29-103 (3) City of Northampton
Massachusetts e
°-.` t DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street • Municipal Building JI .�
��. Northampton, MA 01060 ssY 146'.\
August 22, 2013 act Ms. Joan F. Graney
454 Ryan Road
Florence, MA 01062
RE: Cars Unregistered
Dear Ms. Graney:
This letter is written regarding several complaints our office has received about unregistered
cars and there being offered for sale from that address. This is not allowed under current
zoning laws within the City of Northampton. No more than two unregistered cars are permitted
on a residential property.
I would ask you to stop such operations from that address at once. Should you have any
questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Kyl- J. Scott
Local Building Inspector
City of Northampton
Tel: (413) 587-1240
Email: kscott @nothamptonma.gov