24C-013 (2) 3. Conductors shall be tested for stray voltages between conductors and
between conductors and ground, for ground faults, for short circuits, for
loop resistance and for supervision.
4. Smoke detector shall be tested using smoke or listed aerosol.
5. Manual pull stations shall be tested by initiating an alarm in accordance
with the manufacturer's published instructions.
6. Tamper switches shall be tested to ensure that a supervisory signal is
initiated within the first two revolutions.
7. Water flow devices shall be tested by flowing water through an inspector's
test connection.
8. Notification audible devices shall be tested by measuring sound pressure
levels with sound level meter meeting ANSI SI.4a, Type 2 requirements.
9. Notification visual devices shall be tested by observing strobe operation
and verifying field settable candela setting.
E. The testing personnel shall complete an inspection and testing record per NFPA
F. After the Engineer's inspection and testing is complete, the Contractor shall
schedule testing with the Northampton Fire Department.
*** End of Basis of Design Narrative ***
L&S 1862 Page 9
Initiation of the fire alarm sequence of events will immediately and
simultaneously activate all audible and visual alarm notification devices
throughout the building to notify occupants of alarm for building evacuation,
cause the red exterior strobe to flash at the fire department primary response
point, notify the central station and consequently the Northampton Fire
Department, and display alarm condition at the fire alarm control panel.
The Fire Alarm System reset button returns the system to its normal state after all
alarm conditions have been cleared. Display messages shall provide operator
assurance of the sequential steps as they occur. The Fire Alarm Control Panel is
equipped with visible and audible signals to indicate alarm, supervisory and
trouble conditions.
3.0 Test Criteria:
A. All features, devices, components, and modes of operation shall be tested for
acceptance in accordance with the code and NFPA 72.
B. Testing personnel shall be qualified and experienced in the arrangement and
operation of interface equipment and fire safety functions.
C. Before to proceeding with testing, all persons and facilities receiving alarm,
supervisory or trouble signals and all occupants shall be notified of the testing to
prevent unnecessary response. The same shall be notified when the testing is
D. Prior to Fire Department Testing, the fire alarm system shall undergo a complete
engineer's test to ensure proper operation. The Engineer's test shall include the
1. Prior to operational testing, the system components and devices shall be
visually inspected.
2. The fire alarm control panel LCD display and LED indicators shall be
tested to verify that the alarm, trouble and supervisory signals are properly
displayed. Output function of opening damper at the top of the elevator
shaft and illumination of the fire fighter hat signal in the elevator cab shall
be tested. Detection of open circuits, ground faults, and power supply
supervision for detection of loss of ac power and disconnection of
secondary batteries. The primary power shall be disconnected and
associated trouble signal produced. The primary power shall continue to
be disconnected and general alarm operated for a minimum of 5 minutes
and primary power restored after completion of the test.
L&S 1862 Page 8
2. Pressure switches shall be installed as part of the sprinkler dry pipe
system. Pressure switches are located in the sprinkler service room.
Pressure switches shall be monitored by the fire alarm system using
addressable interface modules. Activation of Pressure switch caused by
los of air pressure shall initiate a supervisory signal sequence of events.
F. A fire protective signaling system shall be installed in accordance with 780 CMR
and NFPA 72. Fire protection signaling devices in the renovated spaces within
the building will include the following features
1. Audio notification devices shall be wall mounted horn/strobe units located
where shown on plans. It is the intent of this design that audible
notification devices achieve sound pressure levels of 15dB above the
average ambient sound levels for the business occupancy or 5dB above the
maximum sound pressure levels having a continued duration of at least 1
2. Visual notification devices shall be wall mounted horn/strobes or
strobe/only units located as shown on the plans. Visual devices shall be
located at least 80" above finished floor but not more than 96" above the
finished floor. It is the intent of this design that all spaces (excluding
storage closets and private offices) have ADA compliant strobe coverage.
Visual notification devices shall be synchronized throughout the building.
3. Red exterior Beacon and key box shall be located outside the main
entryway of the building. The Exterior Beacon is interlocked with the fire
alarm system notification appliances and indicates the Fire department
primary response point.
