activities as necessary. The applicant shall arrange with the DPW to schedule the following inspections: Initial Inspection, Erosion Control Inspection, Bury Inspection, and Final Inspection. The DPW may also conduct random inspections to ensure effective control of erosion and sedimentation during all phases of construction. 3. Annual Reports that are stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer documenting the actions completed as required by the Operation, Maintenance and Inspection Agreement shall be submitted to the Northampton Department of Public Works by October 1st of each year. 4. If construction of the proposed stormwater system has not started within five years of the issue date of this permit, then the permit will expire and a new permit will be required. Construction is defined as clearing, grading, excavation, filling, and installation of drainage structures on the lots specified in this permit. Specific Permit Conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall record an executed Stormwater Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection Agreement that is binding on all subsequent owners of land served by the private stormwater management facility by recording it in the land records of the Registry of Deeds. This agreement shall be signed by the applicant and approved by the Northampton DPW. Section 22-85 of the Northampton Stormwater Management Ordinance provides additional guidance for the requirements of this agreement. The agreement shall include all items in Proposed Stormwater Management System Operation and Maintenance Plan for River Valley Market and any changes and/or additions to the satisfaction of the Northampton DPW. U:\Stonnwater Permits\Stonnwater Pennits\Pennits_new applications\North King-River Valley Market.doc Page 2 of 2 o,iiHn MpT 3 i�ti STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT : ..., A ION 7ECISION City of Northampton Department of Public Works AUG 2 9 2115 5 pc nr or tt S • Project/ Site Name: River Valley Market Project Street or Location/Assessor ID: North King Street/Map 13, Parcel 38 Applicant Name: Northampton Community Cooperative Market, Inc. d/b/a River Valley Market Applicant Address/Phone: P.O. Box 1245, Northampton, MA 01061 / 802-722-4212 Owner Name: Billmar Corp. Owner Address/Phone: 395 Sperry Rd., Bethany, CT 06524/ 203-387-1476 Application Submission Date: 8/4/2005 THE FOLLOWING ACTION BY THE NORTHAMPTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application based on a determination within seven days of the receipt of the application that the application is administratively incomplete (see attached documentation). Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application. X Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application subject to any conditions, modifications or restrictions required by the Department of Public Works (see below) Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application based upon a determination that the proposed plan, as submitted, does not meet the purposes set forth in the Northampton Stormwater Management. U:AStonnwater Pennits\Stonnwater Pennits\Pennits_new applications\North King-River Valley Market.doc Page 1 of 1 Planning Board - Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN-2006-0003 Date:August 29, 2005 B. The requested use will improve the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets. A sidewalk will be constructed along the frontage and connect to the cafe area. The project,including any concurrent road improvements, will not decrease the level of service(LOS)of all area roads or intersections effected by the project below the existing conditions. The project proponent will mitigate impacts by providing$150,000 for area traffic improvements as covented through the rezoning process for this parcel. C. The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape,existing buildings and other community assets in the area. D. The requested use will not overload, the City's resources including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems,fire protection,streets and schools. E. The requested use meets the special regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance Section 5.2,6.2,and 10.5 and 11. The building meets the 55'maximum setback and site requirements for retail spaces over 10,000 square feet. F. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare. The use will not unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones,nor be detrimental to the health,morals, or general welfare. G. The requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely effect those objectives,as defined in City master or study plans which support new pedestrian connections to commercial areas. H. Compliance with the following technical performance standards: 1. Curb cuts onto streets have been minimized, though wider than 30'to accommodate Mass Highway radius requriements and left turn lanes. 2.Pedestrian,bicycle and vehicular traffic movement on site have been separated to the extent practicable. The sidewalk crossing the driveway will be setback to the narrowest point 3. The project meets the criteria under the Northampton Storm water Ordinance and has received a permit from the Department of Public Works. COULD NOT DEROGATE BECAUSE: FILING DEADLINE: MAILING DATE: HEARING CONTINUED DATE: DECISION DRAFT BY: APPEAL DATE: 8/4/2005 8/18/2005 _ 9/8/2005 REFERRALS IN DATE: HEARING DEADLINE DATE: HEARING CLOSE DATE: FINAL SIGNING BY: APPEAL DEADLINE: 8/11/2005 9/29/2005 8/25/2005 9/8/2005 9/19/2005 FIRST ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING DATE: VOTING DATE: DECISION DATE: 8/11/2005 8/25/2005 8/25/2005 8/30/2005 SECOND ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING TIME: VOTING DEADLINE: DECISION DEADLINE: 8/18/2005 9:30 PM 11/23/2005 11/23/2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: VOTE: Paul Voss votes to Grant Francis Johnson votes to Grant George Kohout votes to Grant Keith Wilson votes to Grant Kenneth Jodrie votes to Grant MOTION MADE BY: SECONDED BY: VOTE COUNT: DECISION: Kenneth Jodrie Francis Johnson 5 Approved with Conditions MINUTES OF MEETING: Available in the Office of Planning 8 Development. 1, Carolyn Misch,as agent to the Planning Board, certify that this is a true and accurate decision made by the Planning Board and certify that a copy of this and all plans have been filed with the Board and the City Clerk on August 30,2005. I certify that a copy of this decision has been mailed to the Owner and Applicant. 4 t L 4 • Notice of Appeal An appeal from the decision of the Planning Board may be made by any person aggrieved pursuant to MGL Chapt.40A, Section 17 as amended within twenty(20)days after the date of the filing of the notice of the decision with the City Clerk. The date is listed above. Such appeal maybe made to the Hampshire Superior Court with a certified copy of the appeal sent to the City Clerk of the City of Northampton. GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Planning Board - Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN-2006-0003 Date: August 29, 2005 APPLICATION TYPE: SUBMISSION DATE: PB Special Permit with Major Site PI 7/26/2005 Applicant's Name: Owner's Name: Surveyor's Name: NAME: NAME: COMPANY NAME: Northampton Community Cooperative Market_BILLMAR CORPORATION ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: P.O.Box 1245 395 SPERRY RD TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE: TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE: NORTHAMPTON MA _ 01061 BETHANY CT 06524 PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: EMAIL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: Site Information: STREET NO SITE ZONING: N HB TOWN: SECTION OF BYLAW: NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 Section 5.2:Table of Use Regulations MAP: B Q • (9T,; MAP DATE: ACTION TAKEN: 1 Approved With Conditions Page: 1337 407 NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: Construction of a 15,000+square foot retail/grocery store, with cafe,and site improvements. HARDSHIP: CONDITION OF APPROVAL: 1.Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant must submit the following to the Office of Planning and Development for sign off. Revised: a.Planting plans that conform to the shade tree requirements for the frontage with 15 trees of 2.5"caliper or greater. Honeylocust does not qualify as a shade tree either in the parking lot or along the street frontage and must be replaced. b.Planting or grading plans that show bollards or planters on each end of the sidewalk along the entrance of the building. c. Grading plans showing sidewalk across entrance pulled 20'back from curb line with connection back to shoulder. d. Grading plans showing a 5'wide sidewalk to be included and installed in the parking aisle. This should be connected to a crosswalk which leads from the island to the building entrance. e. The applicant must submit final architectural elevations showing substantially similar elevations shown at the hearing. f.Durable crosswalk material for staff review. 2.Site lights shall not have projecting glass below the surface of the fixture. 3.Prior to certificate of occupancy,plans must be submitted to the Office of Planning and Development stamped by a lighting engineer indicating that lighting is no greater than 3.1 max with site averages of 1.5. The Planning Board granted the Special Permit and Site Plan for construction of a new retail grocery store based on the application and the following plans submitted with the application: 1. "River Valley Market Site Plan Approal/Special Permit Submission",prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc. Dated July 25, 2005, Sheets 1-3,D-1. 2. "Exterior Elevations",prepared by Plan B Retail Design. Dated July 25,2005. The Planning Board found: A. The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. The use as a grocery store is allowed. Surface water drainage will be managed in accordance with current requirementson site and will not affect adjoining properties,because the building is tucked into the edge of an old quarry site and wall. Sound and sight buffers and views,light,and air will be protected by this rock wall. All site lighting will have cutoffs and be turned off after the store closes. GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. September 20, 2005 I, Wendy Mazza, City Clerk of Northampton, hereby certify that the above Decision of the Northampton Planning Board was filed in the Office of the City Clerk on August 30, 2005, that twenty days have elapsed since such filing and that no appeal has been filed in this matter. 1 Attest: /9 ilt5C4".9 61201 City Clerk-City of NorthaMpton . • Planning Board - Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN-2006-0003 Date:August 29, 2005 B. The requested use will improve the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets. A sidewalk will be constructed along the frontage and connect to the cafe area. The project including any concurrent road improvements,will not decrease the level of service(LOS)of all area roads or intersections effected by the project below the existing conditions. The project proponent will mitigate impacts by providing$150,000 for area traffic improvements as covented through the rezoning process for this parcel, C. The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape,existing buildings and other community assets in the area. D. The requested use will not over load,the City's resources including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems,fire protection,streets and schools. E. The requested use meets the special regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance Section 5.2,6.2,and 10.5 and 11. The building meets the 55'maximum setback and site requirements for retail spaces over 10,000 square feet. F. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare. The use will not unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones,nor be detrimental to'the health,morals,or general welfare. G. The requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely effect those objectives,as defined in City master or study plans which support new pedestrian connections to commercial areas. H. Compliance with the following technical performance standards: 1. Curb cuts onto streets have been minimized,though wider than 30'to accommodate Mass Highway radius requriements and left turn lanes. 2.Pedestrian,bicycle and vehicular traffic movement on site have been separated to the extent practicable. The sidewalk crossing the driveway will be setback to the narrowest point. 3. The project meets the criteria under the Northampton Storm water Ordinance and has received a permit from the Department of Public Works. COULD NOT DEROGATE BECAUSE: FILING DEADLINE: MAILING DATE: HEARING CONTINUED DATE: DECISION DRAFT BY: APPEAL DATE: 8/4/2005 8/18/2005 9/8/2005 REFERRALS IN DATE: HEARING DEADLINE DATE: HEARING CLOSE DATE: FINAL SIGNING BY: APPEAL DEADLINE: 8/11/2005 9/29/2005 8/25/2005 9/8/2005 9/19/2005 FIRST ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING DATE: VOTING DATE: DECISION DATE: SECON/D ADVERTISING DATE: HEARING TIME: VOTING DEADLINE: 'DECISION DEADLINE: t I' �L 8/18/2005 9:30 PM 11/23/2005 . 11/23/2005 1- �� u �� MEMBERS PRESENT: VOTE: I if I Paul Voss votes to Grant PI AUG 3 0 2005 Lb Francis Johnson votes to Grant George Kohout votes to Grant CITY CLERKS OFFICE Keith Wilson . votes to Grant NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 Kenneth Jodrie votes to Grant MOTION MADE BY: SECONDED BY: VOTE COUNT: DECISION: Kenneth Jodrie Francis Johnson 5 Approved with Conditions MINUTES OF MEETING: Available in the Office of Planning&Development. 1, Carblyn Misch,as agent to the Planning Board,certify that this is a true and accurate decision made by the Planning Board and certify that a'copy of this and all plans have been fried with the Board and the City Clerk on August 30,2005. I certify that a copy of this de`1ci(.$'ion aspeen Nailed the Owner and Applicant. Notice of Appeal An appeal from the decision of the Planning Board maybe made by any person aggrieved pursuant to MGL Chapt.40A,Section 17 as amended within twenty(20)days after the date of the filing of the notice of the decision with the City Clerk. The date is listed above. Such appeal may be made to the Hampshire Superior Court with a certified copy of the appeal sent to the City Clerk of the City of Northampton. GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. N . • Planning Board - Decision City of Northampton Hearing No.: PLN-2006-0003 Date:August 29, 2005 APPLICATION TYPE SUBMISSION DATE: PB Special Permit with Major Site PI 7/26/2005 Applicant's Name: Owner's Name: Surveyor's Name: NAME: NAME: COMPANY NAME: Northampton Community Cooperative Market BILLMAR CORPORATION ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: P.O.Box 1245 395 SPERRY RD TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE: TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE TOWN: STATE: ZIP CODE: NORTHAMPTON MA 01061 BETHANY CT 06524 PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: PHONE NO.: FAX NO.: EMAIL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: Site Information: STREET NO.: SITE ZONING: NORTH KING ST HB TOWN: SECTION OF BYLAW: NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 Section 5.2:Table of Use Regulations MAP: BLOCK: LOT: MAP DATE: ACTION TAKEN: S E t 13 038 001 Approved With Conditions � Book: Page: -711 1 1337 407 u L1 Au`G 3 0 2005 NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: Construction of a 15,000+square foot retail/grocery store, with cafe,and site improvements. ~•-•���•°�-°•----•••- •- --• HARDSHIP: CITY CL i 'S C1(i'.E CONDITION OF APPROVAL: 1.Prior to issuance of building permit,the applicant must submit the following to the Office of Planning and Development for sign off. Revised: a.Planting plans that conform to the shade tree requirements for the frontage with 15 trees of 2.5"caliper or greater. Honeylocust does not qualify as a shade tree either in the parking lot or along the street frontage and must be replaced. b.Planting or grading plans that show bollards or planters on each end of the sidewalk along the entrance of the building. c. Grading plans showing sidewalk across entrance pulled 20'back from curb line with connection back to shoulder. d. Grading plans showing a 5'wide sidewalk to be included and installed in the parking aisle. This should be connected to a crosswalk which leads from the island to the building entrance. e. The applicant must submit final architectural elevations showing substantially similar elevations shown at the hearing. f.Durable crosswalk material for staff review. 