29-546 (3) d9 - 5` 1 140
a" R esi d e n ti a l CONSTRUCTION
HIC #161922
117A River Rd. Whately MA. 01093
Oct 24 2012 RECEIVED
Northampton Building Department OCT 2 4 2012
212 Main St.
Northampton, MA. 01060
It has come to my attention, that someone is trying to continue work on a deck at 31 Indian Hill, Florence, MA. 01062
Under my permit # BP2012 -0857.
This is disturbing news considering that 1 asked for a rough inspection on Sept 14th 2012, and then was asked to not con -
tinue working on the project, because they don`t want to pay.
Charles miller was the inspector at the time of rough, and he informed me of what needed to be done. When complete, at
that time we would do the rough and the final at the same time.
I have informed the building department of the previous dealings with this owner and their disregard for the permit pro -
cess, and now this.
1 respectfully ask that there is a stop put to this work and close out my permit.
I would like to see the Building Dept. either ask them pull a new permit or charge them for doing the work with out one.
(being that the one in place for the work is mine)
Respectfully, William Patenaude DBA Will's Residential