266 Grove St Make Safe 2013-08-22
Pat Taylor
Hampshire Property Management Group
150 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
August 22, 2013
Re: 266 Grove Street Map 37, Block 083
Dear Ms. Taylor,
Roger Malo,
Northampton electrical inspector and I inspected the townhouses at 266 Grove Street on August 21, 2013. The walls that support the electrical services on each building have deteriorated
to the extent that they are no longer able to support the service panels.
This is a very hazardous situation and could be dangerous to life and limb. The service panels serve all 8
units in each building and
In accordance with the Massachusetts Residential Building Code, 780 CMR, section R115 and Massachusetts G.L. chapter 143, I am notifying you that you
must immediately secure the structure to prevent unauthorized entry, and that you must make it safe as soon as is reasonably possible.
If you do not secure the property before 12:00
noon on August 10, 2013 I will take action to make the property safe.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Louis Hasbrouck
Building CommissionerCity of Northampton
Mayor of Northampton