G. Addressable loop wiring for initiation devices shall support all devices shown and
allow for a minimum of 25% spare capacity, and be wired in a Class B, Style 4
H. As a minimum, power supplies, amplifiers and visual notification appliance
circuits shall operate all devices shown plus 25% spare capacity. Audible and
visual alarm circuits shall be wired in a Class B fashion
2.0. Sequence of Operation:
A. The activation of a fire alarm initiating device shall send a signal to a 24 hour
manned central station and sequentially to the Northampton Fire Department.
The system fire alarm sequence of events shall be activated manually through the
use of manual pull stations. The system fire alarm sequence of events shall be
activated automatically via smoke detector, dry pipe system water flow pressure
switch, or wet pip flow switch.
L&S 1862 Page 7
B. Remote Alarm Reporting
1. Signaling to the Northampton Fire Department shall be performed
indirectly using a DACT via two dedicated phone lines reporting to a 24
hour manned central station and sequentially to the Northampton Fire
C. Code Modifications
1. This project does not include any special design considerations or
anticipated modifications to the code requirements.
D. System Alarm Initiation Devices shall be installed as follows:
1. Manual pull stations shall be located within 5 feet of each exit door and at
each entry point leading to an egress stairway. The manual pull stations
shall be dual action. Activation of any manual pull station will initiate the
fire alarm system sequence of events.
2. System connected smoke detector will be installed at the fire alarm control
panel. Activation of the system smoke detector will initiate the fire alarm
system sequence of events for the building alarm.
3. Fire protection flow switches shall be installed as part of the new sprinkler
system. Flow switches are located in the sprinkler service room. Flow
switches shall be monitored by the fire alarm system using addressable
interface modules. Activation of flow switch shall initiate the fire alarm
system sequence of events.
4. Pressure switches shall be installed as part of the sprinkler dry pipe
system. Pressure switches are located in the sprinkler service room.
Pressure switches shall be monitored by the fire alarm system using
addressable interface modules. Activation of Pressure switch caused by
water flow shall initiate the fire alarm system sequence of events.
5. Carbon monoxide detection is not required to be installed at this building.
E. System Supervisory Monitoring Devices shall be installed as follows:
1. Fire protection tamper switches shall be installed as part of the new
sprinkler system. Tamper switches are located in the sprinkler service
room. Tamper switches shall be monitored by the fire alarm system using
addressable interface modules. Activation of tamper switch shall initiate a
supervisory signal sequence of events.
L&S 1862 Page 6
5.0 Test Criteria
A. All sprinklers and standpipe systems shall be tested in accordance with NFPA 13 and
NFPA 25. Complete system flow test will be conducted and test and flow certificates
1. (WET & DRY PIPE SYSTEM) An alarm test connection not less than 1 in.
in diameter, terminating in a smooth bore corrosion-resistant orifice, giving
a flow equivalent to one sprinkler of a type having the smallest orifice
installed on the particular system, shall be provided to test each water flow
alarm device for each system .
2. (WET & DRY PIPE SYSTEM) The test connection valve shall be readily
3. (WET & DRY PIPE SYSTEM) The discharge shall be to the outside, to
drain connection capable of accepting full flow under system pressure, or to
another location where water damage will not result.
B. Hydrostatic Test
1. Hydrostatically test the entire interior piping system at not less than 200 psi
(13.6 bars) for 2 hours and provide a test certificate for said test.
C. Flow Test
1. A system flow test shall be performed and the operation of all flow
switches, tamper switches, and alarm devices verified. A test certificate
shall be issued verifying said test.
1.0 Basis of Design
A. Fire Alarm Control Panel
1. The fire alarm system shall be an addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel
(FACP). The FACP shall be located in the building main entry vestibule.
The Fire Department primary response point is the main entry vestibule of
the building accessible from the parking lot off of Prospect Street. The
secondary power supply for the fire alarm system shall be batteries located
that will provide at least 24 hours of monitoring and a minimum of 15
minutes of alarm and shall be located at the FACP.
