Upper Ridge Geotech Report 6-17-2013 ss EnvironmentalSafetyHealthGeotechnical 293BridgeStreet Suite500 [ A S S O C I A T E S ] Springfield,MA01103 Tel4137886222 Fax4137888830 www.otoenv.com J2001-02-01 June 17, 2013 Mr. Jonathan Wright Wright Builders, Inc. 48 Bates Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Re: Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations Report The Upper Ridge at Village Hill Northampton, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Wright: We are pleased to present this report providing geotechnical recommendations for the proposed Upper Ridge at Village Hill development, to be located on a portion of the former Northampton State Hospital Site in Northampton, Massachusetts. We understand that the project will consist of seven residential structures, which will be located off of Village Hill Road and Ford Crossing. Our services consisted of the observation of borings and test pits, review of the logs and of the collected samples, engineering analyses, and preparation of this report. Concurrently with this study, we also conducted a Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, which are submitted under separate cover. This report is subject to the attached limitations. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The project Site presently consists of a grassy vacant property located within the Village Hill Complex, which is located off Prince Street (Route 66) in Northampton, Massachusetts. The Site was formerly part of the Northampton State Hospital Campus. Based upon plans reviewed, structures formerly located within the project limits included the main complex building, the cafeteria, and a store house. A building identified as “small garage” was located in the western portion of the Site, south of the remaining Coach Barn structure. These structures were all demolished within the last 10 years. The proposed construction will consist of the following: two (2) 4-unit Greek Revival Townhomes (Buildings A & B); two (2) 3-unit Craftsman Townhomes (Buildings C & D); one (1) Craftsman 2-family Townhome (Building E); and two (2) 6-unit Arts & Crafts flats (Buildings F and G), and seven garage structures. The locations of these structures are shown on Figure 2. Each new residential structure will have a footprint of between approximately 1,300 and 3,400 square feet and will be between two and three stories high, with a basement. With the exception of building F, the basements will be below grade. Building F will contain a below grade parking, which will match exterior grades on the western side. The *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 7KH8SSHU5LGJHDW9LOODJH+LOO 1RUWKDPSWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH [ A S S O C I A T E S ] structures will be wood-framed and loads are expected to be relatively light. Each garage structure will have a footprint of approximately 1,000 square feet and will consist of a one-story, slab-on-grade, wood-framed structure. The locations of the proposed buildings are shown on Figure 2. In general, Site topography slopes gently downward from the northwest (maximum elevation of 236 feet) to the south and southeast (minimum elevation of 218 feet). Based upon slab elevations provided to us, it appears that excavations for basements will be up to 13 feet deep. In addition two retaining walls, up to 6 feet in height, will be located along the west side of Building F, to achieve exterior grade transitions. We understand that minor cuts and fills (up to five feet) will be needed to achieve final Site grading. These estimations are based on information provided to OTO at the time of the investigations and are subject to change during final design. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS Subsurface explorations consisted of soil borings and test pits. Boring and test pit locations are described in Table 1 and shown on Figure 2. Soil Borings Seventeen soil borings (VH-1 through VH-17) were performed on May 1 through 3 and May 6 and 7, 2013 by Seaboard Drilling of Chicopee, Massachusetts. The borings were performed using a Mobile B-53 truck mounted rig equipped with hollow stem augers, and were completed to a depth of between 2 and 37 feet below existing ground surface. An O’Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc. (OTO) field engineer observed and logged each boring. Boring locations are shown on Figure 2. Boring logs are attached. In general, soil samples were collected on a continuous or semi-continuous basis in the upper eight to ten feet, at a depth of ten feet and every five feet thereafter. Soil samples were collected using a 2-inch diameter split spoon sampler driven 24-inches with a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches (American Society for Testing and Materials Test Method D1586-99 “Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils”). The number of blows required to drive the sampler each six inches was recorded. The standard penetration resistance, or N-value, is the number of blows required to drive the sampler the middle 12 inches. Soil properties, such as strength and density, are related to the SPT blow count. After drilling, bore holes were backfilled with soil cuttings. Two borings (VH-3 and VH-10) were completed as groundwater monitoring wells. The wells were constructed of two-inch diameter PVC. The groundwater monitoring wells were installed approximately 24 feet below grade, with a ten foot well screen positioned to intersect the groundwater table. The annulus between the well and boring sidewall was filled with filter sand. A bentonite seal was placed above the sand and the wells were finished with a steel curb box at grade. Well locations are shown on Figure 2 and details of the well installation are shown on the boring logs. 3DJH *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 7KH8SSHU5LGJHDW9LOODJH+LOO 1RUWKDPSWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH [ A S S O C I A T E S ] Test Pits Nineteen test pits were performed on May 6 and May 7, 2013 by Duffy Willard Paving and Excavating of Northampton, Massachusetts. The test pits were performed using a John Deere 310SE backhoe equipped with a ¼ cubic yard bucket. The test pits extended to a depth of 8 to 14 feet below ground surface and were terminated upon dense soil conditions. An OTO field engineer observed and logged each test pit. Test pit locations are shown on Figure 2. Test pit logs and photographs are attached. Environmental Field Screening The headspace of soil samples collected from the borings and test pits were screened in the field using a photo-ionization detector (PID). PID screening provides a qualitative assessment of volatile organic content of the samples. PID readings are provided on the boring logs. In summary, the readings were 1 ppm or below the instrument detection limit. These readings are indications of natural, background conditions. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions were generally consistent between borings and with depth, and are generally favorable for the proposed construction. The ground surface consists of either grass or vegetated topsoil, granular fill at the surface, or paved parking, access or roadways. Topsoil was encountered in 12 of the 17 borings and 8 of the 19 test pits. The topsoil layer ranged in thickness between one and twelve inches; however, larger amounts of topsoil may be present in other areas of the Site. Granular fill was encountered at the ground surface in the remainder of the location. Borings and or test pits were not performed in paved areas. In 15 of the 17 borings and 14 of the 19 test pits (exception of VH-3, VH-10 and TP-1, TP-2, TP-3, TP-12 and TP-14), between 2 and 12.5 feet of granular fill, with little to trace amounts of debris (brick, ash, concrete), was encountered at the ground surface. Wood and metal was occasionally observed in the borings and test pits. The fill was generally medium dense to dense; however, fill encountered between a depth of six and eight feet in boring VH-6 was observed to be loose. Refusal was encountered in test pit TP-4 at a depth of 7.8 feet below ground surface, on what appeared to be large concrete or granite blocks. An abandoned brick structure, assumed to be a former storm drain, was encountered at approximately nine feet below grade in test pit TP-9. Refusal within the fill layer upon buried cobbles and boulders was encountered in borings VH-9 and VH-11 at a depth of four and three feet below ground surface, respectively. Test pits TP-10 and TP-11 confirmed the presence of cobbles and boulders at these locations. The depth to the bottom of the fill layer and corresponding elevations are presented in Table 1. In borings VH-1 through VH-4 and VH-14, the fill layer was underlain by a natural, medium dense, fine sand with varying amounts of medium sand and silt, which extended to a depth of between 6 and 20 feet below ground surface. In boring VH-3 (which is located in the southeast corner of site, at Building E), this layer was underlain by soft to medium stiff, varved silt and clay. Glacial till was encountered across the site, starting at a depth of between 2 and 35 feet below ground surface. Glacial till is a very dense, 3DJH *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 7KH8SSHU5LGJHDW9LOODJH+LOO 1RUWKDPSWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH [ A S S O C I A T E S ] heterogeneous mixture of silt, clay, sand and gravel, and is generally present immediately above bedrock throughout New England. The glacial till extended to the maximum depth explored (between 10 and 37 feet below ground surface). During drilling and the subsequent groundwater sampling, groundwater was observed in borings/monitoring wells VH-3 and VH-10, at an approximate depth of 16 and 17 feet below ground surface, which corresponds to elevations of 201.5 and 211 feet, respectively. Groundwater was not encountered in the other borings and test pits; therefore, indicating localized perched groundwater is present at the Site. Note that in times of wet weather, perched groundwater may be encountered across the Site. Therefore, perched groundwater may be encountered during construction, and the buildings should be designed to control groundwater. Recommendations are provided below. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS In addition to the geotechnical study, environmental services were performed to address concerns regarding the past use of the Site. Services included a Phase I/Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, field screening of soils, analysis of soil samples, the installation of two well and the collection and analysis of groundwater samples. The Phase I/Phase II ESA is provided under separate cover; however, a summary of the environmental testing is provided below. PID Screening The headspace of soil samples, collected in the upper 20 feet, was screened in the field using a photoionization detector (PID). PID screening provides a qualitative assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of the samples. PID readings are provided on the boring logs. In summary, the readings were 1 ppm or below the instrument detection limit. These readings are indications of natural, background conditions. Soil Testing and Results A total of ten soil samples collected from the near surface fill layer of selected borings and test pits were submitted to Con-test Analytical Laboratory in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts for laboratory analysis of one or both of the following: EPH by MassDEP methods and RCRA 8 metals by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methods 6010C and 7471B. Total chromium was detected in soil boring VH-4 (2’-4’) at a concentration of 31 milligrams per kilogram (mg/Kg), which is above the MassDEP reportable concentration of 30 mg/kg for chromium in RCS-1 soils. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), analyzed through the EPH by MassDEP method, were detected in soil boring VH-5 (0’- 2’) above reportable concentrations for RCS-1 soils. However, the debris fill contained ash at this location and the results are consistent with the MassDEP ash fill background concentrations. Therefore, it is our opinion that the reported concentrations of metals and PAHs are consistent with ash fill and are exempt from reporting requirements in the MCP. 3DJH *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 7KH8SSHU5LGJHDW9LOODJH+LOO 1RUWKDPSWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH [ A S S O C I A T E S ] Groundwater Testing and Results Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells (VH-3 and VH-10) on May 21, 2012. The samples were analyzed for EPH, volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In summary, only one constituent, EPH range C19 –C36 Aliphatics, was detected above the laboratory detection limit. However, the concentration detected is well below the RCGW-2 reporting standard and thus, is not significant. GEOTECHNICAL ISSUES The significant geotechnical issues for the proposed construction addressed in this report are the presence of near surface fill, foundation bearing capacity and settlement, earthquake considerations, pavement design, the placement of fill beneath building pads, and groundwater control. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are provided for the assumed construction described above. Existing Fill Materials As described above, buildings of the former Northampton State Hospital were formerly located at the Site. These buildings were demolished within the last 10 years. In areas of the Site, the building materials were apparently crushed and re-used as fill consistent with the MassDEP ABC (Asphalt pavement, brick and concrete) solid waste recycling guidance. Based upon our investigations, it appears that the fill was generally placed and compacted properly. Based upon the proposed construction, it appears that most of the fill will be removed during excavations for the basements. In areas, where the fill extends below the footing depth, we recommend that the fill be removed and replaced with sand and gravel fill. In our opinion, any fill beneath the basement slabs can remain in place, provided it consists of properly crushed and placed materials and is proof compacted to treat any loose areas that may be present. If oversized materials or fill inconsistent with the MassDEP re-use guidelines is encountered, we recommend that the fill is removed from beneath the footprint of the building and replaced with compacted sand and gravel. The approximate depths to the bottom of fill at each boring and test pit location are presented in Table 1. Based upon these data, it appears that up to eight feet of fill will remain below Buildings C and D. 3DJH *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 7KH8SSHU5LGJHDW9LOODJH+LOO 1RUWKDPSWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH [ A S S O C I A T E S ] Foundations The proposed buildings can be founded on normal spread footing foundations bearing on the medium dense sand deposits encountered in the borings or compacted sand and gravel fill. As described above, we recommend that the surface fill layer be removed from beneath the footings, and the underlying native soils should be densified prior to footing construction. Provided these recommendations are followed, a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 3,500 pounds per square foot can be used for design. If wet, soft or disturbed soils are present locally within footing excavations, they should be removed and replaced with compacted sand and gravel or crushed stone, as described below. We recommend that exterior footings be embedded a minimum of 48 inches below the lowest adjacent grade for frost protection. Continuous footings should be at least 18 inches wide, and isolated column footings should be at least 24 inches wide. All other applicable requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code (MSBC)should be followed. We anticipate that settlements of footings and slabs bearing on medium dense native soil or compacted fill should be small and largely elastic in nature. We anticipate that maximum settlements under static loads should be 1/2 inch or less and should occur relatively quickly after load application (during construction). If winter construction occurs, footings should not be placed on frozen soils. Footing excavations should be free of loose or disturbed materials. Any debris, boulders, or cobbles larger than 4 inches diameter should be removed from within one foot of the bottom of the footings and replaced with sand and gravel fill. Note that numerous cobbles and boulders were encountered in some areas of the Site, and large excavations may result from the removal of these oversized materials. If loose materials are present in the excavations, they shall be recompacted to form a firm dense bearing surface. Seismic Considerations Earthquake loadings must be considered under requirements in Section 1613 and 1806 th of the 8th Edition (February 2011) Massachusetts State Building Code (MSBC). The 8 Edition of the MSBC is based upon the International Code 2009 with Massachusetts amendments. Section 1613 covers lateral forces imposed on structures from earthquake shaking. Per Table 1604.11, the maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at short periods (S) and at 1-sec (S) was determined to be 0.22 and 0.066, respectively, s1 for Northampton, Massachusetts. Based upon our investigations, the soil conditions vary across the Site and therefore, two seismic Site Classes were determined. Based upon boring VH-3, the Site Class was determined to be E based upon the presence of ten feet of soft clay. Therefore, Site Class E would apply to Building E. However, the soft clay layer was not encountered in 3DJH *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 7KH8SSHU5LGJHDW9LOODJH+LOO 1RUWKDPSWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH [ A S S O C I A T E S ] other borings. Therefore, the Site Class for the remainder of the Site was determined to be C. The Site coefficients F and F were determined according to Tables 1613.5.3(1) and av 1613.5.3(2), using both the S and S values and the Site Class. For Building E, F and sva F were determined to be 2.5 and 3.5, respectively. For the remaining building, F and va F were determined to be 1.2 and 1.7, respectively v Section 1806.4 relates to the liquefaction potential of the underlying soils. Based upon the observed density and silt content of the granular soils at the Site and the absence of groundwater at many of the test locations, liquefaction is not a concern. Retaining walls and basement walls should be designed to resist dynamic lateral earth forces in accordance with Section 1610.2 of the MSBC. The seismic earth forces should be applied as an inverted triangle over the height of the wall and added to the static lateral pressures. The seismic pressures should be modeled as an inverted triangle with a maximum value of 11xH at the top of the wall (where H is the vertical height of the wall). For purposes of the calculation, a total unit weight of 125 pounds per cubic foot should