2.Site lights shall not have projecting glass below the surface of the fixture. 3.Prior to certificate of occupancy,plans must be submitted to the Office of Planning and Development stamped by a lighting engineer indicating that lighting is no greater than 3.1 max with site averages of 1.5. The Planning Board granted the Special Permit and Site Plan for construction of a new retail grocery store based on the application and the following plans submitted with the application: 1. "River Valley Market Site Plan Approal/Special Permit Submission",prepared by The Berkshire Design Group,Inc. Dated July 25, 2005, Sheets 1-3,D-1. 2. "Exterior Elevations",prepared by Plan B Retail Design. Dated July 25,2005. The Planning Board found: A.The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. The use as a grocery store is allowed. Surface water drainage will be managed in accordance with current requirementson site and will not affect adjoining properties,because the building is tucked into the edge of an old quarry site and wall. Sound and sight buffers and views,light,and air will be protected by this rock wall. All site lighting will have cutoffs and be turned off after the store closes. GeoTMS®2005 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. ? \(A 0 9 I ZCY0 Official Receipt for Recording in: Hampshire County Registry of Deeds 33 King St. Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Issued To: NORTHAMPTON COMMUNITY COOPERATIVE MARKET PO BOX 1245 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 Recording Fees Document Recording Description Number Book/Page Amount DECIS 00026109 8444 221 $75.00 NORTHAMPTON COMMUNITY COO $75.00 Collected Amounts r r Payment Type Amount * w Check 1010 $75.00 $75.00 Total Received : $75.00 Less Total Recordings: $75.00 Change Due $.00 Thank You MARIANNE DONOHUE - Register of Deeds By: Maureen C Receipt# Date Time 0132231 09/20/2005 12:30p • t File#MP-2006-0006 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON Berkshire Design Group ADDItESS/PHONE 4 Allen Place (413)582-7000 PROPEkTY LOCATION NORTH KING ST MAP 13 PARCEL 038 001 ZONE HB THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FO' FILLED OUT i j Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: ZPA-RIVER VALLEY MARKET SITE New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOL WING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFO ATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commissi Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information. a,""-'"?r CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS a '` ` DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �) / 125 Locust Street j y . � Northampton, MA 01060 K 413-587-1570 � h (� ' + Fax 413-587-1576 " -- ' George Andrikidis, P.E. Director SEP - 62005 �3 � _�. - I ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSE NUMBER(S) Street: North King Street Assessors Map: Sheet 13 Lot 038 House Number: #330 North King Street Date: August 3 I, 2005 Remarks: This house number is assigned to the proposed River Valley Market retail/grocery store. Reference is made to "River Valley Market Site Plan Approval/Special Permit Submission Plan" prepared by The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. and dated July 25, 2005. The applicant requested the assignment of a number for this lot. leilin//4/ Ned Huntley, P.E. City Engineer cc: Water Division Tax Collector Sewer Division Massachusetts Electric Streets Division Verizon Telephone Inspectors Comcast Assessors Bay State Gas Police Department Post Office(Northampton) James Thompson (GIS Coordinator) Post Office (Easthampton) Applicant: River Valley Market P.O. Box 1248 Northampton, MA 01061 K:AHouse Numbers\ 04/02/2007 09:44 4132689375 M.J. MUKAN, 1NU. rHUt. n.i _I Z N - 73 • F ro iii ie//li # ro a A. f R /Ad t 4 +!'/ 3 .0 6= Iw; Q Ilk k _. c, S - . \ . • Cam? � S` a v ' \- t 1 x N 6 A < o . G X ° j • Z J �D A c F A v, x r 4-- 0 Pp, t n - ev a i IA .�=r�*i Q Z7 Q N ++ AQ- BE -..e.., N n N 04/02/2007 09:44 4132689375 M.J. MORAN, INC. PAGE 02 01-130 City of Northampton Department of Public Works Division of Water Supply 125 Locust Street Northampton,MA 01060 f Bacldloow Prevention Device Design Data Sheet Application for Installation .e Owner's name huC'r Vol Cr)cArteet. L L c • Address t).0 Box I4 lakir c o , a 01 OL1 Telephone number 8 00).;_- 7?-,y a l Facility - Name -'■ is )c $1-e Crl C.3"f/f Address 310 C1or-N-,. t< Si" PO fox 0.45 0Orl Nc, Boni Yom. a Ion Contact jMtson/agent eV Prue Y Telephone number of facility contact person New facility � Existing facility General description for the need of the insmlla.. of a baclaQow deeyy��ce Cot. " p ■ ikut • I' kt- Device Data 'Manufacturer e W i'fS • Model No. 901 Q*$ RPBP or D.;.. e Check Valves Size Hot or cold water unit Cot • By-pass a rangcment Yes or No t/ Exact location of device Wc{-4er pc��e.M. t. J�ooM Water usage down stream of device ITV`1141,i4n 4 x-tu te:s. • Gate valve _ Ball valve ✓ Butterfly valve Plans and Spare Parts Required e ' r• alien co u r is -1..0 L':b ' or sal••l ._ a ,.? .� , •. L kit for each device A fully labeled, detailed schematic of the potable and non-potable water piping immediately surrounding the backflow prevention device installation showing: 1. Height above floor of the devices 2. Distance from wall of the device 3. Type of chemical(s)used(if any)and the type of equipment upstream,and downstream of the device Please note block:The schematic drawing must be at least 8 tiS by 11 inches with the following information in the completed title block. Submitted by: Ma- ore.h Plumber's signature: e Plumber's license#: t'h/ 87 a Owner/agent signature: _ Date: y/dlo7 All information listed a eve must be included on chematie drawn In addition a fee of$65.00 .. made payable to the ...of Northamptowforeach dcvice•annlm.tion must be submitted to the - - D.P.W.before any pnlicatiion will beprocessed. A permit form the plumbing inspector may be necessary for the installation of these devices. • Approvals or denials of this application will be sent directly to the owner. If you have any questions, please call the Department of Public Works at 413-587-1570. • Official DPW use only: Approval: Denial: FROM : GEELEHER ENTERPRISES, INC. PHONE NO. : 4135273789 Mar. 27 2007 04 20P P7 MUNICIPAL.SEWER/STORM DRAIN AVAILABILITY APPLICATION Northampton Streets Department 125 Locust Street. Northampton,MA 01060 587-1570 A Department of Public Works Trench Permit and Sewer Entry Permit shall be required prior to any construction or connection activity associated with this application. Location: 330 North King Street,Northampton, M.A 01060 Inquiry Made By: Ryan Geelcher Date of Inquiry: 8/7/06 Reason for Request: New Construction Municipal Sewer Main in Front of Location: Yes X No Municipal Storm Drain Available: Yes No 47TH Size of Sewer Main: `i Material: Age: ) ?So PLr7 /-1-y Depth of Sewer Main: f Size of Service Connection: Type of Service Connection: Tie-in to Sanitary Main J )'(J Tie-in to Sanitary Service at Street Line Comments: S I"4. 6 ki:i6j/Z U '/ Note: If this availibili is for new construction th' form must be hand delivered to Buildin Inspector. A corresponding"sewer entrance fee" shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal sewer system. Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Streets Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. All work shall conform to Northampton Streets Department specifications_ Storm Drain Concurrence A 40.-,d/, it John Hall Douglas McDonald,Environmental Planner Sewer Department Engineering Department cc: Ned Huntley, Director DPW Anthony Patillo,Flu iMing Inspector FROM : GEELEHER ENTERPRISES, INC. PHONE NO. : 4135273789 Mar. 27 2007 04:20PM PG MUNICIPAL WATER AVAILABILITY APPLICATION Northampton Water Department 237 Prospect St. Northampton,MA 01060 587-1097 A Department of Public Works Trench Permit shall be required prior to any construction or connection activity associated with this application. Location: 330 -$North King Street Inquiry Made By: Ryan Geeleher Geeleher Enterprises, Inc. Date of Inquiry: */7/06 Number of Type of _ Single Family Type of „Private Units: Unit(s): _Accessory Apart. whip: Condo Multi-family Rental —— (Applicant to fill out the above) Municipal Water Main in Existing service to Front of Location? Yes: No:X site? Yes: [] No X Size of Water Main: 10" Material: CI Age: 1923 Approximate Static Street Flow Test Conducted:Yes: ❑ No:X 120 Pressure: If done attach results 8"DI Size of Service Connection: Suggested Meter Size: Unknown at this time. Comments: The Water Department cannot guarantee adequate water pressure during peak demand times at elevations above 320 feet.Back low permit required. Bacteria and pressure test required. • A corresponding water entrance fee shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal water system. • •• :', of such inst> :, .;t be made with the Northampton Water Department with a minim=of 5 . days n. ati.., • All ..;. 41a k . . , Water Department specifications. David W. Sparks,Superintendent of Water cc: Ned Huntley,City Engineer cc: Tony Patillo,Building Inspector Note:If this availability is for a new construction.it must be hau4 jlslivered to the Buildine Inspector. \\,-;,nl>llsidn•rirr\Pent)ik\Waicr Appli::ot ion;'Ail ter A\'Ri .do; FROM : GEELEHER ENTERPRISES, INC. PHONE NO. : 4135273789 Mar. 27 2007 04:21PM Pe (SUBJECT TO Al'I'ACiILD CONDITION I & 2) Permit No. D06-07 Conditions: Driveway Permit In lieu of plan approved by City Engineer I agree to the following added conditions: I. I will contact the Department of Public Works and have an inspector check and approve the graded gravel base prior to paving to insure compliance with slope and location; 2. I further agree that if in the inspections any of the permit conditions are not met that I will at no expense to the City remove and replace the driveway as directed by the City Engineer. By: L �� / , Petitioner. Note: The Public Works Department recommends that you provide a plan showing the proposed driveway with grades and location in the future to avoid possible expense which you will incur by not getting approval of actual plans in advance. For commercial and industrial applicants, a plan showing the proposed driveway with grades and location is required. cc: Building Inspector FROM : GEELEHER ENTERPRISES, INC. PHONE NO. : 4135273789 Mar. 27 2007 04:17PM P2 Permit No. 1)06-07 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MA DRIVEWAY PERMIT Date: 8/7/06 FEE: $25.00 CHECK#: 7437 THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Drivewa must be taked and house & lot number sted The undersigned respectfully petitions your honorable body for: 330 Permission to install a driveway at --14.04g North King Street, Northampton, MA 01060 4 X 8 Sian with River Valley Market stated on it, this driveway is an entrance to marking lot and the radius will be larger than 25 feet. But, within 24 ft on roadway entrance. Fifteen (15) foot maximum width at the street line. Gutter drainage not to be disturbed. All drainage shall be directed off the drivewa surface to ad-acent land and not on the existin roadway_ Driveway surface to be paved as soon as possible if the grade of the pzogosed driveway exceeds 3% or more. Homeowners will be held responsible for any cost to the City of Northampton in the event of a washout of this driveway. — By: i'yan Geeleber, Enterprises, Inc Telephone#: 413-326-0592 Proposed Location Inspected By: of,at 1 g• Q •o4 Gravel Base Grade Inspected By: Final Approval THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS voted that petition be granted. Edward Huntley Director of Public Works Mal- 27 2007 11 : 33FIM HP LFISERJET FAX P- 7 ...... v_;.;L:,•,,, ;fr..:.1:- •.-- ----- . • i D ; i ,..:::• , 7,-,..11..• . , ; 1 / I ( i '• : I 1 I s 1 I j . . ■I . i I I : - • :: It IP 1 i . - I I i • i • .r•-• .k i \ i I , _ - -le : a th • \ I i D `'• ' i I • ) its 4110E0 Ic-':11,5- , IF uo x - r- 0 2- . • —k ce—m .-,•1 1, 1 \ I i ' i - -• 0 .• • = • . •- •::'' : 1 li I I /cote .. . .', ii ,i • - : ' V TA e i 'n — - 14 ..,:-. I ' i 1\ < ii 1- / '... . , . .. .- •4 ' fir Iti ' : •4•-• II i vr.,:,1: / . . 4) I a- a x i • E -"- ,-;-,:-.:, - I t .,:-..1.1-• ' 1... p 1 0 lall 65 Cf) i - kt„....... 1 , 1 ,%e '''..;t 1 i / Li ,....,'.:•,-. , . i Siii ; ' •• -- , ..,. , -. ';.•.=-ii- ', 6 1511cig I 0 2 w_licREE , , v . . .. .. _, ..... . S IV 0 i i > w Lij 27 :., , . A I t g x • TUI 2 i * W m Ea 1 1 I.4 : . .. ° .I::. •,;',,..7.,-,,, , '.f.,...:.,:c i 1. .. '1 1 " • 1 . . ... 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I il Mar 27 2007 11 : 33AM HP LASERJET FAX p. 6 • Permit#2-2005-0731 or in consequence of the acts of the Grantee in the performance of the work covered by this permit whether by themselves or their employees or subcontractors. A copy of this Permit must be on the job site at all times for inspection. Failure to have this Permit available at such site will result in suspension of the rights granted by the Permit. The Grantee's attention is directed to the requirement of Chapter 228 of the Acts of 1972 concerning excavation. (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS) All construction within the State Highway Layout shall be completed within 12 months of the issuance of this Permit. Dated at Northampton This Twenty-third Day of February 2006. Albert R. Stegemann, P.E. District Highway Director JLl vN C-SPF { Page#4 , Mar 27 2007 11 : 32AM HP LASERJET FAX p. 5 Permit#2-2005-0731 The Grantee shall procure all permits, licenses, required easements and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. Reflectorized plastic drums shall be used in the highway work zones; the use of metal drums is not allowed. No equipment or personnel shall occupy any portion of the traveled way except between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:30 P.M. Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday work is not allowed under the terms of this permit. Work will not be allowed the day before or the day after a long weekend, which involves a holiday without prior approval, by the Director. Any ponding of water, which may occur in this area as a result of the work herein described, shall be the responsibility of the Grantee. If the Director deems it necessary, an inspector shall be assigned to the work and the cost of said inspector shall be charged to the Grantee. All work proposed and materials used shall conform to the "Massachusetts Highway Department Standard Specification for Highways and Bridges," I995 Metric Edition, and the "Massachusetts Highway Department Construction and Traffic Standard Details," 1996 Metric Edition, as amended. Both can be found at www.mass.gov/mhd (Select"more" under the section: Permits, Forms, and Publications). All material necessary for the restoration of the highway (including but not limited to Flot Mix Asphalt Pavement; Cement Concrete Masonry; Control Density Fill; stone; gravel; backfill materials; etc.) shall be furnished by a Department Certified Supplier. For a list of specific suppliers,please contact Ms. Karen Korvek, District Materials Engineer at (413) 582-0565. No tracked vehicles will be allowed on the highway surface without a protective mat. Adequate lights, signs and barriers shall be provided by the Grantee. All utility companies whose services are located within or adjacent to the proposed work areas shall be notified in writing of the proposed work at least 48 hours prior to the start of any excavation in said areas. This is independent of required Dig Safe notification. The shoring and bracing of trenches along with other related excavations shall conform to the applicable rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Industrial Safety and the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Failure to comply with the terms of this Permit;past and future directives from the Massachusetts Highway Department,any other local, state, and federal regulatory agencies, shall be cause for immediate revocation The Grantee shall indemnify and save blameless the Commonwealth and its Highway Department, against all suits, claims or liability of every name and nature arising at any time out Page#3 Mat. 27 2007 11 : 32AM HP LASERJET FAX p. 4 Permit#2-2005-4731 HAVE THE DATE, LOCATION, PERMIT NUMBER, AND INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE WRITTEN THEREON. The perimeter of the trench shall be saw cut a minimum of one(1) foot beyond the existing edge of the trench and this material removed to a depth of seven and one half(7'/z) inches. The vertical faces of the adjoining pavement shall be coated with a Rapid Setting Type 1 (RS-1) emulsion,as shown on the attached sketch. The permanent patch shall consist of four(4) inches of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement(Base), one and three quarters(13/<)inches of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement(Binder) and one and three quarters (1%) inches of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement(Top). During placement of the permanent repair an INFRARED HEATING DEVICE shall be used to soften the existing pavement so as to allow the blending of the new bituminous concrete with the existing, thus eliminating any joints that may otherwise occur. Upon completion of the permanent repair the Grantee shall notify the District Highway Director for acceptance of said repair. All shoulder areas, paved areas, grass areas,driveway and street aprons,drainage lines and structures, curbing, edging, or other highway appurtenances that are disturbed due to the construction work shall be replaced and/or restored to its original condition. Adequate warning signs, traffic cones and other traffic control devices must be erected in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Millennium Edition),as amended,which can be found at http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov,as revised. Said devices shall be placed and replaced by the Grantee at the work site as required. Traffic shall be maintained at all times. UNIFORMED POLICE SHALL BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE GRANTEE. ALL PERSONNEL WORKING WITHIN THE STATE HIGHWAY LAYOUT SHALL WEAR APPROVED SAFETY VESTS. { At the end of each workday,the Grantee shall keep the highway surface free of any dirt, dust or debris of any nature, resulting from the work. The Grantee shall utilize mechanical sweepers, water, calcium chloride or bitumen and sand, in accordance with Section 440, Roadway Dust Control, of the 1995. MassHighway Department's Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges, as amended. DIG SAFE NUMBER: Prior to the start of any work under this permit,the Grantee shall notify the PUBLIC UTILITY UNDERGROUND PLANT DAMAGE PREVENTION SYSTEM (DIG SAFE), which can be found at www.diesafe.com or by calling 1-888-344-7233, Upon issuance of the DIG SAFE NUMBER the Grantee shall forward said number to the Massachusetts Highway Department District Highway Office by telephoning(413) 582-0535_. AT&T Wireless customers can contact Dig Safe by dialing#DIG (#344), Page#2 Mat's 27 2007 11 : 32RM HP LRSERJET FRX P. 3 .j, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Highway Department g Y P Permit 42-2005-0731 PERMIT ---NORTHAMPTON Subject to all the terms, conditions and restrictions printed or written below, and on the reverse side hereof, permission is hereby granted to the City of Northampton do Northampton Community Cooperative Market,Inc.,to enter upon the State Highway Layout in the City of Northampton known as Route 5/10 or North King Street for the purpose of installing a water service at approximate Station 71+12, and a sewer service at approximate Station 71+27 for the proposed River Valley Market. The District Highway Director shall be notified in writing 48 hours in advance of any work by the Grantee. All described work shall be completed as directed by,and to the satisfaction of, the Director. The utility work shall be done in accordance with the relevant sections of the,"Commonwealth of Massachusetts,Department of Public Works,Utility Accommodation Policy,"dated February 10, 1988, as amended. All service installations and roadway widening shall be completed prior to the resurfacing of this section of Route 5/10, by the Berkshire Gas Company. In order to avoid any conflicts and ensure proper timing with the Berkshire Gas Company main installation and resurfacing project,the work shall be coordinated with Mr. Andre' Gonthier of Northstar Industries. Mr. Gonthier can be reached by calling(978) 975-5500,extension 115. Permission is granted to make an opening of minimal dimensions in the southbound travel lane in order to install the sewer service and an opening of minimal dimensions across the highway in order to install the water service. THE PERMANENT REPAIR SHALL BE NEAT, UNIFORM,AND CONFORM TO THE EXISTING GRADE. The existing gutter grade and line shall not be changed. The Grantee shall be responsible for all future maintenance to the trench due to improper repair, up to and including complete replacement of the patch,to the satisfaction of the Director. • Where the hardened surface of the roadway is disturbed,all backfill will be replaced with Controlled Density Fill (CDF), Type 2E,Flowable (Excavatable). The CDF shall be brought to within seven and one half(7'h)inches of the existing grade and the trench shall be plated to allow adequate CDF curing in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. COPIES OF ALL CDF DELIVERY SLIPS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT AND SHALL Page # 1 Maw 27 2007 11 : 32AM HP LASERJET FAX p. 2 -- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts • Massachusetts Highway Department 10 Park Plaza,Boston 02116-3969 City of Northampton February 23, 2006 From the Office of: Massachusetts Highway Department Telephone(413) 582-0535 811 North King Street,Northampton,MA 01060 To: River Valley Market P.O. Box 1245 Northampton,MA 01061 You may proceed with the work described in Permit#2-2005-0731 dated February 23,2006, issued to you by this Department for work in the City of Northampton. Please read carefully the instructions printed on the back of the Permit and note particularly those conditions, which apply to the work authorized. Your attention is also called to the time given for the completion of this work. If it should be desired to extend the time for doing the work or alter any of the conditions of the Permit,written applications for such changes should be made as soon as possible to this office. Upon completion of the work outlined,please fill out the form given below,detach and mail to this office. (A sketch on the back of the form or on a separate sheet, showing the location of any structures installed, should be submitted. This sketch should show the relative position of the structure by measurements to definite points within the highway location). IF THE NOTICE BELOW IS NOT RETURNED,THE LIABILITY ASSUMED UNDER THIS PERMIT CONTINUES. Sincerely, Albert R. Stegemann,P.E. District Highway Director * *Please return lower portion when work is completed. Retain Permit for Grantee and/or successor files City of Northampton (Date) , 200 _ District Highway Director. Northampton,Massachusetts 01060 Dear Sir; Please be advised that the work authorized under Permit#2-2005-0731 issued by the Massachusetts Highway Department was completed in accordance with all requirements of the Department on ,200 Signed River Valley Market P.O. Box 1245 Northampton,MA 01061 • 2. This project will he required to submit one or more Notice of intent (N0t) to the U.S. I.:PA for coverage under the NI'ul;S Stutmwater Construction General Permit. Copies of both the ti1131 NOl and Sturmwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)shall he submitted to the Northampton DPW prior to issuance au building permit. the final SWI'I'P shall be reviewed by the Northampton DPW and may need to he amended to the satisfaction attic Northampton Dl'W prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. The applicant shall submit to the Northampton DPW within 60 days of the issuance of this peninit the following information: s. A Retail of the overflow structure liar the detention basin shown to the sloth of the entrance drive on Sheet 3,Grading& Utility Plan. b. A detail of the pipe inlet into the detention basin from SWTS lit. h is piul'cmhle that the design of the detention basin separates the inlet from the outlet as great as possible to lengthen the flow path and increase the detention time..Sheet :t. • Grading& Utility Plan shows the inlet mentioned above I S feet away from the • outlet structure. 4. Prior to construction. the applicant must Secure all necessary permits and approvals brio► the Massachusetts highway Department for construction work in the State I Iighwuy System layout and proposed stonnwatt•.r discharges to the stoimwaatcr system owned rnid operated by the Commonwealth of•Mtissuchusctts. Simuttur'e of City :ttginecr ate • cc. Planning Board eau Office ut Planning and Development Buildinft I)cpartrncrtt t. oil:wrv;ttinn Commission c/o Office of Planning and Development • • • S1i • • .'..,tnrnri%•alerI'ermits,Sionnuvttr l'uinils'•rrrmits not annIir,dions\Nnrrh King River Valley M:rrkii.tlin• I'm!s' a nl • -- -- --- rayv Standard Permit Conditions: I. All clearing, grading, drainage,construction,and development shall be conducted in strict accordance with the following plans and intimation submitted with the application and as amended by any conditions attached to this permit: a. River Valley Market, Site Plans, Sheets I and 2 dated July 25. 2005 and Sheets 3. I)I. tiDP-I,and FX )•2 dated August 2, 2005, stamped by Marc S. Iii l is . I'.l'... The Berkshire Design Group.hie. h. I)rainalge Calculations k. Report for River Valley Market dated August 3. 1005 anti stamped by Mare S. D'Urso, P.P.,The Berkshire Design Group, c. Proposed Stnnnwmer Management System Operation and Maintenance Plan dated August 3, 21p05. d. Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan for River Valley Market,dated August t. 2110.i, prepared and stamped by Marc S. [)'Ursa. P.K.The Berkshire-Design (hour. inc, e. Cieotcehnicail Rec.ninmendations for Proposed River Valley Market, Northampton. MA. dated August 2, 2005 by O'Reilly,Talbot& Okun Associates. 11 Test I'it Logs flu•River Valley Site,dated June IS.2005 by O'Reilly Talbot& ()kart Associates, Inc. .. The Northampton Department of Public Works(DPW)or its authorized representative shall be provided access to the property to conduct inspections before,during,and 'rift er construction,activities as necessary. The applicant shall arrange with the DI'W to schedule the following inspections: Initial Inspection,Erosion Control luspecnon, Uury Inspection, and final Inspection.The DPW may also conduct random inspections to ensure-effective control of erosion and sedimentaltion during all phases r►tt:ttnstructiun. 3. Annual Reports that are stamped by n Registered Professional i;nginecr documenting the actions completed as required by the Operation, Maintenance ce and Inspection Agreement shall be submitted to the Northampton Department of Public Works by October I`'of each year. 4. It emistructioir of the proposed ctormwatur system has not started within five years of the issue date ol'this permit,then the permit will expire and a new permit will be required. Construction is defined as clearing, grading,excavation, tilling, and insiaallatinn cal drainage structures on the lots specified in this permit, Specific Permit Conditions: I. Prior to issuance of a Ituilding Permit,the applicant shall record an e.xecuied Summate,. Operation, Maintcnanee. and Inspection Agreement that is binding on all subsequent owners of hind served by the private storntwater management facility by recording it in the hind records of the Registry of Deeds. INS agreement shall be signed by the applicant and approved by the Northampton DPW. Section 22'40 of the Northampton Storotwater Management'Ordinance provides additional guidance for the requirements of this agreement.The agreement shall include all items in Proposed Stormwater Management Systetrt Operation and Maintenance Plan for River Valley Market and any changes untl'or additions to the srttislitetion of the,Northampton DPW. I':Xhnn,�,attt I'c,n,its•�t.rrr„tatc, I`crmit>:,t'a�7niti new:ppti,:,t►inn•:'Norrb King•River valky\tatkct.Juc raytt *i ! . j.. .4•\ STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT \ %)/ .• .k•• ,f):3 APPLICATION DECISION City of Northsotpth il•porsofem of Public Morkg PrOjeel/ Site Name: It iver Valley Marko__..„ . . . ..______...... .. Mier i Street or Loution i Assesgor ID: North King Strcql.i.Map 13,..l'orge138..... A 11)liciu it Name:.NtrytlynplonS.ARnrnuni tit(:onperajiv,Market, Inc. tlibfa Rim Valley.M Ad • ANA icant Address/Phone; 1.1,0. Box.1245, Northampton, MA 9.0f.ku R2-722.411 ) ......___............ Owner Name:,13illinar Corp. ....._.......... .. . () vocr Ai1dressil'hone!„.195_,Uvrry RO., Ikthany,ilt.)0241203-387-10i ........._.... . Application Submission Dine:N4/2l)05 _.... . ... . ........__ ...... . . . .1.11F. FOLLOWING ACTION RY THE NORTHAMPTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HAS BEFN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESFATED: —- Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application hosed on a determination within seven days of the receipt of the application that the aisplication is administratively incomplete (sec attached documentation). Approval of the.Storthwatet Management Permit Application. ..........,... _X • Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application subject to any conditions, modifications or restrictions required by the Department of Public Works (see below) Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Application based upon . ....._ a determination that the proposed plan,as submitted,does nut meet the purposes set forth in the Northampton Swimmer Management. ____..... . .....—........,. — I., sh,11,,,,o. l'oln;IN%sionliwoirr l'ontill;\Ninths new opplicaliivONorill king Itivc■ Vallty Nelarko.d.o I':.:. 1 ..1 1 ' a # g' *t �c City of Northampton 5�� r���cl a Massachusetts �"1,110, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS il 4 212 Main Street•Municipal Building 1"4, ,0"300 Northampton,MA 01060 SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DOCUMENT (For professional Engineers/Architects responsible for only portion Entire Project) Project Title: River Valley Market Date: 2/16/07 Project Location: 330 North King Street Map: Parcel: Zone: Scope of Project: Construction of a New Market In accordance with the sixth edition Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR SECTION 116.0: I, Roger Bernard Mass. Registration Number 35344 Being a registered professional Engineer/Architect I hereby CERTIFY that I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans, computations and specifications concerning: [] Fire protection [] Architectural [] Structural [] Mechanical [] Electrical [X] Other (specify) PLUMBING For the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge, such plans, computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, all acceptable engineering practices and all applicable laws for the proposed project. Furthermore, I understand that I or my representative shall perform the necessary professional services to determine that the above mentioned portions of the work proceed in accordance with the documents approved for the building permit. Upon completion of the work, I shall submit a final report as to the satisfactory completion of the above-mentioned portion of the work. Signature and Seel of registered professional: r►� ,y�of '; `' ♦♦�N ngp#4 ':' N�� . "SEEN Pie%, ' ROGER G N 1S, "o• •, - BERNARD ; a ik `'a s b e, PLUMBING °' .44.:0417 ' No.35344 1:kj f: v ,i, ...riloctA!Vsj / /__(-,---./:1•:";'--- 's:.4104 ,!.. -e,-- - 07'4 RY p\33. C t ,Y `� • City of Northampton 40-----44,t Massachusetts *.z.