L&S 1862 Page 5
1.0 Basis of Design
The building will be served by a new wet pipe and dry pipe automatic pipe fire protection system
consisting of sprinklers located in all occupied spaces of the existing building. These sprinklers
shall be connected to a new sprinkler riser and alarm valves located in the existing building and
connected to the new water service.
A new wet pipe sprinkler system will be installed to serve all areas except the attic and existing
DPW building. A dry pipe sprinkler system will be installed to serve the attic space. The dry
system is being installed in the Attic because the Attic is not heated. This system will be fed by
an alarm valve located in the mechanical room.
All spaces will be designed for light hazard and all storage and mechanical spaces designed for
ordinary hazard.
2.0 Installation
A. The fire sprinkler system is designed in accordance with NFPA 13, 2007.
B. All spaces are provided with sprinklers specifically listed for the specific
applications in accordance with NFPA 13, 2007, all per NFPA 13-07 paragraph and paragraph
3.0 Equipment
A. Pipe is to be schedule 40 black steel pipes for 1"through 3".
B. A main flow switch is provided in the main sprinkler line and service is fitted
with an approved backflow preventer.
C. Stand pipe risers schedule 10 black steel with mechanical joints.
4.0 Design Criteria
A. All general spaces are designed for light hazard occupancy. The density is
.10/1500 square feet with a 100 gpm hose allowance.
B. The storage and mechanical areas throughout the building that are ordinary
hazard, the system will be designed to ordinary hazard group, density with 250
gpm added for hose stream.
L&S 1862 Page 4
Systems were designed in compliance with the following:
1. 780 CMR: Massachusetts State building Code —7th Edition,
Chapter 9: Fire Protection Systems.
2. NFPA 13 —2007 Edition: Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
3. NFPA 72—2007 Edition: National Fire Alarm Code.
4. 521 CMR: Massachusetts Architectural Access Board Regulations.
5. 527 CMR: Massachusetts Fire Prevention Regulations
6. 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code
7. 527 CMR 24
8. NFPA 24—2007 Edition
9. NFPA 54, chapter 10
10. NFPA 720—2005 Edition
Site access for vehicles is from the West at the parking area.
Main entrance is at the West Façade, on floor level 1. A Knox (key) box for the building with
Fire Department access shall be provided to the right of the entrance door. Master key inside the
key box provides entry to building,and also access through any locked doors within.
Lindgren & Sharples, P.C.
Consulting Engineers
435 Cottage Street
Springfield, MA 01104-4005
Phone: 413-732-4336
1.0 The project consists of renovations the existing Northampton Survival Center. The
existing building will be retrofitted with new wet pipe and dry pipe, automatic sprinkler
systems where appropriate and will be installed in all spaces. A new addressable fire
alarm system will be installed throughout the entire building.
L&S 1862 Page 3
October 28, 2010
Information required pursuant to the Massachusetts State Building Code 780 CMR, 903.0.
Owner: Trustees of the Northampton Survival Center
Designers of Record: Lindgren& Sharples, P.C.
Consulting Engineers
Date of Submittal: October 28, 2010
This project consists of additions and renovations to the existing Northampton Survival Center
located at 265 Prospect Street. The primary scope of this project will include the addition of a
new office/administration area. This project will also include the installation of a new automatic
sprinkler system and a new addressable fire alarm system to serve the entire building.
The Building is Non-separated Mixed Use Group Type B (Business), M (Mercantile) and S-1
(Storage) and is Construction Type 2B, Unprotected/ Combustible as defined by the
Massachusetts State Building Code.
The building consists of approximately 1,280 square feet of business occupancy and 1,225
square feet of storage all located on one level with a total aggregate area of approximately 4,600
square feet. The building height is 40'-7"to the mid-point of the sloped roof.
All spaces will be designed for light hazard and all storage and mechanical spaces designed for
ordinary hazard.
L&S 1862 Page 2
° ��
265 Prospect Street
Northampton, Massachusetts
SPRINGFIELD, MA 01104-4005
TEL. 413-732-4336
October 28, 2010