be used for the backfill against the retaining wall. Lateral Earth Pressures against Basements/Footings We understand that new retaining walls may be incorporated into the final design. The size and type of wall is unknown at this time. However, we have assumed that the retaining wall will consist of either a tradition concrete retaining wall or a segmented block wall (such as a Versa-Loc Wall). A traditional concrete retaining wall should be designed by the structural engineer based upon the recommendations provided below. A segmented block wall should be designed consistent with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Normally, these types of walls are designed by the installer’s engineer. Note that internal and global stability of proposed retaining walls will need to be reviewed during final design. Static lateral earth pressures will be imposed on basement walls. For walls where the top of the wall is free to deflect inward (cantilevered), we recommend that an active lateral earth pressure equal to a fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) be used for the computation of lateral forces acting behind the wall. If the wall is structurally braced and not free to deflect, we recommend that a pressure of 55 pcf be used. In addition, basement walls should not be backfilled to greater than one half the height of the wall until the first floor slab is installed. For the retaining wall near Building F, a coefficient of friction of 0.38 is recommended to evaluate frictional resistance to sliding along the base of the walls and footings. These values apply to unsaturated soil conditions. Perimeter walls that are in contact with soil should be backfilled with free draining Sand and Gravel fill, as recommended in Table 3. The soil against the rear of basement and retaining walls should not be over-compacted, since this would greatly increase lateral loads against the wall. To prevent over-compaction, this fill should not be compacted beyond 92 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor 3DJH *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 7KH8SSHU5LGJHDW9LOODJH+LOO 1RUWKDPSWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH [ A S S O C I A T E S ] Test, ASTM D1557 Method C. Groundwater Control It appears that perched groundwater is likely present beneath portions of the Site. Wet soils were observed in borings VH-3 (Building E) and VH-10 (Building G) at a depth of 16 and 17 feet below ground surface, respectively. These depths correspond to elevations of 201.5 and 211 feet, respectively, which are below the proposed bottom slab elevations. However, because higher groundwater levels may be present during wetter periods, we recommend that the basement include perimeter drainage to prevent the build-up of surface water against basement walls and prevent excess moisture in the basement. Furthermore, we recommend that basement walls and floors be damp proofed, to prevent the build-up of moisture in the basement. The perimeter drainage system can consist of perforated PVC pipe wrapped in filter fabric installed in a crushed stone or free draining gravel trench at the base of the wall. In addition, if groundwater is encountered during excavations for footings and utilities, it should be possible to dewater these excavations by trenching or using sump pumps. Concrete Slabs We recommend that concrete floor slabs bear on at least 6 inches of compacted sand and gravel to provide uniform support and a capillary moisture break. The subgrade should also be free of large boulders. The sand and gravel fill beneath the concrete slabs should meet the grain size distribution characteristics for Sand and Gravel outlined in Table 3. The subgrade within the footprint of the proposed buildings should be densified to treat any loose area present, as described above. Fill supporting slabs should be placed in accordance with the recommendations for gradation and compaction provided below. Flexible Pavement Design We understand that the proposed pavement design is for light passenger vehicles with an occasional delivery truck. The proposed flexible asphalt design section is provided in Table 2. Table 3 presents recommendations for gradation requirements for the Sand and Gravel subbase, and Gravel Base course materials. Please note that the Sand and Gravel subbase specification is near that for Massachusetts DPW M1-03.0, Type A Sand- Gravel. 3DJH *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 7KH8SSHU5LGJHDW9LOODJH+LOO 1RUWKDPSWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH [ A S S O C I A T E S ] Earthwork Recommendations We anticipate that earthwork for this project will include cuts and fills to establish proposed Site grades, excavations for basements, and the placement of fills beneath footings, slabs, and pavements. Any vegetation, organic soils, or debris should be stripped from beneath the proposed structures. As was discussed above, up to 12 inches of topsoil was observed in some of the borings and test pits. However, larger amounts of topsoil may exist in areas of the Site. The crushed ABC fill observed in the borings and test pits can remain beneath the building slabs, provided that oversized materials and/or pockets containing significant amounts of debris is removed if encountered. These materials should be replaced with Sand and Gravel fill, if within 12 inches of floorslabs sand footings, or Granular Fill if at a depth of greater than 12 inches below floorslabs or footings. Debris, topsoil, or organic soils stripped from the excavation should not be re-used as fill beneath structures. To avoid point loads, any cobbles or boulders larger than 4 inch diameter encountered at the subgrade for footings and slabs-on-grade should be removed and replaced with compacted Sand and Gravel fill. Compaction should achieve at least 95% of the Modified Proctor dry density as defined in ASTM D1557, Method C. Four fill types are recommended: Sand and Gravel for use within 12 inches beneath footings and floor slabs and pavement; Gravel Base Course beneath pavements; crushed stone for use beneath footings, if needed, and within sub-slab draining systems; and Granular Fill for use at depths greater than 12 inches beneath floor slabs and footings, if necessary, and as miscellaneous fill. Grain size distribution requirements are presented in Table 3. The granular Site soils excavated from basements may be suitable for use as fill. If on- Site soils are to be used as fill, we recommend that testing be performed on excavated . materials to confirm that fill requirements are met Fill placed beneath footings, floor slabs, and pavements should be densified to at least 95% of the Modified Proctor dry density, as defined in ASTM D1557, Method C. Fill should be placed in lifts of no more than 12-inches and compacted with at least four passes with a vibrating drum roller (minimum of 6,000 pound weight). To facilitate compaction, the moisture content should be maintained at or near the optimum moisture content. The silty soils encountered in some areas of the Site are moisture sensitive and may become saturated and disturbed if they are exposed during inclement periods. In addition, excavations extending to near or below the groundwater table (or perched groundwater) may encounter saturated soils. The saturated silty and/or clayey soils will be difficult to dry and recompact should they become disturbed. We recommend that the contractor maintain proper drainage and limit construction traffic to protect the sub grade. It may be necessary to remove the disturbed soils and replace the materials with Crushed Stone or compacted Sand and Gravel. 3DJH *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 7KH8SSHU5LGJHDW9LOODJH+LOO 1RUWKDPSWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV -XQH [ A S S O C I A T E S ] Earth Slopes In areas of deep excavations, soil deposits encountered may become unstable where excavations extend deeper than four feet, and shoring or sloping may be necessary to protect personnel and to provide stability. All excavations should conform to current OSHA requirements. We recommend that the soils be conservatively considered Type C soils for slope stability purposes. In some instances, it appears that the native dense soils can be classified as Class B soils. However, we recommend that a geotechnical engineer be on Site to observe actual soil conditions during the construction to determine the presence of Class B soils. Design Services and Construction Observation It is recommended that O’Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc. (OTO) be retained during construction to provide engineering support and observe footing subgrades prior to the placement of concrete. In addition, we recommend that OTO is retained to prepare and/or review appropriate specification sections and drawings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely yours, O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc. Ashley L. Sullivan, P.E. Michael J. Talbot, P. E. Project Engineer Principal Attachments: Site Locus, Site Plan, Limitations, Tables, Boring Logs, Test Pit Logs, Test Pit Photographs ec. Ryan Hellwig, P.E. 3DJH FIGURES 1 SITE Topographic Map Quadrant: Easthampton, MA Map Version: 1975 Current as of: 1979 2·5HLOO\7DOERW 2NXQ Former Northampton State Hospital [ A S S O C I A T E S ] Northampton, Massachusetts E'/EZ/E' 6/ ,7(2&86 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Phone: 413-788-6222 0D\ )LJXUH Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 www.oto-env.com &9-0(-2+' &9-0(-2+( :, 0)+)2( 73-0&36-2+74)6*361)(&= 7)%&3%6()2:-6321)28%0 &9-0(-2+& (6-00-2+32 3&7)6:)(&=383 8)784-874)6*361)(&= (9**=;-00%6(4%:-2+%2( )<'%:%8-2+-2'32 3&7)6:)(&=383 463437)( &9-0(-2++ 6)8%-2-2+;%007 &9-0(-2+% &9-0(-2+) &9-0(-2+* 238)7 &%7)1%4463:-()(83383 -2)0)'8632-'*361%8 7%140)03'%8-327%6) 7,3;2%''36(-2+838%4)( 1)%796)1)2878%/)2*631 )<-78-2+7-8)*)%896)7 %00(%8%-783&)'327-()6)( %''96%8)320=838,)()+6)) -140-)(&=8,)1)8,3( 7 97)( -28,)():)0341)283*8,-7 40%2 LIMITATIONS LIMITATIONS 1. The observations presented in this report were made under the conditions described herein. The conclusions presented in this report were based solely upon the services described in the report and not on scientific tasks or procedures beyond the scope of the project or the time and budgetary constraints imposed by the client. The work described in this report was carried out in accordance with the Statement of Terms and Conditions attached to our proposal. 