- ;""s>° DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS '^ m 212 Main Street•Municipal Building Lbw V- Northampton,MA 01060 SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DOCUMENT (For professional Engineers/Architects responsible for only portion Entire Project) Project Title: River Valley Market Date: 2/16/07 Project Location: 330 North King Street Map: Parcel: Zone: Scope of Project: Construction of a New Market In accordance with the sixth edition Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR SECTION 116.0: I, Nancy Mederios Mass. Registration Number 41347 Being a registered professional Engineer/Architect hereby CERTIFY that I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans, computations and specifications concerning: [] Fire protection [] Architectural [] Structural [X] Mechanical [] Electrical [] Other(specify) for the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge, such plans, computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, all acceptable engineering practices and all applicable laws for the proposed project. Furthermore, I understand that I or my representative shall perform the necessary professional services to determine that the above mentioned portions of the work proceed in accordance with the documents approved for the building permit. Upon completion of the work, I shall submit a final report as to the satisfactory completion of the above-mentioned portion of the work. Signature and Seal of registered professional: ',ckEE N `y H �IlkOFMA A. o�`M EYoe,.r0 t� NANCY ss'4y': a 2 ' ,P >� `°�0", g.s J. sQ s ` mECNICAL " v No.41347 j .,s,, � ,`!OA' 4;'•;°.!:.4 of f•!;s:-, -ssroNALA: �% ,wow , li i i i irl egib.---A irn CLC,C-L--/'i LW 1" 0 i i 4-- k- e--( 4„0n00wn s rap Or l 4 6;F • u • U- Y t _ ,y t L."`"• City of Northamptony, • '+ Massachusetts �, ,x. vt aura � 'er�, ; va DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS r4 212 Main Street•Municipal Building �'s'6'i o1' Northampton,MA 01060 SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DOCUMENT (For professional Engineers/Architects responsible for only portion Entire Project) Project Title: River Valley Market Date: 2/16/07 Project Location: 330 North King Street Map: Parcel: Zone: Scope of Project: Construction of a New Market In accordance with the sixth edition Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR SECTION 116.0: I, Robert Duff Mass. Registration Number 31878 Being a registered professional Engineer/Architect hereby CERTIFY that I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans, computations and specifications concerning: [] Fire protection [] Architectural [] Structural [] Mechanical [X] Electrical [] Other(specify) for the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge, such plans, computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, all acceptable engineering practices and all applicable laws for the proposed project. Furthermore, I understand that I or my representative shall perform the necessary professional services to determine that the above mentioned portions of the work proceed in accordance with the documents approved for the building permit. Upon completion of the work, I shall submit a final report as to the satisfactory completion of the above-mentioned portion of the work. Signature and Seal of registered professional: 00 0,* E r►,* 4,411. A V i P•pM .etA. /C i s Z � G N is II: "1o1.0s Zo (:A----,), WN;� .L e . t)..,,44i), .'L�•4rMOCMnSyf' G•• t , ' 1� „4• • RYAN S. HELLWIG, PE • STRUCTURAL ENGINEER • Secondary Construction Control Document February 14,2007 t1 OF4 City of Northampton o�� SAN- 0,,\ Department of Building Inspections HELLWIG ,1 Municipal Building 3( STRUCTURAL vl 212 Main Street No 37300 Northampton MA 01060 A9o'sF SEC/STF.59/``� /OVAL EY' Re: River Valley Market North King Street Northampton, MA G.C._ H. P. Cummings Constr. Co. -Ware,MA In accordance with the Sixth Edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR) §116, I hereby certify that I have personally prepared all STRUCTURAL design drawings(SI, S2&S3 - dated 1 Jan 06)and specifications for the CONCRETE BUILDING FOUNDATIONS of the above-named project. To the best of my knowledge such calculations,drawings and specifications conform to the applicable provisions of the Code,to standard engineering practice and to relevant laws for the proposed project. I shall also personally perform the necessary professional services during construction of the above- mentioned portion(s) of the project to determine that such construction satisfies the design intent of the calculations,drawings and specifications and the documents approved for the building permit, including: 1. Review, for conformance with the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals made by the Contractor as required by the design documents; 2. Review and approval of quality control procedures and special inspections required by the design documents for Code-controlled construction processes and materials; 3. Be present at the site at appropriate intervals during construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine in general if said work is being performed in a manner that is consistent with the design documents. I shall also submit to you a final report as to the satisfactory completion of the above-mentioned portion of the construction work. Respe 1 y ffeofe / , ,,..."1. • 28 ALDRICH STREET • NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 • • VOICE 413-584-HLWG(4594) • FAX 413-584-HLWFax(4593) • Amanaminamop • D. E VALENTE ARCHITECT & PLANNER 571 MAIN STREET • REAR SOUTH M E DF O R D MELT M, MASSACT7?1iT1 SET DOMENIC F. VALENTE, A.L.A. FEBRUARY 14.2007 MAILED&FAXED MR.ANTHONY PATILLO BUILDING COMMISSSIONER OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 RE: RIVER VALLEY MARKETS NORTHAMPTON,MA PROJECT NO.PB-07-01 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF,THE PLANS PREPARED BY PLAN B RETAIL DESIGN AND THIS OFFICE DATED NOVEMBER 30,2005 FOR THE WORK ACCOMPANYING THE ATTACHED APPLICATION CONCERNING THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROJECT ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE AND ALL OTHER PERTINENT LAWS AND ORDINANCES- VERY TRULY YOURS, D.F.VALENTE,ARCH CT&PLANNER SEAL DOMENIC F.VALENTE,A.A. G`S iseLD ARCM F, .;t, , DFViw 31 CC:PLAN B RETAIL(FAXED 1-860-870-5382) -0 ASS_ ��*, *A.q".H Of 1105 Ammoaw Ma •-28-07 02 : 27P Plan B Retail Design 860 870 5382 P_02 e r *iiii15111 61.1 of T�rgraln air 1� _ _= ' _ jl�selfesetls i -�- - 1- DEPAR7MFir OF same <'Q INSPECTIONS • INSPECTOR 212/viola Serest • Municipal Ruildieg Northampton MA 01060 -' > • • - CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DOCUMENT (for profest;ional Engiaeerdr hit A responsible for Entire Project) Project Title: .ii/-'7'i L, 7-t■r.t;l'i /11-474 is Dare: ©7 P r o j e c t/AMA= ;.; ).)iN41-r 11/1.9 Map: l Pa ed: 6 ' gene: Snipe of Prnjenti__l�ry / : (' Z;),,-r L-.-i 1 • - • In accordance with the'ai ah editien'7 asetts State Building Code, 780 ChM SECfON 116,0: - I, ?oM a.A1 IC 'F VA LLC KITE Mars Registration Number 9 4.- Being a registered professional Engineer/Architect hereby CPR Y that I have prepared or directly supetvis d the preparation of al1•desigu plsms,computations and sped0atfone coact:niter gr Entire Project - for the above named petal and that to the lest of ray knowledge,such plans,stations and cacirms meet the syplieable proVisions of the hstaceardinsetts State Plurldhtg Code,all acceptable eaieredng practiCer and all applicable lass for the proposed project, - - Flatheitmotq I endeestsad and AGREE that I shall paella=the necessary professional saviors to dmersdne that tae above motioned portions of the Bark proceed in accordance avith the dominants approved for the bar1dingpemnit grid shall be i sponseble for the following as sPecified in section 115.2.2: 1. •Review of shop drawings,samples and other submittals of the soot actor as regoared by the construction doeaments as setbmitied for the braiding permit,and approval for the conformance to the design coaoept 2. Review and approval of the quality control procedures for all cede-required csmtralled material& 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with,the propels and gmlity of the work mid to determine:in general,if the work is being petfoamed is a manner consistent with the construction decrements. I shall submit periodically,in a form acceptable to We building official.a pmgresc report together with pertinent cammeatr.Upon completion of the work,I shall submit to the loaildiogoE6cial a final report as to the satisfacseey completion and readiness of the project for etsupancy. &abrre and Seal of registered professional: '0 AR `StiZch,T �4' GF.VA4F,I, F� . I w �F ,c, o '0. :5(7'-. ,- Fax 413-587.1272 - •■• •v..�.;,,,ar '; . , The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents �t Office of Investigations • C _MUM, 600 Washington Street II:I=g Boston,MA 02111 . �'..,; . ' www.mass.gov/dia •"-Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information �J ,� y Please Print Legibly Name(Business/Organization/Individual): it /p Ct i f/y /-'V 6j S C A'S.//'ca c 772)/0 6:-. Address: / /1;!2v,; 6--)c�`" .1"'J` City/StaWZip: /�! %'{'��/;�/ Gii�l� Phone.#: "'/,f'— ,� 2_.6- f--/ Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: • Type of project(required): 1.® I am a employer with /6(;) 4. 0 I am a general contractor and I 6 New construction employees(full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 7. 0 Remodeling 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- • ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have g. 0 Demolition working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' 9. ❑Building addition [No workers' comp.insurance comp.insurance.# required.] 5. 0 We are a corporation and its 10.0 Electrical repairs or additions 3.0 I am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their 11.0 Plumbing repairs or additions myself.[No workers'comp. right of exemption per MGL 12.0 Roof repairs insurance required.]t • c. 152, §1(4),and we have no employees. [No workers' 13.0 Other comp.insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy infornwtion. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. tContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: ' / '"?-.7> / t/c+ /(-4- ei j 7''J 1 'i f`-/L 11Lj 'e- Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#: VC( ///- U lC2 3 Y- `"d" Expiration Date:- :)/—6!/--o/ 2 Job Site Address: NO f. M'N�'° S `� City/State/Zip:Ncri't 7 1,/3 f� t'.✓ Q �/ '� / Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify unde the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Si...tare: A,1 _ Date: 2 2 07 _ Phone#: I/. /I . %t7- 7114, " Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: ISSUING OFFICE 102 LIBERTY ,� Workers Compensation and INFORMATION PAGE MUTUAL. / • Employers Liability Policy ACCOUNT NO. SUB ACCT NO. Liberty Mutual Insurance Group/Boston 1-012834 0000 The First Liberty Insurance Corporation 27359 POLICY NO. TD/CD SALES OFFICE CODE SALES REPRESENTATIVE CODE N;R 1ST YEAR WC6-111-012834-81632/7LONGMEADOW, MA 111 TRACY 7398 2 1994 Item 1.Name of H P Cummings Construction Company Insured FEIN 041222940 Address 14 Prospect Street Ware, MA 01082 RISK ID 910388134 Status Corporation Other workplaces not shown above: See Item 4 Mo. Day Year Mo. Day Year Item 2. Policy Period: From 04 01 2006 to 04 01 2007 12: 01 am standard time at the address of the insured as stated herein. Item 3.Coverage A. Workers Compensation Insurance: Part One of the policy applies to the Workers Compensation Law of the states listed here: ME MA NH VT B. Employers Liability Insurance: Part Two of the policy applies to work in each state listed in item 3.A. The limits of our liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury by Accident $ 500 ,000 each accident Bodily Injury by Disease $ 500 ,000 policy limit Bodily Injury by Disease $ 500 ,000 each employee C. Other States Insurance: Part Three of the policy applies to the states, if any, listed here: All States except those listed in Item 3.A and the States of : AK ND OH WA WV WY D. This policy includes these endorsements and schedules: SEE EXTENSION OF INFORMATION PAGE Item 4.Premium—The premium for this policy will be determined by our Manuals of Rules, Classifications, Rates and Rating Plans.All information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. Premium Basis Rates LINE 110 Estimated Per$100 Estimated Code Total Annual of Re- Annual Classifications No. Remuneration muneration Premiums SEE EXTENSION OF INFORMATION PAGE Minimum Premium $ 750 (V T) Total Estimated Annual Premium $ 268, 930 Interim adjustment of premium shall be made: Annual Deposit Premium $ 268, 930 66,44i This policy, including all endorsements issued therewith, is hereby countersigned by Authorized Representative Date 1;2006 Loc.Code Term.Oper. J C Audit Basis Periodic Payment Rating Basis Pol.H.G. Home State Dividend Renewal O f 04/11/2006 1 NR ME , WC6-111-012834-815 GPO 4138 RI WC 00 00 01 A Coovricht 1987 National Cpunril !gin(�mm�oncatfnr+ L+ci +?n�o Version 1.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 SECTI ON10-STRUGTURAVREEIZREVIEW` lyieMR.TiatFi-� °- Independent Structural Engineering Structural Peer Review Required Yes 0 No Q SEC1ION1 F1=OWNER AUTHORIZATION; TO:=BE=COMP :ETED WHEItt OWNERS AGENT,OR°CONTRACTORAPPL:IES FOR-BUIL''DIMG PERMIT i, ! o Ct.4.11•�: ?r'0 A' -'j Ge tie ra.k 1'Nc►na r ,`CEO/ 1 � ,,as Owner of the subject property �.e 4. u"1 Vs-.1 v r / (.,LCD'; ` lciA-O ss Ca•w..n"v v�.i Cc f loc N kke tc- ,I*c li {� ' Cv,nn rv� ;trt Ccl�nYv c �'ZN� C� a�y hereby authorize / ?to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. I _ __ --- - — --`– ,, MarCIA 2!O 2�7 ! Signature of Owner Date 1, oc.in.e ?'r l\e ar. I e ,as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the ...ins and •enalties of•e 'u . » ele. n Print Name Mara/x-20% 2O07 ! I Signature of Owner/Agent Date ;SECTlONTI2 CONSTRtJCT1ON'SERUICES 10.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable 0 I ! � A Z G`'4:;K 2 Name of License Holder:I ,`'� C'` ,'Cr c License Number I '1‘ <S• Vi)%AZ.--"\-)rlv- t•, S'' \1a,c> 2„ `\ 1 cl 4 .4‘ I Address e Expiration Date Signatur4.4 :,..t5.,-1-1 ,` Telephone SECTION 13-WORKERS+COMPENSATION IN§PFze +ICE AFFJDAVIT(M G L c 052£r�25C()) ' - - r Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit.. - Signed Affidavit Attached Yes 0 No 0 r Version 1.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 r., SECTION 9-PROFESSIONAL'DESIGN ANDONSTRUCTION-SERV(CES FOR BUILDINGSAND STRUCTUREStSUBJECtTO CONSTRUCTION CONTROL PURSUANT TO 780 CMR`116;(CONTAINING, MORE THAN;35,OOQ-C:F.OF ENCLOSED SPACE) 9.1 Registered Architect Not Applicable 0 1 Name(Registrant): Registration Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 9.2 Registered Professional Engineer(s): Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility I I Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date 9.3 General Contractor _ Lv4•■-x r►.. `1!)-4 �°�j Not Applicable❑ Company Name: C! Responsible In Charge of Construction I \` C(�4'r Ot t' ,. . e‹.)./4 cs Z Address Lr%-v-16.74.15.-1 Signature Telephone Versionl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 r� 0 i i i.4 OL ZOiit`� i,. Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department r Lot Size �` i f�1 I Frontage 1 f l Setbacks Front '' I Side L:I I R: . I R:I j Rear i , 1 I 1--1 But7din`g et I , �� -- Bldg.Square Footage � I I % 1 I Open Space Footage % �� 'I—� i—f (Lot area minus bldg&pav 1 1 1 I ��__ i I ping) #of Parking Spaces 1 i •, i I I Fill: ! I l; — (voiume&Location) A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO 0 DONT KNOW 0 YES er ' IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? Kp'f NO 0 DON'T KNOW 0 YES IF YES: enter Book Page ; and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW Q YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Q Obtained © , Date Issued: , C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES © NO - 1 IF YES, describe size, type and location: 1 D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES QS) NO Q IF YES, describe size, type and location: Peg, S1(7/4 'eR/t11 T A P Pt i( y r/o N s E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,excavation,or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES 0 • NO Q IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. ,. Version1.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 i SECTION 4-CONSTRUC-TI.ON<SERVICES FOR PROJECTS LESS THAN 35,000 CUBIC FEET OF ENCLOSED-SPACE 1 .,` " ,._. Interior Alterations ❑ Existing Wall Signs ❑ Demolition❑ Repairs❑ Additions ❑ Accessory Building❑ Exterior Alteration Existing Ground Sign❑ New Signs❑ Roofing❑ Change of Use❑ Other❑ Brief Description Enter a brief description here. Of Proposed Wo ki . *1S r' t SG•— -\- 3rZ' veti M41C \ ' ..We. ,6 SECTION 5-USE GROUP-AND CONSTRUCTION TYPE • := ■ Version1.7 Commercial Buildin:Permit May 15,2000 r _ ------ - City of Northampton , ',, \ 7-','"-Y- '',--t,''''''''f,',..4c-i:'.'77,1,:...Vre.47,Mri•-',,,Z=Alr-t- iitWcrki-j 1., - Vir Building Department '',1"1:g' ---- 212 Main Street V.F6,71''',11;ft42:::!