29-546 (2) City of Northampton , ?--,.....5 •
Massachusetts : - ` ,,
212 Main Street • Municipal Building .,
— I ` ' Northampton, MA 01060 ''' ,� -,t . ' °;
William Patenaude
32 Terrace Lane
Northampton, MA 01060
September 14, 2012
Re: 31 Indian Hill Road
Map -Lot: 29 -546
Mr. Patenaude,
After a rough inspection at 31 Indian Hill Road for the deck extension, permit # BP2012 -0857, I
have discovered the following deficiencies which will need to be corrected and reinspected before
signing off on a rough /final inspection.
1. The balusters require an attachment capacity to resist 501bs of horizontal force, three of the
balusters pulled off with no more than 5 lbs of force. The pull out strength of the nails used is
not adequate.
2. The rail support post to beam connections are required to have a lagged or bolted
3. The post and beam below the landing require a positive connection with steel plates or post
cap. There is a need for a diagonal brace in both directions supporting the carrying beam
and the connections must be bolted or lagged from brace to post and brace to beam.
4. The connection of the roof support and the carrying beam need a positive connection with
steel plates or a post cap.
Feel free to call if you have any questions. Our telephone number is 587 -1240 and our office
hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, excepting that we close at 12:00 noon on
Wednesdays. My email address is: cmiller @northamptonma.gov .
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
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Local Inspector and Zoning Enforcement