2. The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based in part upon the data obtained from widely spaced subsurface explorations. The nature and extent of variations between these explorations may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear evident, it may be necessary to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. 3. The generalized soil profile described in the text is intended to convey trends in subsurface conditions. The boundaries between strata are approximate and idealized and have been developed by interpretations of widely spaced explorations and samples; actual soil transitions are probably more erratic. For specific information, refer to the boring logs. 4. In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the proposed structures are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing by O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates Inc. It is recommended that we be retained to provide a general review of final plans and specifications. 5. Our report was prepared for the exclusive benefit of our client. Reliance upon the report and its conclusions is not made to third parties or future property owners. TABLES Table 1 Investigation Information Existing Ground Proposed Depth to Elevation Bottom BuildingBoringsTest PitsSurfaceBasement Slab Bottom Fill (ft)of Fill (ft) Elevation (ft)Elevation (ft) Building A & Garage228-220212.5-215.56-8213-217.5 VH-15, VH-16TP-17 Building B & Garage232-228217.5-219.54-10218.5-227 VH-12, VH-13, VH-14TP-12, TP-15, TP-16 Building C & Garage234-232223.06-15216-226 VH-7, VH-8TP-6, TP-9 VH-4, VH- 5, VH-6, VH- Building D & Garage234-232222.07-12.5213-223.5 TP-4, TP-5, TP-7 17 Building E & Garage222-217210.750-1.5218.5 VH-3TP-2, TP-3, TP-19 Building F227-221215.750-2218.5-225 VH-1, VH-2TP-1 Building G230-2262182-10219.5-226 VH-9, VH-10, VH-11TP-10, TP-11 TP-8, TP-13, TP-14, TP- NA Parking Areas230-2286-10218-224 -- 18 TheseelevationsweredevelopedbyreferringtothesiteplanprovidedbyBerkshireDesignAssociates,Inc.andreferringtomeasurementstakenfromexisting sitefeatures.Datashowninthistableshouldbeconsideredapproximateonlytothedegreeimpliedbythemethod(s)used. Table 2 Pavement Design Sections LayerThickness Asphalt Finish Course 1 inch Asphalt Binder Course 1-1/2 inches Gravel Base Course 6 inches Sand & Gravel Subbase 6 inches Table 3 Grain Size Distribution Requirements Gravel Base SizeSand and GravelCrushed StoneGranular Fill Course Percent Finer By Weight 4 inch 100 100 100 100 3/4 inch --- 90-100 --- --- 1/2 inch 50-85 10-50 50-85 --- 3/8 inch --- 0-20 --- --- No. 4 40-75 0-5 40-75 --- No. 10 --- --- 30-60 30-90 No. 40 10-35 --- 10-35 10-70 No. 100 --- --- 5-20 --- No. 200 0-8 --- 2-10 0-15 BORING LOGS O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-1 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/01/201305/01/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig18'DATUMApprox 227' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples7UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGNortheastern portion of Proposed Building F (Arts & Crafts Flat SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION on west side of Village Hill Road) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.DESCRIPTION BL/6 IN. 2/3/4/512/24S-1Top 7": Loose, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace organics (roots), trace(-) mediumTOPSOIL (0-2')sand, dry (TOPSOIL)FILL Bottom 5": Loose, brown, fine SAND, little medium sand, trace(+) silt, trace(+) debris (ash), dry 2' 7/4/5/614/24S-2Loose, brown, fine SAND, some medium sand, trace(+) silt, trace(-) organics (roots), (2'-4')moistFINE TO MEDIUM SAND 5/7/4/413/24S-3Medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace(+) silt, moist 5(4'-6') 2. 4/12/40/406/24S-4Very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace(+) silt, trace(-) gravel, moist 3. (6'-8') 10' 10 11/13/13/1612/24S-5Very stiff, brown, SILT, trace fine sand, trace(-) clay, drySILT (10'-12') 13.5'4. GLACIAL TILL 15 11/17/19/117/24S-6Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand, trace(+) gravel, moist (15'-17') 5. 21/33/35/4519/24S-7Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) gravel, (18'-20')trace(+) medium sand, moist 20 End of Exploration at 20' 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Rock in tip 3. Auger grinding 6.5' - 7.5' 4. Dense soil at 13.5', drilling slowed 5. Auger refusal at 18' upon dense soil conditions, obtain spoon sample 18-20' O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-2 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/01/201305/01/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig12.5'DATUMApprox 220.5' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples5UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGSouthwestern portion of proposed Building F (Arts & Crafts Flat SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION on west side of Village Hill Road) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.DESCRIPTION BL/6 IN. 5/8/12/1712/24S-1Top 3": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(-) organics (roots), trace(-)TOPSOIL (0-2')fine gravel, dry (TOPSOIL)FILL Bottom 9": Medium dense, brown to dark brown, fine SAND, trace to little debris (ash, slag), trace(+) fine gravel, trace(+) silt, dry 2' 14/13/9/710/24S-2Medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace(-) coarse sand, dry (2'-4')FINE TO MEDIUM SAND 4/7/10/1313/24S-3Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little to some medium sand, moist 5(4'-6') 6' 25/17/12/1011/24S-4Medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, drySILT (6'-8')Very stiff brown, SILT, trace(-) fine sand, trace(-) clay, moist in tip 10 3/4/6/720/24S-5Stiff, brown, varved SILT, trace clay, trace(-) fine sand, moist (10'-12') 3. 50 for 0"0/24S-6Auger refusal at 12.5' (12.5'-14.5') 15 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Auger grinding 2'-3', 7', 12.5' upon possible boulder 3. Spoon bouncing 4. Test Pit TP-1 confirmed presence of cobbles and boulders at 11.5' O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-3 Page1OF2 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/01/201305/01/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig37'DATUMApprox. 217.5' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples10UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)16' SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGWestern portion of Proposed Building E (Craftsman Townhome SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATIONon east side of Musante Drive) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONSOILWELL FT.RESIST.IN.NO.DESCRIPTIONCONSTRUCTION BL/6 IN. 4/10/10/816/24S-1Top 8": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(-) organics (roots), dryTOPSOIL (0-2')(TOPSOIL)FINE SAND Bottom 8": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) medium sand, trace(+) silt, dry 6/5/5/514/24S-2Medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace(+) silt, dry (2'-4') 4/4/4/521/24S-3Loose, brown to light brown, fine SAND, trace(+) silt, dry 5(4'-6') 6/7/7/620/24S-4Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace silt, dry (6'-8') 10' 10 5/8/7/814/24S-5Top 4": Medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace coarse sand, dry 11' (10'-12') Bottom 10": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) silt, moist 14' 15' 15 5/7/7/914/24S-6Medium dense, light brown, medium SAND, trace(-) coarse sand, bottom 8" wetMEDIUM SAND (15'-17') 20' 20 2/3/4/313/24S-7Medium, brown, varved SILT, little fine sand, trace clay, dampVARVED SILT (18'-20')AND CLAY 24' 25 1/1/1/124/24S-8Soft, gray, varved, SILT and CLAY, trace(+) fine sand, wet (25'-27') Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. 2" Well installed to 24' below grade. Screen from 24'-14', Sand from 24'-11', bentonite seal from 11'-10', fill to surface, curb box at surface 3. Auger grinding at 35' O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-3 Sheet 2of2 Project No.2001-02-01 SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONSOIL REMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.DESCRIPTION BL/6IN. VARVED SILT AND CLAY 30 1/1/1/124/24S-9Soft, gray, varved SILT and CLAY, trace fine sand, wet (30'-33') 35'3. 35 32/8/12/228/24S-10Medium dense, reddish-brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand,GLACIAL TILL (35'-37')trace(-) coarse sand, wet End of exploration at 37' 40 45 50 55 60 O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-4 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/02/201305/02/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig19'DATUMApprox. 