Code Review 2013-01-16 William Turomsha P.O. Box 141 Leeds, MA 01053 January 16, 2013 re: 11-15 Bridge Street project roof guardrails Mr. Turomsha, I reviewed the plans and specifications you submitted for the guardrails on the roof areas accessible from the dwelling units. I did a site visit to view the roof areas. The methods and materials you have proposed meet the requirements of the building code and I approve the plans. The material you propose to use to protect the area below the guard rail has sufficient strength to meet the code requirements. The sort of latticework commonly available does not have the strength to withstand the code requirement for a 50 lb. concentrated load. As to your request to put a gate in the guardrails, I will not approve a gate. Access to the unprotected roof area (the area without guardrails) must be restricted to service and maintenance personnel only. A gate is not necessary for that kind of access and would allow easy access for an unwary person, placing them in a hazardous situation. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Respectfully, Louis Hasbrouck Building Commissioner City of Northampton (413) 587-1240 lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov