38B-183 (7) 17 11--, 1 \ s, 1 i l ,' QUIK FOOTTM PRODUCT GUIDE '<< Quik Foot Lateral Load Test Quik Foot PuII Test Using 3" XHD Fasteners Machine: Universal or tensile testing machine with a capacity of 5,0001bs Test Data or more.ASTM E74 certified load cell and display to measure load and a Substrate: 2X4 N dial or electronic indicator accurate to .00 " to me asure displacement. Product: QKFT -Base Fastener: 3 " XHD ;, Spruce Rafter I `I Specimen: One solar bracket fastened according to the manufactures i ; - installation instructions to a 12"x12" or larger section of the roof Failure: Any of the following occurrences shall be considered failure. i i r - .ii € 4 1 ,, ,... substrate. Sealants, flashings and other roofing materials that have 1 4 , `I I no affect on bracket strength may be omitted from the assembly. A. Fastener failure (fracture or withdrawal). t B. Structural failure of bracket. 1 Apparatus: A welded steel structure reinforced as necessary to °� ` , t, prevent buckling, warping or twisting while the specimen is under load. ,: IS The apparatus is securely fastened to the bed of the testin machine. Ultimate Mode of r ; I '; PP Y testing Test # Description Load (Ibs) Failure I Setup: Attach the specimen to the apparatus using # 12 or # 14 self g drilling screws in sufficient quantity and spacing so as to prevent failure I 3800 A Screws Pulled 1 -111, :. i of the roof substrate prior the failure of the snow guard bracket. Position 1 1 w the apparatus on the test machine bed and conned the load cell to the i bracket so that the load is applied as it would be during normal service. 2 3895.4 A Screws Pulled I : i i 3 Procedure: Photograph the specimen and apparatus prior to testing. ;. 3 0 Load the bracket slowly with an upward pull until failure. Photograph , +"' `�' ' o the specimen after testing. Do a minimum of three tests using a new 3 3517.1 A Screws Pulled a ' c specimen for each test. If after three tests the results are inconsistent, k 4 conduct two additional tests. Mean 3737.5 o Failure: Any of the following occurrences shall be considered failure. Additional Notes: Pull Test A. Fastener failure (fracture or withdrawal). ; 4 B. Structural failure of bracket. 0' .. M t ° ,R eporting: On the data sheet, record the ultimate load (in pounds) and mode of failure for each test. Calculate and record the mean load for all tests conducted. Note any unusual observations during testing as well © as a description of the specific failure observed for each test. Fill out all .rte : a o requested information on the data sheet. c o ., w ` © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright M rights reserved. 0318111 Sec.6 -6 1 1 t i . 1r '' QUIK FOOT"' PRODUCT GUIDE x i I "- ➢ , Quik Foot Lateral Load Test P ',., Quik Foot Lateral Load Test .,i Machine: Universal or tensile testing machine with a capacity of 5,000Ibs Test Data or more. ASTM E74 certified load cell and display to measure load and a ' dial or electronic indicator accurate to .001 "to measure displacement. Product: QKFT-Base Substrate: 2X4 Fastener: 3" XHD 1, ? ', Spruce Rafter ' -i I 1 ; W Specimen: One solar bracket fastened according to the manufactures € I , installatio instructions to a 12 "x 12" or larger ng section of the roof Failure: Any of the following occurrences shall be considered failure. I ',!.4: 1 � substrate. n S ealants, flashings and other roofi materials that have 1 gt may assembly. A. Fastener failure (fracture or withdrawal). il ' l I : no affect on bracket strength ma be omitted from the assembl . B. Structural failure of bracket. E if Apparatus: A welded steel structure reinforced as necessary to ` " prevent buckling, warping or twisting while the specimen is under load. '' The apparatus is securely fastened the bed of testing machine. Ultimate Mode of � t � t ftd t th bd f the hi : '.: Load (Ibs) Failure Test # Description � 1(- . r, Setup: Attach the specimen to the apparatus using # 12 or # 14 self drilling screws in sufficient quantity and spacing so as to prevent failure I 1 179.7 B Bent 30 Degrees ; t of the roof substrate prior the failure of the snow guard bracket. Position . w the apparatus on the test machine bed and connect the load cell to the 1 o bracket so that the load is applied as it would be during normal service. 1 . 4 s ft ' 2 1280.3 B Bent 30 Degrees t o L Procedure: Photograph the specimen and apparatus prior to testing. ' a o Load the bracket slowly with an upward pull until failure. Photograph 44 4,' ' o the specimen after testing. Do a minimum of three tests using a new 3 4304.5 B Bent 30 Degrees u l N. R specimen for each test. If after three tests the results are inconsistent, 1 . v conduct two additional tests. . ,t - Mean 1221.3 w { Failure: Any of the following occurrences shall be considered failure. Additional Notes: Lateral Test on 3" post A. Fastener failure (fracture or withdrawal). 0 x / — .-,;;! ; '®' v B. Structural failure of bracket. « . a :.Y T. ' 0- Reporting: On the data sheet, record the ultimate load (in pounds) and mode of failure for each test. Calculate and record the mean load for all tests conducted. Note any unusual observations during testing as well o as a description of the specific failure observed for each test. Fill out all , ' o < : requested information on the data sheet. . 0 e 0 u W l E` ' © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/8/11 �, Sec.6 -5 ,, t ; + r . QUIK FC►OTTM PRODUCT GUIDE ` '' i ., 1J. .a w, Quik Foot Load Test Quik Foot Pull -Out Test Cont. P" , ' In each pull out test the mode of failure was withdrawal of the screws at the ' : maximum load. Some deformation of the Quik Foot occurred in each test 2 . i , - (figure 5).The Average maximum load was 2312.21b. �_ 1 Pull Out 1 I '' '; ' Test Max Load (lb) Mode of Failure i ',.' i ii ii i - if ii 9 s 1 2463.5 Screw Withdrawal r 2 2375.3 Screw Withdrawal "� f i i' ' ' 3 2060.8 Screw Withdrawal „iilmirit- r' (: ' : 4 2301.0 Screw Withdrawal 5 2360.3 Screw Withdrawal 14 ii'' , , " Average 2312. i : , -, 410 1 E � 1 tt: o E k-='1,- a 0 it S ',i$ 5 --'` . v a i i ',1„, L p „, N 0 N 3 ? : ‘. 0 V W i : ' © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/8/1 1 Sec.6 -4 f F i a � p t ! l i tr � ( 6 ' � ri , 2 QUIK FOOTT"' PRODUCT GUIDE ;I . . s <r � QuikFoot Load Test Quik Foot Pull -Out Test These tests determined the maximum pull-out and moment a Quik Foot would sustain before failure.Three series of tests were conducted, a $ ° ' pull -out test where the Quik Foot was di fro" I two moment tests with different length posts pulled where rectly a side from the "roof and load was applied l ` 4 �' 4 parallel to the "roof ".The average maximum pull out load was determined eft} l ,l ¢ to be 2312.21b while the average maximum moment was determined to ` 1 ,f. ,,- it be 2948in Ib. f 11011 • €l. =' Y^ For each test, to simulate a typical roof th Q Foot would be installed a ' j ' on, a 12 'x 12" square of .5" plywoo d was screwed to the top edge of a 12" r '} ;1".i.,.",., : ( ' r . ; long spruce 2x4 with 1.5" dking screws.The Quik Foot was then fastened 1:!':, ' -, t through the center of the plyw edge he 2x4 with two ' f . TFC #14 concealer screws ( screws wer Figure ood I ).A new the top Quik oft Foot and e l l'itt''., used for each test. e d along i � tit ' For the pullout tests, i • the of Toad was applie Qu ithe axis of the I " diameter k Foot (Figure 2).The x ' w I ood -2x4 assembl was clam ed to aluminum post screwed onto the top the the base of the testin machine , PYN Y P g ' ,' ' �} ° through a welded steel frame that surrounded the assembly (figure 2). Fig 1 #„ r � l 4 �h o , .- v o i i ms ,mow v (`1 0' r W r -' %-')' ', � E R .; 1 C N .::. —- 4 `' Fig 2 o 0 L : '''':' W i ' © EcoFasten Solar@ All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/8/1 1 Sec.6 -3 iz J A ps ''''''4,'''' r .72 t ,N, � ,� i i, QUIK FOOT' PRODUCT GUIDE ITii -- - — - -- - -- — — - - _ _ __ �, `.'� € Quik Foot Load Test i'._.,.,1*-. Quik Foot Moment Test Cont. a, *' The most common mode of failure for the moment tests was withdrawal, r te" of the lower screw. However there were a few tests where the head of the .1/ l l ower screw h ad failed. In each test the post would deflect approximately g 1 3 , 15 20 degrees from horizontal (Figure 6).Typically the post wou start to 1 ' .' "" t € I fs ' b t deflect at a load approximately half the maximum load. In each test the f ,. i i i i 4' i Quik Foot was deformed, as the upper edge of the post dented the top f �� ,',4,„i � ' - - � , f surface of the Quik Foot (Figure 7). t' t i f , : From the average maximum load of each series of moment tests it can .' r ; ` (l ` ;g e be determined that the average maximum moment for the Quik Foot is Vi :' �° il t i` = 2948 in-lb. - " I t l ilt' t d t` 507.0Ib x 6" = 3042in -Ib l ll .d 951.51b x 3" = 2854.5in -lb f (3042 + 2854 ( f .