-:rifilii:t;.1=1**:=W7:101:'-':!* tilr'--VILtil Room 100 ° i ' Northampton, MA 01060 phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 ,pio i .,,, .,„:'--„,.,,,-•a -,,,,-.:,',r-....tit,-,X-4+4;-%...,rfW1W7.4'4,ar-VIAr: APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE,CHANGE THE USE OR OCCUPANCY OF,OR DEMOLISH ANY BUILDING OTHER THAN A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING •• ; :BECtION 1,i-itrttINFentiixriorc -,„„....,,......,,- A.Li-r:x15, . lhis:t.s-OtroAlcifb:071600010I 0A.17t::,---V116 . 41.:-,,,.7-7zr. -----1-1 Property-Address • .,;„;.....,,,;4,;;.,-,,;:n.....,....,-;, I 312 4C, 1\ ( -L%\<% , ‘ . r ! _.:-.X.,_ ii,,t..„,.„,:}.. ..„ . _ -..;,i.0l;.!.!s_:,n,,,:i,■,+4,I.;7,;3;;.-----..___1,_:._..4t_;I_.-:;,;-:-,-;..... --,,,7''''''''.31, '0,12.1.- "i''',7■,:',5,7ef-1.,:tf,*1.1.:&7, :t."Pjr.Z1t,'7;'-‘"-'="=.7,--.§,--i;.. ININA. . G,1 a(sze> i*AZ &`,0011.07015Pt-, CP, I!!'f!.17,ttiLIPWX-''''' 'VaTrt:424P-7413X14.0*:!.(iVI,AS'a-E-44;it-Z-14*0 1 , - :- --:-VveiAlvi, " th1-74-0-#P 1 i'east:Dist:la 35-ry.,: o.:6,rim--4.1 -,1i-Atez.--,,,iw ,.stcriotti-..,00iPtio:vytitiliiity.A!..ilicRgER- PEN-1 .,i-k--- 2.1 Owner of Record: 1 1-2L-1, 3---- -?bc..LcIkFrv(t4ry 1 247(be,)<- \2.1-i ri t\itYtc1,61pArcett•i6. 0 v.t.\ Name(Print)-Ror:14.4...‘ve e?4,4 A 4t•I Current Mailing Address: < I 417e,--,1/4. 111. At)-11.- Signature .,---4■11111141116111M, .- Telephone .. - 2.2 Authorized Aoent: I ‘ t 1 117o (50,, zzA 1e.-7 (.. /1,1,e, i •••••1C- NoN•••■ --\-"Sea...r r's te%€::1S-lr_.t..".- Name(Print) Current Mailin9 Address: i \ `•-k 1 1- ' 't Ze--I-6--2-6- k i I - ' Signature ..._ -4...a.. Telephone , . . . ,D C. ., --SECTION3-ESTIMATED ION COSTS- -. •-- Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be '''-- -OfficiaLUspOnly completed by permit applicant 1. Building ' ng"Perrnit Fee -) et C47 I . 54%, - ''.--,:---(auildi -.-;-'' . ' _ '-.• • - '; I .j 2. Electrical i . I (b)=EstiMated-Totar Cost of . 1 i 37 t 11 s .00, -- 1 '.,---zcotitriictioi4olii-(6),• , 1 I --Biiilitilig:Peiiniffee 3. Plumbing '...eY. 4. Mechanical(HVAC) ' ,4,7,77 5. Fire Protection IAA 4, / 411 6. Total=(1,AP + 4 4+ ) )-N c 3 'ckM t . p :,Check Number 4'i 4 D # J. , - Al - , .:..-.-,...„.::iThit-:Section For Official Use Onl ----f'Fe:-.,7:7.;-1...1::-.---.:7f " - " 1.;;Dat -r- uiTs :gr:_ arrttium 0-r,-:- It-Stied • .... Signature: ; - ..i Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings - - - Date . . Nop-TH ielpt Pion/ M.A a 4,0 v — — 5ctu-ows coAArv,,s-stomfa .„,, -, 13 _ 038 Aare are v "/ Larry Lepine notes on River Valley Market co4 P 2007-05-08 1. Sheet S-2; floor drains not allowed in coolers/freezers. The appropriate alternative is a trench drain outside the cooler, with the cooler floor pitched out to the door. 2. Sheet P-1.3; gray water system. The system needs to be approved by the state plumbing board. Also, the drawings are not clear enough. 3. Sheet P-1.3; more details on reclamation system at southeast corner of the building. Where does it drain to? 4. Sheet P-1.1; is there a 3 compartment sink in the commissary area? If so, does it need a grease trap? 5. Sheet P-1.1; trap primers required for all floor drains; not shown on drawings' /u �i9 6. Sheet P-2.0; produce sink must have an indirect drain into a floor sink — - G---W. Sheet P-2.0; heat reclamation tank must be an approved fixture. 8. Sheet P-2.0; heat reclamation system needs more detail; heat source? Drawings not clear. 9. Spec Book 15400-5; plumbing code governs to 10' past outside grease trap. - 4 1- Building Code Issues r 1.Mezzanine lacks second means of egress stairs (len h of travel to great to'b allow one means of egress exceeds 75' / 2. No elevations of checkout counters to show compliance with 521 CMR for accessibility. 3. Compliance with NEC for grounding of rebar in foundation. 4. 5-47 0 7 C,? -#/ o,%x 6a-, 1#./ 060 -920-S 42�fi ' /1- •9 ^a SAA — C.,- Gf 2 'i �� L /f �i6SIP96E 7 Ad/GC C,1 LL ' 'Dx- Z/f/ J1'/ �'n' /2 6 Ce. F�a-- (/) _ H`43,_D`IDO s-A-/4 (.5 / ti - 2--9341 8 ��. '` c4. Ls / •Fly oftC k' • WATER HEATING CHART HOW Example Chart s 1 show the water temperature rise you can expect MUCH Given: 27 tun compressor(s)output at any of the given uoitipreStaN outputs and water usages. 120 Gallon/hour water usage HQ I FIRST,determine your hot water usage in gallons/hour. Ei "F Cold water supply temperature WATER SECOND,determine your compressor(s)output(in tons) 700F Estimated water temperature rise 00 YOU THIRD,extend the cxtmpressor output line until it inter- With these given conditions,one Therma Slot can heat 120 USE? sects the water usage(Ine on the"Water heating chart" gnlion.Uhntlr of 611.water to 130-F If hntrlyr water is desired,recalcii We using two I betas Stoic(this doubles the heating plate area), w consider the Therma-Star Itt-1. ill Only the lit 1 has a 6000 watt hack up err.rcleiit To calculate beat added by the 6kW element:20,478 81W/ill.(from element)/ r.Ir mow*. 75•Rise 50'Ram 27 Mao gallons/hr.t B.33 lbs.Igallon= ''F rise from element. ts 't1) to uurlveIt to 81 Us rec:lairrted:Multiply gahuns per bout X 8.33(the weight of one gallon at water)x _I-rise= ti!Us per hour . ill reclaimed .ti 1. rr — ;if Example 120 galk7Flalhuur n 8.33 Ibs.t gallon x 7U"t' list,_b9.972 Hi Us/Iwur a reclaimed. The healing element could add another 20.5lF(20.478 BTUs ti =II 1 nu r co lair ?.=t1 ;nil 1 II 4151 4711 WO lHir./ '120 gattnns/hr./a 33 lbs.I gallons=20.5'F) Waal.Uugti It i i 30 114 Per t I n t I SUPERMARKET APPLICATIONS_.. You can now run the entire refrigerant load(up to 64 tons)of Inlays larger rack systems through a single Therma Star tl 1 of III 1 Iiei-tt teuovery System. II/plc-Lilly,the Ihernia titer is piped in series with a conventional water heater. (See Diagram B.) In applications with"hatc -Zia:ning.:addtncl a storage tank is recommended. You can install the storage tank to accommodate then m;al syphoning(circulating without a pump). (Surf Diagram C below.) i tie III 1 (or multiple III 1•s)would typically replace the cotiveriliuuwl wale,heater. If you rrrgttalI a Ifterrnu Star system in a circulating loop.pump the water as slowly as possible and return to the 314"NPP ntiepurt 1X0 riot circulate directly between water healer and Therma-Star unit unless heater has been deactivated Su that it nuts as storage urrly. Yoh can also install I herma- Stut units in parallel to accommodate larger loads. Adding the balance tube assuic,pie sure eyualicatiun so that refrigerant'lows evenly through each tank at all times. (See Diagram U.) { --_._...11 .1_' ' DIM;HAM.p rq.lrRn<i• IifiPt 4".RI'•1 ° *II+>•.ilI „I" ilk u.•rn.1r f11 i rr.....r i111,; THERMA-STOR H-1 and III-1 HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS SPECIFICATION INFORMATION CONS THUG I ION SPEICIFICATIONS--sa•,huw,.rs at to t 1 1 'niijlt,<'ut;tJrt twat vxdianytar plume is welted any•'minced for L inlCrrtat 1-.1'Iigeratrl passage , 15;13 0.1).ruraigaarrrt ilrka:and uuhe. 3. Industrial class lined hot water storage tank 'I. 2"Foani-n-plane urethane mnut:ton 5 Dual anode protection gain.;;carrpp.inn for c-?ttl,1,l(x rink Ittir 6. 1-114'malt's NPT water inlet anti high-term terir.itr'.:•auIL:. 1;:C+psi ana 198 F nressttre'teamperature rCkel,rs,N., 8 Attractive enarnf`torr(jatvanr7c+d external wrci0ti.1r v rv1Ki ;i+tab 3/4' Y4': !'riralr3)uperttny to resin; loon turn or (O (t tB1:al 10. Stub raa Rtu elinaliration tuhs,,nlrtiorwI-'nr 111.;;• loll et tei0 01 n101t; rnorma• toc art.:0'I)0ii in patallol,sr-rt:u wJrarrl Lt page 2.1- tT 111-1 QNl Y 11 6000 war'rrty(1rurrr c1en5riy electric:heatinc elenlen• ..'08/.>30 sinato phase hi r-iarrnarcl,RISC)avaitaahln with 71i nt 4:S1) ,'J+trtm++ri 12 Thrrmmtat ter rnnrmt{icirok n- 1'3 I t rlTK't1t:to core:n.+E 3.way ceckrrrn 11n1v_QT w;Cp.'t 'Pt 4'r vahee t IL rvtltttreLi!Pe r-r-.tnuiacturet to:supply:t control:n ttvr-011:i rt::hrrarin9 the water It uli trims}a't-awry reclaim valve,ignore the w<airr =;nlrnriir trial r,:ritt:hnl tr. OPI:.RAI ION... Therma-Stnr II-i anli 111-1 heal 3114 LAC/WWI(wince i.)y lrr"afernny ri:key':rr:_7turo'Ju:3ro tr lac al'.rJ uoid water. Fr'};c-os'-tail+C.knn•.-1:rrn:atrvo for ,roulicinrj Ito' „oiI tY I li;any exI•li1e I'Jrq,-t-ratie:n:=,sle!nr iron improve z,tho sy.T,- terri's efficiency al the carne time HO wearer production t,rrp0ildS oil Inc evapora• ler Ic.d -uil lemperarur^.s..compr>:.:60r.wah.'.i troaj.t C'.'u'•newly terrrperatu;er'. etc,. A water heating ch;trt ev found 00 ItIc fuck page. APPLICATION SPECIFICATION-.. I N:nine-S!ctr 11-1 and hi-I ran a c o r r m m o o r.i i r 0v;rp.i iI u, a'.r tti';01 ao lo 8s' ions rc'tai 1ri-771 on an onion,:taut act Centii'.tun ley ayrt.r t. C-11 r4tcitieti nr more typical rysldrli;•suC}i ar3 superrnartrel rarlr5:ate Ii51nd hr!Itte !henna-Stot Wale deNiyn. Yrh+Cap curtn"i:}re li-1 or III-I to;an inciivir-irrtsi r:ir-'Itir+it;:': OY{)aratic/l und;in rnul- with rapid,free-flowing Jahn:fur whirl- tildes for iargqrtl 100rritt1Ci0 I110rtlla SIUr s are.rlt;! AS a SuUttinrte for(air aram gas,promotes eecCeffenl Waste - crr v.,1t)+ (*Woo vuncierlse•_:,. lent iranr,hrr I$irnughnut then tank I1-1 and 1ll-1 Max.r4?t,Lrttrirrllifet,t c;aparrtly(+n(0 115)tar lypicAl re friperarion sy;learns. Low Medium Relri.erant Tem.eralurm Temaeratures R-22 .1 64 R-5Q2, R 404A. R 547 51 R-134A 47 53 OTHER FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS: R- 17 t,�arttrr?nitat II-1A only 100+ 100+ Diameter2g height 1 I'. wnirjlrl 42'74. ter✓ - 119 gallon nominal wat.':r r.r,I:nr.ity . 'T e00 r.:1r!it";:, ats!..truce?.4.1pprnxe.•nrare t.r 4.1' pre:'e.trri, :>t..1x:'trust' t:affiicr- • 'riarrrr!tot'400 psi reirigisrani ollear;aiing Crresstutr i`.rP)p�- rt)axrrYiurri O;at,r;afinc}water`tre5�.t:rr. tre . For rt mplr:IP pr'essita'chop 1r71Orr117fratl. Gjt,!Jr;t.lrr+',is:tz:r,•y. • R-its insulation • li.t-.listed. VJAI FR (C MPERA7 URE CONTROL... •• Meaats A^.HrRAt-41't stantiicini.;. lrOCUrp urdtrnt;prorn5ion.5 rn the oipiny ir:t f]jr•pet.3:•irk:riot ri°t: orrrrrnc: the'h<rrma- S or'n 101: r ecurrrnerttiect 'reel 17,111 0C: It7i._ rv;;llx);ati A[.}uiiSid! . High refrigerant capacity. atone with ho;c}aa trypa is valve, Anrnher option 10 U4QIn—.errtleatiltq the Water 1$ WdI1 pf ■14.Ctii11' hr:hv(s::n rr:'ter_;r;rtn}and Water. 10 blued 0/1 1/or wet{'r l.S,^n i?l xyrcirtt r11. Iha 11-1 hies a'rr:ih-ire Sinter.+,r".oust Irrflle leak sleeked,SI^rl1l'.rt'-cI wr.n N2 holiarg charge :hrrmnot;at to c:onvot t>oittet a 3-way valve or the wah:if .:utenoiu Pa NO 4020166 11.1 per this it 1. thiu 3r4'NF1 'a-+rnrah r pu;llinq x 7110 tv,tc pcm ,•}I'.a lank i<..for the Par:No 40203:1th--I1-111 rvitn A0irr)Oilia curvier;ions 113-.'t 11 r,_cO'ri(rlerrcieen water roccirrraIurci ctrrrlruller If`.fr20,1.:::m eGCrrcrdfltiotr loop. IA Part No.4021:4[1--111-I :min/230 airfar..r. moon!.aQviOlai curs Ile mounted on the tart.wn},• r.u}line on a reclrrulii- Part NO 40:'19S5 111.1 277 volt tir.n I.7,01:1 s.yctumj. U91rty talpitirtty:uhea yctoitis with Ibid I henna-Star is:tin' ;r trnrirfly recommenCr).,.l P11 11011 nunta.ut the fantrrry,•,ith my .ivar• The,,-,- 7a-stur LLc 1-900-533-753 ,;608 222 : t1;r Fax•60$)$ t.': 1447 H� F-?)Rot tit+hd r lt^;rIY+;.r.J; 1'trf c h't lift,+-='.. ..ii!'•f i;,r•tv;3 aif;.'1Ot tr- :")ir.�-irrltr•i:,:ci, .::rf 90'd Z8£S OL8 098 u6Lsa❑ LL 1 J g u>eLd d2Z = tO LO—£Z—AW Pagc 2 of. Gentlemen, The following issues were addressed via a telephone conference call with Tony Patillo, Building Commissioner, and Larry Lepine, Plumbing Inspector for the city of North Hampton and myself on 5/22/07. The conference call was requested to review the list of comments by Larry Lepine and my previous responses dated 5/15/07. The following items are in the same order as listed in my email on 5/15107. 1. Floor drains in coolers/freezers: Plumbing inspector doesn't want them in a telephone conversation with Joe Peluso of the State Plumbing Board on 5/22107,Joe stated they are not addressed in the Plumbing Code,but mentioned they might be covered in the Health Code 105 CMR.) An alternative solution would be floor drains in front of the coolers. 2. Gray water system must be State Board Approved: The gray water system proposed is considered a special plumbing system and does require a submission to the State Plumbing Board for their review and approval. Mr_ Patillo noted he would approve a building permit when he receives a copy of a contract between Edwards and Kelcey and Plan B for designing the gray water system to be submitted for approval by the Plumbing Board. 3. Additonal details for the Gray Water System: See item two above. 4. The 3 compartment sink in commissary requires a grease trap: Will provide. 5. Trap Primers on all floor drains: Trap primers are required under section 10.10(10)5.b. of the State Plumbing Code,and will be provided on all floor and trench drains. 6. Produce sink must have an indirect waste connection: The Plumbing Code, section 10.12(1)(a)3.States that"culinary/produce sinks....shall convey the waste from these fixtures indirectly to a properly traped and vented floor sink" however,The Board refered to section 10.09.(c)which states "sinks 10 Inches or deeper require a grease trap". Edwards and Kelcey can design the single and/or two bowl sinks to indirect waste floor sinks and take the 3 bowl sink to a grease trap. 7. Heat reclaim tank for domestic hot water must be Mass. State Approved: The reclaim tank is furnished under the refrigeration equipment contract, Plan B to obtain the approval number from the heat reclaim mfgr.and forward to the Plumbing Inspector. 8. Request more information on the Heat reclaim tank: See note 7 above. 9. The plumbing contractor shall own the piping from the discharge of the exterior grease trap to ten feet: The Grease waste system (and the indirect waste system)are considered"Dedicated Systems in the Plumbing Code and must be installed by a licenced plumber to ten feet beyond the traps,will provide. toger G. Bernard P.E. Numbing/Fire Protection Dept. Manager lirect line 617 532-4318 Jacobs Edwards and Kelcey 43 Congress Street loston, Massachusetts 617 242-9222(f)617 242-9824 aernard@ekmail.com ,ww.ekcorp,com ;/2'3/2007 SO'd Z8£S OL8 098 u6Lsa❑ 9 uPLd dZZ = IO LO-£Z-Xew • Page 1 of" Plan B Retail Design From: Willis, Stephen [swillis©ekmail.coml Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:02 PM To: plan.b.retail @snet.net Cc: Bernard, Roger Subject: FW: River Valley Market, Telephone conference call Chuck attached is Roger Bernard's answer to the plumbing issues and my answer to the electrical question below. Additionally per the Building Commissioners Review on May 8,2007 there was an issue relating to the Building service grounding. As stated the request was for; Itcm 3; "Compliance with NEC for grounding of rebar in foundation". Our answer is as follows: Per article 250.52.A3 of the 2005 NEC grounding of service is required to include a concrete encased electrode for the ground electrode system.This is accomplished by using a reinforcing rod not less than 20'-4" long (surface arca) encased within the concrete floor slab. This rebar should have continuity with the foundation vertical reinforcing.The electrical sub contractor is required by Code to provide this work as part of the installation of the building electrical system. Please call me if you have any questions_ aridtrt I.�ti'illih /par>Ir..I.I++:rrit anal help:. f p;Itr:., • ,:c ,„:•, c%. crn•er f,.. n,;•, ;� ,.cis..n, _,:u, ..t j: ,:):(,,:I:.ale.; :+U .(c%)i :u, ..1;.r,, ,. .;I?S ;'; .mn;:,•c an' ao 'rom: Bernard, Roger Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:41 PM ro: Willis, Stephen subject: FW: River Valley Market,Telephone conference call toger G. Bernard P.E. 'lumbing/Fire Protection Dept. Manager )irect line 617 532-4318 lacobs Edwards and Kelcey 143 Congress Street loston, Massachusetts p)617 242-9222(f)617 242-9824 bernardaekmail.com ww a kcorp.com ;/23/2007 70-d Z$£5 OL8 098 u6isa0 Ll-r°"a-ab g utld dIZ = IO LO-£Z-' W ArgCriglinribr ENGINEERS J.P.C41ITECTS PLANNERS CONSTRLICTCRS May 23. 2007 Mr. Ch:alus Homely-Principal Plain 11 RWtuil design and Project Management. Lt.0 12 goose Lau° Tolland. CT 06084 Re:Gray Water System DCI'#9 2 River Valley Market,Northampton MA. Project No.0130013055 Dear Mr. Rowdy: hdwards and Kelcey Architectural& Design Services.ine. tEK.ADS)is pleased to submit this Design Change Proposal(IX'P)for additional design:tail liSs titan'(work for submission oil-engineered dta'.'ingh �hhwinv what is prulws d fix-the(hay Water System under Section 3.04 Product. Design and'resting titsl d:-rds liaira raph 1:3)Special-permission to the Commonwealth Or Muti.'iidiuir;fts Stnte Mouthing Board. OUT gee to execute this lnsk is outlined tts 1i:14ows: Cirsu►bing Design,Board Review and Changes S531)0 Administration 55(X) Total $6,001) If this IX'P meets with yt7ur approval please sign a ropy and forward it to our office. The second copy is for your record. 