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43-095 (3)
L -Foot with Eco- Fasten QuikFoot The SolarCity L -Foot with Eco- Fasten QuikFoot optimizes strength, performance and aesthetics while structurally attaching solar panels to composition shingle roofs. This engineered connection uses Eco- Fasten's "QuikFoot" technology to achieve a robust, watertight connection. Stainless steel baseplate combined with 6000 series aluminum L -Foot offers superb structural and fatigue strength, which in conjunction with anodization offers excellent corrosion resistance even in coastal environments. • Allows for 2 screws per standoff • Anodized L -Foot for long term corrosion resistance and best aesthetics • No shingle cutting required • Fast and error -proof installation reduces overall impact on roof • Compatible with SolarCity Canopy Rail • Rail is attached using Stainless Steel Fasteners Components Installation Instructions A. Stainless steel sealing washer & nut 1. Drill pilot holes in rafter B. L -Foot 2. Seal pilot hole with roofing sealant C. QuikFoot Flashing 3. Insert QuikFoot baseplate and drive screws D. (2) Triangle #14 DPI screws or 4. Install QuikFoot flashing (2) OMG #15 XHD fasteners 5. Install L -Foot with sealing washer and nut E. Stainless Steel Baseplate S A J OOP ,,, _____ .. 3014 I ., 11101NN C = E _ ' SolarCity CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER J B -010042 0 0 PREMISE OWNER: AHJ No rthampton DESCRIPTION DESIGN: ` r,fj j _ CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE CARLSON, PAUL CARLSON RES IDENCE W CHEN 4.- - ,,.��Of����y BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MARKET: MODULES: ��� NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN RESI (24) YINGLI # YL240P -29b 55 WHITTIER ST. 5.76kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM o PART TO OTHERS EXCEPT EPT IN THE RECIPIENTS PROJECT MANAGER: MOUNTING SYSTEM: , MA 01062 ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNEC110N WITH FLORENCE Mateo, CA 94402 Mat Way Sa W avCle 3055 iew San Mat THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ECOFASTEN L FOOT WITH SC RAIL 4135841006 PAGE NAME: SHEET: REV: DATE 3055 Cle iew W 28 n ) 638-1029 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAYMENT TYPE: IN TER: PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. LEASE 1 POWER —ONE # AURORA PVI- 5000 — OUT) —US CUTSHEETS PV 9 7/18/2012 ( 888) -SOL -CITY (765- 2489)www.solarcty.com power -one = AUROR ; \ Renewable Energy Solutions "� �� t1-,5 t( UtD US Rated Oriel AC Voltage '1 zos 240 277 208 240 27/ hrpetSidaiOQ Mardrrtum l l sa bIePowerforEach ( hann W 4000 4000 - - MPPT YOIageRange V 200530 200530 k art- UpVohage V - -- - -- 2001adj.120 -3501 200 tadj.120.3501 -- - Absolute MaximumVohag {V V 600 600 Maximum C urnM Ildcmax) fa boM MPPT in Parallel A 35 10 Maxlnwm ChM+rtel A 8 Number Wire l 1 __ , ' Number oflndependeMMPPTChannels 2 Array taking Termination krew te uri bock Screw terminal block Knoclt0uts 'h`or t' Iw/ Ring Reducer) 3 Knock �o: i l 2W s or rSpli 1 " {w pl /Ring Reducer.} Output Side Uq T - -- r Cold Standard 10)2Wor$p i. ot3W r I • a Grid Fr nc . Hx 60; 11- 2 6 0.5) ( a ; f) ,.. I' 1 f i, 11(-) si ` Nominal Power W 5000 6000 t. 3 ° r r 7 too( 7 "• i +!' Maximum Current (VmN MA ID V 183-228 211 -2 244 -304 183-228 6(1 244-304 t, y E ., iy _ npsenc r Range ,` - 1 a4) A 27 2 0 30 2a Maximm Wr 1 23 r., Power Factor -.. ) 0.995 _... _._ �/ Toal larttwnic Distortion AS Rated Power <; 2 . , a - H eadroom C•tAaency °u 97.1 . _ _ o_ !II/r�l# CK EiEia Praaoelets 4 96 965 965 96 965 963 'enq Co in Stand By INightl W 8.0 < 8A Consumption During Opera1ion W 20 �'� ra , T Tronsformerless Transformeriess ,y •ti. - , , ? Coolin g Natural Convection Natural Convection �¢ � .x Conduit Connections places a 1 . : ` T � ad krew Terminal m si 8 hole rep Trade size KOs. (2uax1.2 ! and �` ES � Geld ea -11 e X t Sc ew T f) ock� rep # ng TerminationType _- :_.. '.` **, - _- -_ -_ - { 2 Singlewire ,90''(terminalwiring } 12 5inglewi re90'Ctermmalwiring r - -- c r ` r. 1.� _... -- - j 128o414 x8T(325xl052x222! } ,. : ' ". E Dimensions virt t tental ID) in(mm) t2.8x-0lAx8.7(325x1052x222) *` ° t0"01: moo i lake ' 59s (27,0 - , ; `'" a fir°'° ., _ {. Sh€ppnrg Welgld Ibs W - W bracket • O 91 7t 5 ,., � t _ :a: i mourning Stem 6NMNIAtapfil. ' " �* '� , , „ . , a Ambient Air Temperature Range F {'C} - -13_.+ 140 ( - 25..,+601 vnth derating 122 t50} 13..+ 140 {- 25... - rding fi01 wilhderating above 122 (50) ��� � G$i fi 1Y at2 , Accoustic Noise ion Level 50 < �' - � �1`�, RelativeNwnidity Emission dD %RN m 0100 condensing 0100 condenUL 174)ang EEE { �- , �. 1 e t - t w �' _ Maximum � e y ra1 Altitude without Deratig (timl - - -- According 655012000) — - - 6560(2000) Accnt g 1 Acco to 2 1547 Awc 25 25 35 39 � 00 0 Protection din to U � 0 174 IEEE 1047 t r External Rating 35 40 Over-Voltage Protection Type Varistor, 2 {L N 1 PE) Varistor, 2ll N L Features ti t y Protection loPut 22 Yes Reverse Yes 22 x Over -Voltage Protection Type V per Channel A Vanstor, 3 for each channel Vanstor, 2 for each channel ink Pre PV Array Ground Eardt Deletion sta -up Riso and dynamic GF! Pre rt -up and namic ( Requires floating Arrays! { Floating Arrays} te DC Switch Curtest Ratirg (Per Contact AN 251600 25 / 600 "i 's , _ G �, ,�„ , - Iwlabonl.we) T ransfo rt rmerless;P.oalirg Array) s Trion merles .� - - - _ _ )Floatl�Anay) _ i e € � � � � # a kandard UL 1741. CSA 0222 N.307.1-01 D UL 1741, CSA Riso • C.222 dy N.107,1 9i �C Remote Monitoring 485Md.1 AURORA•U NNERSAI. ( opt) Y S - � F User-Interface d bc haractersx2linesLCDd�s a 6tAURORAsUN1IVER5A�d1��(3F31 la g 1)Tf + yExed LocaiMoig (1xR5485 ind.l PVi•U58-RS485_232 (001 PYLOfSKTOP t) PVI USB RS485 232 (WiJ, PVI- DESKTOP {opt � � WNckss tncal ManNaring PV( O5SKTOP (opt 1 with P(4-RADIOMODULE Cop IWt I PVI - DESKTOP {opt.) with PYI- RADIOMODULE {opt.) -. F s - -. Years -- - - - S 5 - - - tR YI�'dNTT`T f1f 1 2 1# "walla d nitor 'ffE111f1N'(1- ��0111)i`EQ EM` kandard -With DC Swikh- FlwNng Array 914 5000 OUTD US PVI6000 OWE) US •+lEMI iAfE fCiE'VY(I ltS$ Wits ^ Perusable w.,mavant � s»a.con tacrmstunr «t« dec+n AURORA L.11`40 I, AURORA UNO 3 J B-010042 00 0 P OYMER: AHJ Northam DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NU MBER WC HEN � - '' CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE CARLSON, PAUL CARLSON RESI NT . � ' , SolarCi BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NAKET: MODULESNOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE oR IN REST ( YINGLI # YL 240P -29b 55 WHITTIER ST 576kW ROOF MOU PV SYSTEM PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS PROJECT MANAGER: MOUNTING SYSTEM: F LORENCE, MA 01062 ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ECOF L FOOT WITH SC RAIL 4 135841006 3055 CI ea Wa San Mateo CA 94402 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAGE NAME: SHEET: REV: DATE T :( 65 0) 6 38 -10 F:(650) 638 - 1029 PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PAYMENT TYPE: IN IER: LEASE 1 POWER -ONE # AURORA PVI- 5000 - OUTS -US CUTSHEETS PV 8 7/18/2012 ( 8 88 ) -SOL -CITY (7 65- 2489)vaww .solarcty.com jai YL24 -29b + r Y i YL235P -29b ft `� , . � t ' , 1) .. ' YINGG. .. OAR 1°." YL230P -296 i �'� 4 ` , YL225P -29b OFFICIAL . n .i:� ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE r °s GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS m &as4 Electrical parameter at Standard Test Conditions 45TCY Module name I YGE 240 YGE 235 YGE 230 YGE 22S Ulurensron3 M11W /H) 64 in 116:0 mere 3898 6t (990 mm1 / Module type Y1240P -29b YL235P -25% I Y1.230P -296 YL225P -23b 1 97 in ( mm1 Poser output Pro. W 240 235 230 225 Weight 43.0 Ibs (19.5 kgl -_.. ".. `° J el ¥ r t €'d ' Power output tolerances' AP, % I +f- 3 Yingli Green Energy (NYSE :YGE) is one of the world's largest fully Module efficiency hl- % ) 14.7 14.4 14.1 13.8 4r' v ertically integrated PV manufacturers. With over 2 GW of modules v. 29.5 29.5 PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS V 295 29.5 29. t . Voltage at Prom _ _ _:..:.. •• v • rc . - opae t at P voltage Imo A 8. 7.97 7.80 7.63 Number of modules per Pallet 20 Installed globally, we are a leading solar energy company built upon proven product reliability and sustainable performance. Founded 37.0 36.5 Number of pa8ets per 53• container 36 T" , g Y 9 9Y P Y po Current at P mnt I � 37 s 37.0. V. V slro,t•arer,ct unmet I. A I ' a 6s a s4 s.4o a.2a -- in 1998, Yingli Green Energy serves customers through our U.S. PadragIngtam. dimensions11VNNM 67 in 11700 mri45 in11150mmlr STC 1000Wt in. 25 C 'iodate attire AM 1 spect acrnerion to EN 609043 47 in F1 190 mmD - subsidiary, Yingli Americas, co- headquartered in New York and 15-c mton peen( r rptn ,nte.anre°p^o, any available upon m u San Francisco. We are the first renewable energy company and the Hot weight 94+ 16s (422 kJ} first Chinese company to sponsor the FIFA World Cup Powe, output P,-. w 174.3 170.7 167.0 163.4 Units; inch (mm) a Voltage at P,,,.. vent V 264 264 l 1.97 26.8 26.6 e ' 4, 4? tvl t J ' . ___- _ -L _. __ _. __ - -- 1898 (9 Current m P,,,.. ew A 6.56 6.42 [ 6.29 6 15 --_ -_ _... Industry leading in -house manufacturing of polysilicon, ingots, op. ae°n rvokage t V. I I, . v � 34.2 33 33.8 333 32114946) wafers, cells and modules ensures tight control of our material shortcirwk current k A 1 701 6.92 l 6.81 6.71 s and production quality. Nocii open -„rnrr operating cell ter r,pe,a+,.,e atbunw , m'a.adanc 20"C Ante., t tempeefeture, 1 m,61•rnd Sr----"j High performance, multicrystalline solar cells deliver a module series I I g - - -- the kWh output per unit area. g maximizing Naninel operat gcelltemperat°m Noel K 5 46.0. 2 11 LL U efficiency of up to 14.7 %, reducing installation costs and maximizin CHARACTERISTICS Power tolerance of + / -3% minimizes PV system mismatch losses. Temperature coefficient of Pea. r 1wc .045 • Ground holes • e a a i Tempera.re coefacient of V. 6.. %7°C -037 a 2.--e0.236 (6) a OVA ., "s g ' 4 1 ("f 9 I _. I ice: .t 1 d, a ` Y Temperature coefficient of kv au %PC I -._ - -. 0.06 -.._ - - -_ t. § . :ll 78 Robust, corrosion resistant aluminum frame independently tested I to withstand wind and snow loads of up to 50psfarid113psf, OPERATING CONDITIONS "v' 2 f gNl" i respectively, ensuring a stable mechanical life. (°- 5 6"°'15 Mae system voltage 600Yoc _ Manufacturing facility certified to 1509001 Quality Management se lesfwerseing 150. !� Ma: System standards. Operating temperaWrererge 1 - ao to1 94T1-4om9o•c) a- Drainage Wes (Ai n a �i Module packaging optimized to protect product during Max. staticload,f ontie.g.. snawa�dwind) 113psf(5400 °Jam^ ' � transportation and minimize on -site waste. Max. static load, back (e.g - wind) 50 psf (2400 Pa) _ ------_, ..�0 • i-A/A RRANTiC'S Hailstone impact 1 in (25 mm) at 51 mph (23 m s) Extensive 5 -year limited product warranty and a 25 -year limited power t SILVER FRAME BLACK FRAME warranty. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS r Limited power warranty* = 90% of the minimum rated power output Front cover lmaten utypefthlarnesa Low iron g1 ) tempered / 32 mm SECTION A " ee for 10 years, 80% of the minimum rated power output for 25 years, Coll ntAy7materreV[ype/d.mensien ✓areal 6n/pdy6aiwnrm lucrysralline' : :._,. 156 mm ■156 rrcmr 243.3 cm` ' ' t e In compliance with our warranty terms and conditions. Enwpeulant tmaterieP) Ethylene v acetate (EVAI 1.261321 Frame (material/color) Aluminum alloy / anodized silver or black -- - - JuncRtet boa (protection degree) IPbS L Warning Read the Installation and User Manual in its entirety UL 1703 and ULC 1703, UL Fite Safety Class C, CEC, FSEC, ISO 9001.2008, Cab la ItypMength /gaugaloufslds diameter/ pvwre 7 47.24 In (1200 mm);12 A / 0 - 244 in (6.2 mm) f before handling, installing, and operating Yingli modules. ISO 14001:2004, BS OSHAS 18001:2007, 508000 Plug connector Amphenol / H4 / IP68 (manufacturer/type/protection degree) `r/ ¢/g� Our Partrwrs L f CERT ' , L =�' • The specifications in this datasheet are not guaranteed and are subject to change without prior notic LIMO Q i Yingli Green Energy Americas, Inc. i nfottyingliamericas.com mmmi Tel: +1 (888) 686 -8820 YIN LPJ YINGLISOLAR.COM NY5E:YGF OF ?SOMA. „� t ,„ YINGLISOLAR.COM • '1'F `x,t , . �w 2 Ym911 Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. 1 YGE2405eries EN 201107_x01 J B -010042 0 0 PREMISE OM ER: AHJ: Northampton DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: ...eft, CONTAINED THE INFORMATION BE SED FOR THE HEN JOB NUMBER C ARLSON, P AUL CARLSON RESIDENCE WC HEN SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE 4.: � BENEFIT OF ANYONE WOY INC., MARKET: MODULES: 4.1 `S NOR OR SHALL IT B DISCLOSED IT BE DISCLOSED CLOSED IN IN WHOLE OR IN REST (24) YINGLI # YL240P -29b 55 WHITTIER ST. 5.76kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM o PART TO OTHERS THE IENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEP 1 N CONNECTION WITH PROJECT MANAGER: MOUNTING SYSTEM: FLORENCE, MA 01062 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ECOFASTEN L FOOT WITH SC RAIL 4135841006 3055 Cleaview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAGE NAME: SHEET: REV: DATE T:(650) 638 F:(650) 638 - 1029 PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PAYMENT TYPE INVERTER: LEASE (1) POWER -ONE # AURORA PVT- 5000 - OUT) -US CUTSHEETS PV 7 7/18/2012 ( 888)- 50L- CITY (765- 2489)www.solarcity.com 1. Conductor Sizing per Art ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS a. Conductor must have 30 0 deg. C ampacity >= 125% of continuous current per Art 215.2(A)(1). Module: 24.1. i4; ; ��j . 215.9 Inv Pwr W PTC StrLen Voltage Drop Calculations Version 5_8.22 N b. Conductor must have (after corrections for conditions of use) >= Inverter 1: 1 Power -One PVI- 5000 -S ' 5,000® 12 Vdrop = (Imp) * (2 * Length) * (Resistance) / (Vmp) continuous current per Table 310.15(B)(16). Module X Imp (A) Max. Length (ft) Wire Inverter 2: all1.111M 1111.11 String: 8.14 50 C AWG 10 at Max Ave Hi: 82 deg F Module: ". �* , Vdrop = (8.14 A * 100 ft * 0.00124 Ohms) / 322 V = 0.31% c. Evaluate conductor temperature at terminations per 110.14(C). Inverter 3: ':111.11111 Branch: I 8.14 1 50 1 C AWG 10 1 at Max Ave Hi: 82 deg F Ampacity of wire derated for conditions of termination must be >= Module: ` ° Vdrop = (8.14 A * 100 ft * 0.00124 Ohms) / 322 V = 0.31% continuous current *1.25. All string terminations are rated at 90' C. Inverter 4 ® Total voltage drop in DC conductors = 10.63 %1 Inverter: 1 20.83 1 40 1 C AWG 10 1 at 240V 2. OCP Sizing per Art 690.8(B)(1) Total: 111111111111modules Total Inv Pwrillipplial.111111111PTC Vdrop = (20.83 A * 80 ft * 0.00120 Ohms) / 240 V 0.83% a. Round up to next size per Art 240.4(B) Photovoltaic Module oo � E lectrical Specifications: Total STC deg F deg C Vdrop Combined! 83 A 1 * 0 ft 0 * 0.00120 l Ohms)G 10 I at 240V 240 V 0.00% Vmp= V Record Low Temp: 30 Total voltage drop in AC conductors = 0.83% 3. Conductor Sizing per Art 690.8(B)(1) Isc= A Max Average Hi Temp: 82 Total voltage drop in AC and DC conductors = 1.46% a. Conductor must have 30 deg. C ampacity >= 125% of continuous Imp= A 100 38 Tvoc= V /deg C Power -One Strings i'y <, current per Art 215.2(A)(1). Tisc= mA/deg c 1 String Type A and 2 Combined Strings Tvpe A Voc Correction Method: ManufTvoc data Branch Circuit Type A 1 -way we length: 50 ft b. Conductor must have (after corrections for conditions of use) >= Power -One PVI- 5000 -S , ; °_ 1 strings per branch 1 1 strings per branch 2 continuous current per Table 310.15 6 16 . 12 Inverter Min Vdc Input Vdc 12 modules per series string 12 modules per series string p ( )( ) Voc= V Min Vmp at Max Temp: - 14Vdc Voc V ,V - Vmp= V Max Voc at Min Temp: , ,, 449 Vdc Vmp= V V c. Evaluate conductor temperature at terminations per Art 110.14(C). Isc= A Inverter Max Vdc Input: Vdc Isc= A t"`A Ampacity of wire derated for conditions of termination must be >= Imp= A Max String Size: Imp= A A continuous current *1.25. All branch terminations are rated at 75' C Icont A Art 690.8(A)(1) 1 -way wire length: 50 ft Icont= A r A Art 690.8(A)(1) 1.a Conductor: PV Wire 2.a Conductor 1: PV Wire min. Conductor 2: PV Wire Conductor 1: Conductor 2: 4. OCP Sizing Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 30 deg C ampacity = 1 30 deg C ampacity = 1 a. Round up to next size per Art 240.4(8) 1.b Icont= (Amps) 2.b Icont= (Amps) Start ampacity Start ampacity 5. Conductor Sizing Der Art 690.8(6)(1) Temperature derate ( % =F) Temp. derate ( % =F) a. Conductor must have 30 deg. C ampacity >= 125% of continuous Conduit fill derate ( % = #) Cndt. fill derate ( %_ #) current per Art 215.2(A)(1). Derated ampacity 1 Derated ampacity 1 Term 1 Term 2 1.c Icont *1.25= (Amps) Temp table b. Conductor must have (after corrections for conditions of use) >= Ampacity 2 .c l cont *1.25= (Amps) continuous current per Table 310.15(B)(16). 