38B-245 (4) City of Northampton N ,, Massachusetts -_ " ;' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS y 212 Main Street • Municipal Building + q�s Northampton, MA 01060 • Me 12 r. Park Sh a Street Easthampton, MA 01027 December 11, 2012 re: 236 South Street — motorcycle repair business Dear Mr. Shea, I am in receipt of your letter dated December 9, 2012 and appreciate your attention to this issue. Respectfully, Charle il -r 7 ,-.0 :> Assistant Building Commissioner City of Northampton (413) 587 -1240 cmiller(northamptonma.aov I RECEIVED [ C 1 1 2012 DEFT '_C!N:: WT NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 December 9, 2012 Charles Miller Assistant Building Commissioner City of Northampton Department of Building Inspections 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. Miller, This is a follow up to our previous conversation during the first week of November regarding your letter of November 1, 2012. I have long recognized that my tenant Mr. Rick Chatel is a car and motorcycle enthusiast. I have spoken directly to him regarding the complaint you have received that alleges he is operating a Home Business from the accessory structure behind my apartment building. He denies this. Additionally, both Mr. and Mrs. Chatel, their friends and other tenants have placed on the front lawn of this building a wide variety of personal property that they wish to get rid of (most often for free) from time to time as it has high visibility and traffic flow. I have shared with Mr. Chatel a copy of the zoning ordinance regarding Home Occupation special permit criteria. It is my understanding that Mr. Chatel has simply ceased working in the garage since our discussion. I have asked him to contact you directly should this change to make certain that is activities satisfy you that his activities do not violate any zoning ordinances. If he is not able to satisfy you in this regard, he has been asked apply for the necessary permits or to cease all such activities so as not to be in violation of his lease requirements. Respectfully, Dave Shea 12 Park Street Easthampton, MA 01027 (413) 527 -8959 - home (413) 537 -7292 - cell ceilidocPaol.com CC: Patrick Melnik, Esq. City of Northampton Mail - RE: Motorcycle shop https: // mail. google .com /mail / ?ui= 2 &ik= 39211afc3d &view = pt&search... 7 !t° c? Charles Miller <cmiller @northamptonma.gov> RE: Motorcycle shop 1 message Greg Sandier <greg @thinkglobal.com> Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 5:00 PM Reply -To: greg @thinkglobal.com To: Charles Miller <cmiller @northamptonma.gov> i, Chuck: Thank you for your 'follow up en this. There has been 3 little bit of reps it work is t a t I've heard, but nothing for .sale - that live see; I see where this could g et. tricty iliertainly some of the repair work is being doge on urn eg, stertcl u (as veil as cars and trailers) that he fixes up arid then sells. We l: keep - an eye out ber 'for sale signs in the ) /s: u. Ana loll keep you post d on any changes In the repair act1viiy. Thanks again. Happy Holidays, G re s From: Charles Miller [mailto:cmi[lert northamptrnma.nov] Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 1:29 PM To: Greg Sandler • Subject: Motorcycle shop Hi Greg, Has the motorcycle repair and sale activities come to a halt? The tenant can repair his own motorcycles so it is a subjective issue at times. Thanks for your help, Chuck Miler Chuck Miller Assistant Building Commissioner City of Northampton Town of Williamsburg (Ci_y of Northampton E -mail is a public record except when it falls under one of the specific statutory exemptions.) 1 of 1 12/5/2012 8:57 AM City of Northampton Mail - RE: Motorcyle Repair Business https: /' mail. google .com /mail / ?ui= 2 &ik= 39211afc3d &view = pt&search... b �, w `\ (. Charles Miller <cmiller @northamptonma.gov> RE: Motorcyle Repair Business 1 message Greg Sandler <greg @thinkglobal.com> Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:17 PM Reply-To: greg @thinkglobal.com To: Charles Miller <cmiller @northamptonma.gov> HI Chuck, The letter does not seem to have has much of an impact. I've been listening to e reving motorcycle engine for the past 4 hour... From: Charles Miller [mailto t >no th t utio m 4.nv] Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 12:36 PM To: o;eq!b +thinit lo'tal.cbsr Subject: Re: Motorcyle Repair Business Thanks. I've sent a letter out to the owner of the building to require they take responsibility for a permanent resolution to this situation. On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Greg Sandler <greg@thinkglohal corn> wrote: Chuck, Just a heads -up. Next door neighbor at it again. Working on motorcycles... 