230.5' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples8UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGWestern portion of Proposed Building D (Craftsman Townhome SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATIONat corner of Village Hill Road and Ford Crossing) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION BL/6 IN.(PID) 15/30/30/2013/24S-1Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little medium sand, trace(+)0GRANULAR FILL (0-2')gravel, trace silt, trace(-) debris(brick), dry 15/20/16/1612/24S-2Dense, brown, fine SAND, little medium sand, trace(+) gravel,0 (2'-4')trace(+) silt, dry 2., 3. 5 4. 12/10/10/914/24S-4Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand,0 (5'-7')trace debris(brick, concrete), moist 7' 9/15/15/1312/24S-5Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, little medium sand,0FINE SAND (7'-9')trace(-) coarse sand, moist 10' 10 24/31/46/4512/24S-6Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, little medium sand ,0SANDY TILL? (10'-12')trace gravel, moist 15 13/18/25/4016/24S-7Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, little medium sand, trace(-)0 (15'-17')gravel, moist 41/41/24/2/24S-8Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand,0 50 for 3"(17'-19')trace gravel, moist 5., 6. End of exploration at 19' upon dense soil conditions 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Auger grinding at 2.5', 5'; refusal at 5' upon possible concrete, move boring 10' east 3. Auger grinding 2'-4', brick in cuttings 4. Auger grinding 5'-6', 10' 5. Auger progressing slowly 10'-19', end exploration at 19' upon dense soil conditions 6. Rock in tip O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-5 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/02/201305/02/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig/ Track mounted rig16'DATUMApprox. 230' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples6UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGNear garage of proposed Building D (Craftsman Townhome SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION at corner of Village Hill Road and Ford Crossing) HAMMER Safety/ Auto140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION BL/6 IN.(PID) 14/30/41/4818/24S-1Top 3": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace coarse0TOPSOIL (0-2')sand, trace(-) organics(roots), dry (TOPSOIL)GRANULAR FILL Bottom 15": Very dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) medium sand, trace(+) silt, trace debris(brick, ash), dry 2. 50 for 5"2/24S-2Very dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) silt, trace debris(brick),0 (2'-4')trace medium sand, trace(-) gravel, dry 3. 10/30/15/1410/24S-3Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) debris(brick, ash),0 5(4'-6')trace(+) medium sand, moist 42/32/21/22/24S-4Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) debris(brick,0.1 50 for 1"(6'-8')concrete, ash), trace(+) medium sand, moist 4., 5. 9/45/34/153/24S-5Very dense, gray, DEBRIS(concrete, wood), moist0.1 10(9'-11') 11' SANDY TILL 17/4/24S-6Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand, 0 1550 for 5"(14'-16')trace gravel, moist 6. End of exploration at 16' 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Concrete in tip 3. Truck rig broke down, switched to track rig with auto hammer 4. Auger grinding at 5', 7.5' - 9' 5. Concrete and brick cuttings 7.5' - 11' 6. Auger progress slowly, end exploration at 16' upon dense soil conditions O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-6 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/03/201305/03/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. Track Mounted Rig14.5DATUMApprox. 230.5' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples6UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)9' SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGBetween proposed Buildings D and C (Craftsman Townhomes SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATIONsouth of Ford Crossing) HAMMERAuto140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION BL/6 IN.(PID) 20/35/40/3414/24S-1Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little medium sand, trace(+) silt,0GRANULAR FILL (0-2')trace gravel, trace debris(brick), dry 2. 21/19/12/1215/24S-2Dense, brown, fine SAND, little medium sand, trace(+) silt, 0 (2'-4')trace(+) debris(brick,concrete), dry 10/12/12/911/24S-3Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little medium sand, trace(+)0 5(4'-6')little debris(brick, concrete), trace(+) silt, dry 3. 7/5/3/310/24S-4Loose, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little debris(brick, concrete),0 (6'-8')trace(+) medium sand, trace silt, bottom 7" damp 4. 12/16/15/114/24S-5Dense, brown, fine SAND, little debris(brick, concrete), trace(+)0 10(9'-11')silt, trace medium sand, wet 12.5' 12/14/29/2015/24S-6Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand 0SANDY TILL (12.5'-14.5')trace gravel, wet 5. 15End of Exploration at 14.5' 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Auger grinding 1'-4' 3. Concrete in tip 4. Brick in tip 5. Auger grinding at 12'; auger refusal at 12.5' upon likely boulder, obtain spoon sample 12.5-14.5' O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-7 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/03/201305/03/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. Track Mounted Rig16'DATUMApprox. 231.5' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples6UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGEast portion of proposed Building C (Craftsman Townhome SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATIONsouth of Ford Crossing) HAMMERAuto 140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION BL/6 IN.(PID) 9/18/18/1817/24S-1Dense, brown, fine SAND, little medium sand, trace(+) silt, 0GRANULAR FILL (0-2')trace debris(brick, concrete), trace(-) gravel, dry 2. 42/34/17/1711/24S-2Very dense, brown to gray, DEBRIS(concete, brick), little fine 0 (2'-4')sand, little silt, trace medium sand, dry 11/11/12/1316/24S-3Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, little medium sand,0 5(4'-6')trace(-) gravel, moist 6' 25/20/19/198/24S-4Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand, trace0SANDY TILL (6'-8')gravel, moist 3. 17/24/21/325/24S-5Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand, trace0 10(9'-11')gravel, moist 4. 14/38/6/24S-6Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand,0 1550 for 2"(14'-16')trace gravel, trace(-) coarse sand, dry End of exploration at 16' 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Auger grinding at 2.5'-3.5', 5' 3. Gravel in sample 4. Rock in tip O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-8 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/03/201305/03/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig19'DATUMApprox. 231' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples7UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGEast garage of proposed Building C (Craftsman Townhome SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATIONsouth of Ford Crossing) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION BL/6 IN.(PID) 49/5/24S-1Very dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little silt, trace0GRANULAR FILL 50 for 2"(0-2')debris(concrete), trace medium sand, dry 2. 3. 12/23/26/2111/24S-2Dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) silt, trace(+) gravel, trace0 (2'-4')debris(brick, ash), trace medium sand, dry 13/8/8/83/24S-3Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) gravel, trace(+) silt,0 5(4'-6')trace debris(brick, ash), trace medium sand, dry 7/5/5/50/24S-4No Recovery (6'-8') 10 50/14/9/78/24S-5Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium0 (10'-12')sand, trace gravel, trace(-) debris(ash), damp 15' 15 14/7/24S-6Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand,0SANDY TILL 50 for 4"(15'-17')trace coarse sand, moist 5. 73/53/11/24S-7Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) meduim sand,0 50 for 4"(17'-19')trace gravel, trace(-) coarse sand, moist End of Exploration at 19' 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Concrete in tip 3. Rock in tip 4. Auger grinding at 9.5' - 14', 15'-17' 5. Auger refusal at 17' upon dense soil conditions, obtain split spoon sample 17-19' O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-9 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/03/201305/03/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig4'DATUMApprox. 228' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples2UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGNorthern portion of Proposed Building G (Arts & Crafts Flat SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION on east side of Village Hill Road) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION BL/6 IN.(PID) 4/7/8/158/24S-1Top 4": Medium dense, dark brown, fine SAND, little to someTOPSOIL (0-2')silt, trace coarse sand, trace organics(roots), dry (TOPSOIL)FINE SAND Bottom 4": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) 2. medium sand, trace coarse sand, dry 13/17/25/9/24S-2Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) gravel, trace 50 for 5"(2'-4')medium sand, dry 3., 4., 5. Auger refusal at 4' 5 10 15 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Auger grinding at 2', 3.5'-4' 3. Auger refusal at 4', move boring 10' east, auger to 4' 4. Auger grinding at 4', auger refusal at 4' 5. Based upon test pit TP-10, boulders/cobbles buried in this area O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-10 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/03/201305/03/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig22'DATUMApprox. 228' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples8UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)17' SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGCentral portion of Proposed Building G (Arts & Crafts Flat SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION on east side of Village Hill Road) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILWELL FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTIONCONSTRUCTION BL/6 IN.(PID) 2/7/7/108/24S-1Top 4": Medium dense, dark brown, fine SAND, little silt,TOPSOL (0-2')trace organics(roots) , dry (TOPSOIL)SANDY TILL Bottom 4": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to0.1 little silt, trace(+) medium sand, trace gravel, dry 24/28/24/260/24S-2No Recovery (2'-4') 13/31/20/2016/24S-3Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) to little0 5(4'-6')medium sand, trace gravel, moist 17/23/27/19/24S-4Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, little medium sand, 0 50 for 2"(6'-8')trace gravel, moist 9.5' 10 9/18/36/3020/24S-5Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium 0 (10'-12')sand, trace coarse sand, trace(-) gravel, moist 11.5' 14' 15 50 for 1"0/24S-6No Recovery (15'-17') 21/29/42/17/24S-7Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, little medium sand,0 50 for 4"(17'-19')trace(-) coarse sand, top 8" wet 20 17/6/24S-8Very dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) medium sand, 0 50 for 1/2"(20'-22')trace(+) silt, wet End of Exploration at 22' 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. 2" Well installed to 24' below grade. Screen from 24'-14', Sand from 24'-11.5', bentonite seal from 11.5' - 9.5', fill to surface, curb box at surface. 3. Auger grinding at 1'-2.5', 5' O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-11 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/06/201305/06/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig3'DATUMApprox. 226.5' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples1UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGSouthern portion of Proposed Building G (Arts & Crafts Flat SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION on east side of Village Hill Road) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION BL/6 IN.(PID) 5/6/6/176/24S-1Top 2": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, 0TOPSOIL 2. (0-2')trace(-) organics(roots), dryGRANULAR 3., 4. Bottom 4": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+)FILL medium sand, trace(-) debris(brick), dry 50 for 1"0/24S-2No Recovery 5. (2'-4') Auger refusal at 3' 5 10 15 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Brick in tip 3. Auger refusal at 2', move boring 3' north 4. Auger grinding at 2.5', auger refusal at 2.5', move boring 4' north, auger to 4', auger refusal at 3' 5. Based upon test pit TP-11, cobbles and boulders buried 4-6 feet O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-12 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/06/201305/06/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig17'DATUMApprox. 230.5' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples6UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGNorthern portion of Proposed Building B (Greek Revival Townhome) SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION HAMMER Safet140 lbs.30" (Wire LineENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin y) SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION (PID) 8/16/24/2413/24S-1Top 2": Dense, brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace(-)0TOPSOIL (0-2')organics(roots), dryGRANULAR Middle 9": Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel, dryFILL Bottom 2": Dense, brown, fine SAND, some debris(brick), trace(+) silt, dry 2. 22/19/18/2112/24S-2Dense, brown, fine SAND, little debris(brick, concrete), trace(+) silt, dry0 (2'-4') 4' 17/60/28/208/24S-3Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(-) medium sand, 0SANDY TILL 5(4'-6')trace(-) coarse sand, dry 48/29/28/2416/24S-4Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) meduim sand,0 (6'-8')trace coarse sand, trace(-) gravel, moist 10 28/19/19/3515/24S-5Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand, trace fine0 (10'-12')gravel, moist 15 31/47/18/24S-6Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand, trace0 50 for 5"(15'-17')gravel, moist End of exploration at 17' 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Auger grinding at 3.5' O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-13 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/06/201305/06/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig17'DATUMApprox. 231' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples6UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGEast-central portion of Proposed Building B SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION(Greek Revival Townhome) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION (PID) 16/20/23/231/24S-1Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace 0GRANULAR (0-2')debris(brick), trace(-) medium sand, dryFILL 26/20/20/2013/24S-2Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand, trace(-)0 (2'-4')gravel, dry 4' 4/6/17/177/24S-3Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace silt, trace(-) medium0SANDY TILL 2., 3. 5(4'-6')sand, moist 18/22/35/2219/24S-4Vey dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) silt, trace medium0 (6'-8')sand, moist 10 18/21/28/3518/24S-5Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand, 0 (10'-12')trace(+) gravel, dry 15 24/34/47/14/24S-6Very dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little silt, trace0 50 for 5"(15'-17')medium sand, trace gravel, trace(-) coarse sand, dry End of exploration at 17' 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Auger grinding at 5', 9.5' 3. Slow drilling 5-15', dense soil conditions O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-14 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/07/201305/07/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig17'DATUMApprox. 230' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples7UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGSouthwest portion of Proposed Building B SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION(Greek Revival Townhome) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION (PID) 10/20/16/1520/24S-1Top 5": Dense, brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace 0TOPSOIL (0-2')organics(roots), dry (TOPSOIL)GRANULAR Bottom 15": Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium FILL sand, trace gravel, dry 12/9/15/1511/24S-2Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little silt, trace0 2. (2'-4')medium sand, dry 9/5/3/317/24S-3Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand,0 3. 5(4'-6')trace(-) debris(brick), moist 6' d0FINE SAND 3/6/4/611/24S-4Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(-) medium san (6'-8')moist 10' 10 9/21/22/18/24S-5Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace gravel, trace medium0SANDY TILL 50 for 5"(10'-12')sand, moist 15 21/22/35/5120/24S-6Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace gravel, trace0 (15'-17')medium sand, top 3" damp End of exploration at 17' 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Auger grinding at 3', 5' 3. Debris(wire casing, brick) in cuttings at 5' O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-15 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/07/201305/07/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig17'DATUMApprox. 225.5' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples7UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGNortheast portion of Proposed Building A SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION(Greek Revival Townhome) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION (PID) 4/11/1711/24S-1Top 6": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, 0TOPSOIL 50 for 4"(0-2')little organics(roots), dry (TOPSOIL)GRANULAR Bottom 5": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little debris(brick,FILL concrete), trace(+) silt, trace gravel, dry 2. 77 for 6"4/24S-2Very dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little silt, 0 (2'-4')little debris(brick, concrete), trace gravel, trace (-) medium sand, dry 22/12/9/96/24S-3Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little silt, trace0 3. 5(4'-6')debris(brick, concrete), trace(-) medium sand, dry 5/11/44/1/24S-4Very dense, brown, fine SAND little silt, trace medium sand,0 4. 50 for 5"(6'-8')trace(-) gravel, trace(-) debris(brick), moist 8' 5. 10/7/24S-5Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand,0SANDY TILL 50 for 5"(8'-10')trace(-) gravel, moist 10 13/24/24/249/24S-6Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace meduim sand,0 (10'-12')trace(-) coarse sand, trace(-) fine gravel, moist 15 31/42/8/24S-7Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace gravel, trace0 50 for 5"(15'-17')medium sand, dry End of exploration at 17' 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Rock in tip 3. Auger grinding at 5', 10'-11', 14' 4. Rock in tip 5. Slow drilling 8'-15' due to dense soil conditions O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-16 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/07/201305/07/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig17'DATUMApprox. 221' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples6UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGSoutheast portion of Proposed Building A SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION(Greek Revival Townhome) HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION (PID) 2/19/24/2210/24S-1Top 4": Dense, brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, little 0TOPSOIL (0-2')organics(roots), trace(-) fine gravel, dryGRANULAR Bottom 6": Dense, brown, fine SAND, little debris(brick, concrete),FILL trace(+) to little silt, trace gravel, dry 20/17/15/161/24S-2Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace debris(brick, ash), 0 (2'-4')trace medium sand, dry 6/7/10/1112/24S-3Top 2": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) debris(brick),0 5(4'-6')trace silt, trace(-) medium sand, dry Bottom 10": Medium dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) medium sand, trace silt, dry 2. 20/20/20/270/24S-4No Recovery 3. (6'-8') 8' 4. 22/22/18/1612/24S-5Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand,0SANDY TILL (8'-10')trace coarse sand, trace(-) fine gravel, moist 10 6/18/21/318/24S-6Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand,0 (10'-12')trace(-) gravel, moist 15 46/33/44/4016/24S-7Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) medium sand,0 (15'-17')trace(+) fine gravel, dry End of exploration at 17' 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Rock in tip 3. Auger grinding at 7' 4. Slow drilling 8'-15' due to dense soil conditions O'REILLY, TALBOT & OKUN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING VH-17 Page1OF1 PROJECT : The Upper Ridge at Village HillLOCATION: Northampton, MAPROJECT NO. : 2001-02-01 DRILLING CONTRACTORFOREMAN JeffDATE STARTEDDATE FINISHED Seaboard Environmental DrillingHELPERJoe05/07/201305/07/2013 DRILLING EQUIPMENTCOMPLETION DEPTHGROUND SURFACE ELEV. B-53 Truck Mounted Rig10'DATUMApprox. 230' TYPE BIT Hollow Stem AugerSIZE &TYPE OF CORE BARRELNo. Samples5UNDIST. CASINGRod TIMEFIRSTCOMPL.HR. CASING HAMM.WEIGHTDROP WATER LEVEL (FT.)None encountered SAMPLER: 2" O.D. Split SpoonRod A 1 5/8" O.D.BORINGCenter of proposed parking lot south of Building C and D SAMPLERWEIGHTDROPLOCATION HAMMER Safety140 lbs.30" (Wire Line)ENGINEER/GEOLOGISTSteve McLaughlin SAMPLES SAMPLESDEPTHPENETR.REC.TYPE/DESCRIPTIONFIELDSOILREMARKS FT.RESIST.IN.NO.MEASUREMENTSDESCRIPTION (PID) 12/20/24/195/24S-1Top 1": Dense, brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace0TOPSOIL (0-2')organics(roots), dry (TOPSOIL)GRANULAR Bottom 4": Dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) silt, trace FILL 2' debris(brick), trace medium sand, dry 2. 22/23/23/303/24S-2Dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand, trace0SANDY TILL (2'-4')gravel, dry 19/34/37/3513/24S-3Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) gravel, trace 0 5(4'-6')medium sand, dry 48/44/11/24S-4Very dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace medium 0 50 for 5"(6'-8')sand, trace gravel, dry 14/19/26/3011/24S-5Dense, brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little silt, trace gravel,0 (8'-10')trace(-) medium sand, dry 10 End of Exploration at 10' 15 20 25 Remarks: 1. Soil screened in field using MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. "ND" indicates none detected 2. Auger grinding at 2', 5'-6' TEST PIT LOGS TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-1 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 223 ft.(approx.) Weather: 50 degrees, CloudyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 7:59 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 8:15 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Top 4" Dark brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace organics (roots), little medium sand, trace gravel, dry. (TOPSOIL)E00.0 ppm Light brown, fine SAND, little gravel, trace (+) medium sand, dry Light brown, fine SAND, trace (+) medium sand, dry. E00.0 ppm 5 Brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, dry E20%0.0 ppm Occasional cobbles and boulders6-10" dia 10Brown to gray SILT, trace fine sand, trace organics (roots), moist.E00.0 ppm Brown fine SAND, little silt, trace gravel, moist E10%0.0 ppm Occasional cobbles and boulders6-10" dia End of Exploration at 12 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-2 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 217 ft.(approx.) Weather: 50 degrees, CloudyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 8:35 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 8:48 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace organics (roots), trace gravel, E00.0 ppm dry (TOPSOIL) Brown, fine SAND, little silt, dryE00.0 ppm 5 Gray to light brown, fine SAND, trace silt, dry.E00.0 ppm 10 End of Exploration at 14 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-3 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 218.5 ft.(approx.) Weather: 50 degrees, CloudyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 9:00 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 9:15 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Top 3": Dark brown, fine sand SAND, little silt, trace gravel, dry E00.0 ppm (TOPSOIL) Brown, fine SAND, trace (-) coarse gravel, dryE00.0 ppm 5 Light brown, fine SAND, trace silt, dryE00.0 ppm 10 End of Exploration at 10 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-4 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 230.5 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 55 degrees, CloudyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 9:30 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 9:43 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Brown, DEBRIS (brick, concrete, metal pipe), some fine sand, M-D30%0.0 ppm trace(+) silt, trace(+) gravel, dry 5 D0.0 ppm Refusal at 7 feet 10 inches upon large concrete or granite block. 10 REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. 2. Boulder count includes building debris and fill. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-5 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 230.5 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 60 degrees, Sun and CloudsBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 9.52 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 10:10 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Brown, fine SAND, some silt, little gravel, trace debris (brick, M-D20%0.0 ppm concrete), dry Occassional cobbles 5Brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little silt, trace(+) to little debrisD40-60%0.0 ppm (brick, concrete, ash), trace(+) medium sand, trace(+) gravel, moist at 6 feet 10 End of Exploration at 10 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-6 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 231 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 58 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 10:20 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 10:35 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS M-D00.0 ppm Brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little silt, trace(+) to little debrisM-D~60.0 ppm (brick, concrete, metal), trace(+) medium sand, trace gravel, dry4-6" dia 5Occasional cobbles 100.0 ppm End of Exploration at 11 feet below grade. REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. 2. Rebar pieces at 2 feet PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-7 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 230 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 60 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 10:55 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 11:12 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS 0.0 ppm ~4 Brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little gravel, trace(+) to little silt,M-D8-12" dia trace(+) medium sand, trace debris (brick, concrete, metal), dry 5Occasional cobbles and boulders~6 4-6" dia 100.0 ppm End of Exploration at 11 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-8 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 231 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 60 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 11:30 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 11:45 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS 0.0 ppm 1 Light brown to brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace(+) gravel, trace M-D>4' dia debris (brick, concrete), trace medium sand, dry Occasional cobble and boulders3 1' dia 5~4 4-6" dia Brown, fine SAND, little silt, trace gravel, trace medium sand, dryD40-60%0.0 ppm Occasional cobbles and boulders 10 End of Exploration at 11 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. 2. Boulders encountered at 3 feet 3. Large boulder encountered at 6 feet PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-9 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 232 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 65 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 12:10 p.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 12:40 p.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS 0.0 ppm Brown, fine to medium SAND, little silt, trace(+) debris (brick, M-D20% concrete), trace gravel, dry<1' dia Occasional boulders 50.0 ppm Light brown, fine SAND, some medium to coarse gravel, little silt,D00.0 ppm dry. 10 End of Exploration at 10 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. 