1 Ampacity 1 1.d Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 2.d EGC C AWG 10 C AWG 10 Art. 250.122 c. Evaluate conductor temperature at terminations per Art 110.14(C). OCP Size = OCP Size = Ampacity of wire derated for conditions of termination must be >= Inverter Type A Output Combined Inverter Output continuous current *1.25. All inverter output terminations are rated at Power -One PV1 -50005 1 -way wire length: 40 ft Service Voltage= 240 Volts 75' C. Icont= 'A Art 690.8(A)(1) Total Inverter Power- Watts 1 -way wire length: 0 It 3.a Icont *1.25 = (Amps) ;:,:;:26.04 A Art 690.8(B)(1) Icont = # of inverters *max inverter current Art 690.8(A)(1) 6. OCP Sizing OCP size = A Art. 240.6(A) Icont = (Amps) 3.b Conductor THWN -2 at 90 deg C: Table 310.15(B)(16) 4.a Icont *1.25 = (Amps) , + A Art 690.8(B)(1) a. Round up to next size per Art 240.4(B) Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) OCP size = -..: A Art. 240.6(A) 30 deg C ampacity = 1 4.b Conductor THWN -2 at 90 deg C: Table 310.15(B)(16) 7. Conductor Sizing per Art 690.8(6)(1) 3.c Icont= (Amps) , '''..a:,:, ., Icont * 1.25 =(Amps) a. Conductor must have 30 deg. C ampacity >= 125% of continuous Start ampacity 30 deg C ampacity = 1 Temperature derate ( % =F) 4.c Icont= (Amps) f' 4,47 + ; ' current per Art 215.2(A)(1). Conduit fill derate (%=#) Start ampacity Derated ampacity 1 Temp. derate ( % =F) b. Conductor must have (after corrections for conditions of use) >= 3.d Icont *1.25= (Amps) Y Cndt. fill derate ( %_ #) continuous current per Table 310.15(6)(16). Ampacity 1 Derated ampacity 3.e EGC /GEC = D AWG 08 Art. 690.47(C)(3), 250.166(B) 4.d Icont *1.25= (Amps) . 4 Ampacity 1 c. Evaluate conductor temperature at terminations per Art 110.14(C). Ampacity of wire derated for conditions of termination must be >= continuous current *1.25. All inverter output terminations are rated at 75' C min. CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER JB- 010042 00 PREMISE OWNER: AHJ Northampton DESCRIPTION: DE9GN: - r`l t j CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE CARLSON, PAUL CARLSON RESIDENCE WCHEN -: j'�Soi BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT IN WHOLE INC., MARKET: MODULES: ' NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN REST (24) YINGLI # YL240P -29b 55 WHITTIER ST. 5.76kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS PROJECT MANAGER: MOUNTING SYSTEM: FLORENCE MA 01062 ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH 3055 Cleaview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ECOFASTEN L FOOT WITH SC RAIL 4135841006 PAGE NAME: SHEET: REV: DATE T:(650) 638 - 1028 F:(650) 638 - 1029 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAYMENT TYPE INVERTER: PERMISSION OF soLARaTY INC. LEASE (1 POWER -ONE # AURORA PVI- 5000 - OUT) -US ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS PV 6 7/18/2012 (888)-501-CITY 38- 102 2489) 0)638larcity.com GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE BOND (N) #8 EGC /GEC TO (E) GROUND 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL Inv 1: DC Ungrounded ( )r R r?NL AURORA PVl -50o - ours -I)S q�3 q --- (24)YINGLI # Yt240P -29b ROD AT PANEL WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP E 200/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER INV 1 , ;;rtfaz (Z 50(X1W 277v�24ov/20EV,6 3/96.3X/96 PV Module (2011); 14 +J Y. 215.9W PTC, H4, SoMM, Block frame Voc: 37,5 anel Number: BW-491289 INV 2 Vpmax:29.5 Meter Number: 98 682 536 *MODULE CURRENT RATINGS ARE SHOWN AS Isc AND Imp IN INV 3 THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER OF THE SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM. MAIN SERVICE PANEL Inverter 1 (L) WIRING SOLARGUARD CU11.ER-HAMMER METER (1 7 Disconnect (3'''' I C4 "vER t NE DG+ 200A/2P _ . -- - -___. _ ___._ _ _ ._ _ _.... 1 String(s) of 12 on MP 1 —___e �_ A uR� R A r VI 5000 --MID -US DC- (E) LOADS h A g EGC u [ z�a r • I_ ) ( L2 GFP /GFCI •----- DC+ 1 // N DC- 1 \ • I, 30 A / GND I EGC/ _ N r::::--- DC+ DC+ 1 String(s) Of 12 On MP 1 i� r� • A I v --- -���-- V - -- GND - -- GEC g DC_ C B I I ( GND I EGC L DC- I I N I I I EGC /GEC j 0 Z- Z Lo _ I GEC TO 120/240V 1 SINGLE PHASE 1 UTILITY SERVICE ■ 1 1 (? )CUiI ,t1,4MM R -43QC" 302120 0A /'2P PV BACK FEED BREAKER - (1 CUTLER HAMMER # !DG'2'2IUR8 B _ -. (1 )AWG #10, 111'W41 2, Block (,',41) MRCS FOR SOLAR( JARO METI.° DC (1) CUTTER - 1AMMER # 00030N8 POI I 9reakrr; 20A/1P - 30A /2P- 20A/1P, 2 spaces, Ouadpiex )is �,nnect 30A, 240Vac, Non-Fusible, NEMA 3R AC _(1)AWG #10. IHWN -2, Red (FT) G uund /Neutral Kit; 30A, Genercl Duty (DG) - (1 ) AWG #10, CH 4 -2, Green (5FT) Monitoring ' Eq � uiprrent, 2C8/24O 2 -.ere _ (1)NGFFMAN A6R64 Enclosure; NEMA 3R - (2)Multi- -Cable Connector, 3 Port #4 - #14 AWG, Some side. Insulated (1 ) AC #1Ct TIC 2 Bi4ck (2)AWG #10, PV W1RF, Mack Voc = 450 V DC Isc 8.65 AD C O , p (1 ),1WG #10, Said Bare Capper EGG Vmp =354 VDC Imp 8.14 ADC ( 3 [8-- - (1)AWG #10, THAI ?, IWhd ( AWG #10, TNW`4 n White NEU1T AI Vmp =240 VAC Imp 20.83 '( 1)t # Ca c /Z (1)Gt;duit^it .:21.)-..1!4 € (2 )AWG #10,'r YORE, F3iock Voc - 450 VDC Isc - 8.65 ADC O 2 Ems... (1 1 AWU #10, Solid Bare Cropper EGC Vmp = 354 VDC Imp - 8.14 ADC .. I .: (1 ) Ccnduit Kit, 3/4 ,EMT 5OFT CONDUIT1 FUR 001) . 112 .................. I I PR EMISE OWNER: AHJ Nort hampton DESCRIPTION!: DESIGN: , JOB NUMBER: J B -010 4 2 0 WC APA ?S o I ar c i ty MARKETMO SYSTEM PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS PROJECT MANAGER: RUINING SYSTEM: FLORENCE MA 01062 ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION NATH 02 944 CA o Way San Ma Wa v Clea 55 iew Mateo, THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ECOFASTEN L FOOT WITH SC RAIL 4135841006 PAGE NAME: SHEET: REV' DATE: 30S5 Clea Iew Wa 28 F:(6a CA 944 SOLARcITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAYMENT TYPE: INVITER: PERMISSION OF SOLARgTY INC. LEASE 1) POWER -ONE # AURORA PVT- 5000 - OUT) -US SINGLE LINE PV 5 7/18/2012 (888)-SOL-CITY (765- 2489) www.solarcity.com UPLIFT CALCULATIONS INPUT VARIABLES CALCULATIONS AND VALUES Required Variables Design wind pressures based upon: Mean Roof Height: 25 ASCE 7 -05 Chapter 6 Wind Loading Exposure Category: C Equation Component and Cladding Elements Basic wind speed (or city in the future): 90 Wind pressure P = qh *Cn *G Importance factor (1 for residential): 1 6.5.10. Velocity pressure qh = 0.00256 *Kz *Kzt *Kd *V ^2 *I Roof shape: pitched From Table 6 -3: Roof Angle (degrees): 36 Kz = 0.94 Roof zone: 3 Contiguous sq. feet of array: 105 From Figure 6-4: Kzt = 1.00 Least width of the building: 50 Obstructed wind flow? TRUE From Table 6-4: Kd = 0.85 Loca/ Topographical Features (choose "standard " or refer to pictures right, and below) From figure 6 -1: V = 90 Type of hill: none Hill height (h) (ft): From table 6-1: Slope of hill (degrees): I = 1 Horizontal distance from hilltop to house (x): From Velocity Pressure Equation Height from bottom of hill to mean roof height (z): qh = 16.57 Design Wind Pressure From Figure 6 -19B P (Ibs. per sq. ft.) = qh *Cn *G Cn (uplift) = -1.20 Pd (downforce pressure) = 7.04 Cn (down) = 0.50 Pu (uplift pressure) = 16.90 From G = 0.85 Max Tributary Area Feet Inches Individual Rows in Portrait X (E -W distance between standoffs) = 4 0 Yingli YL240 P -29b Y (N -S distance between standoffs) = 2 9 Amax (sq. ft.) = 0.5 *L *X Staggered Penetrations = Yes L (length of panel in ft. perpendicular to rail) 5.41 Module Rail Max. Span /Cantilever (in) = 48 17 X = 4.00 Y = 2.75 Max Uplift Force on a Single Standoff L = N/A Pmax (Ibs.) = Amax *Pu Amax = 10.83 183 Dead Load Calculations Factor of safety = FI *D *NI /Pmax DL (Ibs /sq. ft.) = (Mm +Mh) /(L *W) 1/4 x 4 in. = Lag size and length 375 = Capacity (Ibs) of 1 lag (NDS) L (length of modules) 5.41 2 = NI (number of lags per standoff) W (width of modules) 3.25 4.10 = Factor of safety Mm (weight of modules) 43.65 Point Load Calculations Mh (weight of hardware per module) = 8.10 PL (Ibs) = Amax *DL DL = 2.94 32 J B -010042 0 0 OWNER' AHJ Northampton DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: E ,1 ; CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB r NUMBER CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE CARLSON, PAUL CARLSON RESIDENCE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MARKET: MODULES: � Of � '�� NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN RESI (24) YINGLI # YL240P -29b 55 WHITTIER ST. 5.76kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM o PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS PROJECT MANAGER MOUNTING SYSTEM: FLORENCE MA 01062 ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH 3055 Cleaview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ECOFASTEN L FOOT WITH SC RAIL 4135841006 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAGE NAME: SHEET: REV: DATE: T:(650) 638 - 1028 F:(650) 638 - 1029 PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PAYMENT TYPE IN TER: PV 4 7/18/2012 (888) -SOL -CITY (765 -2489) www.solarcty.com LEASE (1) POWER —ONE # AURORA PVI- 5000— OUT —US UPLIFT CALCULATIONS , 1 1 ' f SH OF ,te . �/"� ' .�` �'' � - -- ..__..__. _ - - -- -` _ ____ ____�,_- 111 ._. - -- 11 III �fl 11 110 AAA N *it tlk 111 1 [F i l l ,;� • RLef KI Nt No. 47072 (E) 3-2x8 RAFTERS R N -,3 NA L " ',Id) '24" SPACING B FRONT VIEW OF MP1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1' STANDOFF Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' A41' . , .. RAPIER: 2 -2x8 ' .', "7 ., . SUPPORT: 2x8, 2x4 MAX SPAN: 12' -9" MOLE R ST; yp ' , , C , A , SIDE VIEW OF MP1 CRNMEHR4 — THE RfERMAfON HEREIN ,TDB "eat OTTN� Kt Uo thampoon OES RP1O & DESICN 164 CWNTAMD SHALT. NOT BE USED FOR TTY �g -01 00 2 00 PTI E1PROM CARLSON, PAUL ARLSON RESIDENCE wcHEN .; BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT 50L MST; / j1+1 , �f 1'C�t�► P T OTHERS IT BE RECRUITS ' ° N ' w RESI {24) YINGU YL240P -29b 55 WNITTIER ST. 5.76kW ROOF MOUNT PV 5YSTEM ORGANIZATION, ExcEPT IN CONNECTION NOM PROJE MINA MOUIIIMIG STStflk FLORENCE, MA 01062 THE SALE AND USE Of THE RESPECTIVE ECOFASTEN L FOOT WITH SC RAIL SCARCITY EQUIPMENT. WITHOUT THE MTITIEN 4135841 006 '055 way San . CA 94402 PERMNSSION OF SOLARCITY PAt1iE11T TTPE P AGE NAPE WET: REY DALE T: {650) 638.1028 F:(650) 638-1029 LEASE 1 POWER -ONE # AURORA PVI- 5000— OUTp —US STRUCTURAL VIEWS — MP1 PV 3 7/18/201 (888).soL- uri(765.24s9)w• . ^ - Roof Mounted SEEPV3 DETAILS A, B, C MP1 PITCH: 36 ARRAY PITCH:36 AZIMUTH: 190 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 190 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle Roof STORY: 2 T > 100' to PL v LEGEND 0 (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL (6)* < 95' to PL INVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO ® & WARNING LABELS (3),(4),(5),(6) VH DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS (4),(5) 55' to PL AC AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS V (3),(4),(5),(6),(10) I � � JUNCTION BOX A B r -- 0 DC COMBINER BOX & WARNING LABELS (7),(9) PV3 : `�In 1 ` . l' DISTRIBUTION PANEL & WARNING LABELS L - - 1 - O (1),(2) MP1 � "t - LC LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS 1 k il ( L_-1- i O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER i CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR s --. CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR t — GATE I - - - INTERIOR EQUIPMENT s AC A �� 0 *( ) NUMBERS REFER TO LABELS PV3 I 70' to PL ON CUTSHEET PAGE Front Of House 1 SITE PLAN " Scale: 1/8" = 1' gill F W lay" 0 1' 8' 16' S • = • :;�.: , CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER: J B-010042 0 0 PREMISE ONNER: AHJ: Northampton DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: ` ,�414� CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE CARLSON, PAUL WCHEN �; BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MARKET: MODULES: CARLSON RE SIDENCE ��, S��a �t NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN RESI (24) 11NGLI # YL240P -29b 55 WHITTIER ST. 5.76kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM « y PART OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT MANAGER: MOUNTING SYSTEM: FLORENCE, MA 01062 IZ THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ECOFASTEN L FOOT WITH SC RAIL 4135841006 3055 Cleaview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAYMENT TYPE IN TER: PAGE NAME: SHEET: REV: DATE T:(650) 638 - 1028 F:(650) 638 - 1029 LEAS PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. E POWER -ONE # AURORA PVI- 5000 - OUT) -US SITE PLAN PV 2 7/18/2012 (888)-501-CITY (765-2489) F:(650) 638-1029 com ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES INDEX LEGEND LICENSE A AMPERE 1. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING PV1 COVER SHEET (E) ® M E UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL (6)* MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN PV2 SITE PLAN AC ALTERNATING CURRENT POSITION, A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS – MP1 Ai BLDG BUILDING PV4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO OF THE HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. CONC CONCRETE & WARNING LABELS (3),(4),(5),(6) 2. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE PV5 SINGLE LINE D COMBINER BOX MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED PV6 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS °C DC D DIRECIBUTION ENT PANEL BY PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. PV7 CUTSHEETS [..,..1 DC DISCONNECT 8c WARNING LABELS (4),(5) EG C EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 3. A NATIONALLY – RECOGNIZED TESTING PV8 CUTSHEETS LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT IN PV9 CUTSHEETS AC AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS (E) EXISTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. 1– (3),(4),(5),(6),(10) 4. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL JUNCTION BOX GALV GALVANIZED G SOLAR GUARD METER COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B) J JURISDICTION NOTES GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER GND GROUND BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS GENERAL NOTES 0 DC COMBINER BOX & WARNING LABELS (7),(9) HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED OR ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC I CURRENT DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). PANEL & WARNING LABELS Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER 6. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID– INTERTIED VIA A 0 (1),(2) INVS INVERTERS RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS UL– LISTED POWER – CONDITIONING INVERTER. Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. 3. PHOTOVOLTAIC SOURCE AND INPUT CIRCUITS AND LC 3 0,(4),(5),(6) `c � e kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE 7. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE INVERTER INPUT CIRCUIT ARE UNGROUNDED. kW KILOWATT UL– LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE 4. SOLAR MOUNTING FRAMES ARE TO BE GROUNDED O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER LBW LOAD BEARING WALL MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING 5. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE MIN MINIMUM HARDWARE. 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR C-1•3-1 (N) NEW 8. ALL EXPOSED METAL PARTS (MODULE FRAMES, -- CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR GATE " ,'9 W () 6. WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 8TH EDITION OF MA �� NEC NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE RAIL, BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE GROUNDED USING STATE BUILDING CODE. – – – INTERIOR EQUIPMENT NIC NOT IN CONTRACT UL LISTED LAY –IN LUGS LISTED FOR THE NTS NOT TO SCALE PURPOSE. POSTS SHALL BE MADE OC ON CENTER ELECTRICALLY CONTINUOUS WITH ATTACHED *( ) NUMBERS REFER TO LABELS P PANEL BOARD RAIL. ON CUTSHEET PAGE PL PROPERTY LINES 9. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE PV PHOTOVOLTAIC BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE AND GROUNDED AT THE MAIN ELECTRIC PANEL. S SUBPANEL 10. THE DC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR VICINITY MAP SCH SCHEDULE SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO ART. SS STAINLESS STEEL 250.166(B) & 690.47. e r ,n ' SSD SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ?4R" '..r — ' ko STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS rte, F.11 Burt', Rn Rd . 9 � ' n%e 5} Ci'ffna SWH SOLAR WATER HEATER z y� TYP TYPICAL UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 4 4 e-6 rte, UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY 'S R°" a ` s o V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER wf�;, �� *R G * cb Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT (44)'R Area C3 W WATT v,: , c . N 3R NEMA 3R, RAIN TIGHT a .,,,, , r L ° n 7, i. Y. t, , '. Pine Grow a it4Oxbow Ga Care 0- c J s E f REV BY DATE COMMENTS • nrenm . REV * * *1*1* * sanctum z Ur ? J rt � x ci"P _� A CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER: J B-010042 0 0 PREMISE OW ER: AHJ Northam DESCRIPTION: DE9GN: v t ear CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE �� , � BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MARKET: MODULES CARLSON, PAUL CARLSON RESI DENCE WCHEN :�/ S�a��t NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN RESI (24) YINGLI # YL240P -29b 55 WHITTIER ST. 5.76kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM y PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS PROJECT MANAGER: MOUNTING SYSTEM: FLORENCE, MA 01062 ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ECOFASTEN L FOOT WITH SC RAIL 4135841006 3055 Cleaview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAGE NAME: SHEET: REV: DATE T:(650) 638 - 1028 F:(650) 638 PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PAYMENT TYPE IN TER: PV 1 7/18/2012 (888) -SOL -CITY (765 -2489) www.solarciry.com LEASE (1) POWER –ONE # AURORA PVT- 5000 – OUT) –US COVER SHEET I have read this Lease and the Exhibits in their entirety and I acknowledge that I have received a complete copy of this Lease. Owner's Name: Paul Carlson ,-, ; Signature: d i"(- /� ��_.. Date: : / 41. u I ,t Co- Owner's Name (if any): Jean Simmons Signature: "7k,-01(... C l ,-/ �, Date: 6> //Z SOLARCITY APPROVED r - i J LYNDON RIVE, CEO Solarlease SoiarCity Date: ✓ 0 -1-- SolarLease 11 REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER OF ANY CLASS 22. PUBLICITY PERTAINING TO ANY DISPUTE. THE ARBITRATOR'S DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING ON THE SolarCity will not publicly use or display any images of PARTIES AND MAY BE ENTERED AND ENFORCED IN the System unless you initial the space below. If you ANY COURT HAVING JURISDICTION, EXCEPT TO THE initial the space below, you give SolarCity permission EXTENT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW IN ACCORDANCE to take pictures of the System as installed on your • WITH APPLICABLE LAW GOVERNING ARBITRATION Home to show to other customers or display on our AWARDS. OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU OR WE WOULD website. HAVE IN COURT MAY ALSO NOT BE AVAILABLE IN Homeowner's Initials ARBITRATION. ( 1(' , 19. WAIVER Any delay or failure of a party to enforce any of the 23. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL provisions of this Lease, including but not limited to YOU MAY CANCEL THIS LEASE AT ANY TIME PRIOR any remedies listed in this Lease, or to require TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER performance by the other party of any of the provisions THE DATE YOU SIGN THIS LEASE. SEE EXHIBIT 1, of this Lease, shall not be construed to (i) be a waiver THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FORM, of such provisions or a party's right to enforce that FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. provision; or (ii) affect the validity of this Lease. 24. ADDITIONAL RIGHTS TO CANCEL 20. NOTICES IN ADDITION TO ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE TO All notices under this Lease shall be in writing and CANCEL THIS LEASE UNDER SECTIONS 6 AND 23, shall be by personal delivery, facsimile transmission, YOU MAY ALSO CANCEL THIS LEASE AT NO COST electronic mail, overnight courier, or certified, or AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO 5 P.M. OF THE 14th registered mail, return receipt requested, and deemed CALENDAR DAY AFTER YOU SIGN THIS LEASE. received upon personal delivery, acknowledgment of receipt of electronic transmission, the promised delivery date after deposit with overnight courier, or five (5) days after deposit in the mail. Notices shall be sent to the person identified in this Lease at the addresses set forth in this Lease or such other address as either party may specify in writing. Each party shall deem a document faxed or sent via PDF as an original document. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; CHANGES This Lease contains the parties' entire agreement regarding the lease of the System. There are no other agreements regarding this Lease, either written or oral. Any change to this Lease must be in writing and signed by both parties. If any portion of this Lease is determined to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be enforced in accordance with their terms or shall be interpreted or re- written so as to make them enforceable. Solarlease 10 (c) If at the end or termination of this Lease prevail in the arbitration and the award you receive SolarCity chooses not to remove the System from the arbitrator is higher than SolarCity's last written and you do not request removal within 90 settlement offer. When determining whether your days pursuant to the Limited Warranty, then award is higher than SolarCity's last written settlement you will be considered to be the new owner offer your attorney's fees and costs will not be of the System and it will automatically be included. conveyed to you as is. Only Disputes involving you and SolarCity may be 18. APPLICABLE LAW; ARBITRATION addressed in the arbitration. Disputes must be brought in the name of an individual person or entity and must PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. proceed on an individual (non - class, non - ARBITRATION REPLACES THE RIGHT TO GO TO representative) basis. The arbitrator will not award relief COURT, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO A JURY AND THE for or against anyone who is not a party. If either of us RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION OR arbitrates a Dispute, neither of us, nor any other SIMILAR PROCEEDING. IN ARBITRATION, A DISPUTE person, may pursue the Dispute in arbitration as a class IS RESOLVED BY AN ARBITRATOR INSTEAD OF A action, class arbitration, private attorney general action JUDGE OR JURY. or other representative action, nor may any such The laws of the state where your Home is located shall Dispute be pursued on your or our behalf in any govern this Lease without giving effect to conflict of litigation in any court. Claims regarding any Dispute laws principles. We agree that any dispute, claim or and remedies sought as part of a class action, class disagreement between us (a "Dispute ") shall be arbitration, private attorney general or other resolved exclusively by arbitration. representative action are subject to arbitration on an The arbitration, including the selecting of the individual (non - class, non - representative) basis, and arbitrator, will be administered by JAMS, under its the arbitrator may award relief only on an individual Streamlined Arbitration Rules (the "Rules ") by a single (non class, non representative) basis. This means that neutral arbitrator agreed on by the parties within thirty the arbitration may not address disputes involving other (30) days of the commencement of the arbitration. persons with disputes similar to the Disputes between The arbitration will be governed by the Federal you and SolarCity. Arbitration Act (Title 9 of the U.S. Code). Either party The arbitrator shall have the authority to award any may initiate the arbitration process by filing the legal or equitable remedy or relief that a court could necessary forms with JAMS. To learn more about order or grant under this agreement. The arbitrator, arbitration, you can call any JAMS office or review the however, is not authorized to change or alter the terms materials at www.jamsadr.com. The arbitration shall be of this agreement or to make any award that would held in the location that is most convenient to your extend to any transaction other than yours. All statutes Home. If a JAMS office does not exist in the county of limitations that are applicable to any dispute shall where you live, then we will use another accredited apply to any arbitration between us. The Arbitrator will arbitration provider with offices close to your Home. issue a decision or award in writing, briefly stating the If you initiate the arbitration, you will be required to essential findings of fact and conclusions of law. pay the first $125 of any filing fee. We will pay any BECAUSE YOU AND WE HAVE AGREED TO filing fees in excess of $125 and we will pay all of the ARBITRATE ALL DISPUTES, NEITHER OF US WILL arbitration fees and costs. If we initiate the arbitration, HAVE THE RIGHT TO LITIGATE THAT DISPUTE IN we will pay all of the filing fees and all of the COURT, OR TO HAVE A JURY TRIAL ON THAT arbitration fees and costs. We will each bear all of our DISPUTE, OR ENGAGE IN DISCOVERY EXCEPT AS own attorney's fees and costs except that you are PROVIDED FOR IN THE RULES. FURTHER, YOU WILL entitled to recover your attorney's fees and costs if you NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AS A Solarlease 9 • (c) you or your guarantor have provided any false or thirty percent (30 %) of the System cost, misleading financial or other information to including installation; and (B) accelerated obtain this Lease; depreciation over five (5) years equal to eighty (d) you assign, transfer, encumber, sublet or sell this five percent (85 %) of the System cost, including Lease or any part of the System without installation, and for the loss of any anticipated SolarCity's prior written consent; or benefits pursuant to Section 9 of this Lease (SolarCity shall furnish you with a detailed (e) you or any guarantor makes an assignment for the calculation of such compensation if such a claim benefit of creditors, admits in writing its is made); or insolvency, files or there is filed against you or it a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, is adjudicated (h) use any other remedy available to us in this Lease bankrupt or insolvent or undertakes or or by law. experiences any substantially similar activity. You agree to repay us for any reasonable amounts we 16. REMEDIES IN CASE OF DEFAULT pay to correct or cover your default. You also agree to reimburse us for any costs and expenses we incur If this Lease is in default, we may take any one or relating to the System's return resulting from early more of the following actions. If the law requires us to termination. By choosing any one or more of these do so, we will give you notice and wait any period of remedies, SolarCity does not give up its right to use time required before taking any of these actions. We another remedy. By deciding not to use any remedy may: should this Lease be in default, SolarCity does not give (a) terminate this Lease and your rights to possess up our right to use that remedy in case of a and use the System; subsequent default. (b) suspend our performance under this Lease; 17. RETURNING THE SYSTEM AT THE END OR UPON TERMINATION OF THIS LEASE (c) take any reasonable action to correct your default or to prevent our loss; any amount we pay will be If you don't renew this Lease, then there are three (3) added to the amount you owe us and will be possibilities with respect to returning or keeping the immediately due; System at the end or termination of this Lease: (a) If at the end or termination of this Lease you (d) require you, at your expense, to return the System have not defaulted, and you have not or make it available to us in a reasonable manner; exercised your purchase option (if any), then (e) proceed, by appropriate court action, to enforce within ninety (90) days: performance of this Lease and to recover (i) SolarCity may at its choosing, remove the damages for your breach; System from your Home at no cost to you; or (f) turn off or take back the System by legal process (ii) if SolarCity does not tell you that it wants to or self -help, but we may not disturb the peace or remove the System and you want to have the violate the law; System removed from your Home at no cost (g) recover from you (i) all accrued but unpaid to you, you must tell us to remove it and we Monthly Payments, taxes, late charges, penalties, will do so pursuant to the Limited Warranty. interest and all or any other sums then accrued or (b) If at the end or termination of this Lease you due and owing, plus (ii) the unpaid balance of the are in default, and SolarCity chooses to aggregate rent, each payment discounted to remove the System from your Home then present value at 5% per annum, plus (iii) you agree to pay SolarCity the reasonable reasonable compensation, on a net after tax basis expense of removing the System from your assuming a tax rate of 35 %, for the loss or Home. recapture of (A) the investment tax credit equal to SolarLease 8 (a) If you sell your Home you can: bear all of the risk of loss, damage, theft, (i) Transfer this Lease. destruction or similar occurrence to any or all of the System. Except as expressly provided in this The person buying your Home can sign a Lease, no loss, damage, theft or destruction will transfer agreement assuming all of your excuse you from your obligations under this Lease, rights and obligations under this Lease where permitted by the local utility. including Monthly Payments. (ii) Move the System to your new Home. (b) If there is loss, damage, theft, destruction or a If you are moving to a new Home in the similar occurrence affecting the System, and you same utility district, then where permitted are not in default of this Lease, you shall continue by the local utility, the System can be to timely make all Monthly Payments and pay all moved to your new home only pursuant to other amounts due under the Lease and, cooperate the Limited Warranty. You will need to with SolarCity, at SolarCity's sole cost and pay all costs associated with relocating the expense, to have the System repaired pursuant to System, execute and deliver to SolarCity the Limited Warranty. an easement for the replacement premises and provide any third party consents or 14. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY releases required by SolarCity in connection with the substitute premises. (a) No Consequential Damages (b) You agree to give SolarCity at least fifteen SOLARCITY'S LIABILITY TO YOU UNDER THIS (15) days but not more than three (3) LEASE SHALL BE LIMITED TO DIRECT, ACTUAL months' prior written notice if you want DAMAGES ONLY. YOU AGREE THAT IN NO someone to assume your Lease obligations. EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE TO In connection with this assumption, you, your THE OTHER FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, buyer and SolarCity shall execute a written INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, SPECIAL transfer of this Lease. Unless we have OR INDIRECT DAMAGES. released you from your obligations in writing, you are still responsible for performing under (b) Actual Damages this Lease. If your buyer defaults on this Lease and we have not yet signed the transfer Except for claims under Section 5(j), neither agreement, you will be responsible for their party's liability to the other will exceed an amount default. We will release you from your equal to the maximum amount that could be obligations under this Lease in writing once payable by you under Section 16(g). Damages to we have a signed transfer agreement with the your Home, belongings or property resulting from person buying your Home. the installation or operation of the System are (c) If you sell your Home and can't comply with covered in Section 6(c) of the Limited Warranty. any of the options in subsection (a) above, you will be in default under this Lease. 15. DEFAULT Section 12(a) includes a Home sale by your You will be in default under this Lease if any one of estate or heirs. the following occurs: (d) EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION, YOU WILL NOT SUBLEASE, ASSIGN, SELL, (a) you fail to make any payment when it is due and PLEDGE OR IN ANY OTHER WAY TRANSFER such failure continues for a period of ten (10) YOUR INTEREST IN THE SYSTEM OR THIS days; LEASE WITHOUT OUR PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT, WHICH SHALL NOT BE (b) you fail to perform any material obligation that • UNREASONABLY WITHHELD. you have undertaken in this Lease (which 13. LOSS OR DAMAGE includes doing something you have agreed not to do, like alter the System) and such failure (a) Unless you are grossly negligent or you continues for a period of fourteen (14) days after intentionally damage the System, SolarCity will written notice; SoiarLease 7 YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE SYSTEM IS ANY AGREEMENT WITH YOUR UTILITY THAT WARRANTED SOLELY UNDER THE LIMITED WOULD ENTITLE YOUR UTILITY TO CLAIM ANY WARRANTY ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT 2, AND THAT SUCH BENEFITS. YOU AGREE TO REASONABLY THERE ARE NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR COOPERATE WITH SOLARCITY SO THAT IT MAY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE CLAIM ANY TAX CREDITS, RENEWABLE ENERGY MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE, CREDITS, REBATES, CARBON OFFSET CREDITS OR CONDITION, DESIGN, CAPACITY, SUITABILITY OR ANY OTHER BENEFITS FROM THE SYSTEM. THIS PERFORMANCE OF THE SYSTEM OR ITS MAY INCLUDE, TO THE EXTENT ALLOWABLE BY INSTALLATION. LAW, ENTERING INTO NET METERING 8. TRANSFER AGREEMENTS, INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS, AND FILING RENEWABLE ENERGY /CARBON OFFSET SolarCity works with banks, large companies and other CREDIT REGISTRATIONS AND /OR APPLICATIONS significant financing partners to finance your System. FOR REBATES FROM THE FEDERAL, STATE OR As a result, SolarCity will assign this Lease to one of LOCAL GOVERNMENT OR A LOCAL UTILITY AND its financing partners. SolarCity may assign, sell or GIVING THESE TAX CREDITS, RENEWABLE transfer the System and this Lease, or any part of this ENERGY /CARBON CREDITS, REBATES OR OTHER Lease or the exhibits, without your consent. BENEFITS TO SOLARCITY. Assignment, sale or transfer generally means that SolarCity would transfer certain of its rights and certain of its obligations under this Lease to another 10. PURCHASING THE SYSTEM PRIOR TO THE END OF party. This assignment does not change SolarCity's THE LEASE TERM obligation to maintain and repair your System as set You may not purchase the System prior to the end of forth in the Limited Warranty. the Lease Term. 9. OWNERSHIP OF THE SYSTEM; TAX CREDITS AND 11. RENEWAL REBATES You agree that the System is SolarCity's personal You have the option to renew your Lease for up to ten property under the Uniform Commercial Code. You (10) years in two (2) five (5) year renewal periods. We will send you renewal forms three (3) months prior to understand and agree that this is a lease and not a the expiration of the Lease Term, which