18C-117 (9) i Dorf emove until final inspection. Plea« - - \ture reference, (In 5,,,,,1, Admissib quires Do not remove unti l final inspection. Please retain for future reference. a Canada . qualified for area indicated. en rr g man_ - 1 7 `' '')%,- 19 Admissible pour lee regions in diquees. g r - : s ue., - _ /� ,, 1 r l f 7'' � -' ''''''I ;; t .)» = Canada 1,1.. .,., �.... ' 1 ,t 0 , : ,.� " i to C # , ib11' 1 L �Ar • energystannrcan- i r- r f ^ } s l( i� l�lli�tjff! lf fiiG�(iI( -jr b �! rncen,go.ca r ? • r W / s h ' ld� [��k�1�1I Pf�il!'l11�Ii, 1 '�r� 1�Ni' l��ll, •,— Op i (' �mrs� ` L q� r �� u((i �(q� 1111 1f Il Ylirl 1 • VI a ( ' �I��G�rli�rl�ll9�l�lll�����1����t��r�, * t" L r, o ra m ii Rlil iti �� c rx c � Il Il,l I �� ,11P �u 1 Q `. -� r 5 y 1;' n »� i� ; ;i ; ;,1 ; hul n 'L7 T 4 lu 16 1 l 11161 a u.S / .u, k < •. . ; ` 1 , ��;���; Pli lh'�kN�I�i�l �� � QC •n ergystargov • Z,, '�( : J N [NERGVSTAR � : 1 � 11 r v c � r 1:1'1[ a Qualified /Admissible E C us./ E.0 $�II{ e, 1 WINOOW S•OOORS t' `� 4) •nergystarov Qualfied /Admissible + Ande r s e n V ri WittOOWS•00ORS 1111:1,T r — Awni Window A ndersen� . ; AND -N -2- 00603.00001 Naa3nalFeneslratiotf Vi nyl Clad Wood Frame Dual-Pape i w�>sc = • Awning Window Rating Council; t r • ', wi 0 Argon g '! 4 k. RND- N- 2.00603 -00001 r Product Type, projectin NationalFenesttaGon Vinyl -Clad Wood Frame, Dual -Pane Low -E Glazing Rating Council° with ,Argon ENE PERFORMANCE RATINGS CER•riFiED Product Type, Projecting U `Dior Neat Gain Coefficient ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATINGS • 9 ' ' e 65 ' 0 • 31 U-Factor Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (U,S.II P) (Metric /SI) ADDITIONAL PEF ORMANCE RATINGS 0.291.65 0. 31 'Oble Trammittance \ (U.S.II-P) (Metric /SI) 1 • 53 1 NM ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE RATINGS Visible Transmittance 0. 53 • the ;e ratin confora to appabte NFRC procedures for determini uha le p � deter,iead fo fixed eat nwi ranmen[ai conditi and a apes tic product size. r uerren r.. aci tool It ty of any product for any spec; tic use, rormante In rcrmatt on . Mtft.CM • - Manufacturer stipulates [hat these ratings conform to applicable SRC procedures for determining r Mate prodace ' • parforaance. NFRC rating; are determined for a fixed sat of environmental aanditians and a epeoific product al zr I NFRC does Mat recommend any product and does not swot the to tedt it ty of arty pradv for any apaci fit use. . -!' swot Consul manufacturer's literature for other product performance information. WSW nfrc, Cr: Ow AND DOOR # SOc1ATI N CERTIFIED DMA S30CIA7lt Wo,l( . fn .9 -735 WIN DOw AND DOOR A,L LMARK MAN soaATt CERTI Fi E ,n: 400 Series Awnin; window H_ _ s conformance to the a•.licable s tandards. -. .l. — M�___. 129—H-735 A440 - OS Class 4C -PG35 36X 72 Andersen Corporation: 400 Series Awning window — oP *35/-35 2/A440-o5 Manufacturer stipulates conformance to the applicable standards. STANDARD Rating AAMAlWDMA1CSA 1011IS21A440 08 Cla 3 Y 72 CP *35! -35 AAMA /WDMA /CSA 141/IS2/A440 -o5 AP-1C32 8S DP *35/ -35 ) 35 Glazing: 3.0mm AN outer /3,1mm HS inner a • M 314 rr»aprodud meet Greot, C •lies w ith HUD UM But letin No. 111 FL1OaS I +r` sears menal Glaz rag: 3.Omm AN outer /3.1mm HS inner shanc wa r> rag ^ heavy metals itioft t sash materials, packaging, ,� U4 rtdsproduct meets G[amt Complies with HUD UM Bulletin No III ��fft�4 msurEredudatnn ai 4 � w gd govoming • a energy eetclency, heavy *° •....n. M C f r c r a t c r r asr 'atitrnr @ motels lntho frame and inn Rs nuiram.nra'y1yy Hallmark f Program sashmaterials,pad[aging, c I R 1 xii% ma4briNtmereducation 102705608PKU -1 mess nr .vro.ne N f r C f C R 1 f C C air tnf[Ira clan Rcm,lremenrf wb4A Hallmark Ceti fi canon Pr[ Do not remove until final code inspection. Save label for future reference. Do not remove until final code in section. Save label for future reference. 0 l iodn 2 0 q lifted for area indicated. Admiss Ile pour ifted fur los r eg ions area ia in d i qu5cs. Admiss Ile pour los regions indiquee '" . , .,. Canada t yip- :: Canada k ...77 o energystar.nrCan- • I. i- ) , ti Z • energyetarnrcen- , 2 T..