1i'you have any questions, please do not hesitut.e to call. Very truly yours. EDW+ 'DS AN-KELCEY,Inc. , z-o. /pp Peter Pratt.P.E. Associate~Vice President At,'l'N:i''I`lS1)}S } tan R Re it esign d P rject Management,LLC NAME: ..��V 4 fiL TITTLE: �"COO HATE: '- DCP-2 Cray Water Svstc.rr►#sjw €0'd Z8€5 0L2 092 u5'Lsa0 l !--vg-all 9 ueLd dTz : TO LO—€Z—KvW PENR RFTAll DtSk N ANd PIiOJICI MANACiFMFNT, LLC 12 i:�,:;r;�r::. I_tir`cs • IcAonc1. CT Ck`>i 4 IRl. 860.8/0.5380 ri ii: CroiI@)Srler r{;r May 23, 2007 Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner Office of the Building Inspector Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: River Valley Market, Northampton, MA Dear Tony: The attached proposal has been expedited to pursue the required variance for the grey water system at the above-referenced location. In addition, I have attached a summary of responses to Larry Lepine's issues that were discussed on a conference call yesterday. In regards to Item 7 and 8, I have attached a cut of the Therma-stor hot water reclaim tank as well as stated the Massachusetts approval number of P3- 0706-348. This number will be labeled on the tank when it is delivered. Please call with any questions. Sincerely, Charles A. Bomely, Jr. End. RELAI'L�ESIt,N ZO'd Z$E5 OL8 098 u6!-saO L p1a21 9 uvLd dTZ : TO LO-EZ-/SEW • MAN 13 I41Ait I)t51liN ANd PuOjt(:1 MAN.CiFMFNT, ILL 12 (=:,r;:;;f: l r,r:- • Tc,llr rn:„ C I 0600/1 66(] 0/0 ')7)0() ---� (' 860.870 338) MAY 2 3 2007 FAX COVER SHEET DATE; May 23, 2007 TIME; 2:15 PM TO: ANTHONY PATILLO PHONE: 413,587.1240 NORTHAMPTON BLDG INSPECT FAX: 413.587.1272 FROM: CHUCK HOMELY PHONE: 860.870.5380 PLAN B RETAIL DESIGN FAX: 860.870.5382 RE: RIVER VALLEY MARKET, NORTHAMPTON, MA CC: Message: Attached for your review and use. Number of pages including cover sheet: 7 Note: If you do not receive the total number of pages submitted, please notify the sender_ ORIGINALS SENT: YES [ ] NO [X p : RE1 N 10'd ZeES OL8 098 u6Lsa❑ L '- 1- 9 ul?Ld dTZ : TO LO-£Z-SEW File#BP-2007-0960 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON H P CUMMINGS CONSTRUCTION CO ADDRESS/PHONE P O BOX 29 WARE (413)967-6251 PROPERTY LOCATION 330 NORTH KING ST MAP 13 PARCEL 038 001 ZONE HB THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Q� Fee Paid O1 Typeof Construction:_CONSTRUCT 15,000 SQ FT RIVER VALLEY MARKET PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BLDG New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 026952 /�n 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INF( MATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street ommission �✓ /air/ ,5- 200 Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. 4A BP-2007-0960 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category:NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2007-0960 Project# JS-2006-000095 Est. Cost: $3353991.00 Fee: $8000.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: 3B Contractor: License: Use Group: M H P CUMMINGS CONSTRUCTION CO 026952 Lot Size(sq.ft.): 130680.00 Owner: BILLMAR CORPORATION Zoning:HB Applicant: H P CUMMINGS CONSTRUCTION CO AT: 330 NORTH KING ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: P 0 BOX 29 (413) 967-6251 WC WAREMA01082 ISSUED ON:5/25/2007 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:CONSTRUCT 15,000 SQ FT RIVER VALLEY MARKET PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BLDG POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 5/25/2007 0:00:00 $8000.001 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Building Commissioner-Anthony Patillo 3,3a-41.7L D. F. VALENTE '14 ARCHITECT & PLANNER 571 MAIN STREET * REAR S O U T H M E D F O R D MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 02155-6552 TELEPHONE 781 - 395 - 0120 FACSIMILE 781 - 395 - 8702 DOMENIC F. VALENTE, A.I.A. FEBRUARY 14,2007 MAILED&FAXED MR.ANTHONY PATILLO BUILDING COMMISSSIONER OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 RE: RIVER VALLEY MARKETS NORTHAMPTON, MA PROJECT NO.PB-07-01 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, THE PLANS PREPARED BY PLAN B RETAIL DESIGN AND THIS OFFICE DATED NOVEMBER 30, 2005 FOR THE WORK ACCOMPANYING THE ATTACHED APPLICATION CONCERNING THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROJECT ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE AND ALL OTHER PERTINENT LAWS AND ORDINANCES. VERY TRULY YOURS, D.F.VALENTE,ARCHI ECT&PLANNER SEAL DOMENIC F.VALENTE,A.I.A. etc • GF.�/'L: DFVry "�'- ► - 7 • 1ASS. %�/ CC: PLAN B RETAIL(FAXED 1-860-870-5382) _ Bo ST N. w Ur`�`cNT}{OF ptP"%� / If .1.0-0 k 1 4,, 0 1 2 1 ____ __ _ 5•0044p . . .: . __ _ Gds' "D 7 vidj Mw 21. .itint vuL ( 0 In! . A 1.0.4 LjLY 0.0 wt./ Col L,,,,,f Y k'o o0 C.o-o r7 _ .... . ....._. —. 3Z r . ' '-f--------.-------- � -- N!• fi 11� : ,o a . • -___47.._ • . . . . ./- . . • _ . ___. • t - - 1 - - 1 --- I . . 1 Proposed Sign Design 1 _) Not to Scale �.• IU IVVG Rbck fall protection, erosion control,Tenax geosynthetics Page 1 of 1 TEfl, 413) 5(62-/voS TTE Geosynthetics HOME PAGE PRODUCTS j TE.CHNICAL'DOCS; ; CASE HISTORIES ASSISTANCE EMAIL Rock fall protection When a rock face slope is adjacent to public areas, roads and railways, the hazard of falling fragments may be controlled by cladding the face with TENAX RS 320 SAMP, bi-oriented geogrid. TENAX RS 320 geogrids are manufactured from a unique process of extrusion and biaxial orientation to enhance their tensile properties and they are stabilized to withstand long term U.V. exposure,thereby guaranteeing long term efficient protection. y '.y40 _16-e-- F T F F es � f N a a „ +^ .p..,.("'c y .^ GaH. :ve•G r a«-a.,:r.: _ �s F: Y ?"'t3> ., .. '{1•'e` 'Sycy... 1.. .fsSd. National road Kavalas-Ksanthis(Greece): Geogrid HDPE Ramsgate,Kent(GB): Cliff protection falling stones with to protect roads from falling of stones TENAX bioriented geogrids. ' TENAX R5 320,bi-oriented geogrids,are particularly useful to prevent rock and debris from falling on the roads and railways, due to their high tensile strength and modulus, excellent resistance to construction damage and environmental exposure to meet the strict requirements for this type of work. Furthermore, the geometry and flexibility of TENAX RS 320 geogrids allows strong mechanical Interlock and a perfect adherence to whatever kind of rock slope is to be reinforced, contained, and continuous protection against the falling of stones is required. Lengths of geogrid are fixed at the top and along the slope with anchors, the diameter and length of which is dependent on the type rock face strata. • No other system is cheaper and easier than Installing TENAX RS 320 SAMP HDPE geogrids against falling rocks and stones and to improve the growth of vegetation on the slope face. Ff ODUCTS -�— -__� ;CASE HISTORIES __ TENAX RS Rockfall protection of National_ Road Kavalas-Ksanthis(Greece)using TENAX RS_320,HDPE,eognds TENAX International B.V. •Geosynthetics Division — ✓—^ _ Via Ferruccio Pelli, 14 CH-6900 Lugano -Switzerland ialinfo4@tenax.net.Tel+41+91.9242485•Fax+41+91.9242489 TENAX SpA-Geosynthetics Technical Office(GTO) Viale Monza, 1-20127 Milano(MI) - Italy agto@tenax.net •Tel. +39 02.26113532•Fax+39 02.28971107 CO 2004 TENAX Group all rights reserved http://www.tenax.net/geosynthetics/erosion/rock_fall.htm 7/22/2005 Auedwoj spuetgA !n3v,,uy SNon i) 1QS`_)IZI 011 NI LiaciV J`I IMiH l070H AVAV V ;I o j, LI) o d 6) o N C - LL N N E- ,- ,- < Q J r a1 O ti — ,o 'O J O O Q Cr; L; Z Z V D U E ° 000 o 3 J M CO W Q C V) 'C a v) cn N 2 r o Q Q C1 OO a. CD M M co x t� Z Z O H X co CM J C7 U 0) O Q Q a (a C >+ O LL >' .Q O O O <111 n. Woa v o o EE £ R JJD J_Tip O O O O ca o w OQw 0<w d m v, Q a) I=(n r=m v; L � Q Ca JQ JQ O 3 N y QQm QQm d ++ w Qw oWQZ oWQZ Z LL LL I- co o2UQ Q20— E• W m~m W C? w as — a 0 Z W W o N o J Om>d Om>n_ ch o O F- � 2 LJ 2 F- L. 0 LL o o(~i) LO Lo O O O (n_ W (n- Q O O O WH W LQW I Y E-i IY W J 4 >-J >G) >(n- o <<007) <U)0 E Cl) L..• 0 U` .0 LL LL E 2 g W Z < m 05 L Y � Cl) 0 ill Z CI U J m > �l N � l� V W o Q= < A C /:©1 (0 a co I co o o \J U a a) F- F- =w Y W l 0 a 0 co in Cl) Q J Q z _ G O I E Auedwoj spuwagA rvv,,u Nary 11104 DNIII D 1 NI 3-1Jcw.rl ew `uolduaegpa L.r, z N ,,,•" ■'1 ii NdO1ON iesodoad 6u!iii 6 aT!S i o `_ c O N O C .* . N °° r c\1. Ta�aew ollen JoA!H W b �v' 0CL o c, - o •..., • 0 O O O • 0 0 0 0 : C O O O a 1 O O I. O O I O O I:. O O O o O O o 0 6� 4� r 0 0 0 0 0 i ��i 4.Pw+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A .*, � ���•/ c,..,'. u� ti v,, II o 0 /O '�� N + �j o O O 0 O =b,I U"1 .- I I' O O . 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Adj . factor due to Impeding mvmnt Movement Capacity -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3 - Single Stage Conflicting Flows Potential Capacity Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1 . 00 1 . 00 Cap. Adj . factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0 . 95 0 . 95 Movement Capacity Result for 2 stage process : a y C t Probability of Queue free St . 1 . 00 1 . 00 Step 4 : LT from Minor St. 7 10 Part 1 - First Stage Conflicting Flows Potential Capacity Pedestrian Impedance Factor Cap. Adj . factor due to Impeding mvmnt Movement Capacity Part 2 - Second Stage Conflicting Flows Potential Capacity Pedestrian Impedance Factor Cap. Adj . factor due to Impeding mvmnt Movement Capacity Part 3 - Single Stage Conflicting Flows 1379 Potential Capacity 161 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1 . 00 1 . 00 Maj . L, Min T Impedance factor 0 . 95 Maj . L, Min T Adj . Imp Factor. 0 . 96 Cap. Adj . factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0 . 86 0 . 95 Movement Capacity 153 Results for Two-stage process : a y C t 153 Worksheet 8-Shared Lane Calculations -- ---- - ----------Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R ---------- V-olume (vph) 45 49 Movement Capacity (vph) 153 454 Shared Lane Capacity (vph) `? Stagel Stage2 Stagel .. Stage2 Stagel Stage2 Stagel Stage2 V(c, x) s 1500 P (x) V(c, u, x) ___________________________________-----------------------------_ ___________ C (r,x) C (plat, x) Worksheet 6-Impedance and Capacity Equations ---------------- ---------- - --- ----- Step 1 : RT from Minor St. 9 12 --- ------ --- -- --- Conflicting Flows 680 Potential Capacity 454 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1 . 00 1 . 00 Movement Capacity 454 Probability of Queue free St. 1 . 00 0 . 89 Step 2 : LT from Major St. 4 1 Conflicting Flows 706 Potential Capacity 902 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1 . 00 1 .00 Movement Capacity 902 ' Probability of Queue free St. 1 .00 0 . 95 Maj L-Shared Prob Q free St. Step 3 : TH from Minor St. 8 11 Conflicting Flows Potential Capacity Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1 . 00 1 . 00 Cap. Adj . factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0 . 95 0 . 95 Movement Capacity Probability of Queue free St. 1 . 00 1 . 00 Step 4 : LT from Minor St. 7 10 Conflicting Flows 1379 Potential Capacity 161 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1 . 00 1 . 00 Maj . L, Min T Impedance factor 0 . 95 Maj . L, Min T Adj . Imp Factor. 0 . 96 Cap. Adj . factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0 . 86 0 . 95 Movement Capacity 153 Worksheet 7-Computation of the Effect of Two-stage Gap Acceptance ---- --- — -- ------- ---- ---- ---- --- Step 3 : TH from Minor St. 8 11 Part 1 - First Stage Conflicting Flows Potential Capacity Pedestrian Impedance Factor Cap. Adj . factor due to Impeding mvmnt Movement Capacity Probability of Queue free St. i y Total Saturation Flow Rate, s (vph) {C/f Arrival Type Effective Green, g (sec) Cycle Length, C (sec) Rp (from Exhibit 16-11) Proportion vehicles arriving on green P g (q1) g (q2) g (q) --- ---------- -- — ---- Computation 2-Proportion of TWSC Intersection Time blocked Movement 2 Movement 5 V(t) V(l,prot) V(t) V(l,prot) --- ------- -- ----------alpha beta Travel time, t (a) (sec) Smoothing Factor, F Proportion of conflicting flow, f Max platooned flow, V(c,max) Min platooned flow, V(c,min) Duration of blocked period, t (p) Proportion time blocked, p 0 . 000 0 . 000 Computation 3-Platoon Event Periods Result p (2) 0 .000 p(5) 0 . 000 p(dom) p (subo) Constrained or unconstrained? Proportion unblocked (1) (2) (3) for minor Single-stage Two-Stage Process movements, p (x) Process Stage I Stage II p(1) p (4) p(7) p(8) p (9) p (10) p (11) P(12) Computation 4 and 5 Single-Stage Process Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 L L L T R L T R — V c,x 706 1379 680 s Px V c,u, x C r,x C plat, x Two-Stage Process 7 8 10 11 Lane Width ( ft) 12 . 0 12 . 0 12 . 0 12 . 0 Walking Speed (ft/sec) 4 . 0 4 . 0 4 . 0 4 . 0 Percent Blockage 0 0 0 0 Upstream Signal Data ----- - -------- Prog. Sat Arrival Green Cycle Prog. Distance Flow Flow Type Time Length Speed to Signal vph vph sec sec mph feet S2 Left-Turn Through S5 Left-Turn Through Worksheet 3-Data for Computing Effect of Delay to Major Street Vehicles Movement 2 Movement 5 Shared In volume, major th vehicles : Shared In volume, major rt vehicles: Sat flow rate, major th vehicles: Sat flow rate, major rt vehicles: Number of major street through lanes: Worksheet 4-Critical Gap and Follow-up Time Calculation Critical Gap Calculation Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 L L L T R L T R t (c,base) 4 . 1 7 . 1 6 .2 t (c,hv) 1. 00 1 . 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1 . 00 1 . 00 1 . 00 P (hv) 0 0 0 t (c,g) 0 .20 0.20 0. 10 0 .20 0 .20 0. 10 Grade/100 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 t (3 , 1t) 0 . 00 0 .70 0 .00 t (c,T) : 1-stage 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 2-stage 0 . 00 0. 00 1. 00 1. 00 0.00 1. 00 1 . 00 0. 00 t (c) 1-stage 4 . 1 6 .4 6 .2 2-stage Follow-Up Time Calculations Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 L L L T R L T R t (f,base) 2 . 20 3 . 50 3 .30 t (f,HV) 0 . 90 0 . 90 0 . 90 0 . 90 0. 90 0 . 90 0 . 90 0. 90 P(HV) 0 0 0 t (f) 2 . 2 3 . 5 3 .3 Worksheet 5-Effect of Upstream Signals Computation 1-Queue Clearance Time at Upstream Signal Movement 2 Movement 5 V(t) V(1,prot) V(t) V(1, prot) V prog • (6 HCS2000 : Unsignalized Intersections Release 4 . 1d Mark B. Darnold The Berkshire Design Group, Inc . 4 Allen Place Northampton, MA 01060 Phone: Fax: E-Mail : TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL(TWSC) ANALYSIS Analyst: MSD Agency/Co. : Berkshire Design Group Date Performed: 11/23/2004 Analysis Time Period: PM Build w/ Left-Turn Lane Intersection: Jurisdiction: MHD Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: River Valley Market East/West Street: Site Access Drive North/South Street: N King street Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs) : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Movements 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume 47 605 655 51 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1 . 00 1.00 1 . 00 1 . 00 Peak-15 Minute Volume 12 151 164 13 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 47 605 655 51 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- -- -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 1 1 1 0 Configuration L T TR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street Movements 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume 45 49 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 1 . 00 1 . 00 Peak-15 Minute Volume 11 12 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 45 49 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage RT Channelized? No Lanes 1 1 Configuration L R ___Pedestrian Volumes and Adjustments__—______ --__ Movements 13 14 15 16 --- --------- - -- — -- ------ Flow (ped/hr) 0 0 0 0 HCS2000 : Unsignalized Intersections Release 4 . 1d I/6 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst : MSD Agency/Co. : Berkshire Design Group Date Performed: 11/23/2004 Analysis Time Period: PM Build w/ Left-Turn Lane Intersection: Jurisdiction: MHD Units : U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: River Valley Market East/West Street: Site Access Drive North/South Street: N King street Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs) : 0 .25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 14 5 6 L T R I L T R Volume 47 605 655 51 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1 . 