forms shall set sale agreement. SolarCity owns the System for all forth the new Monthly Payments due under the purposes, including any data generated from the renewed Lease, based on our assessment of the then System. You shall at all times keep the System free current fair market value of the System. If you want to and clear of all liens, claims, levies and legal renew and you are in compliance with this Lease, processes not created by SolarCity, and shall at your complete the renewal forms and return them to us at expense protect and defend SolarCity against the least one (1) month prior to the expiration of the Lease same. Term. In the event that you respond that you do not YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT ANY AND agree to the new Monthly Payments, the Lease shall ALL TAX CREDITS, INCENTIVES, RENEWABLE expire by its terms on the termination date. If we ENERGY CREDITS, GREEN TAGS, CARBON OFFSET don't hear back from you after we send you the CREDITS, UTILITY REBATES OR ANY OTHER NON- renewal forms, then this Lease shall renew for an POWER ATTRIBUTES OF THE SYSTEM ARE THE additional one (1) year term at ten percent (10 %) less PROPERTY OF AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF than the then - current average rate charged by your SOLARCITY, USABLE AT ITS SOLE DISCRETION. local utility and shall continue to renew for one (1) SOLARCITY SHALL HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO year terms at that same rate until we hear from you at ENJOY AND USE ALL SUCH BENEFITS, WHETHER least thirty (30) days prior to a renewal term that you SUCH BENEFITS EXIST NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. do not wish to renew. YOU AGREE TO REFRAIN FROM ENTERING INTO 12. SELLING YOUR HOME Solarlease 6 this paragraph shall survive termination or calculate the Monthly Payment amounts expiration of this Lease. set forth in this Lease; (j) Monthly Payments (iv) confirmation that SolarCity will obtain all The Monthly Payments section (Section 4(B)) applicable benefits referred to in Section describes your monthly payment obligations under 9; this Lease. YOU AGREE THAT THIS IS A NET (v) receipt of all necessary zoning, land use LEASE AND THE OBLIGATION TO PAY ALL and building permits; and MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND ALL OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THIS LEASE SHALL BE (vi) completion of any renovations, ABSOLUTE AND UNCONDITIONAL UNDER ALL improvements or changes reasonably CIRCUMSTANCES AND SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT required at your Home or on the Property TO ANY ABATEMENT, DEFENSE, (e.g. removal of a tree or roof repairs COUNTERCLAIM, SETOFF, RECOUPMENT OR necessary to enable SolarCity to safely REDUCTION FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, install the System). IT BEING THE EXPRESS INTENT OF THE SolarCity may terminate this Lease without liability if, PARTIES THAT ALL AMOUNTS PAYABLE BY YOU in its reasonable judgment, any of the above listed HEREUNDER SHALL BE AND CONTINUE TO BE conditions (i) through (vi) will not be satisfied for PAYABLE IN ALL EVENTS INCLUDING BY YOUR reasons beyond its reasonable control. Once SolarCity HEIRS AND ESTATE AND, EXCEPT AS SET starts installation, however, it may not terminate this FORTH BELOW IN SECTIONS 6, 23 AND 24, Lease for the failure to satisfy conditions (i) through YOU HEREBY WAIVE ALL RIGHTS YOU MAY (vi) above. HAVE TO REJECT OR CANCEL THIS LEASE, TO REVOKE ACCEPTANCE OF THE SYSTEM, OR TO (b) Amendments, Your Right to Terminate for Material GRANT A SECURITY INTEREST IN THE SYSTEM. Changes. 6. CONDITIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE Both parties will have the right to terminate this Lease, SYSTEM without penalty or fee, if SolarCity determines after the (a) SolarCity's Obligation to Install and Lease engineering site audit of your Home that it has misestimated by more than ten percent (10 %) any of SolarCity's obligations to install and lease the System (i) the System size, (ii) the System's total cost or (iii) are conditioned on the following items having been the System's annual production. Such termination completed to its reasonable satisfaction: right will expire at the earlier of (A) one (1) week prior (i) completion of (A) the engineering site to the scheduled System installation date and (B) one audit (a thorough physical inspection of (1) month after we inform you in writing of the revised the Property, including, if applicable, size, cost or production estimate. If neither party geotechnical work), (B) the final System exercises their right to terminate this Lease following design, and (C) real estate due diligence such a 10% change, then any changes to the System to confirm the suitability of the Property will be documented in an amendment to this Lease. for the construction, installation and You authorize SolarCity to make corrections to the operation of the System; utility paperwork to conform to this Lease or any (ii) approval of this Lease by SolarCity's amendments to this Lease we both sign. financing partner(s); 7. WARRANTY (iii) confirmation of rebate, tax credit and renewable energy credit payment availability in the amount used to SolarLease 5 (ii) Returned Check Fee: $25 (or such lower installing, constructing, operating, owning, amount as required by law) for any repairing, removing and replacing the check or withdrawal right that is System or making any additions to the returned or refused by your bank; System or installing complementary (iii) Late payments: accrue interest at twelve technologies on or about the location of percent (12 %) annually or the maximum the System; (B) enforcing SolarCity's allowable by applicable law; and rights as to this Lease and the System; (C) installing, using and maintaining electric (iv) Product Change Fee: if after you sign lines, inverters and meters, necessary to this Lease, but before we begin interconnect the System to your electric installation, you decide you would prefer system at the Property and /or to the an alternative SolarCity product (a PPA, or a prepaid SolarLease, etc.) you will utility's electric distribution system; or (D) pay a $250 change fee. taking any other action reasonably necessary in connection with the (e) Insurance construction, installation, operation, SolarCity shall insure the System against all maintenance, removal or repair of the damage or loss unless (i) that damage or loss is System. This access right shall continue caused by your gross negligence; or (ii) you for up to ninety (90) days after this Lease intentionally damage the System. expires to provide SolarCity with time to remove the System at the end of the Lease (f) Estimated Taxes Term. SolarCity shall provide you with You agree to pay any applicable sales or use taxes reasonable notice of its need to access the on the Monthly Payments due under this Lease. If Property whenever commercially this Lease contains a purchase option at the end reasonable. of the Lease Term, you agree to pay any applicable tax on the purchase price for the System. You also (ii) During the time that SolarCity has access agree to pay as invoiced any applicable personal rights you shall ensure that its access property taxes on the System that your local rights are preserved and shall not interfere jurisdiction may levy. The total estimated amount with or permit any third party to interfere you will pay for taxes over the Lease Term is with such rights or access. You agree that $0.00, the System is not a fixture. (g) No Alterations (i) Indemnity You agree that you will not make any To the fullest extent permitted by law, you shall modifications, improvements, revisions or indemnify, defend, protect, save and hold additions to the System or take any other action harmless SolarCity, its employees, officers, that could void the Limited Warranty on the directors, agents, successors and assigns from any System without SolarCity's prior written consent. If and all third party claims, actions, costs, expenses you make any modifications, improvements, (including reasonable attorneys' fees and revisions or additions to the System, they will expenses), damages, liabilities, penalties, losses, become part of the System and shall be SolarCity's obligations, injuries, demands and liens of any property. kind or nature arising out of, connected with, (h) Access to the System relating to or resulting from your negligence or (i) You grant to SolarCity and its employees, willful misconduct; provided, that nothing herein agents and contractors the right to shall require you to indemnify SolarCity for its own reasonably access all of the Property as negligence or willful misconduct. The provisions of necessary for the purposes of (A) SolarLease 4 I (i) only have the System repaired pursuant to (b) System Construction, Repair, Insurance the Limited Warranty and reasonably and SolarCity's obligations: cooperate when repairs are being made; (ii) keep trees, bushes and hedges trimmed so SolarCity agrees to: that the System receives as much sunlight (i) schedule the installation of the System as it did when SolarCity installed it; at a mutually convenient date and time; (iii) keep the panels clean, pursuant to the (ii) construct the System according to Limited Warranty and the Guide; written plans you review; (iv) not modify your Home in a way that (iii) provide you with a web - enabled meter to shades the System; accurately measure the amount of power (v) be responsible for any conditions at your the System delivers to you; Home that affect the installation (e.g. (iv) notify you if the System design has to be blocking access to the roof or removing a materially changed so that you can tree that is in the way); review any such changes; (vi) not remove any markings or identification (v) clean up after ourselves during the tags on the System; construction of the System; (vii) permit SolarCity, after we give you (vi) repair the System pursuant to the reasonable notice, to inspect the System Limited Warranty and reasonably for proper operation as we reasonably cooperate with you when scheduling determine necessary; repairs; (viii) use the System primarily for personal, (vii) create a priority stream of operation and family or household purposes, but not to maintenance payments to provide heat a swimming pool; enough cash flow in our financing (ix) not do anything, permit or allow to exist transactions to pay for the Limited any condition or circumstance that would Warranty obligations and the repair and cause the System not to operate as maintenance of the System in intended at the Property; accordance with this Lease even if (x) notify SolarCity if you think the System is SolarCity ceases to operate; and damaged or appears unsafe; if the System (viii) not put a lien on your Home or Property. is stolen; and prior to changing your power supplier; (c) Home Renovations or Repairs If you want to make any repairs or improvements (xi) have anyone who has an ownership to the Property that could interfere with the interest in your Home sign this Lease; System (such as repairing the roof where the (xii) System is located), you may only remove and xii) return any documents we send you for replace the System pursuant to the Limited signature (like incentive claim forms) Warranty. within seven (7) days of receiving them; and (d) Automatic Payment; Fees; Late Charges In addition to the other amounts you agree to pay (xiii) maintain and make available, at your cost, in this Lease, you agree to pay the following: a functioning indoor Internet connection with one available wired Ethernet port and (i) Automatic Payment Discount: All prices include a $15 monthly discount for standard AC power outlet within eighty (80) feet of the System's AC /DC using automatic payment. You will not Y receive a $15 monthly discount if you inverter(s). See Section 2(d) of the do not make automatic Monthly Limited Warranty for details. Payments through your checking or savings account; Sola ilea se 3 4. LEASE PAYMENTS; AMOUNTS A. Amounts Due at Lease Signing, Installation and B. Monthly Payments: Building Inspection: The balance of your total Lease Prepayment (See Box Payments Due at Signing: 4A) is due when inspection is complete. There are no Amount Due at Lease Signing: $0.00 payments due after this payment. Delivery /Installation Fee: $0.00 Total Due at Lease Signing: $0.00 Payments Due at Installation: 50% of Lease Prepayment: $3,068.79 Tax: $0.00 Total Due at Installation: $3,068.79 Payments Due after Building Inspection: 50% of Lease Prepayment: $3,068.78 Tax: $0.00 Total Due after Building Inspection: $3,068.78 C. Other Charges: D. Total of Payments: $6,137.57 This is the total amount you will have paid by the end of this Lease. It includes taxes of $0.00. None. E. Purchase Option At End of Lease Term: F. Other Important Terms: You do not have an option to purchase the System at the See Section 2 above for additional information on the end of the Lease Term. Lease Term and also see below for additional information on termination, purchase options, renewal options, maintenance responsibilities, warranties, late and default charges and prohibition on assignment without SolarCity's consent. Payments due upon installation are due immediately prior to commencement of installation. (a) System, Home and Property Maintenance 5. LEASE OBLIGATIONS You agree to: .;�. 2 Soiartity SolarLease 305 Clearview Way San Mateo CA 94-1r)2 ECEIV T (888) 30) Ci Y r 1650( 6;38 1 0=_4 SOLASCITY_COM SEP 1 32012 eEAi OF BUILDING INSPECTIO NS Homeowner Name and Address �'o Name Name (It Any) Install��ti� n lo: �IprON,MA060�- . +tra4t<;r. Li <.mr- Paul Carlson Jean Simmons 55 Whittier St. MA HIC 168572 55 Whittier St. Florence, MA 01062 Florence, MA 01062 1. INTRODUCTION calendar month, including the Interconnection Date. This SolarLease (this "Lease ") is the agreement We refer to this period of time as the "Lease Term." between you and SolarCity Corporation (together with The Lease Term begins on the Interconnection Date. its successors and assigns, "SolarCity" or "we "), The Interconnection Date is the date that the System is covering the lease to you of the solar panel system turned on and generating power. SolarCity will notify (the "System ") described below. The System will be you by email when your System is ready to be turned installed by SolarCity at the address you listed on. above. This Lease will refer to this address as the "Property" or your "Home." This Lease is up to 3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION eleven (11) pages long and has up to three (3) Exhibits depending on the state where you live. This Item Lease has disclosures required by the Federal 6.240 kW DC (STC) photovoltaic system Consumer Leasing Act and, where applicable, state law. SolarCity provides you with a Performance Photovoltaic Modules Guaranty and Limited Warranty (the "Limited Warranty "). The Limited Warranty is attached as Inverter(s) Exhibit 2. SolarCity will also provide you with a Mounting system System user manual entitled "Solar Operation and Maintenance Guide" (the "Guide "), that contains Monitoring system important operation, maintenance and service Electric meter number: information. This is a legally binding agreement, so please read everything carefully including all of the Extras: exhibits. If you do not meet your contract obligations under this Lease, you may lose your rights to the Lease Promotional Discount System. If you have any questions regarding this Lease, please ask your SolarCity sales consultant. 2. LEASE TERM SolarCity agrees to lease you the System for 20 years (240 full calendar months), plus, if the Interconnection Date is not on the first day of a calendar month, the number of days left in that partial Apex 0 4 11 September 5, 2012 Engineering 56 Bradford Lane Rochester, 763-2752 - 2752 Andrew Oesterreicher Ph /Fx:(508) 763 -2752 Solar City www.apexengineeringllc.com 3055 Clearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 RE: Carlson Residence 55 Whittier Street Florence, MA Apex Job # 12 -061 Dear Mr. Oesterreicher: This letter certifies the modifications to the existing roof framing at 55 Whittier Street are capable of supporting the applicable dead, live, snow, and wind loads per 780 CMR, edition 8, as well as a dead load of 2.5 pounds per square foot which is specified, along with the modifications and mounting locations, on the drawing entitled "Carlson Residence 5.76 kW Roof Mount PV System" from SolarCity dated July 18, 2012. Should you have any questions about this letter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully, ' � H OF e�,y` -.� ,,� ex En lneerin /q� S sAC y \7 Cott Digitally signed by Scott P SCOTT \��, Orlowski, PE 101r.'R ! DNcn =Scott OrlowskiPE, / (o -a Date: 2012 - rlowski c =US o =A ex En ine /: ORLOVVSK! N ' 09.05117:18:17 Scott R. Orlowski, P.E. ` � No. a� !