# 2948in - lb J fI W 2 j _v k ' a P s t i ` 3 Fig.6 Y � v 3 z ` '; , t s i v z...�'j �v-r < r..e.. .mom r ,« M1 ° ° .,..,,l; , Kg u ' Y t i i -n c + ' i .. '/ c _ 1 f) t Q f 8 fir b ) -4- * o Fig.7 w I © EcoFasten Solar® All content rotected u nder copyright All ri hts reserved. 03 /8/1 I P g Sec.6 -2 r s € ' i N '. s < . ii: t t is e R I { r ' a , i: QUIK FOOT PRODUCT GUIDE f i } t , 1. }, f Quik Foot Load Test A 4 Quik Foot Moment Test i . For the moment tests, the load was applied parallel to the axis of the 2x4 to } r "} ' '�Mr► the top of the I" diameter aluminum post.The plywood -2x4 assemblies were s, . 0 fastened to a welded steel structure which was bolted to the base of the 1-V ° 1, ' testing machine (figure 3 and 4). Five tests were done for both 6" long posts f 1 ( t and 3" long posts. i 1. !) , ' ll' " '-'41`,-1,,i ` Loads were applied slowly, each test taking 3 -5 minutes until failure.The loads r 1 r1t r A r f .i were measured by an ASTM E74 calibrated load cell and display.The results 4 )f , : ; were recorded as follows. ff " 11 11 t 1 „ +, Moment, 6" Post ( i I �° Test Max Load (Ib) Mode of Failure f , ) I 470.7 Lower Screw Withdrawal Fig.3 1 2 676.4 Over 30 Degrees Deformation v � �, �" t t ) m� 3 467.6 Lower Screw Withdrawal "r = o �� _ � 4 550.5 Lower Screw Head Failure ' ' 5 370.0 Lower Screw Withdrawal ` - 4",;i I ` Average 507.0 } °' k ) k oo v N U Moment, 3" Post t r i:. E Test Max Load (Ib) Mode of Failure �� '! I 955.7 Lower Screw Withdrawal t 2 1 1 13.9 Lower Screw Withdrawal 3 003.4 Lower Screw Head Failure } i ' ` w 4 856.3 Lower Screw Withdrawal - 4 .. 5 828.3 Lower Screw Withdrawal .1, 0 ' N Average 951.5 Fig.4 4) a °� 0 v r w 3 ''' ? © EcoFasten Solar@ All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/8/1 1 -- - Sec.6- 1 I r f '' 1 - ..,',`. i fl i I " t : # QUIK FOOT PRODUCT GUIDE Specifications PART I - GENERAL 1.3 SUBMITTAL B. Base Plate is 1 I gauge 304 Stainless Steel with A. Submit manufacturers written specifications. one 3/8 -16" 304 stainless steel machine screw s' ` 1. I SUMMARY B. Submit standard product cut sheets. welded into embossed countersink. 1, A. WORK INCLUDES C. Fasteners to be compatible with chosen roof 1. Quik Foot Solar attachment bracket that C. Submit installation instructions. I D. Submit product specific load test data, showing application and meet specified pull out values I a 1 attaches directly to the roof deck. r ' , l'...411.-- i 2. Provide appropriate bracket and fasteners ultimate and allowable load values specific to the as shown in load test data. 'Oft it' 8 for the roof system. flashing gauge ' roof deck specified for the project. D. Counter flashin is .032 e aluminum embossed 24 t - to accept shape of stainless steel base plate - ' ' It i � ; B. RELATED SE 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' ' � ,it ` j . ° 1. Section 07600: Flashing and Sheet Metal Installer to be experienced in the installation of 2.3 FINISH - Mill Finish Alr ' " i r , � , :. ' 2. Section 07500: Roofing specified roofing material and snowguards for no less ik .. 3. Division I:Administrative and procedural . than 5 years in the area of the roect. € requirements y p 1 PART 3 - EXECUTION j ' ' r at ' 4 . Division and Moisture Protection ; � 1.5 DELIVERY / STORAGE / HANDLING 3.1 EXAMINATION € 1 { F Inspect material upon delivery. Notify manufacturer 1. 2 SY STEM DE SCRIPTION A. Substrate: Insect structure on which brackets q.°I r ` .{ within 24 hours of any missing or defective items. Keep p i r, A. COMPONENTS: are to be installed and verify that it will withstand < t mater dry, covered, and off the ground until installed. 1. Quik Foot system consists of stainless steel any additional loading that may be incurred. Notify `' € I L : bracket and base plate with (1) stainless steel General Contractor of any deficiencies before {' w PART 2 - PRODUCTS . i stud, (1) stainless steel nut, and (1) bonded installing EcoFasten Solar brackets. i p -° stainless steel and EPDM washer. B. Verify that roofing material has been installed I � ( 1 � „ � 2. Fasteners 2 . 1 MANUFACTURER correctly prior to installing solar attachment brackets. "t ' = I ;a ; A .To be of metal compatible with EcoFasten Solar 4 I'. , t , o Quik Foot bracket. 289 Harrel St Morrisville,VT. 05661 3.2 INSTALLATION k m; r (877) 859 -3947 ` o B. Fasteners should be selected for A, Comply with architectural drawings and F i i 1 ± % . R compatibility with the roof deck www.ecofastensolar.com. project engineers recommendations for location i ' ` r C.Fastener strength should exceed or be equal of system. Comply with Manufacturer's written 2.2- MATERIALS to that of the allowable Toad of the system. installation instructions for installation and layout. r ° See test data at www.ecofastensolar.com A. Attachment Bracket '`' 3. Sealant (if required by roof manufacturer): 6000 Series Aluminum (choose one) k E to be roof manufacturer approved. 1. F- I I I t , v 4. Aluminum counter - flashing 2. L- 101 -3" /` 5. Aluminum attachment bracket 3. L- 102 -3" 4. CP -R l,, o 8, DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: 5. CP -SQ - '' 1. Bracket spacing to be recommended by 6. SL- 102 -6" project engineer. 7. Z -101 co 2. Install fasteners base plate. 8. Custom ' f ® 3. It is important to design new structures or t o s o assess existing structures to make sure that they can withstand retained loads. N. cd A u- . 0 u uJ © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/8111 Sec.5 -1 r . i k i f QUIK FOOTTM PRODUCT GUIDE Ii ill. 141 ml Bracket Options - Z -I01 H .b3 f-• t` .ir -- t k .38 O 1 ) -t 111 t f ,„,,-,,,, .,.., ,1 , 1 E 1 1 1a .41 --•F li 1 ,t } 4 ", i � 1.25 �- 1 '..L , i ,, , s + 'it a— ►F 19 g e i , .1 f —T . 4 .iIT il' A / 4X R.10 . p t .t„ E 2.75 4 ,, ./` '; rl 1 1 . v 1.50 �� (L . 37 7+ 002 THRU ALL - "`� � y ., \% , .875 ±.010 X 82 °, NEAR SIDE o 0 0 1.50 1, ro .75 v� ti N. : ro N. uo L - .75 N..- © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 0318111 Sec.4-10 Y f J I _f , • �` t ` h t + $ QUIK FOOTTM PRODUCT GUIDE € . ,1 ` : _ Bracket Options - L- 102 -6" it i 11 1 ```��� 3 a y 1x. „-- & y I 0 i i s i #_. 6.00 1 � .._ 5.25 t d i � . 3.b5 w t v ' . 38 3.09 � ! a 1 i'1 !- i 1.49 'i IIMINIMMINIIII sL 16 H 3.00 �- 2.00 ► t t # Hi .50 i c 6 . 377+ 002 THRU ALL i 1.00 — \; .875(±.010) v X 82 °, NEAR SIDE .. r C) , f � f f O E f �y 1 ,,, 0 t, v w ` ' . © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/8/11 Sec.4 -9 d / ' � € i J. r QUIK FOOT PRODUCT GUIDE . o f Bracket Options - L- 102 -3 r° r„.... , 4-i 14i 4.11ftlit4.7' 4 '46"*****... 1, l 3I 2X .38 c�- f r . , l ' 1 ' ' t ' t ti 1. 1 , 1 I It I ! ;El ; U E i ''i t, f j ` : 1 . k. Q lit' � ' ' r x i c `w ' t '' is N f # w cr., v 3 C ■ t 9i, ,.i -t o T ■ ' k.,, , o �- 2X .94 -� .. �7 . �, � ,(9.,, Sm.-4 1. 13 i -� —t - 1.88 �.-i � � r ',41' .3$THRU t� ° 1 ' .88 X 82 ° tt NEAR SIDS f ' ',_ ff , E i-c).„) ,, v ..a. w X'°R M t W ro 0 a , N N. O V w © EcoFasten Solar All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/8111 _ _ _.. ....... ....... _ _. - - _.. -.. _...... Sec.4 -8 / t ,, t r # i 1 . , ' QUIK FOOTT" PRODUCT GUIDE -- -- -- ---- z '1 i$ Bracket Options L -10 1-3" R,06 ,,,, E i i y_ .25 .41 --■— I ,. I r ; f i S # , i � �•, 3.00 ti `xt 2.25 R,13 F 1.65 v 3 _ ,31 -' 1' - R,19 �, 1 o j 0 '377± 006 x � THRU ALL —4.- -- , ,, I,‘,), , U 0 .875 +,010 X82 °, NEAR SIDE v -° 11 1.88 O 1 - - -1 r 1 ► .75 V W © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 0318/11 Sec.4-7 ,,..,,,, ,„.„,,, f d i #I #`'' a`t I. QUIK FOOTTM PRODUCT GUIDE `ai I - , Bracket Options - F- 111 t c d Lt , .. 2.04 a 1E .... .-- r 1 1, 4 t ° `. 4 2 X R .06 I 1.00 -,,► ' I t 1 :}' 1.00 .88 1 I 1 `'V 1 i .38. j;littl; f� Unless Otherwise Noted all R .02 1,r v rj I s 2.25 st 3 1.13 ''..- t E it g i 1 ; <° c'" + 006 , ' . 377 002 THRU ALL �1 , v � .875 ±.010 X 82 °, NEAR SIDE 1.00 v yy f 0 2.00 * __ O i c � ro Z Y L T_ -- W t] V W h _ ,± { , © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/811 I -_ _. ....._ _ _.. ..... _ _ -.... _... _.... _... _..__.. i Sec.4 -6 QUIK FOOT" PRODUCT ptions GUIDE 4!„, f!,4:1:,ti 4 ' f1.44 - ; �'. 4 i , .� Bra O a- SQ I ;4411- I I X11 ; 14 . - -1 � � w .i?5 .008 A . ;3 lqy O tt; t §* ,,:',1:' j f'llillil—i --c,','.' ' u r t 3 c f, f ,a ° t 0 0 )r : 64 -. ! 300 . 