38B-006 (33) 7 Alarimia 4IkiimihHiilp‘ IA III^' 5 .. 0 r t 4 _ h7::‘,41.' . 4 d i 11 10ANV.V. ,4,41.?3,Gri .00-00-- %,\,. et 1 Combat Stress Conference Tent Placement June 26 to 28, 2008 = sign 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intendeo for the propery? YES ___NO IF YES. describe size, type and location:. 11, Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading. excavation. or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES NO IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLL i W. ar PERMIT CAN SE DcTNIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATiON This column reserved for use byrbeBuilding D-e�aatterrt EXISTING PROPOSED r.-:b� .c•ct wain,* Lot Size r Frorrtage j +L , Setbacks Frorrt Side L R: L' R: P• R ' Rear Building Height Building Square Footage [; . : 9:Open Space: (lot.ar a ` minus building& paved oarkina #of Parking Spaces _, ., a of Loading Docks Fill: 1 . : +(volume& location) 13. Certification: I hereby certify iat the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. v4ate: Applicant's Signature 0 .A----1- . NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does coot relieve an applicant's burden to comply With all zotatg requirements and obtain all required permits£orn the Board ofN-Ieaith,Conservation Coanaission, Historic and Architectural Boards,Department of Public Worm and other applicable permit granting authorities, 7k:Doraina,PORMS•or'b fZWic^� ' aci_s-Peat-t7piiacon-a.^v=aoc grav24po fl Coo zLZTLBSCTt XVd ST:ZT Sooizz/fo FEEit 25, 00 /tent ____ i` i r'_ ` , 1 , n ` , File N0. %. JUN 2 4 2008 etape oprint all information and re r o i-t the B� kg----J Inspector's Office rzoney o ,payable to the c City oflVorthainpton / Name of Applicant: SM,Ik C, 1I e�e (71∎(...L/cA ko>zer,,01.,}-}(.• /Address: )2_ G Lie,s a- S ricer ' Telephone: 09.13) 5S`S -Zy s-3 _ A. Owner of Property: ,3 M∎\-L C. I I 6,)_e Address: 1 - G Weir .0-/e€41 Telephone: 3. Stars of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain) q /4. Job Location: C11G�,� ��tiv� Lawn - cl",,,p,„ 1r, tie. �G1k,,S A.,,,,� ..r_•� e +�►-�5+ `�1` :,�4, -n- -I:A.=.- ;.y' z- W.;%,------725-- --- -' . �E.. • i 'i.•a::c._=.. � � �e. -'i�cT��: _ :•. c,— � ' �� r t 3 cam+.•, �: ..:::.— L-i .. - a•7, _ _ •• .. �6•.,..,._.,;•� ;,�; • i�' ' ��, �� .rte: •l,l:i'.-`�J...`�' �•�n Ycbc�•rr.^ Sri � i1� =�.�-��• ,��� •�t:c;•�- -1'�`'. '.e^u.�,�.�:.�:.,_=1;. a�_•r•.,�`�:' + C•��' e. �: �I: I �! C,� c�? .c-.' .1:w'RYcr'J.�r::.y...,�.r�i:C= Pt::; - l,.r ••Y• ...?..T77•CL�i' 1�.�-_•f-_ �:• rE∎16 -.. `Y�rr.r: .Jrecv2 r•..:':w. c--r.¢,. -. :..r�' +T.... � .�.lYi. 3 - +1 �"""a,- ±.'_ Existing Use of Structure/Property: 3 l LIST EVENT • b. Description of Proposed Use/YVork/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): LIST DATES OF EVENT' ; V LtvN e. cl 6 / c--NA ?.e , 2_005 (frs, 9:0c4n -G'Sao il") NO OF/SIZES OF TENTS ' 1 _ go IA go' +Cv.1. G-)CA I- 20 ,c1.o ( n c /}}J&tt WEjni TENSS,S READX FOR DNSPECTION11 te1PCk a '-r, 12100 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans S. Has a Special Perrnit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW N./ YES IF YES, date issued:. IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW YES • IF YES: enter Book Page _ and/or Document;r P.Does the site contain 2 brook, body of water or wetlands? NO Y DONT KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained- Obtained , date issued: (FDrn Contiru.Jes On Other Side) F%:1Do-,.7===.=O? .:_c-.af,3L - .Z omi:;-P^�t-+.;aii=6,2n-7,=csPv:.doc di42004 ZOOZ ZLZTL8SCT6 XNd ST:ZT 8002/ZZ/fO BP-2008-1187 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ICI CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2008-1187 Project# JS-2008-001749 Est. Cost: $0.00 Fee: $50.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: Homeowner as Contractor Lot Size(sq. ft.): 9365.40 Owner: Smith College Zoning: SI Applicant: Smith College AT: 126 WEST ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 126 WEST ST (413) 585-2424 NORTHAMPTONMA01060 ISSUED ON:6/27/2008 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:2 TENTS CHAPIN DR POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 6/27/2008 0:00:00 $50.00679732 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Building Commissioner-Anthony Patillo