` " E 0400 President \,,, � /s ��� N ONA L F t 12 -061. Solar City (Carlson) - Str rpt- 01.docx Enclosure: Copy of structural calculations FIRM 250054 0002 C Carlson Residence 5.76 kW Roof Mount PV System cc: File 12 -061 T aseaiieios System. Your rights and obligations under this Limited Warranty will be automatically transferred to any person who purchases the System from you or to whom you properly transfer the Lease. This Limited Warranty contains the parties' entire agreement regarding the limited warranty of the System. Soiarlease 20 binding order of any governmental authority (provided that such order has been resisted in good faith by all reasonable legal means); the failure to act on the part of any governmental authority (provided that such action has been timely requested and diligently pursued); unavailability of power from the utility grid, equipment, supplies or products (but not to the extent that any such availability of any of the foregoing results from SolarCity's failure to have exercised reasonable diligence); power or voltage surge caused by someone other than SolarCity including a grid supply voltage outside of the standard range specified by your utility; and failure of equipment not utilized by SolarCity or under its control. 6. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY (a) No Consequential Damages YOU MAY ONLY RECOVER DIRECT DAMAGES INCLUDING THOSE AMOUNTS DUE PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 2(c) AND 6(C) UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL SOLARCITY OR ITS AGENTS OR SUBCONTRACTORS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR YOUR ASSIGNS FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. (b) Limitation of Duration of Implied Warranties ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY ARISING UNDER STATE LAW, SHALL IN NO EVENT EXTEND PAST THE EXPIRATION OF ANY WARRANTY PERIOD IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. (c) Limit of Liability Notwithstanding any other provision of this Limited Warranty to the contrary, SolarCity's total liability arising out of relating to this Limited Warranty shall in no event: (i) For System Replacement: exceed the greater of (a) the sum of the Lease payments over the Term of the Lease; and (b) the original cost of the System; and (ii) For damages to your Home, Belongings and Property: exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000). 7. NOTICES All notices under this Limited Warranty shall be made in the same manner as set forth in the Lease to the addresses listed below: TO SOLARCITY: SolarCity Corporation 3055 Clearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 Attention: Warranty Claims Telephone: 650- 638 -1028 Facsimile: 650 - 638 -1029 Email: leaseadministrator @solarcity.com TO YOU: At the billing address in the Lease or any subsequent billing address you give us. 8. ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SolarCity may assign its rights or obligations under this Limited Warranty to a third party without your consent, provided that any assignment of SolarCity's obligations under this Limited Warranty shall be to a party professionally and financially qualified to perform such obligation. This Limited Warranty protects only the person who leases the Solarlease 19 A (viii) theft of the System (e.g. if the System is stolen we will replace the System per the Lease, but we will not repay you for the power it did not produce). This Limited Warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. This Limited Warranty does not warrant any specific electrical performance of the System, other than that described above. THE LIMITED WARRANTIES DESCRIBED IN SECTIONS 2(a) and (c) ABOVE ARE THE ONLY EXPRESS WARRANTIES MADE BY SOLARCITY WITH RESPECT TO THE SYSTEM. SOLARCITY HEREBY DISCLAIMS, AND ANY BENEFICIARY OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY HEREBY WAIVES, ANY WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO ANY COST SAVINGS FROM USING THE SYSTEM. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW SUCH LIMITATIONS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 3. SOLARCITY'S STANDARDS For the purpose of this Limited Warranty the standards for our performance will be (i) normal professional standards of performance within the solar photovoltaic power generation industry in the relevant market; and (ii) Prudent Electrical Practices. "Prudent Electrical Practices" means those practices, as changed from time to time, that are engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the solar power electrical generation industry operating in the United States to operate electric equipment lawfully and with reasonable safety, dependability, efficiency and economy. 4. SYSTEM REPAIR, RELOCATION OR REMOVAL (a) You agree that if (i) the System needs any repairs that are not the responsibility of SolarCity under this Limited Warranty, (ii) the system needs to be removed and reinstalled to facilitate remodeling of your Home or (iii) the system is being relocated to another home you own pursuant to the Lease, you will have SolarCity, or another similarly qualified service provider, at your expense, perform such repairs, removal and reinstallation, or relocation on a time and materials basis. (b) If you want to return the System to SolarCity under Section 17 of the Lease then SolarCity will remove the System at no cost to you. SolarCity will remove the posts, waterproof the post area and return the roof as close as is reasonably possible to its original condition before the System was installed (e.g. ordinary wear and tear and color variances due to manufacturing changes are excepted). SolarCity will warrant the waterproofing for one (1) year after it removes the System. You agree to reasonably cooperate with SolarCity in removing the System including providing necessary space, access and storage, and we will reasonably cooperate with you to schedule removal in a time and manner that minimizes inconvenience to you. 5. FORCE MAJEURE If SolarCity is unable to perform all or some of its obligations under this Limited Warranty because of a Force Majeure Event, SolarCity will be excused from whatever performance is affected by the Force Majeure Event, provided that: (a) SolarCity, as soon as is reasonably practical, gives you notice describing the Force Majeure Event; (b) SolarCity's suspension of its obligations is of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure Event (i.e. when a Force Majeure Event is over, we will make repairs); and (c) No SolarCity obligation that arose before the Force Majeure Event that could and should have been fully performed before such Force Majeure Event is excused as a result of such Force Majeure Event. "Force Majeure Event" means any event, condition or circumstance beyond the control of and not caused by SolarCity's fault or negligence. It shall include, without limitation, failure or interruption of the production, delivery or acceptance of power due to: an act of god; war (declared or undeclared); sabotage; riot; insurrection; civil unrest or disturbance; military or guerilla action; terrorism; economic sanction or embargo; civil strike, work stoppage, slow -down, or lock -out; explosion; fire; earthquake; abnormal weather condition or actions of the elements; hurricane; flood; lightning; wind; drought; the SolarLease 18 When the System is installed SolarCity will provide you with a copy of its Solar Operation and Maintenance Guide. This Guide provides you with System operation and maintenance instructions, answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting tips and service information. (ii) SolarGuard Both the SolarGuard service and its PowerGuide upgrade require a high speed Internet line to operate. Therefore, during the Lease Term, you agree to maintain the communication link between SolarGuard and the System and between SolarGuard and the Internet. You agree to maintain and make available, at your cost, a functioning indoor Internet connection with one available wired Ethernet port and standard AC power outlet within eighty (80) feet of the System's AC /DC inverter(s). This communication link must be a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connection that supports common Internet protocols (TCP /IP and DHCP). If you do not have and maintain a working high speed Internet line then (A) we will not be able to monitor the System and provide you with the Power Production Guarantee or provide a PowerGuide upgrade; and (B) you will be required to provide SolarCity with annual production information from your inverter. (e) Making a Claim; Transferring this Warranty (i) Claims Process You can make a claim by: A. emailing us at the email address in Section 7 below; B. writing us a letter and sending it overnight mail with a well -known service; or C. sending us a fax at the number in Section 7 below. (ii) Transferable Limited Warranty SolarCity will accept and honor any valid and properly submitted Warranty claim made during any Lease Term by any person who either purchases the System from you or to whom you properly transfer the Lease. (f) Exclusions and Disclaimer The limited warranties and guaranty provided in this Limited Warranty do not apply to any lost power production or any repair, replacement or correction required due to the following: (i) someone other than SolarCity or its approved service providers installed, removed, re- installed or repaired the System; (ii) destruction or damage to the System or its ability to safely produce power not caused by SolarCity or its approved service providers while servicing the System (e.g. if a tree falls on the System we will replace the System per the Lease, but we will not repay you for power it did not produce); (iii) your failure to perform, or breach of, your obligations under the Lease (e.g. you modify or alter the System); (iv) your breach of this Limited Warranty, including your being unavailable to provide access or assistance to us in diagnosing or repairing a problem, or your failing to maintain the System as stated in the Solar Operation and Maintenance Guide; (v) any Force Majeure Event (as defined below); (vi) shading from foliage that is new growth or is not kept trimmed to its appearance on the date the System was installed; (vii) any system failure or lost production not caused by a System defect (e.g. the System is not producing power because it has been removed to make roof repairs or you have required us to locate the inverter in a non - shaded area); and Solarlease 17 dependent on a shading percentage of X% on your Home. If this shading percentage increases, your Guaranteed Actual kWh will be reduced proportionately. For example, if the first twelve (12) month period commences on October 1, 2010 and ends on September 30, 2011, and the energy the System was supposed to generate is less than the energy the system was guaranteed to generate during such twelve (12) month period, we will pay you the difference in the Actual Annual kWh and the Guaranteed Annual kWh multiplied by the Guaranteed Energy price per kWh within thirty (30) days after December 31, 2011. See the table below fora real world example. Example Example Actual Example Guaranteed Example Guaranteed Annual kWh $ /kWh Energy Price Payment to You Annual kWh 10,000 9,500 $0.10 $50.00 B. If at the end of each successive twelve (12) month anniversary of your first monthly payment the Actual Annual kWh is greater than the Guaranteed Annual kWh during any twelve (12) month period, this surplus will be carried over and will be used to offset any deficits that may occur in the future. If your System produces more energy than the Guaranteed Annual kWh then this additional energy is yours at no additional cost. "Actual Annual kWh" means the AC electricity produced by your System in kilowatt -hours measured and recorded by SolarCity during each successive twelve (12) month anniversary of your first monthly payment. To measure the Actual Annual kWh we will use the SolarGuard® Monitoring Service or to the extent such services are not available, we will estimate the Actual Annual kWh by reasonable means. "Guaranteed Energy Price per kWh" means $0.1000 per kWh with an annual increase of Three - point- five -zero percent (3.50 %). (ii) SolarGuard® During the Lease Term, we will provide you at no additional cost our SolarGuard Monitoring Service ( "SolarGuard "). SolarGuard is a proprietary monitoring system designed and installed by SolarCity that captures and displays historical energy generation data over an Internet connection and consists of hardware located on site and software hosted by SolarCity. If your System is not operating within normal ranges, SolarGuard will alert us and we will remedy any material issues promptly. (iii) PowerGuiderM If you have upgraded your Lease to include the PowerGuideTM Monitoring Service ( "PowerGuide "), SolarCity will provide it to you for the first ten (10) years of the Lease Term. PowerGuide is a SolarGuard improvement that captures and displays historical energy consumption data. Not all home power systems are compatible with PowerGuide. If you ordered PowerGuide and your Home is not compatible with PowerGuide, then SolarCity will adjust your Lease payments to reflect its removal. (iv) Output Warranty The System's electrical output during the first ten (10) years of the Lease Term shall not decrease by more than fifteen percent (15 %). This output warranty is in addition to the Energy Production Guarantee in Section 2(c)(i) of this Exhibit 2 and you will be provided a refund check for underproduction as set forth in Section 2(c)(i). (d) Maintenance and Operation (i) General Solarlease 16 (i) The warranties in Sections 2(a)(i) and (a)(iii) above will start when we begin installing the System at your Home and continue through the entire Lease Term but never less than ten (10) years. Thus, for as long as you lease the System from SolarCity, you will have a System Warranty and our Repair Promise. (ii) The Roof Warranty Period may be shorter than the System Warranty, as described in Section 2(a)(ii) above. (iii) If you have assumed an existing Lease, then this Limited Warranty will cover you for the remaining balance of the existing Lease Term. (c) Performance Warranties and Guaranty (i) Power Production Guarantee SolarCity guarantees that during the Lease Term the System will generate the guaranteed annual kilowatt -hours (kWh) ( "Guaranteed Annual kWh ") in the table set forth below as follows: YEAR GUARANTEED KWH TOTAL KWH 1 6,069 6,069 2 6,039 12,108 3 6,009 18,117 4 5,979 24,096 5 5,949 30,044 6 5,919 35,963 7 5,889 41,853 8 5,860 47,713 9 5,831 53,544 10 5,802 59,345 11 5,773 65,118 12 5,744 70,861 13 5,715 76,576 14 5,686 82,263 15 5,658 87,921 16 5,630 93,550 17 5,602 99,152 18 5,574 104,725 19 5,546 110,271 20 5,518 115,789 A. If at the end of each successive twelve (12) month anniversary of your first monthly payment the cumulative Actual Annual kWh (defined below) generated by the System is less than the Guaranteed Annual kWh, then we will send you a refund check equal to the difference between the cumulative Actual Annual kWh and the Guaranteed Annual kWh multiplied by the Guaranteed Energy Price per kWh (defined below). We will make that payment within thirty (30) days of the end of the calendar year. Your cumulative Actual Annual kWh is SolarLease 15 .r. Exhibit 2 PERFORMANCE GUARANTY AND LIMITED WARRANTY 1. INTRODUCTION This Performance Guaranty and Limited Warranty (this "Limited Warranty ") is SolarCity's agreement to provide you warranties on the System you leased. The System will be professionally installed by SolarCity at the address you listed in the Lease. We will refer to the installation location as your "Property" or your "Home." This Limited Warranty begins when we start installing the System at your Home. We look forward to helping you produce clean, renewable solar power at your Home. 2. LIMITED WARRANTIES (a) Limited Warranties SolarCity warrants the System as follows: (i) System Warranty During the entire Lease Term, under normal use and service conditions, the System will be free from defects in workmanship or defects in, or a breakdown of, materials or components (the "System Warranty "); (ii) Roof Warranty When we penetrate your roof during a System installation we will warrant roof damage we cause due to our roof penetrations. This roof warranty will run the longer of (A) one (1) year following the completion of the System installation; and (B) the length of any existing installation warranty or new home builder performance standard for your roof (the "Roof Warranty Period "); and (iii) Repair Promise During the entire Lease Term, SolarCity will honor the System Warranty and will repair or replace any defective part, material or component or correct any defective workmanship, at no cost or expense to you (including all labor costs), when you submit a valid claim to us under this Limited Warranty (the "Repair Promise "). If we damage your Home, your belongings or your Property we will repair the damage we cause or pay you for the damage we cause as described in Section 6. SolarCity may use new or reconditioned parts when making repairs or replacements. SolarCity may also, at no additional cost to you, upgrade or add to any part of the System to ensure that it performs according to the guarantees set forth in this Limited Warranty. Cosmetic repairs that do not involve safety or performance shall be made at SolarCity's discretion. (b) Warranty Length Solarlease 14 EXHIBIT 1 (CUSTOMER COPY) • NOTICE OF CANCELLATION STATUTORILY - REQUIRED LANGUAGE (ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, DELAWARE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, TEXAS AND VIRGINIA) Notice of Cancellation Date of Transaction: The date you signed the Lease. You may cancel this transaction, without any penalty or obligation, within three business days from the above date. If you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under the contract or sale and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within 