025 1 E 0 Pz, n (T e 0 % ) �)'{ I:�RU 8 73 .010 X 82 EAR SI t. o - o Compression Plate 2" X 2" Mill Aluminum w ,' © EcoFasten solar() All content p rotected under copyrig All rights reserved. 03/8/11 Sec.4-5 ? _. QUIK FOOTT PRO G UIDE - - - -- -- -- - ' -t-' i i -.- ..:g Bracket Options CP - R q 1:-.{:'1',:lh,f,----- ,,,,,1 111 3 i ��1f � "� � � "�d q. :1':',1: i O t t � Sq } E of_ 44 006 .31 i __ ?,` .377 .002 THRU ALL �"' � � � � ,' 4 I ,, ' � / � .875 ±.010 X 82° Qf.: l IA I w t © 1.75 .,„ �, o a f 1" 1 1%;;.., :.0 pi 7 d2 N 's 9 _ f S 3 � e J e O .` v ,*t rn o �- N y C O v w . I,'' ©EcoFnsten Solari All content protect under copyright M rights reserved. 03/8111 1 Sec.4 -4 1 , 1 . f , P. QUIK FOOT PRODUCT GUIDE '. I. QFL -812 A z A l #{ ...._..__- - - - -____ .032 tq 3 1.. z l� 3 iI , r R.38 . - I — 1 . , I' i ,1 1. ,:4 I �1 41. v . 38 L r v € �' o 12.00 t 4 i il M C I \ M v III 3.00 C , � 8.00 -D..] m 1 . -- F2 .58 --••• co r r L t,, N yw 5 4? \;' i f 1 © E coFasten Solar® Al! content protected un copyright All ri rights reserved. 0 3/8/ 1 I � ; D g Sec.4 -3 j 1, QUIK FOOT'" PRODUCT GUIDE . •‘,2,i -, , 1,:i f. 1 ' 4 , 4 _ q ..', QF- S , ; . , 2.00 1.-. ,, 2X (7) .27 THRU ALL , „ d'' il`,..,. i -,i ,-,, 4 4 .i.: ', i'f , 1‘11' ., ow ,/ . M - — fuolloyollHollil d r' 4 „,...,„,„ ,,,„ , .,., . q ,.•,,,,,,,,., :,„ ! fi, , -2 A ■-1 SECTION A-A ,.‘ "41, i it1-41, 4 1 ,. .,; -. i) r 3.25 l'i ,— .''' 1.74 - S .81 3/8-16 18.8 0 , 1.08 =. E i i I Millk i ' ' ! ' . / : V a ...........■, . I lk .28 • , .12 I L .... r L , ',7 v 1 0 Lii © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/81!! Sec.4-2 i i .. S I [ QUIK FOOT' PRODUCT GUIDE 14, r + 4,0 . v" § 1 , r s 1 QF— L ., . 444 ,y re 1' 2.00. ' t, i, et A ∎ - -� - 2X .27 THRU ALL �-I .13 1 ? / i� r 4 1 1 '': () J (•) ` [ .52 is O III III II IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIII ' t SECTION A -A 1 4 , r A� , . t_ -� 3.25 e-I 1.74 +�-a 0 E 1 1 .i" q 3/8- 1618.8 ° o 4 206 r = 2 �< _ i . '. ,,,,,,,. ., .:.- ,, rc , 1 0 • f .12 co LL 0 V W , © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright M rights reserved. 03/8/11 Sec.4- d d . I ' ),e i Pa I ; � 1 .tt eI , 1. QUIK FOOT' PRODUCT GUIDE , Bill of Materials 11 ;' Materials Needed forAssembly (see figure I, Sec. I -I) Required Tools Item No. Description of Material /Part Quantity i 1 1 3/8" Stainless Steel Hex Nut 1 } 11 2 3/8" EPDM Bonded 18.8 SS Washer 1 x ,\,,,,,,._, / r , 3 L- 102 -3" Bracket * (other options available) 1 t= 1 1' 1 1 ` t 4 Quik Foot Flashing 1 i t 5 Quik Foot I Dili a, 6 Fastener (le to be determined) By Others c 4 ? a I Base Components Needed Ir k` ;. t ao © , v W e ` II ao roo E � : t #1 ��,• #2 7 Q — ` i ' 4a. �. C o x,,i € o f —` i v . 0 r �r V ' - 1- , #3 #4 �7 #5 #6 L fd N � r L O V W '. © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights re served. 031 8/11 ..... _. ..... .._. ...._. ........ _... . _.... _.... .. _ .... .... _.. _. _ __ u �, Sec.3- 1 t t � It ,, t .q Ii i, ,' �.f -. = QUIK FOOT T" P , it Installation RODUCT Instructions -w o 0 • Instructions ■ may" ,,,,� 4 , For detailed product illustration see previous page, for required tools see next page. Ir !, ,]. 4 1 . Locate the rafters and snap horizontal and vertical Imes to mark the ,, ilk installation position for each Quik Foot. r l f E, , Y 2. Install base as shown using appropriate fasteners* a p i *'1 , � `� �'�� 3. Apply a thin bead of sealant around the base of the threaded stud. ** 1 i F • 4. Insert the flashing so the top part is under the next row of shingles +, �. and pushed far enough up slope to prevent water inf Itration through � vertical joint in shingles. f y /® 5. Install top compression component as shown using EPDM bonded washer ' ; ''1 t '' fl and stainless nut. I Consult an engineer or go to www.ecofastensolar.com for engineering data. t I j 2 flit f , *EcoFasten recommends XHD fasteners by OMG. * *EcoFasten recommends Geocel 2300. ( 4 i1 i E , 3 C �+ o t Q 1% _ - R r. f3 F,7 , v 1 E .,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,.,„,„ ,, , A ,, V ..,. A , , , ._ . , , , '. , ,, r 1- ::1 1 O° 3 4 5 - ° ro 0 ,.,,,,,, T l/) 4) , w t f ' © EcoFasten Solar() All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/8/11 Sec.2- 1 1 ¢ f ii. 11,1,,, :•,,,' .;,, li I 11 .1' . ." 1 . '1 i '' 0 ' ' 4 '..1 . .',t,',J .', f QUIK FOOT PRODUCT GUIDE Exploded Product View 0 .._._ C 0 * -- - - - - 1 CD' • 41 . -L.:Jo f ,, ;1 1 ,!•,. ';'.."..: ' I .: z -...,,._.. ./Z _ 7 7 I '''''' I t. : I .,.-/' 0 I .. ■ • L...- ii 11. 1 il p f ''' a .._ 2 1 111 E 0 ' ^ ,/ llt r"■.....„1,,,, ,..,42.. , ...,..4.-.4:0. ' filo . tiiiii64.04Plito•. tag.' ..?,.- *Note: Numbers correspond with B.O.M. Sec. 3-1 — i © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyright All rights reserved. 03/8/1 I Sec. I - 1 i i F r , , , �`: t PRODUCT GUIDE 3 Q uik Foot Con tents . , , , 6 i i a 4 i Exploded Product View — Sec, 1 I 'ltallatan Instructions —Sec. 2 _" ' f; Bill of Materials — Sec. 3 0 f 1' i 1d Cutsl1eets — Sec. 4 , Spec * Sec. 5 t l ` ; r load Test Reports Sec. 6 '1 '' ' '' ' 1 ' ' :, i " , ftlift,V. : ' Gra : - ' ' - - _ ,_ 4IP------- ' C ' ' 'i 1 ,‘ '' , ' ' , - --___ , w, ' "" : ' 3 0 I .:: S � x ''? ,, '. com to the Support o Renewable Ene I s 4 I I i4iiipi i I ; ' ; ; .' I' ; , '' :' ' : ' i , I 1 1, /`` ,, E ! f S U N POW E R SM System Planning and Assembly Installation Manual [3.2.] Installing wire clips to modules: Figure 19. STATEMENT OF EQUIVALENCY • This statement is to confirm that SunPower's mounting systems as identified below are equivalent to the Unirac Racking System products as identified below: SunPower Racking System Unirac Racking System SPR -SM -4 SolarMount For additional information please contact SunPower Corporation at 800 - SUNPOWER. 10 year limited Product Warranty, 5 year limited Finish Warranty SunPower warrants to the original purchaser specified by AAMA 609 & 610 -02 — "Cleaning If within the specified Warranty periods the ("Purchaser ") of product(s) that it manufactures and Maintenance for Architecturally Finished Product shall be reasonably proven to be ( "Product ") at the original installation site that Aluminum" (www.aamanetorg) are not followed defective, then SunPower shall repair or replace the Product shall be free from defects in material by Purchaser.This Warranty does not cover the defective Product, or any part thereof, in and workmanship for a period of ten (10) years, damage to the Product that occurs during its SunPower's sole discretion. Such repair or except for the anodized finish, which finish shipment, storage, or installation. replacement shall completely satisfy and discharge shall be free from visible peeling, or cracking or all of SunPower's liability with respect to this This Warranty shall beVOID if installation of the chalking under normal atmospheric conditions Product is not performed in accordance with limited Warranty. Under no circumstances for a period of five (5) years, from the earlier SunPower's written installation instructions, or shall SunPower be liable for special, indirect or of 1) the date the installation of the Product is if the Product has been modified, repaired, or consequential damages arising out of or related completed, or 2) 30 days after the purchase of reworked in a manner not previously authorized to use by Purchaser of the Product. the Product by the original Purchaser ( "Finish by SunPower IN WRITING, or if the Product Manufacturers of related items, such as PV Warranty "). is installed in an environment for which it was modules and flashings, may provide written The Finish Warranty does not apply to any foreign not designed. SunPower shall not be liable for warranties of their own. SunPower's limited residue deposited on the finish. All installations consequential, contingent or incidental damages Warranty covers only its Product, and not any in corrosive atmospheric conditions are excluded. arising out of the use of the Product by Purchaser related items. The Finish Warranty is VOID if the practices under any circumstances. For more detailed information on this system visit Unirac's website: http: / /unirac.com /mounting - solutions /solar- mountphp SunPower Corporation P: 1- 877 - SUN -0123 r, S U I E 3939 N First St. F: 1- 408 - 240 -5400 10 San Jose, CA 95134 www.sunpowercorp.com SM System Planning and Assembly Installation Manual 5 U N PIZ)W E R Part III. Installing grounding [3.1] Installing SM System with grounding clips and lugs Clips and lugs are sold separately. UGC -I To , „, mounting K l am clamps Y ,a rr „I Y ^l1 1 I Module I T T -bolt ..;*,.,,, • Nib US Figure 14. Slide UGC -1 grounding UGC -1 clip into top mounting slot of rail. - (if 1 1 Torque modules in place on top of conrorm. to "–'` % clip. Nibs will penetrate rail anod - UL Standard 467 ization and create grounding path " „ " ",,, ,L through raiL SM System rail any type) " <> Grounding Lug Figure 16. Rails may be grounded in three ways: Figure 15. Grounding Lug 1. Grounding hole located on splice bar. 2. Pre - drilled holes at end of rail. .. �� 3. Field drilled hole on the rail. :: , . Drill hole 0.201 "( #7 drill) into the SM rail and attach grounding lug 12, '"'" z 'N,;‘,",;‘,;,•':‘,:•,.