00 1.00 1 . 00 1 . 00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 47 605 655 51 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- -- -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 1 1 1 0 Configuration L T TR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume 45 49 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 1 . 00 1. 00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 45 49 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage / / Lanes 1 1 Configuration L R Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 17 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config L I I L R v (vph) 47 45 49 C (m) (vph) 902 153 454 v/c 0 . 05 0 .29 0 . 11 95% queue length 0 . 16 1 . 15 0 . 36 Control Delay 9 . 2 38 . 0 13 . 9 LOS A E B Approach Delay 25 . 5 Approach LOS D Traffic Study for the Proposed River Valley Market Appendix Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis ror. "Yagritts r 3/3 Ati,414gs 7-42 At-Grade Intersections 100 RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANTED • 80 Z• � EE • o O 2 W a • E a6O P.M, o W WAVAisirg' • o RIGHT-TURN LANE cc 51 — � ? _ NOT WARRANTED > ~ I a1 Q 20 _ _ si) 100 200 300 400 500 • 600 7000 TOTAL DHV (VEHICLES PER HOUR) Reference: "Guidelines for Treatment of Right-Turn Movements on Rural Roads," Transportation Research Record 855, 1982. Note: For highways with a design speed below 50 mph and DHV <300 and Right Turns >40, an adjustment should be used. To read the vertical axis of the chart, subtract 20 from the actual number of right turns. Example Given: Design Speed = 40 mph DHV = 250 VPH Right Turns = 100 VPH Problem: Determine if a right-turn lane is warranted. Solution: To read the vertical axis, use 100-20 = 80 VPH. The figure indicates that a right-turn lane is not warranted, unless other factors (e.g., high accident rate) indicate a lane is needed. Figure 7-25(a). Right-Turn Warrants at Unsignalized Intersections on 2-Lane Highways 7-44 At-Grade Intersections ,_ • 1(-FANA. 7,21 V-lob V6164 fAti 6 700 ______V100:106 . .. : :3;:.T.::. T- .}.�,;;�� erg 0. � LEFT—TURN TREATMEN > 600 :�f::::,..:-1!i:.:..1.:: .: " WARRANTED (50 MPH) s ' :.o �: _...:- . .. r• w Q o ,.z`" .: .:* 1441' Z44 D ':W-''''..- 4'.::. .:.1!-..1t4.6..:-.. ill d .;,..,,..„.... .,... .. . ..„....._.> •_' _ _= 591 LEFT TURNS IN V k •= :. ...:,41A-5� "� > _ :. �: 7_ * ' 10% 1\ N » i"• c;'. " 15% I d =.s •kz b,+s. .r1•TS 4 : O . ., , _ 2096 » s 200 r.: ;. : ..,�gym=. .:--• Mi=�?'a�s..:R�:+�:��.'=izj:.:. 4:,.0,.,..96 LEFT—TURN TREATMENT': 100 NOT WARRANTED : f 1 I 100 200 300 400 N 500 600 (,I 700 4, N 'P V A ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) DURING DHV Reference: "Volume Warrants for Left-Turn Storage Lanes at Unsignalized Grade Intersections," Highway Research Record 211, 1967. • Figure 7-25(c). Volume Warrants for Left-Turn Lane at Unsignalized Intersections on 2-Lane Highways (50 mph) ._ r_. -,-....4,..q,..,- w, & „ The Landscape Architecture JOB R‘v.-cv...,..,y NAI\C-K*--T-- A 6.nt-,• t-i‘ ----= Berkshire Civil Engineering SHEET NUMB y R 1 I OF --=----- Design CALCULATED BY t--1.c r3 DATE k1-1'13- Planning 01 ...... Group,Inc. CHECKED BY V\ p+) DATE tt-N°1-0k-i Urban Design SCALE 4 Allen Place Enviromi/c/ital Services Northampton,Massachusetts 01060 0( -T 4 / enq n --) '-.°Na".4".1.1-.)4Tif--- N= SC.)1•A e Pi 3S t4;6 Lt 1 Ltz.ae, tleN_Ici_ r- t-zi \AAR ZAW q c,. 5 Ni . . . 1 _ S iTe." — — — —i scra- _ _ ....—. ,...—. ,. . ci to ; .....- 1 , ......, I; n ! F--..., ,, S 264E3 F2x1.A.J . — ria- 1.-Lk_ SGcD — ,--"Icycliz,,- 07- k!rik‘'')-T- C-TI -71--- Ki N P.o. ......... S 1- S. 6 . --I Yo::. 1 . .- : 43 1r, ....... ...... ....... _.... _ : ci. ,...:-„, io cm I 11L1 -ji o 1 ....., 7" c..) 7.- 1 1 . I. P, ,..1 -17 S Traffic Study for the Proposed River Valley Market Appendix Turn Lane Warrant Analysis — _&I . .6I3 Supermarket (850) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Number of Studies: 29 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 43 Directional Distribution: 51% entering, 49% exiting Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 11.51 5.32 - 20.29 4.76 Data Plot and Equation 1,000 X • • f�fM/ • X 900 II X 800 X XI in 700 X. X X lit X X 'a 600 ISc I— m X r X m 500 . "X X rn X X > 400 K xX X X X II 300— X X 200 X • 100 X • 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 X=1000 Sq.Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T)=0.870 Ln(X)+2.902 R2=0.77 Trip Generation,6th Edition 1523 Institute of Transportation Engineers 1 2/3 Supermarket (850) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: 7 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 25 Directional Distribution: 61% entering, 39% exiting Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 3.25 1.00 - 7.78 3.11 Data Plot and Equation 200 190 X 180 X 170 160 150 140-' W 130 n F— 120 0 t 110 100 rn 90 a) 80 H 1— 70 60 50 40 X X 30- 20 ' • • X 10 0 10 20 30 40 X= 1000 Sq.Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve - Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T)=1.696 Ln(X)-1.423 R2=0.51 Trip Generation,6th Edition 1522 Institute of Transportation Engineers t The Landscape Architecture JOB 12)"/cc vlQLA-cam( 1"\K7\YC,'f"T Berkshire Civil Engineering SHEET NUMBER 1 I OF 3 Design S Plannin CALCULATED BY M 1� DATE I- ___________ -I Qj-Dti Group,Inc. g CHECKED BY DATE Urban Design SCALE 4 Allen Place Environmental Services Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 ITC t_.40.1 caste C-ons.'" C3'5O - �a tzl�td�cKE`t' Fes, 16,000 V1k<As r LAM k.(AG 1.-A(X) — 1.Lkl5 w ,zt x_ 61°°°44- _ t5 poor 3.t7 Z3.8 = ,2. fie.-TA-.."fetes b\� K,,cE(1Nh 314 6rriwc. .- P.M. PcgK Kou<, ikQ e..FM-r'_._S"t5 -CAFE'►! t 15,o�sF LA(�) : 0.S7o L n (X) + 2.ci b Z. Wtt2e X 1 uaos� " 15 ly (T' = 5.258 >-c \\Z., AC ‹,?s 51, 6.1rct,Nr • = 1 Ltery 4rt11.JG1 = 1� Traffic Study for the Proposed River Valley Market Appendix Trip Generation Calculations Traffic Study for the Proposed December 2,2004 River Valley Market Department Highway Design Manual Table 3.11). Accordingly, the sight distance at the access to the proposed sight meets standard engineering guidelines. Geometry: The existing configuration of North King Street has a 40 ft wide pavement section with a 6.75' wide shoulder and 13.25' wide travel lane in each direction. This section of North King Street has a broken yellow center line which permits vehicular passing movements in either direction. It is likely that providing a left-turn lane in the existing roadway could be accomplished without requiring widening of the existing pavement. In such a case, the lane configuration at the intersection of the site could be as follows: Southbound: 4' wide shoulder; 11' wide travel lane Northbound: 4' wide shoulder, 11' wide travel lane, 10' left-turn lane. A minimum stacking length of 50 feet, or two vehicles, should be provided in the left- turn lane. The current passing zone would need to be eliminated and replaced with a double yellow center in each approach. Conclusions The proposed project consists of a 15,000 s.f. market with access to the site from North King Street (Routes 5 & 10). A turn-lane warrant analysis reveals that a left-turn lane in North King Street is warranted and would facilitate a traffic flow with a high LOS. A right-turn lane is marginally warranted but is not required. It is likely that the incorporation of a left-turn lane at the site entrance would not require widening of the existing pavement. Sight distance from the proposed site meets minimum engineering standards. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. 41- b'' Marc S. D'Urso, P.E. Project Engineer cc: File 4/4 Traffic Study for the Proposed December 2, 2004 River Valley Market Capacity Analysis: A capacity analysis of the unsignalized intersection at the entrance to the site was performed using the McTrans Center HCS2000 computer program for unsignalized intersections. The capacity analysis calculations are presented in the Appendix. The results of this analysis are presented in the table below. Table 1.Results of Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis During P.M Peak Level of Movement Delay(sec) Service Queue Length (LOS) Northbound Left Turn into Site 9.2 A I (calculated as 0.16) (w/Left-Turn Lane) Eastbound Left Turn out of 38.6 E' 2 (calculated as 1.22) Site Eastbound Right 13.8 B' 1 (calculated as 0.34) Turn out of Site 1. Overall LOS of eastbound approach:D The computations show that with a left-turn lane in the northbound direction the level of service for the left turning movement is A. The required stacking length in the left- turn lane is I vehicle, or 25 feet. We recommend, however, that a minimum of 50 feet be provided for stacking in the left-turn lane. As expected, the egress from the site will operate at a lower level of service. It is recommended that dedicated left and right turn lanes exiting the site be provided to maximize the efficiency of the egress. Site Distance: The entrance to the proposed project site will be located on the west side of North King Street. The sight distance for the site on North King Street is approximately 450 ft in the northbound direction and over 500 ft in the southbound direction. North King Street is straight along the frontage of the site and has a width of 40' with no major visual obstruction that would impair sight distance. The required minimum stopping sight distance for a design speed of 50 mph is 375 FT (Massachusetts Highway 3/4 Traffic Study for the Proposed December 2, 2004 River Valley Market Turn Lane Warrant Analysis: This turn lane warrant analysis was performed based on the criteria set forth in the Massachusetts Highway Department's (MHD) Highway Design Manual (U.S. Customary Units Version: MDPW Highway Design Manual). Traffic volume counts for North King Street were performed by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB, Memorandum dated 11/10/03) and are utilized for this warrant analysis. VHB reports that the 85th percentile speed for North King Street in the northbound and southbound directions is 46-50 mph. As such, 50 mph was taken as the design speed for this analysis. The turn-lane warrant analysis is based on VHB's 2008 No Build traffic projections for North King Street. The 2008 Build projections for the Market where calculated by applying the trip generation estimations to the 2008 No Build projections. Traffic distribution was estimated based on the distribution determined by the VHB study. These calculations are presented in the Appendix. Left-Turn Lane Warrant Analysis: The MHD Highway Design Manual was utilized to evaluate the minimum requirements for a left-turn lane. The traffic volumes and movements presented in the Appendix where applied to Figure 7-25(c) Volume Warrants for Left-Turn Lane at Unsignalized Intersections on 2-Lane Highways (50 mph) from the MHD manual. Based on the projected build conditions, a left-turn lane is warranted in the P.M. peak hour. However, a left-turn lane is not warranted in the A.M. peak hour. Given that, without a left-turn lane, northbound traffic will need to come to a complete stop or encroach in the roadway shoulder by attempting to pass a stopped vehicle waiting to make a left turn into the site, it is our opinion that a left-turn lane is warranted. Right-Turn Lane Warrant Analysis: The traffic volumes and movements presented in the Appendix where applied to Figure 7-25(a) Right-Turn Warrants at Unsignalized Intersections on 2-Lane Highways (50 mph) from the MHD manual. Based on the projected build conditions, a right-turn lane is not warranted in the A.M. peak hour. The figure indicates that a right-turn lane is marginally warranted in the P.M. peak hour. However, given the nature of the right turn, i.e. southbound traffic may be slowed but not stopped; it is our opinion that a right turn lane will not be required. 2/4 The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. December 2, 2004 Ms. Rochelle Prunty River Valley Market P.O. Box 1245 Northampton, MA 01061 RE: Traffic Study for the Proposed River Valley Market Dear Ms.Prunty: The following traffic report presents the analysis and evaluation of the expected traffic impact of the proposed River Valley Market (the site). The proposed location of the project is on North King Street (Routes 5 & 10) in Northampton, Massachusetts (see locus map). The project consists of a 15,000 s.f. market with associated parking, open space, and site utilities. The analysis evaluates the anticipated vehicle trips generated by the proposed Market and presents a warrant analysis for left and right turn lanes in North King Street. Existing Conditions: The site is located on the west side of North King Street. The site is currently an abandoned quarry consisting of vegetation and a rock cliff along its south, west, and north boundaries. The site does not currently generate traffic flow. Access to the site is off of North King Street. Average Vehicle Trips Generated by the Project: Landscape Architecture The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation manual, 6th Edition, was utilized to determine the peak hour vehicle trips for both the a.m. peak and p.m. Civil Engineering peak hours. The expected traffic volumes generated by the project were calculated by Planning application of the ITE trip rate for a Supermarket, land use code (LUC) 850. The fitted curve equations reported by ITE were applied for the weekday a.m. peak hour and the Urban Design weekday p.m. peak hour of adjacent street traffic. The results of these calculations are presented below (see the Appendix for calculations). Environmental Services During A.M. Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic: Vehicle Trips Generated by Market= 15 Entering; 9 Exiting; 24 Total During P.M. Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic: Vehicle Trips Generated by Market=98 Entering; 94 Exiting; 192 Total 4 Allen Place Northampton,Massachusetts 01060 Telephone(413)582-7000 Facsimile(413) 582-7005 E-mail bdg@berkshiredesign.com s* 13-038-001 13-064-001 18-004-001 BILLMAR CORPORATION CAHILLANE JAMES & J DULONG DAVID I & PAUL A 395 SPERRY RD SKIBISKI LABBEE BETHANY, CT 06524 P 0 BOX 381 189 PANTRY RD NORTHAMPTON, MA 01061 HATFIELD, MA 01038 13-095-001 13-059-001 13-035-001 DULONG MARION C & LABBEE PAUL A & DAVID I LAZZARINI ZITA KATHRYN M DULONG 370 NORTH KING ST 189 PANTRY RD 285 NORTH KING STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 HATFIELD, MA 01038 NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 13 036-001 13-029-001 18-003-001 THIBAULT WAYNE G & WENTWORTH GORDON H NILES JASON C & SUSAN E 360 NORTH KING ST FRANCES M TRUSTEE OF NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 830 CHESTERFIELD RD P 0 BOX 381 FLORENCE, MA 01062 NORTHAMPTON, MA 01061 . 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES ✓ NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: 4' >.8' .. .. L-(b5 . 022 OE ftEi►1aoep%) Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES ✓ NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: 1?) tIC 'E?#'VEEP 11. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavDn, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES ✓ NO IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required: 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION . This column reserved for use by the Building Department EXISTING PROPOSED , �,,e e a a:t . Lot Size . ' /32 // S SF /3Z r t i S S 5F -c Y, Frontage --. ._T u 4 v Setbacks Front ..- 551-a" V /Q Side L: — R: — L: Za,' ±R: 6,o' ^ . s r '� Rear 65 Building Height /-S'TORY.t •° ` • 35' MAX. '�`-7. Building Square Footage °44{ '". `",-" �;, �� 270 'r -* H> �4.,.-h. Q4,*, %Open Space: (lot arearx ,,- minus building&paved 6-o7 '- S7 parking :.. . r x #of Parking Spaces t-.1----,,,, -i - #of Loading Docks `' `' ' `- Z Fill: 3 coo r (volume& location) PAAKg&Kr EGA _ 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. , Date: 7.(1.15" .Applicant's Signature ...t -.) !f-ZP. NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Historic and Architectural Boards,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. o W:\Documents\FORMS\original\Building-InspectorZoning-Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/4/2004 �n 1 g 2005 ; / f File No. OA l0 40(0 v ,.. '"" ,,_..e..:-. �.