10 days following receipt by the seller (SolarCity Corporation) of your cancellation notice, and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be canceled. If you cancel, you must make available to the seller (SolarCity Corporation) at your residence, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this contract or sale, or you may, if you wish, comply with the instructions of the seller (SolarCity Corporation) regarding the return shipment of the goods at the seller's (SolarCity Corporation's) expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the seller (SolarCity Corporation) and the seller (SolarCity Corporation) does not pick them up within 20 days of the date of your notice of cancellation, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available to the seller (SolarCity Corporation), or if you agree to return the goods to the seller (SolarCity Corporation) and fail to do so, then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the contract. To cancel this transaction, mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice, or any other written notice, or send a telegram to SolarCity Corporation, 3055 Clearview Way, San Mateo, CA 94402 not later than midnight of the date that is 3 business days from the date you signed the Lease. [Name], hereby cancel this transaction on _ [Date]. Lessee's Signature: Co- Lessee's Signature: SolarLease 13 EXHIBIT 1 (SOLARCITY COPY) NOTICE OF CANCELLATION STATUTORILY - REQUIRED LANGUAGE (ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, DELAWARE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, TEXAS AND VIRGINIA) Notice of Cancellation Date of Transaction: The date you signed the Lease. You may cancel this transaction, without any penalty or obligation, within three business days from the above date. If you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under the contract or sale and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within 10 days following receipt by the seller (SolarCity Corporation) of your cancellation notice, and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be canceled. If you cancel, you must make available to the seller (SolarCity Corporation) at your residence, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this contract or sale, or you may, if you wish, comply with the instructions of the seller (SolarCity Corporation) regarding the return shipment of the goods at the seller's (SolarCity Corporation's) expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the seller (SolarCity Corporation) and the seller (SolarCity Corporation) does not pick them up within 20 days of the date of your notice of cancellation, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available to the seller (SolarCity Corporation), or if you agree to return the goods to the seller (SolarCity Corporation) and fail to do so, then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the contract. To cancel this transaction, mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice, or any other written notice, or send a telegram to SolarCity Corporation, 3055 Clearview Way, San Mateo, CA 94402 not later than midnight of the date that is 3 business days from the date you signed the Lease. [Name], hereby cancel this transaction on (Date]. Lessee's Signature: Co- Lessee's Signature: SolarLease 12 I have read this Lease and the Exhibits in their entirety and I acknowledge that I have received a complete copy of this Lease. Owner's Name: Paul Carlson Signature: / 0 (i Date: � ? �t / C t .2, Co- Owner's Name (if any): Jean Simmons ( Signature: . , oni �' , lrc- G--�- Date: -_'? f G // SOLARCITY APPROVED r 1 LYNDON RIVE, CEO SolarLease i reSotarCity / 0 ...._ / 2 Date: 51-- SolarLease 11 REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER OF ANY CLASS 22. PUBLICITY PERTAINING TO ANY DISPUTE. THE ARBITRATOR'S DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING ON THE SolarCity will not publicly use or display any images of PARTIES AND MAY BE ENTERED AND ENFORCED IN the System unless you initial the space below. If you ANY COURT HAVING JURISDICTION, EXCEPT TO THE initial the space below, you give SolarCity permission EXTENT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW IN ACCORDANCE to take pictures of the System as installed on your • WITH APPLICABLE LAW GOVERNING ARBITRATION Home to show to other customers or display on our AWARDS. OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU OR WE WOULD website. HAVE IN COURT MAY ALSO NOT BE AVAILABLE IN Homeowner's Initials ARBITRATION. �, 19. WAIVER 1 Any delay or failure of a party to enforce any of the 23. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL provisions of this Lease, including but not limited to YOU MAY CANCEL THIS LEASE AT ANY TIME PRIOR any remedies listed in this Lease, or to require TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER performance by the other party of any of the provisions THE DATE YOU SIGN THIS LEASE. SEE EXHIBIT 1, of this Lease, shall not be construed to (i) be a waiver THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FORM, of such provisions or a party's right to enforce that FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. provision; or (ii) affect the validity of this Lease. 24. ADDITIONAL RIGHTS TO CANCEL 20. NOTICES IN ADDITION TO ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE TO All notices under this Lease shall be in writing and CANCEL THIS LEASE UNDER SECTIONS 6 AND 23, shall be by personal delivery, facsimile transmission, YOU MAY ALSO CANCEL THIS LEASE AT NO COST electronic mail, overnight courier, or certified, or AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO 5 P.M. OF THE 14th registered mail, return receipt requested, and deemed CALENDAR DAY AFTER YOU SIGN THIS LEASE. received upon personal delivery, acknowledgment of receipt of electronic transmission, the promised delivery date after deposit with overnight courier, or five (5) days after deposit in the mail. Notices shall be sent to the person identified in this Lease at the addresses set forth in this Lease or such other address as either party may specify in writing. Each party shall deem a document faxed or sent via PDF as an original document. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; CHANGES This Lease contains the parties' entire agreement regarding the lease of the System. There are no other agreements regarding this Lease, either written or oral. Any change to this Lease must be in writing and signed by both parties. If any portion of this Lease is determined to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be enforced in accordance with their terms or shall be interpreted or re- written so as to make them enforceable. SolarLease 10 (c) If at the end or termination of this Lease prevail in the arbitration and the award you receive SolarCity chooses not to remove the System from the arbitrator is higher than SolarCity's last written and you do not request removal within 90 settlement offer. When determining whether your days pursuant to the Limited Warranty, then award is higher than SolarCity's last written settlement you will be considered to be the new owner offer your attorney's fees and costs will not be of the System and it will automatically be included. conveyed to you as is. Only Disputes involving you and SolarCity may be 18. APPLICABLE LAW; ARBITRATION addressed in the arbitration. Disputes must be brought in the name of an individual person or entity and must PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. proceed on an individual (non - class, non - ARBITRATION REPLACES THE RIGHT TO GO TO representative) basis. The arbitrator will not award relief COURT, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO A JURY AND THE for or against anyone who is not a party. If either of us RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION OR arbitrates a Dispute, neither of us, nor any other SIMILAR PROCEEDING. IN ARBITRATION, A DISPUTE RESOLVED BY AN ARBITRATOR INSTEAD OF A person, may pursue the Dispute in arbitration as a class IS IS RESOLVED OR JURY. action, class arbitration, private attorney general action or other representative action, nor may any such The laws of the state where your Home is located shall Dispute be pursued on your or our behalf in any govern this Lease without giving effect to conflict of litigation in any court. Claims regarding any Dispute laws principles. We agree that any dispute, claim or and remedies sought as part of a class action, class disagreement between us (a "Dispute ") shall be arbitration, private attorney general or other resolved exclusively by arbitration. representative action are subject to arbitration on an The arbitration, including the selecting of the individual (non - class, non - representative) basis, and arbitrator, will be administered by JAMS, under its the arbitrator may award relief only on an individual Streamlined Arbitration Rules (the "Rules ") by a single (non - class, non - representative) basis. This means that neutral arbitrator agreed on by the parties within thirty the arbitration may not address disputes involving other (30) days of the commencement of the arbitration. persons with disputes similar to the Disputes between The arbitration will be governed by the Federal you and SolarCity. Arbitration Act (Title 9 of the U.S. Code). Either party The arbitrator shall have the authority to award any may initiate the arbitration process by filing the legal or equitable remedy or relief that a court could necessary forms with JAMS. To learn more about order or grant under this agreement. The arbitrator, arbitration, you can call any JAMS office or review the however, is not authorized to change or alter the terms materials at www.jamsadr.com. The arbitration shall be of this agreement or to make any award that would held in the location that is most convenient to your extend to any transaction other than yours. All statutes Home. If a JAMS office does not exist in the county of limitations that are applicable to any dispute shall where you live, then we will use another accredited apply to any arbitration between us. The Arbitrator will arbitration provider with offices close to your Home. issue a decision or award in writing, briefly stating the If you initiate the arbitration, you will be required to essential findings of fact and conclusions of law. pay the first $125 of any filing fee. We will pay any BECAUSE YOU AND WE HAVE AGREED TO filing fees in excess of $12.5 and we will pay all of the ARBITRATE ALL DISPUTES, NEITHER OF US WILL arbitration fees and costs. If we initiate the arbitration, HAVE THE RIGHT TO LITIGATE THAT DISPUTE IN we will pay all of the filing fees and all of the COURT, OR TO HAVE A JURY TRIAL ON THAT arbitration fees and costs. We will each bear all of our DISPUTE, OR ENGAGE IN DISCOVERY EXCEPT AS own attorney's fees and costs except that you are PROVIDED FOR IN THE RULES. FURTHER, YOU WILL entitled to recover your attorney's fees and costs if you NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AS A SolarLease 9 (c) you or your guarantor have provided any false or thirty percent (30 %) of the System cost, misleading financial or other information to including installation; and (B) accelerated obtain this Lease; depreciation over five (5) years equal to eighty (d) you assign, transfer, encumber, sublet or sell this five percent (85 %) of the System cost, including Lease or any part of the System without installation, and for the loss of any anticipated SolarCity's prior written consent; or benefits pursuant to Section 9 of this Lease (SolarCity shall furnish you with a detailed (e) you or any guarantor makes an assignment for the calculation of such compensation if such a claim benefit of creditors, admits in writing its is made); or insolvency, files or there is filed against you or it a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, is adjudicated (h) use any other remedy available to us in this Lease bankrupt or insolvent or undertakes or or by law. experiences any substantially similar activity. You agree to repay us for any reasonable amounts we 16. REMEDIES IN CASE OF DEFAULT pay to correct or cover your default. You also agree to reimburse us for any costs and expenses we incur If this Lease is in default, we may take any one or relating to the System's return resulting from early more of the following actions. If the law requires us to termination. By choosing any one or more of these do so, we will give you notice and wait any period of remedies, SolarCity does not give up its right to use time required before taking any of these actions. We another remedy. By deciding not to use any remedy may: should this Lease be in default, SolarCity does not give (a) terminate this Lease and your rights to possess up our right to use that remedy in case of a and use the System; subsequent default. (b) suspend our performance under this Lease; 17. RETURNING THE SYSTEM AT THE END OR UPON TERMINATION OF THIS LEASE (c) take any reasonable action to correct your default or to prevent our loss; any amount we pay will be If you don't renew this Lease, then there are three (3) added to the amount you owe us and will be possibilities with respect to returning or keeping the immediately due; System at the end or termination of this Lease: (d) require you, at your expense, to return the System (a) If at the end or termination of this Lease you have not defaulted, and you have not or make it available to us in a reasonable manner; exercised your purchase option (if any), then (e) proceed, by appropriate court action, to enforce within ninety (90) days: performance of this Lease and to recover (i) SolarCity may at its choosing, remove the damages for your breach; System from your Home at no cost to you; or (f) turn off or take back the System by legal process (ii) if SolarCity does not tell you that it wants to or self -help, but we may not disturb the peace or remove the System and you want to have the violate the law; System removed from your Home at no cost (g) recover from you (i) all accrued but unpaid to you, you must tell us to remove it and we Monthly Payments, taxes, late charges, penalties, will do so pursuant to the Limited Warranty. interest and all or any other sums then accrued or (b) If at the end or termination of this Lease you due and owing, plus (ii) the unpaid balance of the are in default, and SolarCity chooses to aggregate rent, each payment discounted to remove the System from your Home then present value at 5% per annum, plus (iii) you agree to pay SolarCity the reasonable reasonable compensation, on a net after tax basis expense of removing the System from your assuming a tax rate of 35 %, for the loss or Home. recapture of (A) the investment tax credit equal to SolarLease 8 (a) If you sell your Home you can: bear all of the risk of loss, damage, theft, (i) Transfer this Lease. destruction or similar occurrence to any or all of The person buying the System. Except as expressly provided in this p y g your Home can sign a Lease, no loss, damage, theft or destruction will transfer agreement assuming all of your excuse you from your obligations under this Lease, rights and obligations under this Lease where permitted by the local utility. including Monthly Payments. (ii) Move the System to your new Home. (b) If there is loss, damage, theft, destruction or a If you are moving to a new Home in the similar occurrence affecting the System, and you same utility district, then where permitted are not in default of this Lease, you shall continue by the local utility, the System can be to timely make all Monthly Payments and pay all moved to your new home only pursuant to other amounts due under the Lease and, cooperate the Limited Warranty. You will need to with SolarCity, at SolarCity's sole cost and pay all costs associated with relocating the expense, to have the System repaired pursuant to System, execute and deliver to SolarCity the Limited Warranty. an easement for the replacement premises and provide any third party consents or 14. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY releases required by SolarCity in connection with the substitute premises. (a) No Consequential Damages (b) You agree to give SolarCity at least fifteen SOLARCITY'S LIABILITY TO YOU UNDER THIS (15) days but not more than three (3) LEASE SHALL BE LIMITED TO DIRECT, ACTUAL months' prior written notice if you want DAMAGES ONLY. YOU AGREE THAT IN NO someone to assume your Lease obligations. EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE TO In connection with this assumption, you, your THE OTHER FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, buyer and SolarCity shall execute a written INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, SPECIAL transfer of this Lease. Unless we have OR INDIRECT DAMAGES. released you from your obligations in writing, you are still responsible for performing under (b) Actual Damages this Lease. If your buyer defaults on this Lease and we have not yet signed the transfer Except for claims under Section 5(j), neither agreement, you will be responsible for their party's liability to the other will exceed an amount default. We will release you from your equal to the maximum`amount that could be obligations under this Lease in writing once payable by you under Section 16(g). Damages to we have a signed transfer agreement with the your Home, belongings or property resulting from person buying your Home. the installation or operation of the System are (c) If you sell your Home and can't comply with covered in Section 6(c) of the Limited Warranty. any of the options in subsection (a) above, you will be in default under this Lease. 