•.; � using a #8 x 1-1/4" stainless steel ' ' ' � . Figure 1Z UGC -1 layout for even and Figure 18. Single wire grounding odd number of modules in row. `X” with spliced rails. denotes places to install UGC -1. KEY € PV module ad 1 m « « « e r L. SolarMount rail (any type r A Rail splice X Grounding lug Even Number of Modules in row — copper wire 1., . . , ., ...,, .,. „ , ..', ', ,. „ ,, „, „.. ,. . r: .. ,, ..,, t, . ,. , , ., „, )C It:.X 9. � . Odd Number of Modules in row Single grounding wire for entire array 5 U N POW E R SM System Planning and Assembly Installation Manual [2.4.] Installing the modules: Installing the First Module: In high - profile installations, the safety bolt and flange nut must be fastened to the module bolt slot at the aligned (lower) end of each rail. It will prevent the lower end clamps and clamping bolts from sliding out of the rail slot during installation. If there is a return cable to the inverter, connect it to the first module. Close the J -box cover. Secure the first module with T -bolts and end clamps at the aligned end of each rail. Allow half an inch between the rail ends and the end clamps (Fig.14). J - boxes Finger tighten the flange nuts, center and align the module as needed, and securely tighten the flange nuts (5 -10 ft lbs) Figure 11 Installing the Other Modules: l /2" minimum Module frame Lay the second module face down (glass to glass) on the first module. Connect intermodule cable to the second module 1/4" module bolt and close the J -box cover. Turn the second module face up s and flange nut (Fig. 11). With T- bolts, mid - clamps and flange nuts, secure the adjacent sides of the first and second modules. Align the second module and securely tighten the flange nuts (Fig. 13). Rail For a neat installation, fasten wire management devices to End clamp — rails with self - drilling screws. Repeat the procedure until all modules are installed. Attach Figure 12 the outside edge of the last module to the rail with end clamps. Trim off any excess rail, being careful not to cut into the roof. Module frames Allow half an inch between the end clamp and the end of the rail (Fig. 12). Check that all flange nuts on T -bolts are torqued to 5 -10 ft lbs. I/ module bolt and flange nut R._ Rail `‘—, Mid clamp Figure 13 8 SM System Planning and Assembly Installation Manual 5 U N POW E R [2.3.] Installing SM System rails: Keep rail slots free of roofing grit or other debris. Foreign matter will cause bolts to bind as they slide in the slots. �►', Installing Splices: If your installation uses SM System splice bars, attach the rails together (Fig. 7) before mounting the rails to the footings. If using more than one splice per rail, contact SunPower concerning thermal expansion issues. Mounting Rails on L -feet: Rails may be attached to either of two mounting holes in the Figure 7. Splice bars slide into the footing bolt slots L -foot (Fig. 8). Mount in the lower hole for a low profile, of rail sections. more aesthetically pleasing installation. Mount in the upper hole for a higher profile, which will maximize airflow under the modules. This will cool them more and may enhance performance in hotter climates. Slide the 3 /a -inch mounting bolts into the footing bolt slots. Clamping Loosely attach the rails to the footings with the flange nuts. bolt slot Ensure that the rails are oriented to the L -feet as shown in , Figure 5 or 6, whichever is appropriate. r Mounting Aligning the Rail Ends: Footing = `'' holes Align one pair of rail ends to the edge of the installation area bolt slot t (Fig. 9 or Fig. 10). The opposite pair of rail ends will overhang the side of the installation area. Do not trim them off until the installation is complete. If the rails are perpendicular to the rafters (Fig. 9), either Figure 8. Foot - to - rail splice attachment end of the rails can be aligned, but the first module must be installed at the aligned end. If the rails are parallel to the rafters (Fig. 10), the aligned end of the rails must face the lower edge of the roof. Securely tighten all hardware after alignment is complete. Mount modules to the rails as soon as possible. Large temperature changes may bow the rails within a few hours if module placement is delayed. 1 Edge of installation area Edge of installation area Figure 9. Rails perpendicular to the rafters. Figure 10. Rails parallel to the rafters. p, 7 S U N POW E R SM System Planning and Assembly Installation Manual [2.2.] Laying out standoffs: Aluminum standoffs (Figure 4) are used for flashed installations. Use Figure 5 or 6 to locate and mark the location of the standoff lag screw holes within the installation area. the tile or shake underneath each standoff location, exposing the roofing underlayment. Ensure that the standoff f base lies flat on the underlayment, but remove no more material than required for the flashings to be installed properly. SunPower recommends that rails be firmly attached to structural members using standoffs and L-feet. Figure 4. Aluminum standoffs are used in conjunction with an L If multiple rows parallel to rafters are to be Overhang Foot spacing 2 % typical installed adjacent to each other, it may not each be possible for each row to be centered above the rafters. Adjust as needed, following the 134" P J 1 guidelines of Fig. 6 as closely as possible. 2 1 50% typical [2.2.1. Installing standoffs] Lower roof edge 4 Rafters Drill 3/16 inch pilot holes through the underlayment into the center of the rafters at each standoff location. Securely fasten each standoff to the rafters with the two 5/16" x Figure 5. Layout with rails perpendicular to rafters. 3 lag screws provided. Ensure that the standoffs face as shown in 50% Figure 5 or 6. 25% typical P - , - typical Aluminum two -piece standoffs (1.66" each end O.D.) should be used with thermal plastic flashings, also available from SunPower. 1 Install and seal flashings and standoffs using standard building practices. 1-1/2" Foot spacing Overhang Lower roof edge R Rafters Figure 6. Layout with rails parallel to rafters. Pg 6 SM System Planning and Assembly Installation Manual S U N F'O'E R [2.1.] Planning your SM System installations: The installation can be laid out with rails parallel to the rafters The width of the installation area equals the length of one or perpendicular to the rafters. Note that SM System rails module. make excellent straight edges for doing layouts. The length of the installation area is equal to: Center the installation area over the structural members as • the total width of the modules, much as possible. • plus 1 inch for each space between modules (for mid - Leave enough room to safely move around the array during clamp), installation. • plus 3 inches (1 inches for each pair of end clamps). Peak m ` 1.._...... l I �...__ o e Low - profile w High - profile �_ mode mode Gutter Figure 3. Rails may be placed parallel or perpendicular to rafters. Page 5 5 U N POW E R SM System Planning and Assembly Installation Manual Part II. Installing SM System with top mounting clamps This section covers rack assembly where the installer has elected to use top mounting clamps to secure modules to the rails. It details the procedure for flush mounting SM Systems to a pitched roof. 4 Mid Clamp L- foot —o- ` End Clamp Standoff —► Flashing —► Rail Rail Figure 2. Exploded view of aflushmount installation. Table I. Part quantities Table 3.Wrenches and torque ' /s "" footing '/8" flange Wrench Recommended Rail Length Rails L -feet bolts nuts size torque (ft -Ibs) 48" - 106" 2 4 4 4 %, " hardware 7 /6 " 5 - 10 y� 120" - 180" 2 6 6 6 ' /a "" hardware 9 A6 192" -216" 2 8 8 8 Table 2. Clamp kit part quantities i All top down clamps must be installed with anti - End Mid 1/4" module 1/4"x 1/4" 1/4" flange A seize to prevent galling and provide uniformity Modules damps clamps clamp bolts safety bolts nuts in clamp load. Unirac Inc recommends Silver 2 4 2 6 2 8 Grade LocTite Anti -Seize Item numbers: 38181, 3 4 4 8 2 10 8020 76 732, 76 75 9, 76764, 80206, and 76775, 4 4 6 10 2 12 or equivalent. 