2. Abandoned brick storm drain encountered at 7 feet along north side of test pit PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-10 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 228 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 65 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 1:43 p.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 2:20 p.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace(+) to little debris (brick),E00.0 ppm trace(+) organics (roots), dry (TOPSOIL). ~3 Brown, fine SAND, little silt, little organics (roots), trace gravel, dry1' dia Occasional cobbles and boulders 5~6 4-6" dia Brown, fine SAND, trace(+) medium sand, trace silt, trace(-) gravel, moist 100.0 ppm End of Exploration at 11 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. 2. Encountered empty electrical condiut at 2 feet, possible service stub, cut out broken section and capped ends per Wright Builders PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-11 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 6, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 227 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 70 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 2:30 p.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 2:52 p.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Top 6": Brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace(-) organics, E00.0 ppm (roots), dry (TOPSOIL) Light brown, fine SAND, dry~3 Occasional boulders1.5' dia Brown, COBBLES, some fine sand, trace(+) silt, trace debris~6 (brick), dryM1' dia 5Occasional boulders Brown, medium SAND, dryE~2 Occasional boulders1' dia 10 0.0 ppm End of Exploration at 12 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-12 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 7, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 230 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 50 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 7:25 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 7:40 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Light brown, medium SAND AND GRAVEL, some fine sand, dryE Light brown, fine SAND, some gravel, trace organics (roots), dryM~5 Occasional cobbles and boulders2' dia 5 Light brown, fine SAND, some gravel, dryE~3 Occasional boulders2.5' dia 0.0 ppm 10End of Exploration at 9.5 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. 2. Large boulder encountered at 4.5 feet, >4' diameter PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-13 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 7, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 229.5 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 50 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 7:45 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 8:02 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Brown, fine SAND, some gravel, trace debris (brick, concrete), dryM Occasional cobbles Brown, fine SAND, little debris (brick, concrete), little gravel, dryM-D 2 >2.5' dia 5Brown, fine SAND, little gravel, trace debris (brick), dryM-D Occasional cobbles 0.0 ppm Light brown, fine SAND, little silt, dryE Occasional cobble and boulders 10End of Exploration at 9.5 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-14 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 7, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 230 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 50 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 8:08 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 8:20 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Top 8": Brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace organicsE (roots), dry (TOPSOIL) Brown, fine SAND, little gravel, trace organics (roots) to 4', dryE1 Occasional cobbles and boulders2.5' dia 5 0.0 ppm 1 Brown, fine SAND, little gravel, dryM3.5' dia Occasional cobble, Numerous boulders~10 D1.5' dia End of Exploration at 8 feet 10 REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. 2. Large boulder encountered at 8 feet PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-15 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 7, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 231 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 55 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 8:30 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 8:48 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Brown, fine SAND, little gravel, trace(+) to little debris (brick, E-M concrete, wood, metal rebar), dry Occasional cobbles D ~20.3 ppm 1' dia Brown to light brown, DEBRIS (brick, concrete), some fine toD medium sand, dry1 52.5' dia0.3 ppm Brown, medium SAND, little gravel, dry Occasional cobbles 0.1 ppm End of Exploration at 9 feet 10 REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-16 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 7, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 228.5 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 55 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 8:58 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 9:16 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Top 1": Brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace organics (roots) M dry, (TOPSOIL)0.1 ppm Light brown, fine SAND, trace(+) debris (brick, clay pipe pieces,M-D1 concrete), trace gravel, dry>4' dia Occasional cobbles and boulders 1 51' dia 0.0 ppm 0.0 ppm 10 End of Exploration at 10 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. 2. Encountered concrete pieces >1.5' diameter at 2' below ground surface PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-17 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 7, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 223.5 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 55 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 9:27 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 9:50 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Top 3": Brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, trace organics (roots)E dry (TOPSOIL)0.2 ppm Brown, fine SAND, trace(+) to little debris (brick, concrete, wood), trace gravel, dry3 Occasional boulders2' dia 1 4' dia 5Brown, fine SAND, some debris (brick), dry Occasional cobbles 1 4.5' dia Light brown, fine SAND, trace gravel, dry Occasional cobbles1 3' dia 100.0 ppm End of Exploration at 10 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-18 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 7, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 229.5 ft. (Approx.) Weather: 65 degrees, SunnyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 10:05 a.m. Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 10:20 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTCOUNTREMARKS Top 2": Brown fine SAND, little to some silt, trace organicsM (roots), dry (TOPSOIL)0.2 ppm Brown, fine SAND, little debris (brick, concrete), trace (+) gravel, dry. Occasional cobbles D 5Brown, fine SAND, some gravel, trace(-) debris (coal ash), dry3 Occasional cobbles and boulders1' dia0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm End of Exploration at 10 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult TEST PIT LOG O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun Associates, Inc.PROJECT Test Pit No. TP-19 293 Bridge Street, Suite 500 Description: Village HillJob No.: 2001-02-01 Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Location: Northampton, MADate: May 7, 2013 (413) 788-6222 Engineer/Geologist: Mark O'MalleyContractor: Duffy WillardGround Elev: 220 ft.(approx.) Weather: 50 degrees, CloudyBackhoe: John Deere 310SEStart: 10:45 AM Operator: TraceyCapacity: 1/4 yard, 14 foot reachFinish: 11:00 a.m. DEPTHEXCAV.BOULDER SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft.)EFFORTREMARKSCOUNT Top 1": Dark brown, fine SAND, little to some silt, little organics somE00.0 ppm (roots), trace(+) gravel, dry (TOPSOIL) DEBRIS (asphalt), some medium gravel, dryE00.6 ppm Light brown to brown, fine to medium SAND, dryE00.0 ppm 5 Light brown, medium SAND, some fine to coarse gravel, moistE00.0 ppm Pocket of silt encountered at 8 feet 10 End of Exploration at 12 feet REMARKS: 1. Soil screened in field with MiniRae 2000 photoionization detector (PID), referenced to benzene in air. Readings in parts per million by volume. PLANLEGENDEFFORT E = Easy M = Moderate D = Difficult PHOTOGRAPHS VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsMay2013 TestPitTP1TestPitTP2 TestPitTP3TestPitTP4 VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsJune2013 TestPitTP1SpoilsPileTestPitTP2SpoilsPile TestPitTP3SpoilsPileTestPitTP4SpoilsPile VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsMay2013 TestPitTP5TestPitTP6 TestPitTP7TestPitTP8 VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsJune2013 TestPitTP5SpoilsPileTestPitTP6SpoilsPile TestPitTP7SpoilsPileTestPitTP8SpoilsPile VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsMay2013 TestPitTP9TestPitTP10 TestPitTP11TestPitTP12 VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsJune2013 TestPitTP9SpoilsPileTestPitTP10SpoilsPile TestPitTP11SpoilsPileTestPitTP12SpoilsPile VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsMay2013 TestPitTP13TestPitTP14 TestPitTP15TestPitTP16 VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsJune2013 TestPitTP13SpoilsPileTestPitTP14SpoilsPile TestPitTP15SpoilsPileTestPitTP16SpoilsPile VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsMay2013 TestPitTP17TestPitTP18 TestPitTP19 VillageHillRoad,Northampton,MAJ20010201 O'Reilly,TalbotOkunAssoc. TestPitPhotographsJune2013 TestPitTP17SpoilsPileTestPitTP18SpoilsPile TestPitTP19SpoilsPile