15. DEFAULT Section 12(a) includes a Home sale by your You will be in default under this Lease if any one of estate or heirs. the following occurs: (d) EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION, YOU WILL NOT SUBLEASE, ASSIGN, SELL, (a) you fail to make any payment when it is due and PLEDGE OR IN ANY OTHER WAY TRANSFER such failure continues for a period of ten (10) YOUR INTEREST IN THE SYSTEM OR THIS days; LEASE WITHOUT OUR PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT, WHICH SHALL NOT BE (b) you fail to perform any material obligation that UNREASONABLY WITHHELD. you have undertaken in this Lease (which 13. LOSS OR DAMAGE includes doing something you have agreed not to do, like alter the System) and such failure (a) Unless you are grossly negligent or you continues for a period of fourteen (14) days after intentionally damage the System, SolarCity will written notice; SolarLease YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE SYSTEM IS ANY AGREEMENT WITH YOUR UTILITY THAT WARRANTED SOLELY UNDER THE LIMITED WOULD ENTITLE YOUR UTILITY TO CLAIM ANY WARRANTY ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT 2, AND THAT SUCH BENEFITS. YOU AGREE TO REASONABLY THERE ARE NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR COOPERATE WITH SOLARCITY SO THAT IT MAY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE CLAIM ANY TAX CREDITS, RENEWABLE ENERGY MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE, CREDITS, REBATES, CARBON OFFSET CREDITS OR CONDITION, DESIGN, CAPACITY, SUITABILITY OR ANY OTHER BENEFITS FROM THE SYSTEM. THIS PERFORMANCE OF THE SYSTEM OR ITS MAY INCLUDE, TO THE EXTENT ALLOWABLE BY INSTALLATION. LAW, ENTERING INTO NET METERING 8. TRANSFER AGREEMENTS, INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS, AND FILING RENEWABLE ENERGY /CARBON OFFSET SolarCity works with banks, large companies and other CREDIT REGISTRATIONS AND /OR APPLICATIONS significant financing partners to finance your System. FOR REBATES FROM THE FEDERAL, STATE OR As a result, SolarCity will assign this Lease to one of LOCAL GOVERNMENT OR A LOCAL UTILITY AND its financing partners. SolarCity may assign, sell or GIVING THESE TAX CREDITS, RENEWABLE transfer the System and this Lease, or any part of this ENERGY /CARBON CREDITS, REBATES OR OTHER Lease or the exhibits, without your consent. BENEFITS TO SOLARCITY. Assignment, sale or transfer generally means that SolarCity would transfer certain of its rights and certain of its obligations under this Lease to another 10. PURCHASING THE SYSTEM PRIOR TO THE END OF party. This assignment does not change SolarCity's THE LEASE TERM obligation to maintain and repair your System as set You may not purchase the System prior to the end of forth in the Limited Warranty. the Lease Term. 9. OWNERSHIP OF THE SYSTEM; TAX CREDITS AND 11. RENEWAL REBATES You agree that the System is SolarCity's personal You have the option to renew your Lease for up to ten property under the Uniform Commercial Code. You (10) years in two (2) five (5) year renewal periods. We will send you renewal forms three (3) months prior to understand and agree that this is a lease and not a the expiration of the Lease Term, which forms shall set sale agreement. SolarCity owns the System for all forth the new Monthly Payments due under the purposes, including any data generated from the renewed Lease, based on our assessment of the then System. You shall at all times keep the System free current fair market value of the System. If you want to and clear of all liens, claims, levies and legal renew and you are in compliance with this Lease, processes not created by Solar City, and shall at your complete the renewal forms and return them to us at expense protect and defend Solar City against the least one (1) month prior to the expiration of the Lease same. Term. I n the event that you respond that you do not YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT ANY AND agree to the new Monthly Payments, the Lease shall ALL TAX CREDITS, INCENTIVES, RENEWABLE expire by its terms on the termination date. If we ENERGY CREDITS, GREEN TAGS, CARBON OFFSET don't hear back from you after we send you the CREDITS, UTILITY REBATES OR ANY OTHER NON- renewal forms, then this Lease shall renew for an POWER ATTRIBUTES OF THE SYSTEM ARE THE additional one (1) year term at ten percent (10 %) less PROPERTY OF AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF than the then - current average rate charged by your SOLARCITY, USABLE AT ITS SOLE DISCRETION. local utility and shall continue to renew for one (1) SOLARCITY SHALL HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO year terms at that same rate until we hear from you at ENJOY AND USE ALL SUCH BENEFITS, WHETHER least thirty (30) days prior to a renewal term that you SUCH BENEFITS EXIST NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. do not wish to renew. YOU AGREE TO REFRAIN FROM ENTERING INTO 12. SELLING YOUR HOME Solarlease 6 this paragraph shall survive termination or calculate the Monthly Payment amounts expiration of this Lease. set forth in this Lease; (j) Monthly Payments . (iv) confirmation that SolarCity will obtain all The Monthly Payments section (Section 4(B)) applicable benefits referred to in Section describes your monthly payment obligations under 9; this Lease. YOU AGREE THAT THIS IS A NET (v) receipt of all necessary zoning, land use LEASE AND THE OBLIGATION TO PAY ALL and building permits; and MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND ALL OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THIS LEASE SHALL BE (vi) completion of any renovations, ABSOLUTE AND UNCONDITIONAL UNDER ALL improvements or changes reasonably CIRCUMSTANCES AND SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT required at your Home or on the Property TO ANY ABATEMENT, DEFENSE, (e.g. removal of a tree or roof repairs COUNTERCLAIM, SETOFF, RECOUPMENT OR necessary to enable SolarCity to safely REDUCTION FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, install the System). IT BEING THE EXPRESS INTENT OF THE SolarCity may terminate this Lease without liability if, PARTIES THAT ALL AMOUNTS PAYABLE BY YOU in its reasonable judgment, any of the above listed HEREUNDER SHALL BE AND CONTINUE TO BE conditions (i) through (vi) will not be satisfied for PAYABLE IN ALL EVENTS INCLUDING BY YOUR reasons beyond its reasonable control. Once SolarCity HEIRS AND ESTATE AND, EXCEPT AS SET starts installation, however, it may not terminate this FORTH BELOW IN SECTIONS 6, 23 AND 24, Lease for the failure to satisfy conditions (i) through YOU HEREBY WAIVE ALL RIGHTS YOU MAY (vi) above. HAVE TO REJECT OR CANCEL THIS LEASE, TO REVOKE ACCEPTANCE OF THE SYSTEM, OR TO (b) Amendments, Your Right to Terminate for Material GRANT A SECURITY INTEREST IN THE SYSTEM. Changes. 6. CONDITIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE Both parties will have the right to terminate this Lease, SYSTEM without penalty or fee, if SolarCity determines after the (a) SolarCity's Obligation to Install and Lease engineering site audit of your Home that it has misestimated by more than ten percent (10 %) any of SolarCity's obligations to install and lease the System (i) the System size, (ii) the System's total cost or (iii) are conditioned on the following items having been the System's annual production. Such termination completed to its reasonable satisfaction: right will expire at the earlier of (A) one (1) week prior (i) completion of (A) the engineering site to the scheduled System installation date and (B) one audit (a thorough physical inspection of (1) month after we inform you in writing of the revised the Property, including, if applicable, size, cost or production estimate. If neither party geotechnical work), (B) the final System exercises their right to terminate this Lease following design, and (C) real estate due diligence such a 10% change, then any changes to the System to confirm the suitability of the Property will be documented in an amendment to this Lease. for the construction, installation and You authorize SolarCity to make corrections to the operation of the System; utility paperwork to conform to this Lease or any (ii) approval of this Lease by SolarCity's amendments to this Lease we both sign. financing partner(s); 7. WARRANTY (iii) confirmation of rebate, tax credit and renewable energy credit payment availability in the amount used to SolarLease 5 (ii) Returned Check Fee: $25 (or such lower installing, constructing, operating, owning, amount as required by law) for any repairing, removing and replacing the check or withdrawal right that is System or making any additions to the returned or refused by your bank; System or installing complementary (iii) Late payments: accrue interest at twelve technologies on or about the location of percent (12 %) annually or the maximum the System; (B) enforcing SolarCity's allowable by applicable law; and rights as to this Lease and the System; (C) installing, using and maintaining electric (iv) Product Change Fee: if after you sign lines, inverters and meters, necessary to this Lease, but before we begin interconnect the System to your electric installation, you decide you would prefer system at the Property and /or to the an alternative SolarCity product (a PPA, or a prepaid SolarLease, etc.) you will utility's electric distribution system; or (D) pay a $250 change fee. taking any other action reasonably necessary in connection with the (e) Insurance construction, installation, operation, SolarCity shall insure the System against all maintenance, removal or repair of the damage or loss unless (i) that damage or loss is System. This access right shall continue caused by your gross negligence; or (ii) you for up to ninety (90) days after this Lease intentionally damage the System. expires to provide SolarCity with time to remove the System at the end of the Lease (f) Estimated Taxes Term. SolarCity shall provide you with You agree to pay any applicable sales or use taxes reasonable notice of its need to access the on the Monthly Payments due under this Lease. If Property whenever commercially this Lease contains a purchase option at the end reasonable. of the Lease Term, you agree to pay any applicable tax on the purchase price for the System. You also (ii) During the time that SolarCity has access agree to pay as invoiced any applicable personal rights you shall ensure that its access property taxes on the System that your local rights are preserved and shall not interfere jurisdiction may levy. The total estimated amount with or permit any third party to interfere you will pay for taxes over the Lease Term is with such rights or access. You agree that $0.00. the System is not a fixture. (g) No Alterations (i) Indemnity You agree that you will not make any To the fullest extent permitted by law, you shall modifications, improvements, revisions or indemnify, defend, protect, save and hold additions to the System or take any other action harmless SolarCity, its employees, officers, that could void the Limited Warranty on the directors, agents, successors and assigns from any System without SolarCity's prior written consent. If and all third party claims, actions, costs, expenses you make any modifications, improvements, (including reasonable attorneys' fees and revisions or additions to the System, they will expenses), damages, liabilities, penalties, losses, become part of the System and shall be SolarCity's obligations, injuries, demands and liens of any property. kind or nature arising out of, connected with, (h) Access to the System relating to or resulting from your negligence or (i) You grant to SolarCity and its employees, willful misconduct; provided, that nothing herein agents and contractors the right to shall require you to indemnify SolarCity for its own reasonably access all of the Property as negligence or willful misconduct. The provisions of necessary for the purposes of (A) SolarLease 4 (i) only have the System repaired pursuant to (b) System Construction, Repair, Insurance the Limited Warranty and reasonably and SolarCity's obligations: cooperate when repairs are being made; (ii) keep trees, bushes and hedges trimmed so SolarCity agrees to: that the System receives as much sunlight (i) schedule the installation of the System as it did when SolarCity installed it; at a mutually convenient date and time; (iii) keep the panels clean, pursuant to the (ii) construct the System according to Limited Warranty and the Guide; written plans you review; (iv) not modify your Home in a way that (iii) provide you with a web - enabled meter to shades the System; accurately measure the amount of power (v) be responsible for any conditions at your the System delivers to you; Home that affect the installation (e.g. (iv) notify you if the System design has to be blocking access to the roof or removing a materially changed so that you can tree that is in the way); review any such changes; (vi) not remove any markings or identification (v) clean up after ourselves during the tags on the System; construction of the System; (vii) permit SolarCity, after we give you (vi) repair the System pursuant to the reasonable notice, to inspect the System Limited Warranty and reasonably for proper operation as we reasonably cooperate with you when scheduling determine necessary; repairs; (viii) use the System primarily for personal, (vii) create a priority stream of operation and family or household purposes, but not to maintenance payments to provide heat a swimming pool; enough cash flow in our financing (ix) not do anything, permit or allow to exist transactions to pay for the Limited any condition or circumstance that would Warranty obligations and the repair and cause the System not to operate as maintenance of the System in intended at the Property; accordance with this Lease even if (x) notify SolarCity if you think the System is SolarCity ceases to operate; and damaged or appears unsafe; if the System (viii) not put a lien on your Home or Property. is stolen; and prior to changing your power supplier; (c) Home Renovations or Repairs If you want to make any repairs or improvements (xi) have anyone who has an ownership to the Property that could interfere with the interest in your Home sign this Lease; System (such as repairing the roof where the (xii) return any documents we send you for System is located), you may only remove and replace the System pursuant to the Limited signature (like incentive claim forms) Warranty. within seven (7) days of receiving them; and (d) Automatic Payment; Fees; Late Charges In addition to the other amounts you agree to pay (xiii) maintain and make available, at your cost, in this Lease, you agree to pay the following: a functioning indoor Internet connection with one available wired Ethernet port and (i) Automatic Payment Discount: All prices include a $15 monthly discount for standard AC power outlet within eighty using automatic payment. You will not (80) feet of the System's AC /DC receive a $15 monthly discount if you inverter(s). See Section 2(d) of the do not make automatic Monthly Limited Warranty for details. Payments through your checking or savings account; SolarLease 3 4. LEASE PAYMENTS; AMOUNTS A. Amounts Due at Lease Signing, Installation and B. Monthly Payments: Building Inspection: The balance of your total Lease Prepayment (See Box Payments Due at Signing: 4A) is due when inspection is complete. There are no Amount Due at Lease Signing: $0.00 payments due after this payment. Delivery/Installation Fee: $0.00 Total Due at Lease Signing: $0.00 Payments Due at Installation: 50% of Lease Prepayment: $3,068.79 Tax: $0.00 Total Due at Installation: $3,068.79 Payments Due after Building Inspection: 50% of Lease Prepayment: $3,068.78 Tax: $0.00 Total Due after Building Inspection: $3,068.78 C. Other Charges: D. Total of Payments: $6,137.57 This is the total amount you will have paid by the end of this Lease. It includes taxes of $0.00. None. E. Purchase Option At End of Lease Term: F. Other Important Terms: You do not have an option to purchase the System at the See Section 2 above for additional information on the end of the Lease Term. Lease Term and also see below for additional information on termination, purchase options, renewal options, maintenance responsibilities, warranties, late and default charges and prohibition on assignment without SolarCity's consent. Payments due upon installation are due immediately prior to commencement of installation. (a) System, Home and Property Maintenance 5. LEASE OBLIGATIONS You agree to: 2 Solar olarLease 3051) Clearview Way, Can Mateo, CA 9102 1 (888) SOL -CITY F (650) 638 -1029 SOLARCITY.COM Homeowner Name and Address Co -Owner Name (If Any) Instillation Locauon Contractor License Paul Carlson Jean Simmons 55 Whittier St. MA HIC 168572 55 Whittier St. Florence, MA 01062 Florence, MA 01062 1. INTRODUCTION calendar month, including the Interconnection Date. This SolarLease (this "Lease ") is the agreement We refer to this period of time as the "Lease Term." between you and SolarCity Corporation (together with The Lease Term begins on the Interconnection Date. its successors and assigns, "SolarCity" or "we "), The Interconnection Date is the date that the System is covering the lease to you of the solar panel system turned on and generating power. SolarCity will notify (the "System ") described below. The System will be you by email when your System is ready to be turned installed by SolarCity at the address you listed on. above. This Lease will refer to this address as the "Property" or your "Home." This Lease is up to 3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION eleven (11) pages long and has up to three (3) Item Exhibits depending on the state where you live. This Lease has disclosures required by the Federal 6.240 kW DC (STC) photovoltaic system Consumer Leasing Act and, where applicable, state law. SolarCity provides you with a Performance Photovoltaic Modules Guaranty and Limited Warranty (the "Limited Inverter(s) Warranty "). The Limited Warranty is attached as Exhibit 2. SolarCity will also provide you with a Mounting system System user manual entitled "Solar Operation and Maintenance Guide" (the "Guide "), that contains Monitoring system important operation, maintenance and service Electric meter number: information. This is a legally binding agreement, so please read everything carefully including all of the Extras: exhibits. If you do not meet your contract obligations under this Lease, you may lose your rights to the Lease Promotional Discount System. If you have any questions regarding this Lease, please ask your SolarCity sales consultant. 2. LEASE TERM SolarCity agrees to lease you the System for 20 years (240 full calendar months), plus, if the Interconnection Date is not on the first day of a calendar month, the number of days left in that partial C � vrlt`li( i'OJ2, l;% Idr(:iiv Coro ,ali'rri AEI to ny, f:r5 nvl /f' ( //I file( /fe Office of Consumer Affair and Business Regulation 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5170 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Registration: 168572 Type: Supplement Card Expiration: 3/8/2013 SOLARCITY CORPORATION NOLAN RICHARDSON - - - 24 ST. MARTIN STREET BLD 2 UNIT 11 -- -- MARLBOROUGH, MA 01752 Update Address and return card. Mark reason for change. D Address n Renewal n Employment D Lost Card Office of Consumer Affairs & Business Regulation License or registration valid for individul use only 14 HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. If found return to: if Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation Registration: 168572 Type: 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5170 Expiration: 3/8/2013 Supplement Card Boston, MA 02116 SOLARCITY CORPORATION NOLAN RICHARDSON 24 ST MARTIN STREET BLD 2UNI TAMLBOROUGH, MA 01752 Undersecretary Not valid without signature Woo r mown. tr." rim 02 • w - WINO PXP S66105897 0843. 4.^ ' 41110011 1, r 0, fttd.V #40r 4111, R.,...„4,41 • pAS�E (MINDDIYYYYI �` CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 06/26/20,.1. THIS CERTIFICATE 18 ISSUED A8 A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DO138 NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND bit ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED. BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BEIWEI5N THE ISSUING INBURER(8), AUTHORIKED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. I P 1 ' AN : I t le pert' louts holder Is an Al)' ITTDNAI. INSURE , the palloy(les) meet be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, eub)ent to the tonne and oondlltons of the potlny, aortaln pollolos may require an endorsement. A statement on title oo: MFloata done not oonfer rights to the oortifloafe holder In Hen of such (Indolsement a . - PRODUenR a 2. • • 3 1- • ,-66‘4300 a . - pt� htbhur a'. Oa /lalfhor. & Co. �D.�1olr lheuranao »roko)e of California, Itta., biaenae 410726293 T — One Market: Plaza, Opium Volta)! j' ,., , a.._ _ _____ , ^— —� Mite 200 `` Han 6ranaieao, CA 94105 __ I990221116)AVFORDINOCOVN.RA04' RAID — —� INegauuaA; E02101( AAMR ]ttto CO _- _-____ `-- 16586 � INBUR1i4 INBORti1En: - - �__ - . -- - -- 6olarCf.ty Cosporetton 3055 -Cloarviow way INSURER Ds _--- - — - -- — ^� — flan Mateo • CA 04402 - INBTIRHt1Rs ___-- _.-- __ -- -`— — - --- . — _,� INDIUM PE CO : • • G 8 CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 22617495 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TH • POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN lb SUBJECT 10 AU THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE EEEN RE PAA • 112 _____. TYPO OP INBURANCA D 'l PWI.ITIVNIMBER .� _NRO.N TY . JUMP • -- UMITEf - --- A GENERAL MINIM t41,0967364403 09/01/3. 09/01/12 EACHACCURRENOE • $ 1,000,000 X OOMMEROJM. GENERAL LIABILITY PR PREMISES MINTED wow /woof S 1.000,000 I O AIM6• I Xi O CCU R MED mg. (Any ono por.on) $ 10,000 X Dolluol:ible, 25 PERSONAL 4 MTV INAIRY $ 3..000,000 — • GENERAL AODREOATE $ 2.000,000 __ U GENT. AOOREOATE LIMIT APP PRODUCT&- OOMP1OPADO $ 2.000,000^ • I POUDY El ni 1 $ A AUTOMOBILE HAP982931701. - r - 09/03 09/01 aBoltIVO ' • 000,000 X ANY AUTO • ODDJLYINJURY $ —^ � _____ C OWNED SCHEDULED E pp BDDIt.YlM Y JJU pp RY(Poraoc 4 dDnt) — -- • X HIRED AUTOS R A WNED unoR EPefOaoEolRdeefl OE $ - -_ -- UMBRELLA MAU OCCUR EACh1OCCURRHNCE 6 • - -- -- - --._ -- EXCESS UAU _ CAAIMBMAOE At30RE0ATE_ t DEO ,_•1 .l RETENTION' _ 1 -- ,--- _ - -.- A WORKERB COMPENSATION SW961346703 - D9/01 09/01/12 XI nRY TATU• - . I O E H_ —_ — _ • AND EMPLOYERS' MURAT ANY PRO 16TOR/PARTNENEXEC UTIVE Y N E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1, 000 , 000 Opel E N E A ER EXCLUDED? III --•- (MsndatoeylnNlQ El. DISEASE EMPLOYEE $ 1.,000,000 If do.onbo under _ _ ___ DI:S 4MT(DNQF0PS{1ATIONBithlow__ E.L. DISEASE • POLICY Limit £ 1,000,000 np.SCRipuON Or OPERAT'IOT/RILODATIpNB I VI:INDI.f''S (AlIod, ACORN 101. Addition.' Homerke IR Iodine, H mow space Is foqulrnd) Proof! of: Oaneval. Liability, Aut:omobi3 and %corkers Couponent•S on Yetetl ;antta. • CPtTIFIE .. CANCEIIMION .. t:HOUE.D AHY tn. lam Id$uVl DimulCNR:t) 1'u1.ICltit tsl- I:fitha.t Li .0 JI Proof. of: r- 1wuranc:ci Till! 1?XPINATIItI OAItd THEREOF. NOME NQI.1 ter Il1?1.I1;IJRlWl1 III ACCORIIANCI! WWII 111I: POLICY PItOV101011b. A111'HDRiY,JOEWW'REST?NIATIVfi - /J/) • . _ . _-)._._._. . .._.. .........__......_...__.__. -.-' ' Cc WOO- ACORD (:ORPORMION. All r1(Ihta minimal. AC0111) 25 (2010/05) 7Iti. ACORD nanite and Inj(u ale tre {►FBtotred m1 I R of ACOILD -c t a,:r,.,, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts I Print Form , e - ' Department of Industrial Accidents . li= Office of Investigations 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114 -2017 1/4 ' p www.mass gov /dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/ Contractors /Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name ( Business /Organization/Individual); SolarCity Cor Address :3055 Clearview Way Cit /State /Zip :San Mateo, CA 94402 ________ Phone #:650 963 - 5100 — Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: Type of project (required): 1. 4 I am a employer with 1500 4. ❑ I am a general contractor and I employees (full and /or part-time).* have hired the sub - contractors 6. ❑New construction 2. ❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. 7. ❑ Remodeling ship and have no employees These sub - contractors have 8. ❑ Demolition working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' [No workers' comp. insurance comp. insurance.: 9. ❑Building addition required.] 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its 10.0 Electrical repairs or additions 3. ❑ I am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their 11.0 Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MOL 12.0 Roof repairs insurance required.] t c. 152, § 1(4), and we have no Solar Installation employees. [No workers' 13. Other comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box #1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers' compensation policy information t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. :Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub - contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub - contractors have employees, they must provide their workers' comp. policy number. l am an employer that is providing workers' compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and Job site information. Insurance Company Name: Zurich American Insurance Company Policy # or Self -ins. Lie. # :WC96734670 Expiration Date: / 2012 Job Site Address: � ik‘,d -1, Ler 5 6 ee... City/State /Zip: astence MA Q%OCfig _ . Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and /or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereb;' c'erti i' under the ni us n d 'r allies of Cr r art' that the In brvmrlion provided above is true and correct. Signatu► -1 -- -1 "'– -- .,_ ... .......... ... I);U1_ ... . ;2d/d, .---- ._–.-v P ►R # 802 299 5885 Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License # -_- -_ ___..._-...-.. —.-- _- __-- _- _---- _-- - - - - -- Issuing Authority (circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: _ Phone #: Aug -01 -2012 02:48 PM SolarCity 508- 460.0318 1!1 . - 2e p c� / zo4a c . 9; `• 1 ' O ice of Consumer Affair and. Business Regulation i1 /, • 10 Park Plaza •- Suite 5170 'r� , Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home improvement .Contractor Registration Registration: 168572 Type: Supplement Card SOLARCITY CORPORATION Expiration: 31612013 LESTER WILT JR. 17 STERLING RD. ' BELLERICA, MA 01821 • . - Update Address and return cord. Mork reason for change, • OP8OA1 0 SOM•o4/o4•G //// 0 Address ❑ Renewal [] Employment 0 Lost Curd ✓!W no W#R b 0/✓ loo aoadOA3 Office orConssmor.Affaira & ttusluGts Regulation License or registration volld for indlvkdul use only ? _ i ' OME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. if found return to: 1 Office of Consumer Affairs end' Business Re ulution { : " ? �, 4 Registration: 168572 Type: 10 Park Flue -Suite 5170 L' Expiration: 318 Supplement Card Roston, MA 021 SOLARCITY CORPORATION LESTER WILT JR. 3085 CLEARVIEW WAY• • d^� -xd —�- deA t� {if SAN MATEO, CA 54402 Undersecretary Not valid *lthout signature NI issdchtiktts - Department of Public Siifl't\ Board of Building Regulations and Standards Construdtlon Supervisor License License: CS 92597 h .. LESTER'E WILT JR `° 10 RANGER CIRCLE l,,,'", l I i J SO WEYMOUTH, MA 02190 � ; _ gr...L .-+:• Expiration: 111812013 t u unisquner Tr#: 7422 " d a 1 SECTION 8 - CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable lY Name of License Holder : License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 9. Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ SeA CA C" n `fl) 4.Iac. -cis - , Uo g S Company Narhe Registration Number 09 S}.Nc.ri,n bt �:.:I[�,n4� law. + ll Ma:lba.•c. ql /4/ 7 Y,; Address 0 UU Expiration Date Telephone0 pc 9.3 5'g SECTION 10- WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (M.G.L. c. 152, § 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes l No ❑ 11. - Home Owner Exemption The current exemption for "homeowners" was extended to include Owner - occupied Dwellings of one (I) or two(2) families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license, provided that the owner acts as supervisor. CMR 780, Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner: Person (s) who own a parcel of land on which he /she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/ or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two -year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such "homeowner" shall submit to the Building Official, on a form acceptable to the Building Official, that he /she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time, during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152 (Workers' Compensation) and Chapter 153 (Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death) of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated, you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned "homeowner" certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code, City of Northampton Ordinances, State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature SECTION 5- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alteration(s) ❑ Roofing i l Or Doors 0 Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [D] Decks [Q Siding [D] Other [Loll olc&r Pcott16 Brief Description of Proposed Work: - -17 411cittpn tip .2q Solar Pauteks n,tto t: tia`= e C. 4.-t etistr, komt. To be i,d erccA,tec %ect. Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Roll - Sheet 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a. Use of building : One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No . I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a - OWNER AUTHORIZATION - TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I, qc tl C Gr�Scz ' , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize CAnce C:Oc /tkcxA RcclikrctsrnA to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date I, )Untomv It; c tat rr]Selr. , as Owner /Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Print N e_ Signature of Owner /Agent Date Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage Open Space Footage (Lot area minus bldg & paved parking) # of Parking Spaces Fill: (volume & Location) A. Has a Special Permit /Variance /Finding ever been issued for /on the site? NO 0 DON'T KNOW rIO YES 0 IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO (3 DON'T KNOW e) YES IF YES: enter Book Page and /or Document # B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO Q DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained © Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES © NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property ? YES 0 NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES © NO IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. Department use only City of Northampton Status of Permit: Building Department Curb Cut/Driveway "Permit i 212 Main Street Sewer /Septic Availability JUL 3 0 2012 Room 100 Water/Well Availability - , Northampton, MA 01060 Two is of Str' � ,,, ctural P ans � � .! AjQpp 41 587 -1240 Fax 413 - 587 -1272 Plot/Site p +a: s ` ' � fr oRTHarnF, MA 01060 Other Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 - SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: This section to be completed by office 5 6 W 1,,,.L -L , ■1' 5 Map Lot Unit \ot'e;Xe, AJi ()Wcat.o Zone Overlay District Elm St. District CB District SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP /AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: V at 1/4,\ CGt\ScYx 5 W1...4;(1' St• . clocc.lce -tA Cu(1 . .. Name (Print) Current Mailing Address: et °3) STY- /Cob Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: 'Jrlla R:C tNt &Sc(v\ )'t St.koc - t.;iN i t R tt.,,Lii HarLbcCti.. ,3t4oi75 Name (Prin Current Mailing Address: / ZW/I_/1. 7 IS 5 Signature Telephone SECTION 3 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost (Dollars) to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building (a) Building Permit Fee 300 2. Electrical 0 yeo (b) Construction e from (6) of 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical (HVAC) _ 5. Fire Protection / 6. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) 2 N 0oo Check Number /4 ra ( A'/ i l l ( This Section For Official Use Only Permit Number: Date Building Issued: Signature: Building Commissioner /Inspector of Buildings Date �ty File # BP- 2013 -0116 O e)( ■ APPLICANT /CONTACT PERSON SOLARCITY CORP ADDRESS/PHONE 24 ST MARTIN DR BLDG 2,UNIT 11 MARLBORO (888) 765 -2489 (2358) PROPERTY LOCATION 55 WHITTIER ST C MAP 43 PARCEL 095 001 ZONE " THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Jd Fee Paid _ - Buildini Permit Filled out Fee Paid .0 • vn "" `- Tvpeof Construction: INSTALL SOLAR PANELS New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing r Accessory Structure t J v Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 3 sets of Plans / Plot Plan THE F LOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INF ATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required (see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Pcrmits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Peunit from CB Architecture Committee i'ermit from Elm Street Commission _ Permit DPW Storm Water Management , -lay 7 175 Signa re of B ding O icial Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of public work: and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning & Development for more information. 55 WHITTIER ST BP- 2013 -0116 GIs #: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 43 - 095 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR PANELS BUILDING PERMIT Permit # BP- 2013 -0116 Project # JS- 2013- 000184 Est. Cost: $24000.00 Fee: $144.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: SOLARCITY CORP Lot Size(sq. ft.): 64904.40 Owner: CARLSON PAUL R & JEAN S AKA JEAN E SIMMONS Zoning: Applicant: SOLARCITY CORP AT: 55 WHITTIER ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 24 ST MARTIN DR BLDG 2,UNIT 11 (888) 765 -2489 (2358) Workers Compensation MARLBOROMA01752 ISSUED ON: 9/13/2012 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: INSTALL SOLAR PANELS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House # Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace /Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 9/13/2012 0:00:00 $144.00 212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587 -1240, Fax: (413) 587 -1272 Louis Hasbrouck — Building Commissioner