1/4" - 20 hardware used in 5 4 8 12 2 14 conjunction with top down clamps must be installed to 5 - 10 ft -lbs of torque. 6 4 10 14 2 16 7 4 12 16 2 18 8 4 14 18 2 20 Pa 4 SM System Planning and Assembly Installation Manual 5 U N POW E R [1.3.] Installer responsibilities: Please review this manual thoroughly before installing your SM System. SunPower also provides a limited warranty on SM System products (page 10). The installer is solely responsible for: • Complying with all applicable local or national building codes; • Ensuring that SunPower and other products are appropriate for the particular installation and the installation environment; • Ensuring that the roof, its rafters, connections, and other structural support members can support the array under all load conditions (this total assembly is referred to as the roof rafter structure); • Using only SunPower parts and installer- supplied parts as specified by SunPower (substitution of parts may void the warranty). • Ensuring that lag screws have adequate pullout strength and shear capacities as installed; • Verifying the strength of any alternate mounting used in lieu of the lag screws; • Maintaining the waterproof integrity of the roof, including selection of appropriate flashing; • Ensuring safe installation of all electrical aspects of the PV array. Page 3 S U N ROWE R SM System Planning and Assembly Installation Manual Part I. Scope, components, and installer responsibility [1.1.] Introduction: This manual, SunPower SM System Planning and Assembly, governs installations using the SunPower SM system. [1.2.] SM System standard rail components: l 2 • 0 m Nk g k2 6NYYnr'4 • xt � 2. Figure 1. SM System standard rail components. O Rail — Supports PV modules. Use two per row of O Aluminum two -peice standoff (4" and 7 ") — Use one modules. Aluminum extrusion, anodized. per L -foot. Two - piece: aluminum extrusion. Includes 3/8" x 3/4" serrated flange bolt with EPDM washer © Rail splice — Joins rail sections into single length of rail. for attaching L foot, and two 5/16" x 3-1/2" lag bolts. It can form either a rigid or thermal expansion joint, 8 Flashings: Use one per standoff. SunPower offers mutiple inches long, predrilled. Aluminum extrusion, anodized. flashings. Q Lag screw for L -foot (5/16" x 3 -1/2 ") — Attaches 0 Self- drilling screw — (No. 10 x 3/4 ") — Use 4 per rigid standoff to rafter. splice or 2 per expansion joint. Stainless steel. 0 Top Mounting Clamps O L -foot — Use to secure rails to standoffs. Refer to loading tables for spacing. Use no less than one L -foot per 4 feet I' Grounding Lug of rail. Aluminum extrusion, anodized. 0 L -foot bolt (3/8" x 3/4 ") — Use one per L -foot to secure Wire Management Clip - Use to secure module wires to rail to L -foot. Stainless steel. module. Stainless steel. O Flange nut (3/8 ") — Use one per L -foot bolt to secure rail 0 UGC -1 Grounding Clip to L -foot. Stainless steel. Installer supplied materials: • Waterproof roofing sealant — Use a sealant appropriate to your roofing material. 2 SunPower SM System Planning and Assembly 0 Installation Manual CD rt- 9 ra O Table of Contents Part I. Scope, components, and installer responsibility 2 Part II. Installing SM System with top mounting clamps 4 Part III. Installing grounding 9 Pub #110316 -SP2 March 2011 - Rev. 14 Corp SUNPOWER CORPORATION WWW.SUNPOWERCORP.COM �ol�bg t s l e ,r tie c All rights re.rerved. • Job Truss Truss Type oh IPIy SMITH -CONE [27 FORT STj 27520 S1 :Special Truss 18 1 1 _ _ Job Reference (optional) Truss Engineering Corp., Indian Orchard, MA 01151 7 250 s Nov 19 2010 MiTek Industries, Inc Mon Jun 18 06 17:07 2012 Page 1 I D: okkMLmgY9pVYzzJro4 f4EdzTn8y- dn8WgeZVL6OjcjNutd2zfjojGdi LeROklQfn HZ58pQ 0-10= 1 2 -7-4 - 6-4-12 6-4-12 2 -7-4 0=10=1 - I1 5x6 O Scale = 1:46. 4 8.00 12 14 15 3x6 3x6. 3 5 13 16 4x6 �i �, • �. 4x6 J 2 r..�. ; 6 '4 . , 10 9 ■ 4 4 M 1 " 7; 8x9 6 - 3x8 = 8x9 $ 16-8-0 2) • 0-3- 4 8.00 12 1367#! -102# -- - 136 -102# 2x4 I � 2 -7-4 �_ 9 -0 -0 15 -4 -12 � 18 -0-0 � 2 -7-4 6-4 -12 6-4 -12 2 -7-4 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [2:0 -2- 14.0 -2 -01. [4.0.3-0,0 -2 -81, 16'.0 -2- 14.0 -2 -01 [90- 4.8,0 -3-61, [11.0-4-8,0 -3-61 - LOADING (psf) SPACING 2 -0-0 CSI DEFL in (lot) I /deft Ud PLATES GRIP • TCLL(roof) 40.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 069 Vert(LL) -0.0610 -11 >999 240 MT20 197/144 Snow(Pf/Pg) 30.8 /40.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 041 Vert(TL) -0 .1710 -11 >999 180 TCDL 20.0 Rep Stress Ina: WB 0.79 Horz(TL) 0.17 8 n/a Na BCDL 10.0 Cade IRC2009/TPI2007 (Matrix) 9 Wei ht 861b FT = 10% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E 6) This truss has been designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 'Except' TOP CHORD any other live loads. 82. 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2- 12 =- 1315/125. 2 -13>- 2200/153, 3 -13= 2044/156, 7)' This truss has been designed fora INe load of 20. Ops1 on the bottom chord In all WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud 3-14 =- 1392/91 4-11 7/106 4- 15=- 1177/106, 5-15 =-1392/91, areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 1 -0-0 wade will fit between the bottom chord and BRACING 5 -16 =- 2044/104, 6 --16= 2200/101, 6-8 =1315/98 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD any other members. 8) Bearing at joint(s) 12, 8 considers parallel to grain value using Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1 -7 oc punins, except end verticals. 10-11= 216/1802, 9-10=- 21/1802 surface 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface BOT CHORD WEBS directly applied or 6�0 oc bracing 4 -10= 0/579, 510 -853/143, 6 -9 =- 37/1845 3-10 =- 853/213, 9) Provide mechanical connection (by ethers) of t1 8= plate capable of Rigid ceiling 9 withstanding 1 W lb uplift at point(s) except (jt =1b) 12=102, 8 =102. 2 -11 =- 88/1845 10) This truss Is designed in accordance with the 2009 International Residential Code REACTIONS (lb/s118 sections 8502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 12 = 1185/0-3 -8 (min. 0-2 -2) NOTES (12) 11) "Semi -rigid prtchbreaks with Ned heels" Member end fixity model was used in the 8 = 1185/0-3-8 (min. 0-2 -2) 1) This truss has been checked for uniform roof live load only, except as noted analysis and design of this truss. Max Horz 2) Wind: ASCE 7 -05 90mph; TCDL =4.2psf; BCDL - 60 f, h =25ft', Cat. 0: Exp B; 12) All Plates 20 Gauge Unless Noted 12 = 190(LC 8) enclosed: MWFRS (low -rise) gable end zone and C -C Extenor(2)- 0 -11 -1 to 2 -0-15, Max Uplift Intenor(1) 2 -0-15 to 6-0-0, Exterior(2) 6-0 -0 to 9-0-0, Interior(1) 12 -0 -0 to 15 -11 -1 zone; SE(S1 LOAD CA 12 = - 102(LC 9) cantilever left and right exposed end vertical left and right exposed;C -C for members O CA 8 = - 102(LC 10) and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown', Lumber DOL =160 plate grip DOL =1 60 Max Gram 3) TCLL ASCE 7 -05, Pr-40.0 psf (roof live load: Lumber DOL =1.15 Plate DOL =1.15); 12 = 1367(LC 2) Pg=40.0 psf (ground snow), Pf=30.8 pet (flat roof snow'. Lumber DOL =1.15 Plate 8 = 1367(LC 2) DOL= 1.15), Category If, Exp B, Partially Exp.; Ct =1.1 4) Unbalanced snow Toads have been considered for this desgn FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp. /Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 12.0 psi or 1.00 times TOP CHORD flat roof load of 30.8 psf on overhangs non - concurrent with other live loads. 2 -12= 1315/125, 2 -13 =- 2200/153, 3-13 =- 2044/156, 3 -14= 1392/91, • Job Truss Truss Type Sty Ply SMITH -CONE [27 FORT ST] 27520 S1GE GABLE I2 i 1 Job Reference (optional) Truss Engineering Corp., Indian Orchard, MA 01151 7250 s Nov 19 2010 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Jun 18 06'1217 2012 Page 1 I D: okkM LmgY9p9'zJ -Kill m3gm ?Bfl pF8pTjrONm7VC122hAws3NrA8iz58pG 0-10-1 r 2 -7-4 6-4-12 6-4-12 2 - 0 5x6 Scale = 1:46.0 4 8.00 12 24 2 5 3x6 % 3x6 Q 3 5 • 23 i� 26 4x •:', III ; -�u dx6 M 1 6 ' 10 91. W M >N 8x9 3x8 = 8x9 til, - • ry c -8 16 -8-0 t 0-34 8.00J12 2) 1367 -10#! 2# 136 -1 # 2x4 0 � 2 -7-4 � 9 -0 -0 15 -4 -12 � 18 -0-0 • 2 -7-4 6-4-12 6-4-12 2 -7-4 Plate Offsets (X,Y): 12:0 -2- 14.0 -2 -01 (4:0-3- 4,0-2-81,160-2-14,0-2-01 190-4-8,0-3-6L f11:0-4-8,0 -361, 115'.0-1 -8,0-0- 121122'.0-1 -8,0-0 -121 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2 -0-0 CSI D EFL In (loc) l/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL(roof) 40.0 l Snow (P(/Pg) 30.8/40.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.69 Vert(LL) -0.06 10-11 >999 240 MT20 197/144 TCDL 20.