�-,.•.: � .,s x..r. •t. ..' E__—Pieaselype or print all information and return this form to the Building Inspector's Office with the $15 filing fee (check or money order)payable to the City of Northampton 1. Name of Applicant: CN ev Jar' fr A . ET 4/o. T1tE Ce.KK.S14 VesKrA c der Address: '4 AugA f'L Nstil14AN , /Wk Ol660 Telephone: 4%3-582-1000 2. Owner of Property: -4- i.4 Q. Colt?. • Address: 41' 5- SfE .'( (zP. t=3010014 61,5Z4 Telephone: f-03 387- t41b 3. Status of Applicant: Owner 'Contract Purchaser Lessee ✓ Other (explain) 4. Job Location: (3O t ‘GtrJCT ST. (we 13 38 _ .-,.w.}- ."3z'o7 s x°'3 '-F_ c w ,k�3 `�!- - m•- ,.i,w-ate- z i m -�. 1' p ter`'-r { --9 R !i S® ' ti`s ff 9e a y-•s. ",xic 'r "..` -, 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: VAvA$T (fol2MEe-. 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): 44kY mAttKEr sat - {yr3s4.Y'1E- c ofe flU tWh UAL 6goc.EF.S( lAc5 MEG / .∎e-4A j CAFE , /....pAot acT 6412-EAs tyriLti ISS -vO cE� �nh�JAGrcr�EaT_ 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan .✓ Engineered/Surveyed Plans 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW ✓ YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9.Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO ✓ DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained , date issued: (Form Continues On Other Side) W:\Documents\FORMS\original\Building-Inspector\Zoning Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/4/2004 • File#MP-2006-0006 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON Berkshire Design Group ADDRESS/PHONE 4 Allen Place (413) 582-7000 PROPERTY LOCATION NORTH KING ST MAP 13 PARCEL 038 001 ZONE SR THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZON G FORM F ED OUT i Pai �r� .TA Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: ZPA-RIVER VALLEY MARKET SITE New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENT' ED: Approved dditional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ 5. 2� /0 /1 Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR S • Permit with Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Co 'ssion //44)0C-.. Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information. MAJOR PROJECTS MUST ALSO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING MAJOR PROJECT APPROVAL CRITERIA: 9. Does the project incorporate 4 foot sumps into the storm water control system? YES j-- NO(explain why) 10. Will the project discharge stormwater into the City's storm drainage system? ()C YES (Discharge to State Highway drainage system) n NO(answer the following) Do the drainage calculations submitted demonstrate that the project has been designed so that there is no increase in peak flows from pre-to post-development conditions during the: 1,2,or 10 year Soil Conservation Service design storm? r YES (Draiange report/calculations submitted to DPW per Stormwater Permit) j- NO(if"no",explain why) 11. Will all the runoff from a 0.4 inch rainstorm(first flush)be detained on-site for an average of 6 hours? n YES First flush treatment will be accomplished through use of deep sump catch basins and stormwater treatment jX NO(if"no",explain why) chambers; see drainage report. 12. Is the applicant requesting a reduction in the parking requirements? 1.._ YES . If"yes",what steps have been taken to reduce the need for parking,and number of trips per day? {' NO 13.Traffic Study: Estimated daily and peak hour vehicles trips generated by the proposed use, traffic patterns for vehicles and pedestrians showing adequate access to and from the site and surrounding intersections,and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the site. See attached. What mitigation is proposed for incremental impacts? The Applicant and the City have agreed to an appropriate monetary contribution as mitigation for incremental traffic impacts. 4/1/2005 1:21 PM 7 003.pdf ii. Does the project require more than one driveway cut? X NO 1 YES(if"yes",explain why) iii. Are pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic separated on-site? X YES [ NO(if"no",explain why) oo Applicants for Intermediate Site Plan Approval ONLY,stop here. °o,! SPECIAL PERMIT Applications and MAJOR PROJECT applications MUST also contain the>following: G. Explain why the requested use will: i. Not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district or adjoining zones: The proposed use is consistent with other commercial uses in the Highway Business Zone to the south. ii. not be detrimental to the health,morals or general welfare: As a natural foods grocery store,the project is not detrimental to the health, morals, or general welfare. iii. be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance: The project is consistent with both the letter and spirit of the City's zoning ordinance. H. Explain how the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely affect those objectives, defined in City master study plans(Open Space and Recreation Plan; Northampton State Hospital Rezoning Plan;and Downtown Northampton:Today,Tomorrow and the Future). As a local community grocery cooperative, the requested use will not adversely affect planning objectives. The site is not identified as proposed open space (action plan) in the City's Open Space and Recreation Plan (2000-2004). Applicants for Intermediate Special Permit Approval ONLY,stop O° here. 4/1/2005 1:21 PM 6 003.pdf C. How will the proposed use promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to: i. the natural landscape: The site plan is being accommodated in the existing ledge cut; additonal ledge removal will be minimzed and no disturbance is proposed above the ledge slopes. The building is being proposed as a"green building" ii.to existing buildings: No buildings exist on site. iii. other community assets in the area: The proposed use will not affect other community assets. D. What measures are being taken that show the use will not overload the City's resources,including: i. water supply and distribution system: As a green building project, use of municipal water will be reduced by conservation measures. This will include collection of rooftop rainwater for on-site reuse. ii. sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systems: Sanitary sewage and stormwater management will be coordinated/permitted through the Department of Public Works,to insure it will not overload the City's resources. iii. fire protection,streets and schools: The project will meet current fire protection codes; it will not impact schools. How will the proposed project mitigate any adverse impacts on the City's resources, as listed above? n/a E. List the section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance that states what special regulations are required for the proposed project(flag lot,common drive,lot size averaging,etc.) n/a How does the project meet the special requirements?(Use additional sheets if necessary) F.State how the project meets the following technical performance standards: i. Curb cuts are minimized: One curb cut is proposed. Check off all that apply to the project: ( use of a common driveway for access to more than one business use of an existing side street r" use of a looped service road 4/1/2005 1:21 PM 5 003.pdf 7. Describe proposed project/work below: Consumer cooperative natural grocery store (retail) and associated cafe, parking, loading, utilities, stormwater management, planting and lighting. 8. Site Plan and Special Permit Approval Criteria. (if any permit criteria does not apply,explain why.) A. How will the requested use protect adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses? How will the project provide for: i. surface water drainage: Existing drainage patterns will be retained and stormwater will be detained on-site. ii. sound and sight buffers: An existing ledge cliff(approx 70'ht.) surrounds the site on 3 sides and will serve as a sight and sound buffer to adjoining properties. iii. the preservation of views, light and air: Due to ledge and topography of the site, views, light and air will not be detrimentally altered B. How will the requested use promote the convenience and safety of pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets? i. How will the project minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area? Turning lanes will be provided in North King Street to minimize traffic conflicts. ii. Where is the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets? The driveway will enter perpendicullarly from North King Street on the southern portion of the site and will include 2 exit lanes to facilitate traffic circulation. iii. What features have been incorporated into the design to allow for: a. access by emergency vehicles: The site plan has been reviewed by the Fire Dept.; Emergency vehicles may access via the main entrance as well as limited access via a pedestrian route b. the safe and convenient arrangement of parking and loading spaces: Loading areas are separated from main parking areas; parking is organized to minimize pedestrian circulation across parking aisles. c. provisions for persons with disabilities: The project proposes an accessible route from a proposed North King Street sidewalk as well as on-site accesible parking. 4/1/2005 1:21 PM 4 003.pdf Existing and proposed topography(for intermediate projects the permit granting authority may accept C generalized topography instead of requiring contour lines)showing: a. two foot contour intervals b. wetlands,streams,surface water bodies c. drainage swales and floodplains d. unique natural land features I-" Location of: a. parking and loading areas b. public and private ways c. driveways and walkways d. access and egress points e.proposed surfacing ( Location and description of: a. all stormwater drainage/detention facilities b. water quality structure c. public and private utilities/easements d. sewage disposal facilities e.water supply facilities I- Existing and proposed: a. landscaping,trees and plantings(size and type of plantings) b. stone walls c.buffers and/or fencing (` Signs: existing and proposed: a. Location b.dimensions/height c. color and illumination r Provisions for refuse removal,with facilities for screening of refuse when appropriate r Lighting: a. Location b. Details c. Photometric Plan showing no more than 0.5 foot candle at property line An erosion control plan and other measures taken to protect natural resources&water supplies (major projects only) Estimated daily and peak hour vehicles trips generated by the proposed use,traffic patterns for vehicles and fl pedestrians showing adequate access to and from the site,and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the site(major projects only) I understand that I will file this application with the City Clerk's Office first,then with the Northampton © Planning and Development Office. 4/U2005 1:21 PM 3 003.pdf 6. Check boxes below indicating that you have provided the following documentation: X Site Vicinity Map/Plan X Site or Plot Plan at 1"=40'or greater © Filing Fee(which includes the advertising fee)made Payable to the City of Northampton($185 or$335) X Owner's Signature on Application Form or letter from owner authorizing applicant to sign on behalf of owner *`will be provided Stamped,Self Addressed(to owner and applicant)Envelope(s) X 16 complete packages collated&stapled (original and 15 copies) Two sets of stamped envelopes addressed to each of the abutters within 300'and planning boards in adjacent towns(the abutters list can be found at www.northamptonma.gov/opd/). If within 300'of a neighboring town, X the envelopes must include the abutters within said town. The return address of all the envelopes should be labeled as: Planning and Development,City of Northampton,City Hall,210 Main Street,Room 11, Northampton,MA 01060-3198. • A printed list of all abutters(from above section). © Zoning Permit Review Form with Building Inspector's endorsement and application. Site Plans for major projects prepared and stamped by a Registered Architect,Landscape Architect,or Professional © Engineer(At least 1 plan must have an original stamp;remaining plans must either have an original stamp or copy of original stamp.) Folded Plans-all plans 11'x 17'or larger must be folded and collated with each appplication(If 24'x 36'plan © sheets are included,they may contain 7 full sets with the remaining 9 at 11'x 17'size.) © Traffic Study(Applicable to major projects) Stormwater Management Plan,including soils information and depth to groundwater(Applicable to major © projects) **Stormwater Management Plan submitted directly to DPW for review per Stormwater Permit • Building Elevations **elevations will be provided © Lighting,if applicable WAIVER REQUEST. All items below are required unless a waiver is requested.To request a waiver for an ❑item,check the item and provide your reason for requesting a waiver. [� Site plan(s)at a scale of 1"=40'or larger Name and address of the owner and the developer,name of project,date and scale plans: I— Plan showing Location and boundaries of: a. the lot,with adjacent streets or ways b. all properties and owners within 300 feet c.all zoning districts within 300 feet Existing and proposed: a.buildings b. setbacks from property lines c.building elevations d. all exterior entrances and exits(elevation plans for all exterior facades structures are encouraged) (— Present and proposed use of: a. the land b. building 003.pdf 4/1/2005 1:21 PM e I Print Form o PLANN,N ,,,,,e 0.t 4AM!-3.-0. o f~r�&.i''. ~,�� CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ii: --�{ ' �rr�� PLANNING BOARD APPLICATION ie �RTMAMTO G All of the following information is required. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. If you wish to review application materials with the Senior Planner prior to submission,please call 413-587-1287. 1.Project Type(Check Box) Information is located on Building In spector's Review Form,which is a prerequisite to filing this application Intermediate Projects($185.00) or Major Projects($335.00) -New construction or additions of 2,000-4,999 -New construction or additions of 5,000+gross sq. ft. gross square footage (excluding single family - Commercial Parking lots and parking garages homes and agricultural uses) -Take-out restaurants and convenience stores(Except - Projects requiring 6-9 additional parking spaces in the Central Business District) - Planned Village Projects that are not a Major -Automobile service stations Project -Projects that require 10+additional parking spaces Flag lots(additional fee required) -Residential Incentive and Planned Business Park projects E Site Plan (complete 1-8F) I— Site Plan (complete 1-13) E Special Permit with Site Plan(complete 1-8H) lX Special Permit with Site Plan(complete 1-13) 2. Permit is Requested Under Zoning Ordinance Section(s) and Page(s) From 5_2 /i 10 / I 11 / ./_ _/4 Building Inspector's Review Form Section/Page Section/Page Section/Page Section/Page Section/Page 3. Parcel Information Address: North King Street 13, 38 2nd Map#,Parcel#: Zoning District: Assessor Identification:Map#,Parcel#: (if appli ble) HB Recorded in Hampshire Registry of Deeds or Land Court Book:1 1337 Page: 1 407 4.Applicant Information 5.Owner Information(if different from Applicant) Name Northampton Community Cooperative gillmar Corp. Market. Inc d/bla River Valley Market Address PO Box 1245, Northampton, MA 01061 395 Sperry Rd.. Bethany, CT 06524 Telephone 802-722-4212 1203-387-1476 Email rochelle @sover.net I Fax 802-722-4213 Status of (" Owner f Contract Purchaser Applicant IX Lessee Other: 7/ /°c Signature Date Signature Date I certify: the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge; the abovesigned owner(s) grant the Board and its agents permission to enter the property to review this application; I understand all documents will be entered into the public record and will be available on the internet; I understand that if neighboring issues have not been addressed/ resolved prior the hearing, the Board will continue the hearing. 4/1/2005 1:21 PM I 003.pdf 1 4 03 F APPLICATION IAL PERMIT 8 FOR SITE PLAN AP P R O VA L SPEC River Valley market A LOCALLY GROWN COMMUNITY FOOD CO.OP at North King St. Northampton, MA July 25, 2005 Prepared for. Northampton Community Cooperative Market, Inc d/b/a River Valley Market PO Box 1245 Northampton, MA 01061 Prepared by: The Berkshire Design Group,Inc. 4 Allen Place Northampton,MA 01060 Tel 413-582-7000 Fax 413-582-7005