236 South Street Please investigate. Thank you. Greg Chuck, Thanks for taking time to talk with me this a.m.. Per our conversation, and my previous call to your office, I am concerned that a motorcycle repair business is being run out of 236 South Street. Every few weeks, a new motorcycle appears out front with a for sale" sign on it. I don't believe motorcycle repair is a permitted use. My understanding is that the tenant who fixes the bikes rents the garage separately. Perhaps the property owner also needs to be put on notice? This operation is periodically a noisy and disruptive nuisance. I would appreciate a permanent resolution to this issue. Thank you. Greg Sandler 3 Olive Street 413 586 8588 1 of 2 11/9/2012 4:45 PM Motorcyle Repair Business - cmiller @northamptonma.gov - City of No... https : / /mail.google.com/mail / ?shva =l +You Search Images Mail Documents Calendar Sites Groups Contacts More ..,,,,;--- , „.7.,.,,fr_ ( r . 7 , : , : ::* -4-41-;.)t Back Archive Spam Delete Move to Labels 1 P COMPOSE Motorcyle Repair Business Inbox x Inbox (9) Greg Sandler to me, lhasbrouck Starred Important Chuck, Sent Mail Just a heads -up. Next door neighbor at it again. Working on motorcycles... Drafts (5) 236 South Street All Mail Please investigate. Trash Thank you. Greg Charles Miller 070220.. Charles Miller 070220... Charles Miller 070220... Chuck, More Thanks for taking time to talk with me this a.m.. Per our conversation, and my previous call to your office, I am concerned t I don't believe motorcycle repair is a permitted use. My understanding is th. This operation is periodically a noisy and disruptive nuisance. I would appre Thank you. Greg Sandler 3 Olive Street 413 586 8588 1 of 1 11/5/2012 12:36 PM j,y City of Northampton )) R F M assac h use tt s DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS °', 212 Main Street • Municipal Building ,� . ", Northampton, MA 01060 ' 1 1, Bernard and Kathleen Shea 40 Round Hill Road Northampton, MA 01060 November 1, 2012 Re: 236 South Street, 38B -245 Dear Mr. and Ms. Shea, We have received a complaint concerning the operation of a Home Business in the accessory structure behind your apartment building. Every home business requires a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The business in your garage is in violation of the zoning ordinance § 350- 10.12. Home occupation special permit criteria. Please cease all work at this location immediately and contact me as soon as possible to discuss this situation. If you do not contact me by Friday, November 9 2012 I will take further action. Respectfully, Charles Miller Assistant Building Commissioner City of Northampton cmiller7684rhotmail.com City of Northampton Mail - Motorcyle Repair Business https:/ imail. google .corn/mail / ?ui= 2 &ik39211afc3d &view = pt&search... .... l , "*' 3 FE _ 9... 5_ 0 o ( ..., Charles Miller <cmiller @northamptonma.gov> Motorcyle Repair Business • 1 message Greg Sandler <greg @thinkglobal.com> Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 10:46 AM Reply -To: greg @thinkglobal.com To: crniller @northamptonma.gov Cc: lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov Chuck, Thanks for taking time to talk with me this a.m.. Per our conversation, and my previous call to your office, I am concerned that a motorcycle repair business is being run out of 236 South Street. Every few weeks, a new motorcycle appears out front with a "for sale" sign on it. 1 don't believe motorcycle repair is a permitted use. My understanding is that the tenant who fixes the bikes rents the garage separately. Perhaps the property owner also needs to be put on notice? This operation is periodically a noisy and disruptive nuisance. I would appreciate a permanent resolution to this issue. Thank you. aille Greg Sandler //— / — / 3 Clive Street 413 586 8588 � - ,YL � S 1 Ye -/ #40 ie -- 4 (--) ,_,...„ 17:4-t, IC > r 1 of 1 10/26/2012 4:56 PM