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 041 Vert(TL) -0.1710.11 >999 180 Sal_ 0.0' Rep Stress0ncr YES WB 0.79 Horz(TL) 0.17 8 n/a nta BCOL 10.0 Code IRC2009/TP12007 (Matrix) i Weight. 100 lb FT = 10% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 'Except" TOP CHORD 9r' This a uss rectangle an tl 6lgned for 1 - 0 -e lode of 151 between wa the bottom chord in all areas where B2 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E 2- 12= 1315/125, 2- 23=- 2200/153, 3-23 =- 2044/156 e rctangle 36 -0 tall by 1 0-0 wide will (rt beteen the bottom chord and WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud 3 -24 =- 1392/91, 4 -24 =1177/106, 4- 25=1177/106, 5-25= 1392/91, any other members. OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud 5 -26 =- 2044/104. 6-26 =- 2200/101, 6 -8= 1315/98 10) Bearing at joint(s) 12 8 considers parallel to grain value using ANSUTPI 1 angle to BRACING BOT CHORD grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. TOP CHORD 10.11= 216/1802, 9-10=-21/1802 11) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of Structural wood sheathing irectly applied or 4-1 -7 oc purlins, except end verticas WEBS withstanding 2) his tus ti01b uplift at joint(s) accordance except with 9 th) 200 International e Residential Code BOT CHORD 4 -10= 0/579, g se This S uss is 1.1 ar, designed in 10.2 with the d standard d ANS 510= 853/143, 6 -9 =- 37/1845, 310 =- 853/213, sections R50211.1 and R80210.2 and referenced stantlartl ANSUfPI 1 Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. 2- 11=- 88/1845 13) "Semi -rigid pitchbreaks with faed heels' Member end fixdy model was used In the REACTIONS (1b/size) NOTES (14) analysis and design of this truss. 12 = 1185/0-3 -8 (min. 0-2 -2) 1) This truss has been checked for uniform roof live load only, except as noted. 14) All Plates 20 Gauge Unless Noted 8 = 1185/0-3-8 (min. 0-2 -2) 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to LOAD CASE(S) Max Horz wind (normal to the face). see MiTek "Standard Gable End Detail" Standard 12 = 190(LC 8) 3) TCLL ASCE 7 -05, Pr-40.0 psf (roof live load Lumber DOL =1 -15 Plate DOL =1 -15): Max Uplift Pg=40 0 psf (ground snow), Pr =30.8 psf (flat roof snow. Lumber DOL =1.15 Plate 12 = - 102(LC 9) DOL= 1.15); Category 11, Exp B: Partially Exp.; Ct =1.1 8 - - 102(LC 10) 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. Max Grav 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 12.0 psf or 1.00 times 12 = 1367(LC 2) flat roof load of 30.8 psf on overhangs non - concurrent with other live loads. 8 = 1367(LC 2) 6) All plates are 1.5x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated 7) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. FORCES (lb) - Max Comp. /Max. Ten. - Ap forces 250 (b) or less except when shown. 8) Ths truss has been designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • VNIE4 1 , . f ...a a 1 r i ., ,' ,.■ :!1 ■ c c E _ . 11 1 1 i i I , i r G3K 1 , , . . 1 I i 1 1 i \ I j I n , 1 immoriRlymnielmoull ,,,,,,•.. ,, , I 1 ■ 1 IIIIMILAWIIIIIIILAN 111 I -co N, t.. 1 Mr SEM 1 NM I MMO . I “11.1111.11 MN M INIM 7 111 N \ II I I 1 1 1 \ ' r I 1 r r r ' I I ' . 1 1 1 1 1 ■ I r r r 1 11 I I 1 11 • I I "lilt c' = —..... ------ ,-- ,—,—_,_,,_„___ _ limerminsimnisammemsammommimmismin Imo 38 Oe 10 B 1 1 , 1 1 11 1 1 • . T5 -------- er 0" This non-structural placement plan is provided for identifying the location of trusses as supplied by Truss Engineering Corporation (TEC) No responsibMty is taken or ' I 2? z 1 a °. 'moiled by TEC for the structural integrity of the structure below the trusses or the affects of TEC's product on the structure as a whole The truss installer shall follow all • 1 1 ,,, , , E 3 BCSI recommendations, construction document specifications as well as any site specific requirements noon sure safe and proper fnstallation No loading shall be applied • 1 Z hs q 3 SE to trusses und properly and fully installed, including all sheathing, h rs ange, wall anchors, lateral web bracing (as shown on individual shop drawIngs), and permanent ; 1.. .... ..,_ . , 5,,, - ,,, i 14 - , r a o n g Ms required by the construction documents) Installation contractor shall refer to the individual truss shop drawings for all structural requirements of trusses, , LI ncluding but not lirmted to bearing locations and requirements, ply to ply nailmg, lateral web bracing, and truss spacing Truss Engineering Corporation strictly adheres . I • MHO 1"" no ' = 0 20, 'Standard Responsilmitim m the Design of Metal Mate .nnected Wood Trusses' as defined by TN Chapter 2 (available upon request) regardless of any job specific L 11 , —I ° ° _ ' • Y- . , L ri _ 8 -, 4 specifications unless clearly defined otherwise in writing by TEC 4 6 -4 . Z , - Tilts placement plan is Truss Engineering Corp.' atwn'sINTERPRETATION of plans and dra wings as supplied to us The building owner/owner's agent d solely responsible -- , 1 for yentsong all dimensions, geometry, loads and load requirements tor accuracy and full compliance to construction documents and shall be responsible for notifying TEC mmechately of any discrepancies The building owner/owners agent is responsible for coordinating all construction details between trades Truss Engineering O Corporation BNOT responsible f or field verification of Mmenslons or special conditmns No trmses supplied by Truss Engineering CorporatIon may be cot, drilled, or altered In any way without first contacting TEC and receiving engineering documents allowing such - 3 - I .___ Contractor Copy of Order G WORK ORDER # 27520 Ordered On:05/04/12 TR; 181 GOODWIN ST Projected Delivery By: 07/07/12 ** CORAMMIN PO BOX 51027 r ∎M►�' WI PUli A INDIAN ORCHARD, MA 01151 Job: SMITH - CONE MANUFACTURERS OF ROOF & FLOOR TRUSSES ROOF Phone (413) 543 -1298 Fax (413) 543 -1847 Toll Free (800) 456 -0187 27 FORT ST NORTHAMPTON, MA Sold To: Cowls Building Supply, Inc. PO: 125 Sunderland Road P.O. Box 9676 North Amherst, MA 01059 Ordered By: KYLE BELANGER Attn: KYLE BELANGER Phone: (413) - 549 -0001 Our Salesman: John Goodrich Cancellation Date: 05/07/12 ** Truss Engineering's Shipping Department should be contacted 5 business days before your optimal delivery date. "Projected Delivery" dates are NOT scheduled ship dates. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ADDITIONAL 10 PSF DEAD LOAD ADDED TO TOP CHORD IN EFFORT TO ACCOMODATE FUTURE SOLAR PANELS. NO GUARANTEE THAT LOADING WILL BE SUFFICIENT. ROOF TRUSSES INF G ATION 40 TOLL- TCDL- BCLL -BCDL ROOF TRUSS SPACING:24.0 IN. O.C. (TYP.) LAYOUT BY: JFG ON: 06/18/12 PROFILE QTY PITCH , TYPE BASE O/A LUMBER, OVRHG / CANT SHIPPING I UNIT UNIT TOTAL PLY TOP BOT TRUSS ID SPAN SPAN TOP BOT LEFT RIGHT WIDTH WEIGHT PRICE PRICE 2 01 -02 -07 01 -02 -07 2 Ply 6.00 0.00 COMMON G3A 21 -00 -00 21 -00 -00 2 X 4 2 X 4 06 95 2 Ply 6.00 0.00 COG BON 21 -00 -00 21 -00 -00 2 X 4 2 X 6 I 06 - - 118 / Special Truss 00 -10 -01 00 -10 -01 "" 18 8.00 8.00 S1 18 -00 -00 18 -00 -00 12 X 41 2 X 6 07 - - 85 fir GABLE 00 -10 -01 00 -10 -01 2 8.00 8.00 S1 GE 18 -00 -00 18 -00 -00 2 X 4 2 X 6 07 - - 100 Common Truss 00 -10 -01 00 -10 -01 2 8.00 0.00 T1 18 -00 -00 18 -00 -00 2 X 4 2 X 4 07 - - 83 Common Truss 00 -10 -01 00 -10 -01 2 8.00 0.00 T1GE 18 -00-00 18 -00 -00 2 X 4 2 X 4 07 - - 91 COMMON 00 -10 -01 11 8.00 0.00 T2 18 -00 -00 18 -00 -00 i 2 X 4 2 X 4 07 - - 82 �!± Common Truss 01 -02 -07 01 -02 -07 " `4 8 6.00 0.00 T3 21 -00 -00 21 -00 -00 2 X 4 2 X 4 06 - - 95 j - COMMON 01 -02 -07 {Lj( 5 6.00 0.00 T4 21 -00 -00 21 -00 -00 I2 X 4 2 X 4 06 93 Common Truss 01 -02 -14 01 -02 -14 04 - - 80 1 4.00 0.00 T 5 24 -00 -00 24 -00 -00 2 X 4 2 X 4 sd iZa GABLE 01 -02 -14 01 -02 -14 04 - - 84 , 1 4 . 0 0 0.00 T5GE 24 -00 -00 24 -00 -00 2 X 4 2 X 4 , COMMON 01 -02 -14 04 - - 79 8 4.00 0.00 T6 24 -00 -00 24-00-00 2 X 4 2 X 4 Valley Truss . } -= 1 6.00 0.00 V1 15 -04 -02 15 -04 -02 2 X 4 2 X 4 03 - 06 41 Valley Truss ... a - .._ 1 6.00 0.00 V2 10 -00 -02 j 10 -00 -02 2 X 4 2 X 4 D2 - - 25 Valley Truss - - '' - 1 6.00 0.00 V3 04 -08 -02 04 -08 -02 2 X 4 2 X 4, 01 - - 9 ROOF SUB - TOTAL: ITEMS 1 QTY 1 ITEM I CATEGORY I 1 1 NOTES I PRICE I PRICE Contractor Copy of Order WORK ORDER # 27520 Ordered On:05/04/12 TR 181 GOODWIN ST Projected Delivery By: 07/07/12 ** co. . „ , ,, PO BOX 51027 ►4..