-- / --_._, .. \ y''i"T^ t�J tntlpnrgtlRi ti' 1 I / 5 `� 1 0' rnoan.go.oa $'t, 1 r t?f 1 ,/ 5'. N C s , t %? -r i � �'' •rr ‘11.1 441,17 Q � j ` ill . .( ? 1- ? 15 - r, �Q/� ..4. "t y , • f.t {L` 'v 3� t > v/ Qt ' P d WA Y y 7/ { C U.& / E .C. ` . : 1 ce eneriystar.gov El R Qualified /Admissible d O energystergov 0 = Qualified/Admissible 4,(‘‘' ! wiaaowp•oeea. t r .�4�f f i.....•..... p ° t If l (�ersen. � . A nde r sen.V .t,,, ' :•r.:3lF:a>ysa•at!as:. AND -N -74 N R,roiF:11* *::.r6 AND -N -74 iitroi; ' Hood /Vinyl Composite IF R:risf:os:r. 4 'Nood /Vinyl Composite IF Dual Argon Low -E4 Dual Argon Low - E4 P oductType: Double Hung �� P 'oduct Type: Double Hung ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATINGS ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATINGS U- Factor Solar Heat Gain Coefficient U- Factor Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.30 1.70 0.30 1.70 0.31 0 .31 (U.S. /I -P) ( /SI) (U.S. /I -P) (Metric /SI) ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE RATINGS ADDITIONAL PEI FORMANCE RATINGS Visible Transmittance Visible Transmittance INIMMINI 0.53 0. Manufacturer Stlputates that these ratings conform to a 7pllcobie NFRC procedures for determining whole product pertormance. NFRC ratings are determined for a fixed set of environmental conditions and a specific product ode. Manufacturer attpuiates that these ratings conform to z rpllcabie 5550 procedures for determining whole product NFRC does not recommend any product and does not warrant the suitability of any product for any specific use pertormance NFRC ratings are determined tor a fixed Set of environmental conditions and a 550010c product size. Consult manufacturer's Ilterature for other product per crmance Information NFRC does not recommend any product and does not warrant the sultablllty of any product for any specific use Consult manufacturer's Ilterature for other product per rrmance information. ` 1t ' N MK. nfrc.org a en rrrrc.org ,\/ _) iv, ,,,\ W - )N'I,\ IIf \I.I \I ; \1\1`. ` ""' "'�° ('I•,k I II'li',I) yam. mm II Nk bw anE D e 11A1,1 NI, \It1 . ~gym CI ILfII IF;I) C - -' -: 9.01 CCL - -' -• 01 C - -' 9.01) CCL - -' -= ' 01 Andersen Corporation: 40C Series Woodwright Double -Hung Andersen Corporation: 40C Series Woodwright Double -Hung Manufacturer stipulates cot Forman °.e to the following standards Manufacturer stipulates col lormance to the following standards Standard Rating Standard Rating class P -PG25 Class R -PG25 AAM' WDMNCSA 10111.5 2/A440 -09 Size tested 45.5x77.5in AAMANVDMANCSA 1011.5 -O9 Size tested 45 5x7 5In DP 25psf -25psf DP 25psf, -25psf AAMA/WDMA/CSA 1011 5 2/A4A0 -05 DP H -R25 psf AAMAAfWDMNCSA 10111 5 2/A440 -9 DP H -R25 psf , FL# FL1O01 I 1 FL# Fu0e1 I I ' 100- 00550122 -022 100-00550122-021 Meets or exceeds M E ., C. EC, R 1 E.C.C. All Inn tratlon requirements WDMA Hallmark Certification Program. Meets or exceeds M.E.C., C E 0 S.1 E.C.C. Air 1001 501100 requirements WDMA Hallmark Certification Program. 38 ALLISON ST BP- 2013 -0557 GIs #: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 18C - 117 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: windows replaced BUILDING PERMIT Permit # BP -2013 -0557 Project # JS- 2013 - 000896 Est. Cost: $8652.00 Fee: $35.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: SCOTT KEITER 102457 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 9452.52 Owner: REDSTONE PAUL Zoning: URB(100)/ Applicant: SCOTT KEITER AT: 38 ALLISON ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 51A HATFIELD ST (413) 320 -9035 WC NORTHAMPTONMA01060 ISSUED ON :11/14/2012 0 :00 :00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK :INSTALL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House # Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace /Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: QK / / -1 ? - / c,w14 THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVD 1' ! : .� C a F NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND :.' �' t ►:' ‘1 /49 4401.244 Certificate of Occupanc / na ture: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 11/14/2012 0:00:00 $35.00 212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587 -1240, Fax: (413) 587 -1272 Louis Hasbrouck — Building Commissioner