∎ ∎ ∎��■i INDIAN ORCHARD, MA 01151 Job: SMITH - CONE MANUFACTURERS OF ROOF & FLOOR TRUSSES ROOF Phone (413) 543 -1298 Fax (413) 543 -1847 Toll Free (800) 456 -0187 27 FORT ST NORTHAMPTON, MA Sold To: Cowls Building Supply, Inc. PO: 125 Sunderland Road P.O. Box 9676 North Amherst, MA 01059 Ordered By: KYLE BELANGER Attn: KYLE BELANGER Phone: (413)- 549 -0001 Our Salesman: John Goodrich Cancellation Date: 05/07/12 ** Truss Engineering's Shipping Department should be contacted 5 business days before your optimal delivery date. "Projected Delivery" dates are NOT scheduled ship dates. ITEMS QTY ITEM CATEGORY NOTES UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE 10 LUS26 Hanger ITEMS SUB - TOTAL: * * * ** IMPORTANT NOTE"' It is the sole responsibility of the retailer to supply all attached drawings and information to their customer for review and approval. Any and all changes must be received by Truss Engineering prior to the cancellation date. Any changes received after cancellation date may result in added charges and delay of order. No response before cancellation date will be perceived as a full approval of order. Truss Engineering is responsible for supplying only the material as listed on the order. SUB-TOTAL Deliveries are F.O.B. our truck to jobsite. Inability to access the jobsite or take delivery of order may result in additional charges. GRAND TOTAL * ** THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND ARE APPROVED AS AN ORDER * ** Approved By: Approval Date: PO #: Requested Delivery Date: PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Owal Rolm Array standoffs are to be installed in a staggered pattern to evenly distribute the array dead load. T — — — °s - • • • r • • LI._ s a s N a m rn CO o a K z s s s 0 e e a o w . e w x v m CV w x le e e 5 ® g N 01 e 01 e Na RMalm/Rwr Dole W P..m...a wrrr• a...+,. r M g Cohn -Smith Residence 1,1 Rails layout Northampton, Massachusetts cc w /le 9/05/2012 3/ ce w 7 LanaoaA ovweuvanaa MBaaOlntl NV AB aaanaoae PRODUCED BY AN AUTOOESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT D.nNyl No. Array standoffs are to be installed in a staggered pattern to evenly distribute the array dead load. U 48 11 48 48 e 48 48 48 A 48 48 48 1 24 1 - - - -H 24 _ 48 _ 48 _ 48 48 _ 48 _ 48 48 _ 48 48 iti,1 ° e A' a �- Ill L e 0 4 IJ 0 y 0 132 69 7/8 132 132 0 465 7/8 I Na MYm/le. Dub M"' nom... n ■IMMI• two... M. g Cohn -Smith Residence kl Standoffs and rails layout Northampton, Massachusetts ce w 9705/2012 2/3 w N J i0,10021a mm011YO1103 3133001DV NY AB 030,10021,1 • PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Co m. Note. Array to be installed on the southeast facing roof of western wing of the building. Stagger the standoffs to evenly distribute the solar SolarMount Standard rail splice bar SolarMount Standard mounting rail array load: Engineered truss 24" on center Sunpower 327NE -WHT -D 61.39" x41.18 "x1.81 Roof trusses are 24" O.C. ' 504 ' 466 1/16 1" gap between columns Ire of modules ! — � - II - ; }" gap between rows of 111«< modules Quickfoot with all metal flashing 0 o c °c n m G M M z _ V v CO N - - r CV °o _SS_JI Iii I S O 0 a 20 9/161 II \ Lf 9 II E. !! ° I II zo 7 /161 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. RwYOn/W. Dub w oot mou nted on Quickfoot with 3" post. Quickfoot secured to the top chord of truss via two GRK RSS 3 -1/8" X 6" structural screws. Sunpower 327watt 61.39" x 41.18" x 1.81" Cohn -Smith Residence Solar array layout Northampton, Massachusetts re .re. eie 9Y05/2012 .1 /3 W N I LonooNd ltlNd1Y0003 NS3DOlnY NV . 030n00Nd ROOF - MOUNTED SOLAR ARRAY DEAD WEIGHT LOADING CALCULATION OVERVIEW Project Name Cohn -Smith Residence Address Northampton, Massachusetts The flushed to the roof solar array being installed consists of one array of 22 photovoltaic modules, inportrait orientation, at a 8:12 tilt and a roof mounting system. The mounting system includes a series of Quickfoot with 3 -inch standoff supports that represent discrete points of contact with the roof structure. Each support is anchored to the top chord of the engineered truss, 24 -inch on center via two 3 -1/8" x 5/16" GRK RSS structrural screws. ROOF STRUCTURE COMMENTS Engineered truss 1.Roofing Material: Height 4 inches corrugated metal Width 2 inches 2.Roof pitch: 34 degrees Rafter spacing 24 inches on center SOLAR MODULE ARRAY WEIGHT CALCULATION 3. Horizontal Span:9' Photovoltaic modules Units Unit Wt. Total Wt. Comments Solar module(s) I 22 1 41 902 SPR- 327NE -WHT -D Subtotal 902 Mounting System Units Unit Wt. Total Wt. SolarMount Standard rail 1864.3 0.064 119.3 Lbs /inch M215 Enphase 0 3.50 0.0 Lbs /inch L feet 44 0.25 11.0 supports include all hardware L feet on VersaBracket 0 0.54 0.0 supports include all hardware L feet on VersaBracket VB -47 0 0.64 0.0 Eco- fasten with 8 screws and flashing 0 2.69 0.0 supports include all hardware Stand -off with roof boot (single support) 0 1.13 0.0 and roof boots Stand -off with roof boot (double support) 0 1.70 0.0 Stand -off with hanger bolt (single support) 0 0.43 0.0 Quickfoot standoff 44 0.75 33.0 with hanger bolt & hardware Quickmount with doubble support 0 1.03 0.0 with hanger bolt & hardware Splice bar kits 12 0.50 6.0 Module and rail grounding 1 1.75 1.8 Module universal end clips 0 0.20 0.0 Module mounting clips 48 0.16 7.8 Subtotal 178.9 Total solar module array weight 1080.9 Ibs POINT LOAD CALCULATION Number of support stand -off 44 Total solar module array weight 1080.9 Point load 1 24.6 Ibs DISTRIBUTED LOAD CALCULATION Photovoltaic module array area Array 1 Array 2 Array 3 Module width (horizontal) 61.39 inches 0 inches 0 inches Module length (vertical) 41.18 inches 0 inches 0 inches Intermodule spacing 1 inches 0 inches 0 inches Number of module columns 11 _ 0 _ 0 Number of module rows 2 0 '0 Array area 397 square feet 0 square feet 0 square feet Total array area 397 square feet Distributed load 2.7 Ibs / sf 1 ., Atf ..; „ . r eq. ..r.aaten Aown•erte•ota.. / li t ilt .44,.. sksik.c. L IMMINIMM4*.mewanli COHN_SMITH - NORTHAMPTON Inverter placement to be PV Array: determined, probably in garage. 22 SPR 327's Revenue Meter should be near load center or somewhere where it can be read from a wheelchair. Inverters and other ::::. uint �j` �j.' r can go elsewhere on '� Allir: lir . Load center to be in garage, near platform on ramp for handicap access. Meter outside nearby. One array: 2 rows of 11 modules on highest SE facing roof i I 1 E,' v A r , y' S _.. — t _. .. d 1 G v d t n. 6 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AND SERVE AS AUTHORIZED AGENT 1 hereby agree to the Project as set out above, and I agree to pay the contract price according to the Terms of Payment. 1 further agree to the Terms and Conditions attached hereto as a part of this Proposal and Agreement. ! hereby authorize Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative to proceed with the above- referenced Project in accordance with this Agreement. I further authorize Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative, or its designated representative, to obtain required permits for this project on behalf of the Owner and to begin work of obtaining a grant on my behalf, as applicable. A check for the First Payment is enclosed and I am returning this Agreement within 21 days of the Proposal date. OLrf /4. li ed e ftA4 , Printed Name Date r�s 144 64.4, Signature Title • Proposal and Agreement Page 8 of 9 Charles Cohn a Kiki Smith - Northampton August 6, 2012 IH I. UIIlin0I1WC"4dWII 01 IVIASSa1421USUILIS Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston; MA 02111 www.mass.gov /dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/ Contractors /Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name ( Business /Organization/Individual): Vr5-4. CeArcz.0 ✓`e . dnG - Address: 311 e1t,& City /State /Zip: G5 1rbe -v� pirr O13o I Phone #: 4j3 - :11- Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: Type of project (required): 1. AI am an employer with la 4. - I am a general contractor and I 6. - New Construction - Employees (full and/or part- time)* have hired the sub - contractors 2. - I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. I -Remodeling Ship and have no employees These sub - contractors have 8. - Demolition Working for me in any capacity. workers' comp. insurance. 9. - Building Addition [No workers' comp. insurance 5. - We are a corporation and its 10. - Electrical repairs or additions required.] officers have exercised their 3. -- I am a homeowner doing all work right of exemption per MGL 11. Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' comp. C. 152, ' 1(4), and we have no . 12. - Roof repairs insurance required.]H employees. [No workers' ' 13 • Other 1 i / a. A �, - in - o comp. insurance required.) i,t.c decf( O * Any applicant that checks box #1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers compensation policy information . H Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new indicating such. I Contractors that check this box must attach an additional sheet showing the name of the sub - contractors and their workers' I am an employer that is providing workers' compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information Insurance Company Name: I s;cw / ' Policy # or Self -ins. Lic. #: C Expiration Date: 01 / 01 / 2 13 Job Site Address: c21 l Foyt St f City /State/Zip: Ncy-I i .. '+ ®J t) ( Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expiration date). • Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL C. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and /or one -year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the foam of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be orwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for - insurance coverage verification. 1 • I do hereby certify under the pains' d petrallies , erjury that 1 fgr above true � � j' provided abo is true and correct ��� / Signature: � L" Date: /05 0 , j 7 2 /L • Phone #: 4 - 2 - . x•10 Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city of town official. City or Town: Permit/License #: Issuing Authority (circle one); 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone #: 5 SECTION 8 - CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable 2 ❑ Name of License Holder : OO to „, I�.0 1 NA, ri3 V S " I o 63.49 License Number 13 - 41 f 1 t b y 053c2, 0 3 / 1 4 1 . 2 , ; 1 . 6 . Addl Expirafion Date . •AA 41 - . - S 0 Signatur Telephone 9. Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ i v \hi, ' T1t Vo t� V c ►o , )plc; 1+,0n- Company Nam Registration Number 3ii 14,tik ;1 O 1&)1 IG / Address Expiration Date Telephone 1 1 . 15 SECTION 10- WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (M.G.L. c. 152, § 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes No ❑ 11. - Home Owner Exemption The current exemption for "homeowners" was extended to include Owner - occupied Dwellings of one (1) or two(2) families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license, provided that the owner acts as supervisor. CMR 780, Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner: Person (s) who own a parcel of land on which he /she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/ or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two - year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such "homeowner" shall submit to the Building Official, on a form acceptable to the Building Official, that he /she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the buildint permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time, during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152 (Workers' Compensation) and Chapter 153 (Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death) of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated, you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned "homeowner" certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code, City of Northampton Ordinances, State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature SECTION 5- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alteration(s) ❑ Roofing n Or Doors 0 Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [E7] Decks [El Siding [E7] Other [EX Brief Desc iption of Pro.•se. j ] y ��� ���- Work: t Jt / l �. • �..(4 ..�. u . . it& IA Ll -l. 4i' 4i: L. �: ' 14 Aa•l♦ . JC . Y: (1; VIATAA4! W nay a I 1 Alteration of existing bedroom Yes `# No Adding new bedroom Yes )O No \. At)iv Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes )O No Plans Attached Roll - Sheet 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a. Use of building : One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No . I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a - OWNER AUTHORIZATION - TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT 1, 644IAL J)YUt oML L. niiA (eLt, , as Owner of the subject property � {, l ' f it ((�� —y (j hereby authorize ahD3.i/ u M[R,11Vok .1(/1 1.�, "Lt. "'tc - �' 1Q,Cop pu A � to act on my behalf, in all matterslelative to work authorize4 by this building permit application. iJ Signature of Owner Date 1, f IA � s? . .��_i .. as-G.~/Authorized Agen hereby clare that the :' atements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains a and penalties of perjury. Print Nam! 1 '- 3 JJL Signature of Owfref /Agent • Date Section 4. ZONING AR Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage Open Space Footage (Lot area minus bldg & paved parking) # of Parking Spaces Fill: (volume & Location) A. Has a Special Permit /Variance /Finding ever been issued for /on the site? NO 0 DON'T KNOW ;' YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO 0 DON'T KNOW 0 YES 0 IF YES: enter Book Page and /or Document # B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO :1' DON'T KNOW 0 YES 0 IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained 0 , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES 0 NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property ? YES 0 NO 1 u IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES 0 NO :' IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. s _ - � • .{ Department use only r -- 1_ =-1 City of Northampton Status of Permit: \\,. 1 Curb Cut/Driveway Permit 6 212 212 Building Mai Department n Street Sewer /Septic Availability Room 100 Water/Well Availability Northampton, MA 01060 Two Sets of Structural Plans v hone '413- 587 -1240 Fax 413 - 587 -1272 Plot/Site Plans vE' - N = � T =_. Other Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 - SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: This section to be completed by office �� Map �� � -1 k3 Lot � i Unit e2 3 / - e1V - .1 - '6t Zone Overlay District Elm St. District CB District SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP /AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: . , • ll 1 (I ` /1 0).1-L). Name (Print) ? Current Maili Address: vh/ X13 }- AL > (\) Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: h, � c )I) 3U Ulelis Sfs Name (Pri ti (� Current Mailing Address: Grttk f 4 j 13 Signature Telephone SECTION 3 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost (Dollars) to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building U (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from (6) 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Fire Protection � 6. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) it 1, - Jti Check Number /3 c This Section For Official Use Only Building ermit Number: I s g Issued: Signature: Building Commissioner /Inspector of Buildings Date File # BP- 2013 -0255 APPLICANT /CONTACT PERSON PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS ADDRESS /PHONE 311 WELLS ST - SUITE B GREENFIELD (413) 772 -8788 PROPERTY LOCATION 27 FORT ST MAP 38B PARCEL 183 001 ZONE URB(100)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Z 1' Typeof Construction: INSTALL MOUNTING SYS FOR SOLAR PANELS New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 102513 3 sets of Plans / Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INyOXVIATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required (see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management ern.,7 S na e o Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning & Development for more information. 27 FORT ST BP- 2013 -0255 GIS #: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 38B - 183 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR PANELS BUILDING PERMIT Permit # BP- 2013 -0255 Project # JS- 2013- 000417 Est. Cost: $7333.00 Fee: $55.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS 102513 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 14069.88 Owner: ANDREWS ROBERT G & BESSIE 0 C/0 CHARLES M COHN Zoning: URB(100)/ Applicant: PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS AT: 27 FORT ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 311 WELLS ST - SUITE B (413) 772 -8788 Workers Compensation GREENFIELDMA01301 ISSUED ON:9/7/2012 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:INSTALL MOUNTING SYS FOR SOLAR PANELS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House # Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace /Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 9/7/2012 0:00:00 $55.00 212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587 -1240, Fax: (413) 587 -1272 Louis Hasbrouck — Building Commissioner